Chapter 83 “My Master Became Me, Big Brother Becomes My Husband”

Li Xu carefully analyzed the meaning of this sentence: “The system rarely makes useless prompts, that is to say, following the prompts it gives can have certain benefits.”

The points of the system have already broken through the 500,000 mark, but it is still far away from 1 million, and his Dao Fa is more and more, but who would dislike Dao Fa?

The more Taoism, that is to say, the more changes, which is a good thing.

Li Xu crawled out of the bed, took a sip of wine, walked out of the room, and walked to the front. He saw an old and a small figure in a pavilion not far away. Dean Qinglian and Tang Sheng were playing chess while Lu Wuze Lie on the table and watch them play chess.

Tang Sheng finally stopped practicing swords, it should be the reason for the rain.

Li Xu was very pleased. If a person is cultivating all day without taking a break, something will happen to him.

For example, in his previous place, why there are winter vacations and summer vacations, this is the truth, work and rest are combined, but here, he wants to complain about who invented the make-up lesson, and wants to play him down.

The big raindrops smashed to the ground, and the sound of crackling sounded intermittently in the ear. The rain was heavier than the day when Yiping asked her father for money…

Is there really no problem with such a heavy rain called Da Qi cultivation?

He suspects that the system is deliberately unpredictable and wants to destroy Dawei’s body.

At this time, Taixu Academy, Dawei was lying on the couch.

Because of the rain, she returned to her room after eating breakfast. She planned to close the door and go to sleep, but she couldn’t sleep and had to lie down on the bed to study the Taoism.

The library of Taixu Academy has a lot of teaching methods, countless.

Now that she has mastered the art of swordsmanship, the art of cleaning clothes, and the art of picking grass and folding wood, she is thinking about what to learn next. At the moment, she has no ideas, so she intends to read the book to see what she is interested in, and then let the Master teach herself, but Looking around, there was a knock on the door.

“Dawei, it’s me.” A clear bell-like voice came from outside the door, it was Anzhiyu.

“Zhiyu Big sis, what are you looking for?” Dawei asked.

An Zhiyu said: “On a rainy day, my Master and my senior are playing chess. I originally wanted to go back to my room to sleep, but I couldn’t sleep, so I wanted to talk to you.”

Da Wei said: “The door is unlocked, come in.”


An Zhiyu opened the door and came in, closed the door gently, without any harm at all, took off her boots, got on Dawei’s couch, fetched a pillow and lay on her stomach, and reached out her hand to flip through her book, which said Dao Fa Two big characters.

An Zhiyu threw her book aside.

“Throw my book as soon as you come, what are you doing?” Dawei looked at her.

“This kind of book is nothing to watch.” An Zhiyu said with a smile.

“But I’m so bored, what can I do without reading?”

“Look at the book I gave you. Have you finished reading that book?” An Zhiyu asked.

“what book?”

Da Wei asked innocently, her eyes were very clear, like colored glaze, not like a lie at all, she blinked her eyes and looked pretty cute.

An Zhiyu saw that her eyes were particularly pure and clear, and she was not sure if she was acting.

She reached out and poked her little head, and said, “Remember that I gave you the book “My Master Becomes Me and Big Brother Becomes My Husband” last time. Didn’t you read it?”

“Puppy only reads that kind of book.” Dawei shook her head, her white fox’s ears moved, and she curled her lips:

“As soon as I got it, I felt that the title of the book was wrong. It didn’t look like a serious book. I don’t know where to put it now. I didn’t read it anyway.”

An Zhiyu looked at Dawei’s moving fox ears and asked, “Really?”

“I can’t lie to you. If I lie to you, I’m the kind of barking puppy.” Dawei showed her shiny little tiger teeth and refused to admit it.

An Zhiyu is holding her chin with her hands. This is not right. According to her own observation, she should have seen it. She intends to test it.

“Suddenly, I can’t remember a situation, it seems that the apprentice took advantage of her Master to fall asleep, and then secretly kissed the Master on the cheek, and refused to admit it.”

“You remembered it wrong, it was the forehead, not the face.” Dawei said.

An Zhiyu smiled and looked at her: “You said you haven’t seen it.”

Dawei flushed. She couldn’t help correcting her mistakes just now, but she didn’t expect that she was testing herself.

“I just took a look… a little bit, and I saw here… I didn’t look at it later.”

She stammered and babbled these words, her cheeks flushed.

Because she suddenly remembered that she climbed onto Li Xu’s bed and kissed him on the forehead. This image reflected in her mind, making her breathing quicker, and even her neck was red.

So shy.

Who on earth wrote the brain-dead plot that she came up with? Seeing her blushing and heartbeat, she was simply sick, and the book was not good at all.

An Zhiyu squeezed her round face and said, “Hurry up and learn how to bark twice.”

Dawei looked at her, rolling her eyes.

“Didn’t you just say that whoever watches it is a puppy?” An Zhiyu whispered.

“Huh.” Dawei ignored her and turned her head aside.

“Where did you see it?” An Zhiyu poked her elbow and smiled: “Is it really just seeing the kiss from Master?”

Dawei said with a serious face: “I never lie.”

An Zhiyu suddenly asked: “Have you tried it?”

Dawei looked into her eyes, you have some questions, how do you call it tried? I don’t want to answer this kind of question.

Seeing Dawei looking at herself purely, An Zhiyu shook her head and said, “Hahahaha, I thought you were going to kiss Li Xu stupidly after reading the book.”

Dazhen didn’t speak, but just looked at her and said, “Do you think I will?”

An Zhiyu said: “It’s not enough, I tell you, the plot in the book can only be read, and must not be imitated. Imitation will cause trouble.

Those are just scripts compiled by scholars. Many things have been beautified. For example, the book “My Master Becomes My Big Brother and Later Becomes My Husband” is made up at first glance, and it can only be boring. Time to take a look. ”

“How could it be made up?” Dawei looked at her, and she thought it was something that actually happened.

An Zhiyu said with a serious face: “The male protagonist in this book is handsome, handsome, handsome, with a face like a crown, and white clothes wins snow. Do you think reality exists in it?”

Dawei stared at him with wide eyes and said, “Isn’t this my Master?”

“When you say this, it really looks a bit like it, but it doesn’t matter.”

An Zhiyu continued: “The most important thing is the heroine inside. The heroine is stupid, dull and short. She fell into the water by accident and was rescued by the hero, and then the hero took her as a disciple inexplicably… etc. , Thinking about it this way, suddenly I feel this plot…”

She looked at Da Wei, the hostess looked a bit like Da Wei, and it seemed that Da Wei was rescued almost like this.

Why didn’t she pay attention before.

What if she didn’t know Li Xu and Dawei, and thought this book was written for them?

Think about it again, it feels that the plot inside is more and more like Li Xu and Dawei, but there are some plots that haven’t happened yet.

However, she had a hunch that it would happen sooner or later.

Dawei looked at her: “Why didn’t you say it?”

“My brain hurts. I don’t talk about this book. The more I talk about it, the stronger my sense of substitution. I have other books to recommend. Would you like to read it?” An Zhiyu asked.

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