Chapter 50


Dawei yelled.

Anzhi has a bad premonition with frowning eyebrows.

Sure enough, just as Dawei plunged into the water, she heard Li Xu’s voice coming over:

“Xiao Dawen, what are you calling?”

Anzhiyu help the forehead.

I have to say that Li Xu’s speed is so fast, he came here in an instant.

Is it okay for men to be so fast?

“Master Master, there are…there are snakes.”

Dawei quickly ran out of the water, so fast, like a mad dog running out of steam.

She rushed out of the lake at once, her face a little pale, obviously she was really afraid of snakes.

After rushing out, he found that Li Xu was staring at him, constantly looking at him, and wrinkling his nose from time to time.

Li Xu never dreamed that there would be such a good thing?

Last time, when Xiao Dazhen inspired Tian Huo Dao, she burned out her clothes. That time, because of the urgent tense, she didn’t have time to wait and see, so she slapped her down to the lake.

Now, it’s all at a glance, knowing the roots and knowing the bottom.

Perceiving the Master’s “pure” gaze, Xiao Dazhen quickly turned around and stammered:

“Father Master… you still look, look again… look again, it will grow… needle eyes…”

“Don’t turn around yet.”

“Master Master…I’m going to get dressed.”


Li Xu smiled, turned around, but said in his heart, if I want to see, even if I’m in my room, I can see it, because he has the “eyes like electricity”.

But he just doesn’t use it, just plays.

Soon, Xiao Dawen hurriedly dressed her clothes, and said shyly:

“Master, I’m all right.”

Li Xu turned around, looked at her, and raised the corners of his mouth.

Dawei realized that she was too in a hurry just now and put her clothes upside down.

She froze for a moment, took off her clothes quickly, and then took off her clothes in front of Li Xu, planning to put them on again.

When she finished taking off her clothes, she felt something was wrong, and she saw Li Xu’s stunned expression.

“Master, you look at me again.” She told Li Xu to turn around again.

“Sure enough, Xiao Dawen is not too smart, Yazi.”

Li Xu turned around and tried not to laugh, but it was really uncomfortable to hold back his smile, and finally he laughed.

Dawei finally put on her clothes, bowed her head and blushed, her two fox ears moved restlessly.

Li Xu saw that there was slowly flowing water on her cheek, so he reached out and touched her face, and all the water on her face disappeared.

Her hair gleamed with crystal drops of water, dampening her newly dressed clothes, and her hair was on her neck.

Li Xu reached out to her neck and grabbed her wet hair. When a gust of wind blew, the hair returned to its normal state.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the clothes were completely clean, and any water on it was gone.

“All right.”

Li Xu smiled and squeezed her face. It was soft, but a little hot.

Dawei didn’t speak the whole time, her face flushed and hot.

It’s really too close to Li Xu, and I can smell the smell from him, let alone, it smells good.

I don’t know if you are so close to the Master, will you give birth to a baby?

She lowered her head and allowed the Master to pinch her own face, but it was getting hotter and hotter, and even her body was slightly hot.

She took a step back quickly, remembering something suddenly, looked at An Zhiyu who hadn’t come out, and shouted:

“Zhiyu Big sis, are you okay?”

She shouted loudly and also used Spirit Power, just because she was afraid that she would not be able to hear it, because the sound of the waterfall was also very loud.

In fact, Anzhiyu swims out of it long ago, and the water submerged her body, revealing only two big eyes, quietly looking at the master and apprentice on the shore.

The scene just now was really clear.

She felt that she shouldn’t be here, she should be underwater.


An Zhiyu said: “There is no snake. I just scared you. Who knows that you run so fast. Are you afraid of snakes?”

“I’m afraid of snakes.” Dawei said.

She was particularly afraid of snakes. She ran as soon as she heard it, ran out stupidly, and let the Master watch it all, and it was not the first time.

Why does she always do such stupid things?

It feels so bad.

Li Xu looked at himself twice, but he didn’t look at him once. It was a big loss.

Take a chance and watch him take a shower.


What am I thinking?

She patted own head quickly, and muttered: “Thinking about this kind of thing, I’m afraid my head is flooded.”

“Don’t shoot, you are stupid in the first place, then shoot again, I’m afraid you will cry stupidly.”

Li Xu smiled and looked at Anzhiyu in the lake.

This Anzhiyu is too stingy, just showing two eyes.

In fact, I am a gentleman, so I don’t need to be so wary of me.

Li Xu retracted his gaze: “It’s not safe to take a bath here. Fortunately, I am a gentleman, otherwise you are afraid of danger.

I have a simple formation that is arranged to isolate the outside world so that people outside cannot see what you are doing. I will arrange it now, and you can rest here to take a bath in the future. ”

Dawei smiled, with a smile on her face:

“Thank you Master.”

As she said, she walked to the Master and pushed him: “Master, you turn around first, don’t look, I tell her to come out, let her dress, remember not to peek…”


Li Xu had to turn around.

Anzhi fish came out of the lake, covered with water, constantly flowing down.

The impact of this scene is great, but it is a pity that only Dawei can enjoy the scenery.

Dawei hurriedly picked up Anzhiyu’s clothes on the ground and brought them to her, but they didn’t wear them for a while.

Li Xu was a little impatient, and said, “Isn’t it all right?”

“Master, don’t worry, she has a lot of shuǐ, I will help her wipe it.”

“Huh?” Li Xu made a weird voice.

“No, Master, don’t get me wrong, I mean she just came out of the lake and she has more water on her body…”

After she said it, she still didn’t feel right, so she didn’t bother to say it and didn’t explain it any more.

Finally, An Zhiyu put on his clothes and began to tidy up her wet hair. She was a little shy and didn’t dare to look at Li Xu, especially what Dawei said just now.

Li Xu said again: “Have you done well? I’m going to start arranging the formation when I’m done.”

“Okay, Master, do you need my help?”

Li Xu said: “No.”

“Then I and Zhiyu Big sis will make you some delicious food for you, what do you want to eat?” Dawei asked.


“How about braised pork?”

“not good.”

“What about the fried chicken nuggets?” Dawei asked again.

“not good.”

“Then what do you want to eat?”


“Master, you are so hard to serve.” Dawei smiled, thinking Li Xu was really funny.

“Let’s do it.” Li Xu smiled and shrugged: “I can eat anything, as long as it is not spoiled milk mixed with rotten bananas, I can eat it.”

Li Xu slowly turned around, still wanting to see the wet Anzhiyu.

But the two women had already held hands and walked away, Xiao Dawei’s voice came:

“Then I will do it to your taste.”


Li Xu smiled.

Retracted his gaze and began to arrange the formation, which had to be shielded so that no one could break in casually.

It would be really bad if Dean Qinglian, Tang Sheng, or Luwu broke in.

The main reason is to guard against the three of them. He is a gentleman, and it doesn’t matter if he is guarded or not.

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