The sharp spear penetrated the venomous snake's body.

Just as the tyrant was about to pursue the victory, purple-black lines suddenly spread along the spear toward the tyrant's body.

Since the tyrant was driven by instinct, he didn't care about the strange lines on his body.

He pulled out the spear that was inserted into the venomous snake's body. Just as the tyrant was about to hit the venomous snake twice, he saw that the two spears had become bumpy.

With a slight bump, the rotten spears suddenly turned into powder and drifted in the air with the strong wind.

At the same time as the spears were broken, the white exoskeleton on the tyrant's body also turned into powder in an instant and drifted in the air.

Faced with such a strange situation, the tyrant could not realize what was happening.

Just as the tyrant drove his body to grow two more spears, he saw that the scales where the tyrant was originally standing suddenly stood up.

The gorgeous scales were like sharp blades, cutting the tyrant's feet and making them bleed.

In pain, coupled with the shaking of the venomous snake's body, the tyrant fell to the ground again without paying attention.

However, under the powerful self-healing ability, the tyrant's feet, which had just fallen to the ground, had completely recovered from the injury, and a thin layer of bone exoskeleton began to grow slowly again.


As the exoskeleton on the surface of the tyrant's body slowly grew, the venomous snake's tail swung hard and immediately slapped the tyrant away.

Because the exoskeleton had just grown, the tyrant, who was hit by the venomous snake, had seven or eight ribs on his chest broken.

Blood flowed out of the tyrant's mouth, and the tyrant's eyes, which were originally confused, suddenly showed a trace of clarity.

Su Ming, who had woken up, was shocked when he felt the pain from his body.

Seeing the mountain-like snake head biting towards him, Su Ming didn't care about the pain around his body, and quickly used his hands and legs to crawl and roll to the side of his body to avoid it.


The snake's head quickly shrank back after missing the attack. Looking at the huge pit beside him, Su Ming couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Fortunately, he quickly regained consciousness, otherwise if he continued to maintain the previous confused state, it would probably be killed by the purple snake in front of him in a short time.

Feeling the powerful force coming from his body, Su Ming clenched his fists, and then gestured a middle finger to the purple snake.

Although he didn't understand Su Ming's gesture, the purple snake felt a taste of contempt from it.

The scarlet tongue kept spitting out, making a "hissing" sound.

He also held a spear in his hand, but now Su Ming made the purple snake feel like a different person.

Dodging the attacks of the venomous snakes, Su Ming quickly used the spear in his hand to leave holes on the purple venomous snake.

Although compared to the huge body of the purple venomous snake, these holes are just like being bitten by a mosquito, but this gave Su Ming hope.

It's like playing a game. You are not afraid of the boss's high attack or high defense, but you are afraid that you can't break the defense.

Even if this mutant venomous snake has 10 million HP, as long as Su Ming causes a little damage each time, he can kill it 10 million times in a row.

Thinking so in his heart, when Su Ming saw that he had left scars and was slowly healing, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of swear words.

Panting lightly, Su Ming looked at the huge body in front of him and immediately realized that he was in trouble.

It seems difficult to kill this venomous snake simply by relying on weapons, so what method should be used?

Recalling his method of dealing with the white venomous snake, Su Ming's heart moved, and then shook his head.

Just a mouthful of saliva almost killed him. Even if he has increased his resistance to toxins, Su Ming doesn't think he will have a good ending if he encounters the venom of the purple venomous snake.

One man and one snake, they started a chase battle on the vast yellow land.

Su Ming casually slapped the soil in front of him and looked at the body in front of him that looked like a long rope. An idea slowly came into his mind.

Since he couldn't solve this purple venomous snake with his own strength, why not try to use other forces?

Of course, Su Ming didn't want to lead the purple venomous snake to the base of the Brotherhood of Steel. First, the people of the Brotherhood of Steel were innocent, and he didn't want to harm others in this way; second, if the people of the Brotherhood of Steel couldn't stop the purple venomous snake, then how much strength would the purple venomous snake increase after destroying the Brotherhood of Steel base?

He couldn't beat the mutated venomous snake of level 4. If it was level 5, Su Ming felt that he could wait to die on the spot.

After dodging the attack of the purple venomous snake, Su Ming, who should have retreated and kept moving to find an opportunity to attack, moved forward and reached the abdomen of the mutant venomous snake.

Seeing the prey approaching its abdomen, the purple venomous snake did not show any fear, but instead controlled its body to roll up, ready to squeeze Su Ming into a meat paste.

Seeing the attack of the purple venomous snake, Su Ming finally relaxed.

Before, he was worried that the purple venomous snake would not follow his script, but he did not expect that the heavens were on his side.

Like a sensitive monkey, Su Ming kept jumping around beside the purple venomous snake.

Just like threading a needle, Su Ming is the needle and the body of the purple snake is the thread.

Under Su Ming's guidance, the bodies of the purple snakes gradually entangled together.


After dodging the attack again, Su Ming smiled as he looked at the purple snake that had been completely entangled into a messy ball of thread.


Looking at the purple snake biting at his mouth, Su Ming did not dodge at all, but stood there quietly waiting.

The sharp teeth could no longer move after being only half a meter away from Su Ming.

After becoming a ball of thread, the purple snake realized its predicament and immediately began to twist its body frantically.

It would be better if it didn't twist. The more it moved, the tighter the entanglement between its bodies.

Looking at the purple snake that was stuck in a dead end, Su Ming was not polite at all. He tapped his toes three or two times and came to the top of the purple snake's head.


The sound of metal intersecting sounded, and Su Ming felt that his whole body was constantly shaking.

After taking a look at the sharp blade in his hand and confirming that there was no gap, Su Ming finally felt relieved.

He squatted down and carefully examined the scales under his feet, and immediately found something unusual.

Compared with the scales on other parts of the body, the scales on the head of the purple venomous snake were not pure purple, but had a little color.

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