In a normal person's eyes, besides the white of the eye, there is the pupil.

But something changed in Rose's eyes. When Jasmine walked in front of Rose, a layer of light red suddenly appeared in Rose's eyes, and under this light red, Rose's two pupils turned into the shape of a rose.

It seems that the reason why Rose is called Rose is still due to its source.

When Jasmine saw the color of Rose's eyes change, she immediately knew that things were very bad.

Although she had woken up and knew that Rose was really as evil as Yang Chen said, Jasmine was too close to Rose at this moment, so she couldn't avoid the attack from Rose.

The red flowers in Rose's eyes kept turning. Every time these flowers turned a circle, Jasmine would feel that her mind began to slowly become unclear. This feeling was like staying up all night for three consecutive days and nights, and then going to work in the company.

Jasmine felt a strong sense of dizziness, and she had never thought that Rose would dare to attack her in front of so many people.

Therefore, Jasmine had no defense against Rose's attack, and it only took about two or three seconds.

Jasmine, who had come to interrogate Rose with a fierce momentum, had begun to slowly become blurred at this moment.

Seeing Jasmine come to Rose, Yang Chen immediately knew that things were bad.

Rose, this woman, looked dignified and generous on the surface, and when you look closely, you seem to be able to feel the passion of fire.

But under her harmless appearance, she actually hides a dirty heart.

If Yang Chen didn't like to read some detective novels, he would not have noticed the strange relationship between the two sisters.

Obviously, the two sides seemed to be as hostile as fire and water, and they wanted to kill each other every time they touched each other. However, after slowly doubting in his heart, Yang Chen carefully recorded every time Rose and Peony met.

The result was shocking.

Although Rose and Peony were as hostile as fire and water, their fights were usually just a little bit, not like the way they wanted to kill each other. Sometimes the fights between the two women even felt like a mutual exchange.

At the beginning, Yang Chen did not believe his guess. After all, no matter which of the two flowers was Yang Chen, they were full of strong temptation for him. However, when all the facts were in front of him and all the doubts were fully proved, Yang Chen had to admit his initial guess.

These two women were very evil no matter what, but although the dirty deal between Rose and Peony had been discovered, Yang Chen could not find a suitable way to deal with these two women and rescue those innocent missing compatriots.

Although he didn't find a suitable method, Yang Chen knew that no matter what method he used, he always needed corresponding strong strength as a basis.

However, although Yang Chen thought that he was absolutely outstanding in intelligence, although he never ranked first in the exam during his student days, it was entirely because he deliberately controlled his scores.

Compared with the full score of a small population, how to accurately control the score to just one point less than the full score, this fully reflects a person's specific strength.

It's like asking you to punch with all your strength, which is not difficult, but asking you to punch with only one gram less than your full strength, which is completely different.

However, even though Yang Chen has unlimited intelligence, how to differentiate between roses and peonies, these two women really made Yang Chen worry about it.

If Yang Chen himself is handsome, Yaoyao can also use a beauty trick, and then deliberately provoke and differentiate between those two vicious women.

But who can blame God for being the fairest? After giving Yang Chen an IQ that surpasses that of ordinary people, he gave him an ordinary face. So his beauty trap could not be implemented at all.

Since the beauty trap failed, Yang Chen could only take another route, which was to unite with other awakeners to fight against Rose and the others.

Although he did not know how powerful his awakener was, from Yang Cheng's point of view, even if a Level 4 strongman was very powerful, as long as he was a human, he would not have to use this defect, that is, experience. Whether it was a mage, a warrior, or something else, their energy was always limited.

As long as he and his people continued to attack Rose, they would not be able to sit back and watch. Regardless of whether his attacks had any specific effect, Rose and the others would definitely not be able to sit back and watch, and would always have to deal with it. As long as Rose and the others dealt with Yang Cheng and the others' attacks, then taking this opportunity, Yang Chen and the others could not only consume a lot of the energy of the two women, but also wear out their energy.

Even if a small number of awakeners are sacrificed to achieve the goal, Yang Chen can accept it. Even if human lives are lost, as long as the strength of the two vicious sisters can be weakened, in Yang Chen's opinion, this is a very profitable business.

But when Yang Cheng went through all the awakeners in Fenglin City in his mind, he had to admit an embarrassing reality, that is, although the sisters are very vicious, they are smarter in some aspects.

That is, under the control of these two vicious women, all the surviving awakeners in the entire Fenglin City, their overall strength is not very strong. No matter how Yang Chen counts the awakeners who have reached the third level, it is just a handful.

Although it is not known how the strength of awakeners in other regions or other cities is distributed, just looking at the fact that there are only 4 third-level awakeners among thousands of awakeners, Yang Chen feels that this is not in line with common sense.

There are even two Level 4 Awakeners. How could Fenglin City only be able to train four Level 3 Awakeners?

If this situation was not planned by the two vicious women from the beginning, Yang Chen would never believe it even if he was beaten to death. It was all just a coincidence.

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