The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 88: Thoughts and the start of school

In the train compartment.

Ino subconsciously said what he really thought in his heart.

But he regretted it after he finished speaking, especially when he saw the expressions of Draco and others.

"Haha, I was just talking nonsense. After all, our current task is to study hard. By the way, I heard that Lockhart is also on this train?"

Ino tried to change the subject, but he forgot the precocity of pure-blood children and the shrewdness of Slytherin.

"I don't care about Lockhart." When mentioning Lockhart, Pansy looked disdainful, "I just want to know what you think, Mr. Ino Swinburne."

"Right!" Daphne agreed.

Draco also nodded in agreement and said, "I'm curious about this too. Why do you suddenly feel a little pitiful about us, but you can't tell where the problem is."

Looking at the three people's expressions of breaking the casserole to get to the bottom of it, Ino rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

"It's really hard to explain! How about this, after school starts, we can hold a story meeting when we have time, and then we can have a good chat."

Facing three curious babies, he could only use the delaying skill first. I think after the start of school, as time goes by, this matter will eventually come to nothing.

"Well, we'll talk about it later." Draco also agreed.

Seeing Draco's transformation, Pansy and Daphne looked at each other and stopped investigating, but started discussing the flying car.

The most excited person was Draco.

"Really! The Weasley family is finished. This time, at least they will lose a layer of skin, although their family is already poor and has few Nutter."

Daphne glanced at a guy who was too excited and immediately poured cold water on him:

"Not necessarily, have you forgotten the position of old Weasley? Can he not leave a secret door for himself?"

"Well... okay, okay! You are right." Draco lowered his head in frustration.

Ino watched the interaction of several people throughout the whole process, and a smile inadvertently appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, he also sighed at fate, which is sometimes really wonderful.

Sometimes when Draco gets angry, he will really complain about everything. But he was always very tolerant of Daphne, the sister of his future wife.

After all, he had never seen Draco refute Daphne.

On the other side, although Pansy was also chatting, she carefully noticed the arc of Ino's mouth.

"Have you thought of anything happy?"

"I'm thinking about fate." Ino answered truthfully.

There is nothing to hide. It is normal for wizards to think about fate.

"For example?" Pansy asked.

"For example?" Ino smiled. Unlike the previous sharp topics, this time the topic was much safer.

"For example, I like this year. I can stay in the library until curfew, and I can also travel around every corner of the castle alone in the early morning and evening..."


The train was running in the wilderness of the Scottish Highlands.

Time passed unknowingly during the chat, and it was evening.

Perhaps because of the experience of being hungry last year, both Pansy and Daphne carefully prepared food this time.

Looking at the two boxes of delicious food, facing the sincere invitation, Ino and Draco were not polite.

After eating the last piece of Wellington sandwich in his hand, Ino also used a cleaning spell to clean the dirt on the food box and the table.

"It's almost time! Draco and I go out for a walk, this is for the girls to change clothes."

Ino looked at the gradually darkening sky outside the window, then pulled up Draco who was in a daze, pushed open the compartment and walked into the carriage.

It took less than a quarter of an hour.

The same sound as last year echoed in the carriage again, and the train was about to arrive at Hogsmeade Station.

After a while, the speed slowly slowed down, and finally stopped completely on the track.

The little wizards were like sturgeons returning, pushing and shoving to the door, but Ino's carriage was relatively far back, so he didn't have to crowd with the front.

He, Draco, Pansy and others, followed the crowd far behind.

"It seems that there are more freshmen this year." Looking at the crowd in front, Daphne said with a hint of meaning.

"So we can't underestimate anyone's cleverness." Pansy also explained vaguely, and then looked at Draco playfully.

However, just this one look was like stepping on someone's tail.

"Why are you looking at me? Although I plan to go to Durmstrang, my mother has always insisted that I come to Hogwarts."

As they spoke, several people also got off the train and followed a quiet path to a wide lawn.

After the young wizards entered the second grade, they no longer took the boats they used to cross the Black Lake to reach the castle.

There were many magical carriages parked on the empty lawn. The reason why they were magical was that they had no animals pulling the carriages except for the carriages.

Of course, all this was the opinion of most people. In Ino's sight, he saw the magical animals pulling the carriages, the Ministry of Magic rated 3X Thestrals.

They look a bit like horses, but they have exoskeleton-like bodies, leather-like wings, and a pair of copper bell-sized eyes that flash with faint blue light.

Only those who have witnessed death can see the figure of the Thestrals. For this reason, in the minds of wizards, the Thestrals are an unlucky creature.

Ino successfully boarded a carriage, but he did not pay much attention to the Thestrals pulling the carriage.

After all, everyone has their own expertise. He is not like Newt who is obsessed with magical animals. In the vast magical knowledge, Transfiguration alone is enough for people to study for a lifetime, not to mention spells, herbs, potions, divination, alchemy...

To learn everything is to learn nothing.


Hogwarts Great Hall.

As solemn and glorious as ever, countless burning candles float in the air. Under the warm orange light, everything looks so warm.

At the Slytherin long table, including Goyle and Crabbe, the young wizards who have been promoted to the second grade, now show an expression ready to watch the show.

After all, they were the protagonists last year, and this year they have been promoted to the audience.

At the front of the hall, Professor McGonagall still wears the iconic square-framed glasses, a gray-black retro robe, and a parchment scroll in her hand.


During the much-anticipated Sorting Ceremony, Snape strode into the hall and walked straight towards Professor McGonagall, as if he was afraid that others would not see him.

Professor McGonagall left, and the Sorting Ceremony was replaced by Professor Flitwick.

After sitting aside and witnessing this dramatic scene, Ino also had a novel idea.

Perhaps, in the novel promised to Madam Pince before, a plot of wedding robbery can be added, where the two sisters robbed their future stepfather at their mother's wedding...

New book release, new journey, thank all the big guys for their support.

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