The beginning of the end of the world fusion black light

Chapter 82: A thief never leaves empty-handed

In the thick purple, a ray of colorful light was faintly visible.

If Su Ming hadn't observed carefully, he wouldn't have seen this color at all.

"But no matter how hard your scales are, I can't save you today!"

Su Ming sneered, and then forcefully inserted a spear into the gap between the two scales.

Although his academic performance was not good, Su Ming still remembered the principle of leverage. He placed another spear under the spear and pressed hard on the other end of the spear.

The colorful scales that were originally tightly connected together were suddenly lifted up by Su Ming.

As if they were connected to many pain nerves, when the colorful scales were knocked up, the body of the purple venomous snake kept shaking.

Scales after scales quickly fell down under Su Ming's actions.

The dark red blood was extremely sticky and had a strong toxicity, which softened the exoskeleton outside Su Ming's body.

Each scale was as big as Su Ming's head, so when Su Ming only took off a dozen scales, a large piece of flesh and blood appeared on the top of the purple venomous snake's head.

The sharp blade in his hand kept slashing at the exposed flesh and blood of the purple venomous snake.

After a while, when Su Ming's body surface also had pits and spots, a whole piece of flesh and blood that was almost the size of Su Ming was chopped off from the top of the purple venomous snake's head by Su Ming.

After pushing aside the bright red flesh and blood, what appeared in front of Su Ming was not gray or white bones, but a layer of transparent crystals like glass.

He tapped it lightly with his fingers and heard a dull sound.

The sharp blade in his hand passed through, leaving only shallow marks.

"This is a level 4 mutant beast. Except for the body being a little hard, there is no other change."

While muttering in his mouth, Su Ming's hands did not stop, and he kept repeating the action.

As the saying goes, as long as you have deep skills, there is no corner that you can't dig down.

With Su Ming's efforts, the transparent crystal was very hard, but it couldn't stop Su Ming from staring at one place.

Soon a deep dent appeared in front of Su Ming's eyes.

He raised the blade in his hand, and when Su Ming smashed it down hard, he saw a long crack spreading from the middle of the transparent crystal.

"So fragile?"

Just when Su Ming was wondering why this layer of transparent crystal suddenly became so fragile, the purple venomous snake, which had been hanging its head and not moving at all, suddenly twitched continuously, as if someone had grabbed its tongue and was trying to pull it out.

The cracks on the transparent crystal became larger and larger.

In just a moment, the hard transparent crystal was covered with cracks.

Su Ming stretched out his claws and touched it lightly, and a scene like tempered glass bursting appeared.

The transparent crystal turned into marbles, and flew out from the top of the purple venomous snake with a blast.

A "crackling" sound was heard. Although other places could not be seen clearly, Su Ming could guess that the transparent crystal layer hidden under the hard scales, centered on the place where he was standing, was probably constantly breaking.

As the transparent crystal layer broke, purple smoke emerged from the body of the purple venomous snake like clouds.

For a moment, the venomous snake shrouded in purple smoke had a strange beauty of being in a fairyland.

If it were in normal form, facing the powerful toxicity of purple smoke, Su Ming would definitely have to dodge.

But in the tyrant form, he didn't take this toxicity seriously at all.

After all, no matter how toxic the toxin is, it is not as fast as Su Ming's current body.

Su Ming, who believes that there must be something wrong with everything, doesn't know why such a change happened to the purple venomous snake, but an enemy that doesn't move is a good enemy.

It's better to kill enemies like these who always have to make some special changes as soon as possible.

As the last bit of the transparent crystal layer disappeared, the entire brain of the venomous snake was immediately exposed to Su Ming's eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Su Ming felt a burning sensation in his lungs and almost stumbled and fell.

Looking at the brain tissue below, which was steaming, Su Ming put his hands together and held them above his head, making a diving posture, and then jumped down from the colorful scales.

Without any splashes of water, Su Ming, who was covered with mucus, immediately began to perform in the brain of the purple venomous snake.

The sharp blade was like the sickle of the god of death, constantly harvesting the life of the purple venomous snake.

It was just because the body of the purple venomous snake was too huge. Su Ming, who seemed to have fallen into an endless swimming pool, was constantly causing damage to the purple venomous snake, but the evolution crystal he had been thinking about never appeared.

Another knife cut a piece of white brain tissue into 4 petals, and a red bright spot flashed away.

Su Ming turned his head and looked around, and saw a fiery red evolution crystal appearing in the distance among the overlapping brain tissues.

Faintly, the fiery red evolution crystal seemed to be embedded on the gray-white frontal bone.

His hands turned into claws, and Su Ming grabbed the brain tissue of the purple venomous snake with force, moving towards the direction of the evolution crystal as if crossing mountains and ridges.

Just as Su Ming was getting closer and closer to the evolution crystal of the purple venomous snake, the evolution crystal, which had always been fiery red, seemed to become dim.

After moving forward for a distance, Su Ming finally confirmed that what he had just seen was not his illusion, but the fiery red evolution crystal, and its color was indeed slowly fading.

A bad feeling began to spread in his heart, and Su Ming could not help but speed up the movement of his hands.

However, although his movements were fast, because the surroundings were too slippery, when Su Ming came to the side of the fiery red evolution crystal, the last bit of red on the evolution crystal jumped like a flame in Su Ming's unwilling eyes, and then completely disappeared.


His right hand hit the meat mountain next to him heavily. Su Ming felt that he had worked so hard for so long, and it was like he had worked in vain, wasting his time in vain.

"Thieves never leave empty-handed. After working so hard for so long, it's good to have a souvenir!"

Holding the evolution crystal in front of him as the most special thing, Su Ming unwillingly took the evolution crystal off his forehead.

Just when Su Ming took down the evolution crystal, mucus continued to surge at the place where Su Ming had just jumped down, and a slender creature was constantly rolling in it.

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