The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 87 Cruel reality

At the entrance of the bustling Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, Ino looked at Ginny's retreating back, feeling a little complicated in her heart.

Shaking his head helplessly, he squatted down again and sorted out the parchment on the ground. Although the person was gone, the things under his feet could not be left alone.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Hermione's voice sounded, and her eyes followed Ino's line of sight and saw Ginny's back.

Hermione had just witnessed everything here, especially when Ino opened the box and took out the set of stationery, she felt an inexplicable feeling of unhappiness.

"Beautiful?" Ino was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "She is only a little older. At most, she is kind of cute like the sister next door."

"Yeah! That's right! Just like my little sister." Hermione nodded heavily, with a little joy in her tone.

"Hermione, do you think a person's stupidity is really innate?"

Although it was unclear why Ino asked this, Hermione still answered seriously:

"I don't think so. There are very few people who are born stupid. I feel that most of them are caused by the acquired environment, whether it is personality or stupidity."

"So stupidity is a moral defect!" After sorting out the scattered parchments, Ino stood up slowly:

"Stupid people cannot be truly kind, because they do not distinguish between right and wrong, right from wrong, and do things only based on emotion! So stupidity itself is an irredeemable evil."

Suddenly, Ino felt a little boring, and arguing with stupid people would only make him stupid.

"Forget it! Let's not talk about this. Do you still want to buy books? It's probably not too late to queue up now."

Hearing this, Hermione looked at the crowded Flourish and Blotts Bookstore with a confused expression.

"Let's buy it in a few days. There are still two weeks until school starts."

After that, she glanced at the suitcase next to her, and then asked casually: "Did you buy the set of stationery just now in Hogsmeade? I've never seen it in Diagon Alley."

"Stationery?" Ino suddenly looked back, but the familiar body language appeared in his eyes again.

Hermione's toes tapped on the ground, wearing a pair of pure white sandals, with two black rope straps wrapped around the arches of her feet and fitting tightly to her ankles, and then met at the top of her feet to form a delicate bow.

But such a pair of beautiful shoes always inadvertently kicks a stone on the roadside.

"Then you want to go to Hogsmeade to visit? I'll take you on the wizard's exclusive bus. It only takes about a quarter of an hour to get there."

Tuesday, September 1, 1992, breezy.

The Hogwarts Express departs from London's King's Cross Station once again as scheduled.

In a carriage at the back of the train, Ino sat quietly on his seat in the compartment, leaning his head gently against the window, looking at the pastoral scenery passing by outside the window.

Opposite him, Pansy was telling Daphne all kinds of interesting experiences during the summer vacation.

Listening to the clear laughter coming from the opposite side from time to time, Ino also fell into short memories.

During the second half of the summer vacation, apart from occasionally taking Hermione to visit Hogsmeade, he seemed to be stuck in a strange cycle for the rest of the time, constantly revising papers, sending letters, revising papers, sending letters...

Of course, through a chance encounter, he also learned that Professor McGonagall actually lived in Hogsmeade, and was not far from his small building.

Although they knew where they lived, without receiving an invitation, they could only communicate through owl letters.

Fortunately, on the last day before the start of school, Professor McGonagall finally mercifully did not send the paper back, but wrote back saying that she would help send it to the editorial office of "Transfiguration Today".


The compartment door was pushed open from the outside.

"Something big happened! Hahahahahaha." Draco walked in from the door, just said a word, and started laughing non-stop.

"If you don't want to say it, I invite you to go out and laugh. Didn't you see that we are chatting?"

Pansy looked at Draco with an unhappy look on her face. She was obviously having a pleasant conversation and was almost reaching the highlight of the conversation, but was ruthlessly interfered with.

"I said, I said! Many people on the train saw that Potter and his Weasley followers drove a flying Muggle car and just passed over our heads."

As Draco spoke, he gestured with his hands, as if he wanted to describe the shape of the car more realistically.

"Then they are finished!" Daphne said thoughtfully: "They can be seen on the train, and probably also seen by many Muggles."

"Yes! They're finished!" As if being scratched, Draco's whole body became excited.

Ino had been listening quietly to the conversation of several people. At this moment, he was also confused and asked: "Why did the shouting end? Even if it was seen by Muggles, isn't there still the Accident and Disaster Department?"

"Let me tell you!" Daphne grabbed the conversation before Pansy could speak.

From the moment I boarded the train until now, I had been listening to Pansy's story, and she couldn't be easily interrupted. Now she finally found the opportunity.

"Mr. Swinburne, you probably don't know much about the Ministry of Magic. My brother is in the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters. In one summer vacation alone, they arrested 176 wizards for violating the Statute of Secrecy."

Speaking of this, Daphne changed into an exaggerated tone:

"120 of them were fined less than 100 Galleons for minor offenses, but the remaining 56 were fined more than 100 Galleons, or imprisoned in Azkaban for one month, or both, for more serious offenses. "

"The worst was a Ravenclaw girl who just graduated this year. She was punished with both. It is said that Professor Flitwick was alarmed. It seems that she turned a bunch of flowers in front of her mother's grave, and was accidentally seen by many people, and then those people spread the devil and witches..."

Hearing this, Ino no longer cared about Daphne who was dancing with joy beside him. Now his whole mind was focused on the Statute of Confidentiality.

A girl who just turned 17, because she turned a bunch of flowers and was seen by others, will face going to Azkaban? Although Professor Flitwick came forward, it may not be realized, but this sentence alone is ridiculous enough.

Perhaps... all the plots have been beautified, which also caused him to never consider things outside the story.

In the original story, after the flying car incident, Arthur seemed to only face suspension review, and he didn't even have a fine.

And the parties involved, Harry and Ron, only had their credits deducted. Ron was a little worse, and received an extra Howler.

And there was no follow-up after that, as if everything ended here and bygones were not held accountable.

But today, after hearing Daphne's description, it seems that the cruel reality hidden under the fairy tale of the magic world has been truly revealed.

If the story of Harry Potter ends in the future and everything returns to normal, without the filter of the story, does it also mean the beginning of suffering?

For the first time, Ino thought about the future, and before that his attention had always been on the plot.

But it is obvious that this is not a fantasy world on the road, and he can leave without caring when the story ends.


Time passed quietly, and the sound of communication in the compartment became smaller and smaller, until...

"Ino, are you okay?" Draco asked with some concern.

Hearing this, Ino's thoughts were pulled back to the present.

When he came back to his senses, he saw three puzzled faces in the compartment, looking at Draco, Pansy and Daphne.

"I'm fine! It's just that I was thinking, do we have to be so scared... What is the purpose of learning magic? Living like a rat in a sewer, or even worse than a rat."

New book release, new journey, thank all the big guys for their support.

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