Although his plan still seemed to be full of certain flaws, the arrow had to be shot. In an accidental opportunity, Yang Chen had already discovered Peony, and the way she looked at him was not right.

If we go back three months, when Yang Chen saw Peony, she looked at him with that kind of eyes. In the New Year, he thought that Peony had taken a fancy to him and released some good news to him. However, after seeing clearly that Peony was actually a poisonous scorpion, Yang Chen could no longer have such a fantasy in his heart. The reason why Peony looked at him with such shy eyes was to paralyze him and then find an opportunity to get rid of him, Yang Chen.

Although Yang Chen looked very fat and didn't look like a person with leadership temperament, but because of her easy-going personality, she was in this strength. Qingjing Peony had the most people, but Yang Chen also had a lot of personnel. It was because of this number of personnel that Peony set its sights on Yang Chen.

After the conscious Peony had already set its sights on him, Yang Chen dared not delay any longer and immediately began to work non-stop to unite with other Level 3 awakeners. Before coming to find Jasmine, Yang Chen had already persuaded the other two calculating awakeners. Now he was persuading Jasmine, so that he could win over all the Level 3 awakeners and then persuade the rest of the Level 1 awakeners through these people. In Yang Cheng's opinion, this should be a very smooth thing.

However, Yang Chen's memory painting had just reached the last step, and the woman named Rose suddenly rushed out, and the most important thing was that after knowing that Rose was not a good person, Jasmine actually rushed to Rose's question and tried to question the vicious woman.

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Seeing these scenes happen. A look of despair appeared on Yang Chen's face. Since Rose was able to discover his plan, it meant that the two Level 3 awakeners that he had tried to persuade Zhu to accept had probably also suffered from his poisonous hands like Jasmine.

After losing the other two Level 3 awakeners, Yang Chen did not think that he could fight against the two poisonous scorpions at the same time with his own strength.

Perhaps noticing the despair on Yang Chen's face, after controlling Jasmine, Rose laughed, then stretched out her white and tender palms and clapped them gently.

As Rose's palms clapped gently, two men with dull eyes and fanatical faces slowly walked out from behind Rose. Seeing the appearance of the two awakeners, Yang Chen closed his eyes in pain.

"Yang Chen, Yang Chen has to say that although you look useless, your little brain is quite quick."

Twisting her slender waist, Rose walked towards Yang Chen like a water snake turning into a human.

"Your face is full of acne, and your fat belly. If I didn't know that you could judge me and Peony by a little thing, and just pretended to split, it would not be impossible for me, Rose, to do it to you."

The fingers slid gently on Yang Chen's face. As Rose's fingers slid, its sharp nails easily left blood marks on Yang Chen's face.

Facing Rose's actions, Yang Chen did not want to resist, but after Jasmine was controlled, Yang Chen knew that this hateful woman had improved her ability a little bit.

Sure enough, as Rose slowly walked to Yang Chen's side, a faint fragrance began to emanate. Yang Chen couldn't help but feel his body stiffen to a certain extent when he smelled this sweet breath.

Although he shouted in his heart that it was not good, Yang Chen, who had been hit, could do nothing but close his eyes in pain.

Choosing to close his eyes meant that Yang Chen no longer had hope for his results at this moment, but Rose, who met such an interesting person for the first time, was not going to let Yang Chen go so easily.

"Yang Chen, don't be afraid. I won't send you away easily for someone as interesting as you. At least I will play with you for two more days!"

That's what he said, but Rose didn't show any mercy under his hands. Wherever his fingers passed, scars appeared one after another.

And in these scars, there were some white sesame-sized objects that were constantly squirming. I didn't know what they were, but it made people feel goose bumps all over their bodies.

Just as Rose's fingers were moving along When Yang Chen's chest was sliding down, Ye Xin, who had been hiding on the side, could no longer bear it.

Although he didn't know what happened in most cases, just listening to Yang Chen's words to persuade Jasmine, it was undoubtedly that this beautiful but poisonous woman in front of him was definitely not a good thing.

Therefore, seeing that Rose was tormenting Yang Chen, Ye Xinyan immediately took action.

Ye Xinyan's right index finger and thumb were interlocked, and then her fingers were slightly bent. As Ye Xinyan loosened her fingers, a piece of ice-blue ice the size of a fingernail disappeared from Ye Xinyan's hand and instantly hit Rose, who was still torturing Yang Chen.

Rose, who was enjoying the pleasure of torturing Yang Chen, suddenly felt a strong force rushing towards her. A whistling sound rang out. Although Rose was not sure what was flying towards her, she was cautious by nature and did not dare to take it lightly.

But at the moment, he had no place to hide. Just when the ice was about to hit Rose, Rose grabbed Yang Chen in front of her and used Yang Chen's body to block herself.

The ice the size of a fingernail hit Yang Chen instantly. In an instant, a layer of ice with a thickness of three millimeters appeared on Yang Chen's body, and it quickly spread from his chest to all parts of his body.

Rose's fingers were holding Yang Chen. Seeing the rapidly spreading ice, her pupils shrank and she immediately released her fingers.

Although Ye Xinyan's attack just now did not hit Rose directly, it still scared Rose.

However, although Rose was frightened, because Ye Xinyan deliberately controlled her strength, this layer of ice, although it looked very scary, actually did not have much power.

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