Chapter 82: Master, Please Be Yourself

Dawei pointed at her, her fox ears trembled, her face was flushed with a smile, and she said:

“I didn’t do it this time. It was God’s will. It was the wind that blew your clothes up. I have said that, sooner or later you will have troubles if you go on like this. If you are seen, I don’t know if you will be ashamed. ”

An Zhiyu didn’t speak, feeling something was wrong. She didn’t wear trousers before, and she felt a little wrong at this time.

She took out a white one and put it on.

Dawei watched her put it on in front of her, and asked: “So you like white?”

An Zhiyu nodded: “I prefer white.”

“Are you thinking about changing to another one, I have a transparent one, and a ribbon edge of that kind, would you like it?” Dawei said softly.

An Zhiyu was speechless, ignored her, and walked out of the formation after getting dressed.

Dawei also trot out, her lips couldn’t help but smile, she thought Anzhiyu was really funny.

Next, they went to the kitchen to cook and cook, and soon the smoke curled up, the smell of the food came out, and Li Xu who was sleeping woke up.

After drinking two sips of wine on the table, he strode out of the room.

Tang Sheng was practicing swordsmanship. Li Xu found that whenever he saw him, he was the only one who was practicing swordsmanship when he had time. He felt that he was only interested in swords.

Is this a sword demon or a sword demon?

Li Xu shook his head, his eyes swept away again.

I found Dean Qinglian sitting on a stone chair in the yard, with his legs cocked, sipping tea, and looking at the red sky with a leisurely appearance.

Green Crow was lying on the rock. The book in front of him hadn’t turned a page for a long time. It seemed to be sleeping, and it seemed to be thinking about the life of a turtle.

Lvwu won’t talk about it, after all, it’s just a bastard.

Can’t work.

However, Dean Qinglian and Tang Sheng are really too idle.

I don’t have any eyesight. I keep two girls busy in the kitchen every day. Doesn’t this conscience hurt?

Li Xu really couldn’t stand it anymore, he wanted to flog these lazy people with action.

Make them ashamed of their own lazy behavior.

He walked to the kitchen door, poked his head and asked, “Is there anything I can do for you?”

What is cooking in the pot is a dish called Roumo Eggplant. The aroma of meat just burst out, the taste is absolutely perfect, and the smell is very delicious.

Anzhiyu stood on the other side, bent over, and opened her small mouth.

A faint smile appeared on Dawei’s face. She was holding a pair of chopsticks in her right hand. She picked up a piece of eggplant and sent it to the mouth of Anzhiyu with her mouth open, so that she could taste the saltiness.

However, Li Xu’s voice suddenly came out, stopping Dawei’s movements.

Li Xu saw this scene, his eyes lit up, and righteously said: “Xiao Dazhen, it’s not that I said you, how can you bring Anzhiyu to try dishes like this? What if it is poisonous?”

Such a dangerous matter involves life, of course it is him, the Master.

He quickly came to Dawei, bent over, lowered his head, opened his mouth, and moved in one go, biting off the eggplant that Dawei had picked up.

Just a little bit of pressure on the eggplant, the eggplant softened. Li Xu felt that the scent of happiness between his lips and teeth. The scent of meat foam on it broke out in his mouth instantly, permeating, and the scent of meat was overflowing, constantly stimulating his taste buds. Suddenly Li Xu felt like he wanted to burst his clothes.

I didn’t expect such a simple dish to be so delicious.

Xiao Dacheng’s craftsmanship is truly incredible.

“Yes, good craftsmanship.” Li Xu was full of praise and gave a thumbs up. He didn’t expect to eat such beautiful food just after waking up, wonderful.

Anzhiyu’s small opened mouth closed, and he was speechless for a while, but he didn’t expect that the food in his mouth would be gone.

Dawei looked at Li Xu and said, “Master, what are you coming to join in the fun?”

“I’ll help.”

Li Xu said vaguely and swallowed the eggplant.

He looked at the eggplant in the pot again, licked his lips and said, “Just now I was talking, forgetting whether it was salty or light, Xiao Dawei, you can pick another piece and let me try.”

Try a ghost?

You obviously want to eat.

Dawei has already seen through the urine of this Master.

Without giving it to her, she picked up a piece of eggplant and sent it to Anzhiyu’s mouth.

An Zhiyu opened his mouth and wanted to eat, but Li Xu’s speed of being single for two hundred years was not fast enough. He quickly bent over, lowered his head, opened his mouth, held his chopsticks, and swallowed the food on it into his mouth.

The two women were speechless.

“Master, please be your own person!”

Dawei feels that the Master is becoming less and less formal. It seems that it is time to take the initiative, turn over to become the Master, accept him as a disciple, and teach him the rules.

Her idea is getting bolder, but she doesn’t know when it will come true.

Throwing this unrealistic idea out of the sky, Dawei looked back, and no longer served Anzhi fish with vegetables, she could taste it herself.

If it hadn’t been for An Zhiyu that she wanted to taste it, she would not give her a pinch.

She picked up a piece of yellowed eggplant with chopsticks, brought it to her mouth, held the chopsticks, and swallowed the eggplant into her mouth.

Soon the fleshy feeling permeated the taste buds, filling the whole mouth, moderately salty, no need to add salt, but the eggplant was not cooked bad enough, and it had to be boiled again. She wanted to make the eggplant melt in the mouth, and the oil was not oily. Feeling greasy.

Suddenly, Dawei noticed Li Xu’s gaze. He stared straight at him, and Dawei flushed: “Master, don’t stare at me, it’s weird.”


Li Xu found that Dawei was still biting the chopsticks. This chopstick was the one he had just bitten. Is this the first intimate contact?

No, let’s get in touch for the second time.

Last time, she kissed own forehead, he remembered this.

Li Xu intends to repay her, and think about when to return her again.

“What’s wrong with you?” Dawei looked at Li Xu innocently, feeling that his eyes were weird, and An Zhiyu’s eyes were also strange.

Li Xu said: “It’s okay, you are busy.”

Dawei said: “It’s okay. You don’t want to go out yet. What are you doing here? Go to the dining room and wait. When it’s done, we will take it over.”


Li Xu responded, feeling that he was not well received in the kitchen.

He walked out of the kitchen and waited in the dining room.

Soon, Da Wei yelled “Dinner”.

At the dinner table, there was a lot of fun, everyone was very happy, talking about something.

Especially Xiao Dawei, her eyes were so happy that she was smiling. Li Xu couldn’t understand that she was so busy every day and could still be so happy. I really didn’t understand.

Perhaps, some people are born optimistic.

After eating, I was speechless all night.

The second day.

When Li Xu woke up, he heard a rustling sound coming from outside the window. The sound almost seemed to applaud for love, and the rain beat Banana.


“It’s raining unexpectedly.”

Li Xu hasn’t seen a rainy day for a long time.

Since it’s raining, it is said that there is no need to teach Xiaoda Taoism, which means that you can take another day off, which is really good.

At this time, the system suddenly heard a voice.


[System time, 500 years of the Dadao Period, October 19, 10:00:00, Tuesday, with clouds and heavy rain][Hint: There may be unexpected gains in teaching apprentice cultivation in the rain]

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