Chapter 17-I’m Here

An Zhiyu locked the door just now, and did not leave immediately. Instead, he left a gap in the door and peeked at Li Xu and Dawei outside.

She just took a bath with Da Wei, Da Wei said that the hot spring is good, and also said that she would ask Master to make one later.

She also wanted to see how much this Li Xu spoiled his apprentice. She didn’t expect to refuse, but when she noticed that Dawei’s mood was a little depressed, Li Xu agreed to build a hot spring.

It’s just that she never expected such a funny scene to appear, Dawei made a “crotch kill” and almost sent Li Xu away.

She almost couldn’t help laughing.

She locked the door behind her, jumped on the bed in threes or twos, twisting and twisting on the bed with a smile, while taking off her clothes.


Dawei looked at Li Xu with a worried face, “Master, are you okay?”

Li Xu didn’t speak, and didn’t make any movements. He just gritted his teeth and endured. She didn’t expect Xiao Dawei to be so strong, and she didn’t expect that she kicked directly under Own in the knee.

“Master, can I help you?”

Dawei felt that all this must have been caused by herself, but she hadn’t figured out what exactly caused the Master to suffer so much.

What did she kick herself?

“Don’t talk.” Li Xu rolled his eyes and said.

Dawei looked at him: “Master, do you have a pain there, or should I help you blow?”

Li Xu blurted out: “Go away.”

Although it was a very fierce word for “getting off”, Li Xu didn’t have any strength to say it at this time, and his tone was still a bit painful.

“Then you have something to call me.”

Dawei pouted and walked away. A hundred people couldn’t understand, feeling that she had done something wrong, but she didn’t know where it was wrong.

The Master didn’t say it, really.

“so annoying.”

On the second day, the sky was not completely bright, at 9 o’clock.

An Zhiyu looked left and right, with light hands and feet, quietly came to Li Xu’s room and knocked on the door:

“President Tai Xu, my’path’ is a bit blocked, can you help me clear it?”

No sound came from the room.

An Zhiyu continued: “I have been in the first rank Wang Dao realm for some time, but the second rank is still blocked when I hear Dao realm. I don’t have any clues. Can you help me solve my doubts?”

Still no sound came out.

She scratched her head and her face was puzzled: “Is Li Xu sleeping so hard?”

“Forget it, sleep well, I’ll go cultivation.”

She had to walk away by herself, jumping to the top of the pavilion at will, sitting on the plate for cultivation, and a cyan Lotus flower faintly appeared under her body.

This is the way she cultivated. Like Dean Qinglian, it is the most famous way of Qinglian Academy.

From Maoshi to Chenshi, she continued to cultivate until Chenshi. At this time, she returned from cultivation to senior brother Tang Sheng.

“Brother, early.”

She said hello, the senior was cultivating kendo, and all day dreaming of becoming the master of the avenue, “swordsmanship”, basically the sword does not leave the body.

It’s a pity that he looks ordinary without being handsome and handsome, just like Li Xu, who is banished.

“Junior sister early.” Tang Sheng walked slowly with a sword in his arms and nodded.

After the brother left, An Zhiyu saw that Master cultivation had returned.

The three characters in Qinglian Academy basically started cultivation at Mao Shi and ended around Chen Shi.

This is a cultivation habit formed under the leadership of the Master, which shows how important a good Master is.

At this time, Li Xu and Dawei were still sleeping.

Dawei used to wake up at the academy, but since she became a teacher of Li Xu, gradually, her wake-up time is consistent with that of the Master.

Four quarters of the hour.

Dawei and Li Xu got up at the same time.

[D…D…][System time, 500 years of Dao Ji, September 14, 10:00:00, Tuesday, sunny, sunny, pleasant to smoke]

“Such words are utterable.”

Li Xu didn’t want to complain about the broken system. After getting up and washing, he found that someone had already made breakfast. Breakfast was not made by Dawei, but by Anzhiyu.

Anzhiyu didn’t want to do it either, but she was hungry.

Her senior brother Tang Sheng and Master Qinglian were also panicked with hunger, so they had no choice but to get enough food and clothing by themselves. If Li Xuda woke up, they would starve to death.

When An Zhiyu was in Qinglian Academy, she knew that Li Xu and Dawei got up very late and asked the Master many times:

“Is this a pig?”

Dean Qinglian smiled and said nothing.

In fact, most of Li Xu didn’t eat breakfast. When he lived alone before, he slept until noon, even saving breakfast.

After Li Xu and Dawei had their breakfast, they saw Tang Sheng practicing swords in an open area. Dean Qinglian was instructing him, while An Zhiyu sat in a daze on a stone chair.

Li Xu greeted them and went to the back mountain with Dawei.

“Master, is there a hot spring in the back mountain?” Dawei asked.

“There should be.”

There are more than a dozen mountains in the back of Taixu Academy. He used to rely on these more than a dozen mountains to survive, but he has never paid attention to where there are hot springs.

If it weren’t for the task issued by the system, he wouldn’t bother to watch it.

“Master, what should we do now? Can we dig up the hot spring, but the hot spring is a bit far from the academy.”

“If you come to the back mountain every time you take a bath in the hot spring, it is indeed far away, and it is not safe. I thought about it. As long as I find the hot spring, I will find a way to bring the hot spring to our Taixu Academy, and then make a big one for you. What do you think of the room used to soak in hot springs?”

Dahua clapped her hands, and the two fox ears moved:

“Okay, thank you Master.”

“The premise is to find the hot spring first.”

Li Xu has experienced 16 years of education, and the problem of bringing the hot spring to Taixu Academy is not a big deal.

“Master, you know so much.”

“See you for a long time.”

“Master, I have a question for you?”


Dawei didn’t speak for a long time, twisted and squeezed, and finally hesitated and said:

“Master, what kind of girl do you like?”

Li Xu looked at the blushing Dahao and said, “Why are you asking this suddenly?”

Dawei lowered her head, her pink hands kept entwining nervously: “Just ask.”

“Then what kind of boy do you like?” Li Xufan asked.

“I have no idea.”

Dawei shook her head, and she had never thought about the content in this respect.

She came to Zhuanxu country over the years because she wanted to become a monk, but it turned out to be counterproductive, and she didn’t make any progress, so she had never considered such a thing.

“No, Master, I asked you, why are you asking me back?” Dawei pouted her lips and looked at Master.

“Haha, I don’t know either.” Li Xu smiled, “but I like beautiful girls.

Let’s not talk about this, you walk carefully, the mountains here are a bit rugged, don’t fall. ”

“Yeah.” Dawei nodded fiercely, smiling at the corner of her mouth, “I’m afraid of falling, can I hold your hand?”

“Yes.” Li Xu stretched out his hand.

Dawei laughed, and quickly took the Master’s big hand, his big hand completely wrapped his own hand, and his heart was warm.


“What are you doing?”

“I just want to call you.” Dawei’s two fox ears moved and smiled happily.

“It’s really itchy, I really want to give you a bite.”

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