Chapter 51-Can the bath water be used as soup?

In less than a while, Li Xu arranged the formation and confirmed repeatedly that outsiders could not break in.

Of course, he is not an outsider.

As soon as I walked out of the formation, I could smell the scent of the food from afar, and heard Xiao Dazhen yelling to myself.

“Master, are you okay, it’s time for dinner?”

“All right.”

Li Xu stepped out in one step, shrinking the ground to an inch is easy to use. With this step, the efficiency has become much higher, and he came to the kitchen in one step.

Seeing Dawei rolling up her sleeves, she was using her little hands to stir-fry dishes, and seeing the Master appear, she laughed out two dimples:

“Master, it’s not ready yet, I have to wait a little longer.”

“You finished the formation so soon.” An Zhiyu, who was sitting quietly on the wooden pier, closed his feet and looked at Li Xu.

“Well, after eating, I will teach you the tricks to formation.”

Li Xu glanced at An Zhiyu, suddenly frowned.

Didn’t she just take a shower? Why is she sweating again? You can clearly see that there is sweat on her neck, the hair on her forehead is wet with sweat, and the clothes behind her are also wet with sweat, some looming.

“Is there so much water?”

Li Xu looked at her, looking at Dawei, the two were not of the same level. They were also staying in the hot kitchen, but how did they feel Anzhiyu was raining.

An Zhiyu flushed, closed her feet and said nothing.

Because Li Xu was so close to her, she could smell Li Xu’s body, and she couldn’t help taking a breath, and the two closed legs became more tense.

Sweat more.

But, suddenly, her heart beat faster because Li Xu’s hand fell on her shoulder.

“What do you want to do?” An Zhiyu was a little dry.


Spirit Power condensed on Li Xu’s hand. As soon as the Dao Fa came out, An Zhiyu’s sweat was gone, and he removed his own hand to wash his hands.

An Zhiyu rolled her eyes, and just touched herself, went to wash her hands, am I so dirty?

“What are you looking at me for?”

Li Xu thinks she is very strange. She has to stare at herself like this when washing her hands. Has her own charm reached this point?

Li Xu was a little baffled when she saw her: “Is it enough to wash your hands and eat?”

But I was too lazy to say anything. After washing my hands, I went to the dining room and waited for a meal. Soon, the two of them brought the prepared meals.

Four dishes and one soup neatly.

Li Xu was a little thirsty. He was about to take a drink and was shocked when he saw the two women staring at him with a smile on their faces.

“Why are you staring at me? Are there flowers on my face?” Li Xu asked.

Dawei blinked at Li Xu: “Master, I want to drink?”

An Zhiyu also looked at Li Xu, and she wanted to drink too.

The corners of Li Xu’s mouth twitched, thinking of the last time they poured a glass, one eating grass, the other trying to take off his clothes, the picture is weird thinking about it.

He looked at Dawei and thought of a reason casually: “Drinking is not good for your health, and you will not grow up.”

You are the second taller, and the more you drink, the shorter you are.

“I’m quite big, can I drink it?” An Zhiyu said with a bulging mouth.

Li Xu looked at her, his gaze shifted downwards, indeed, the peaks were in love, the waves were rough, and the clothes seemed to be torn apart.

Anzhiyu lowered his head, poking his chopsticks with two white fingers, and said nothing.

Li Xu said: “Girls shouldn’t drink, especially in front of men. If they drink, something indescribable may happen.”

“What is indescribable?” Dawei put her hands on the table, supporting her body and looking at Li Xu.

“Why do you talk so much about eating?” Li Xu was speechless. He didn’t intend to speak. If he continued speaking, he was afraid that there would be scenes unsuitable for children.

He didn’t plan to drink, he reached out and slapped a bowl of soup, frowned when he wanted to take a sip, and saw something in the soup.

A black hair.

He picked it out with chopsticks, and it had hair.

Li Xu brought the whole bowl of soup over and found that there was another one inside. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he looked at their faces: “Are you soup made with bath water?”

If this is the case, I believe many people can drink a pot.

If not…emmmm.

“Who made the hair?” Li Xu looked at the peaceful Anzhiyu and Dawei: “Bah, slip of the tongue, who made the soup?”

An Zhiyu said: “I don’t know, I’m just responsible for releasing the water.”

“I don’t know, I’m just responsible for letting out the hair, bah…”

Dawei became stammered again. She wanted to explain, but she didn’t speak, just said:

“Master, then I will do it again.”

“No, the hair has more nutrients, just pick it out.”

Li Xu didn’t care, the only pity was that it wasn’t the bath water, wait, just now An Zhiyu said that she was responsible for releasing the water.

Where is the water?

This question is worth pondering.

Dawei said: “Hair still has nutrition, Master, then I will put my hair in the soup in the future.”

The chopsticks Anzhiyu was playing with suddenly fell to the ground, and she was shocked by what Dawei said.

Li Xu quickly said: “No, eat your meal.”

I was just as polite, but I didn’t expect this little apprentice to be so simple.

It’s so simple, you have to be optimistic, don’t be abducted by criminals.

After eating.

Li Xu taught them how to enter the battle, and then went back to the room to rest and sleep.

Until ten o’clock in the morning the next morning.

Yesterday, Tong Dawei and An Zhiyu tossed for a long time in Funong Town.

Recalling carefully, their whole day’s exercise route is to start from Taixu Academy, to Funong Township, to Shi Na Building, and then back to Taixu Academy to form…

Tossing back and forth, but he was exhausted, fortunately his waist is good.

So sleepy, cover the quilt and continue to sleep.

But as soon as I fell asleep, I heard Xiao Dazhen banging hard outside the door:

“Master, get up, noon if you don’t get up again.”

At all times, the Master is still sleeping, is this reasonable?

“I’m so sleepy, I’ll go to sleep for a while.” Li Xu didn’t want to pay attention to her, and continued to sleep under the quilt.

“Okay, I’ll call you again later.”

Dawei left, but within a moment, she heard her voice again in a daze:

“Master, after another two quarters, why have you not gotten up yet, if you won’t get up again, I’m going to go in.”

Li Xu didn’t bother to pay attention to her, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

She knocked on the door, but Li Xu did not respond.

She opened the door directly, came to Li Xu’s bed, and saw that he still closed his eyes and ignored herself.

“Master, are you still up?”

Suddenly Dawei felt a bit reversed. How did she feel that she was the Master, and Li Xu was his apprentice.

Master is really lazy.

I haven’t gotten up yet at this time.

“Master, Master Master…” Dawei kept shouting.

But Li Xu seemed to have passed away. There was no movement. She thought about it, and simply adopted some tough measures to force him to wake up.

Soon, she thought of a clever plan.

“Master, here I am.”

Xiao Dazhen jumped up like a frog, pressing her small body heavily on Li Xu’s body, laughing:

“Master, I won’t get up again, I’m going to crush you to death.”

“Go away for me, it will affect my sleep.” Li Xu pushed her little head away, intending to push away Xiao Dawei who was on top of him.


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