Chapter 16 The Daily Life of the Master and Apprentice

Back to Taixu Academy.

Li Xu’s first thing was to write to the Yushi doctor and Taixuefu to sacrifice the wine, and let the messenger rush to the Zhuanxu imperial capital day and night, and send the letter to them.

“I’m really exhausted.”

Li Xu lay on the bed, half-squinting his eyes: “I haven’t been so tired for a long time. I hope Jijiu and Doctor Yushi can make it in time. If they can’t make it, I can only do it myself.”

Today is September 13, and the thief will attack Dean Qinglian before October 01, presumably a big move.

But it’s not in a hurry, let’s take a break first.

When I woke up, I found that the system in my mind flashed with reminders.

[Sweep the floor, reward 100 diligence points][Mopping the floor, reward 100 diligence points]

Li Xu took a closer look and found that the balance of 70,000 was more diligent, which meant that it was 25,000 more diligent.

The current system time is about 4 pm, what did Dawei do, and how come there is so much diligence?

Li Xu suddenly remembered that before he went to bed, Dawei had indeed asked herself which room Dean Qinglian lived in. Li Xu had said that she would let Dawei arrange it herself.

“Is she still busy?”

“Is she so capable?”

Li Xu got up from the bed and walked out of the room.

I just saw Dawei rushing out of a room, sweat on her cheeks, and a wooden bucket in her hand.

The barrels are all sewage.

“Master, wake up.”

Dawei smiled, carrying the barrel to change the water.

“Yeah.” Li Xu nodded, and came to the door of the room Dawei had just rushed out. There was a woman inside.

She rolled up her sleeves and exposed her lotus arms. She was narrow and slender, smooth and creamy, snow-white and plump, very beautiful.

She lay on the ground, pouting her hips.

There was a tablecloth in his hand, and he moved his legs against the wooden floor.

Her hips are beautiful, they look round, and they exude a mature and attractive atmosphere.

Li Xu couldn’t help but think of the scene on the hillside. She didn’t seem to be wearing it inside, and wanted to confirm again if she was wearing it, but she couldn’t see it.

An Zhiyu turned around, wiped the ground in a different direction, facing herself.

Her white face and neck were all wet with sweat, her slender waist and hips twisted, and slowly wiped the floor. The skirts of her clothes were a little loose, and she could faintly see a large swath of white…

“President Tai Xu.”

An Zhiyu smiled, probably because he was tired, and at the same time twisted his waist, showing the perfect line.

Li Xu’s eyes widened, and his body was hot, feeling that she was tempting herself.

Is it an illusion?

“Master, get out of the way, don’t get in the way.” Dawei trot in with the bucket.

“Little Dama, stop.”

As soon as Li Xu’s words came out, Xiao Damao stood in front of her, motionless.

He stretched out his hand to remove the spider web from Dawei’s head.

“What about the two of them?” Li Xu was referring to Tang Sheng and Dean Qinglian.

This guy didn’t work, but let the two girls work, no wonder there is no dao companion so far.

Deserve it!

Dawei said, “Master, they are walking around in the academy.”

“You see you are sweating, I have to call them back and let them clean their own room.” Li Xu said.

“Master, I let them walk around in the academy. Just leave these jobs to me and Big sis. We can clean it up, and it will be well soon.” Dawei said that the fox’s ears moved.

Li Xu glanced at Anzhiyu who was still lying on the ground, and then shifted his gaze to Xiao Dazhen’s body:

“Follow you to toss.”

I no longer care about them.

Two minutes later.

Dawei was wearing a snow-white shirt with some crystal drops of water on her hair, and she ran all the way.

Anzhiyu slowly followed behind, the crystal water beads on the hair running along the cheeks, across the chin, and sliding towards the neck.

Li Xu saw a few drops of water almost penetrating her thin gauze, and a looming outline emerged before his eyes.

The water droplets slid down continuously, running through the gully, across the mountain peaks, and finally appeared on the legs.

Her legs are extremely smooth, straight and slender, but the veil is a bit short.

Li Xu suspected that she didn’t wear it underneath.

An Zhiyu teased the black hair in her ears, nodded to Li Xu, walked into the own room, quickly closed the door, flushed, and her heart throbbed.

“What are you doing?” Li Xu looked at Xiao Da.

“After cleaning the room, I took her to take a bath.” Dawei smiled faintly, and a small dimple appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Li Xu sat in a chair and looked at Da Wu:

“You get closer to me.”

Dahua leaned step by step and stood in front of him.

Master Li Xu’s face is really clean, with sharp edges and corners.

Li Xu saw water drops on her chest and shoulders, reflecting her snow-white skin.

“Didn’t you just change your clothes? Why are they wet again?”

“There are water drops on the hair, no way.” Her fox ears moved.

“First rank Dao Fa, Clean Clothes Technique.”

Li Xu moved his hand at random, as if the wind was blowing. Her clothes instantly became slender and dust-free, and the water disappeared cleanly. Even the water droplets on her hair were blown away by the wind.

“Thank you, Master.” Dawei’s eyes were crooked with a smile like a crescent.

Her fox ears are motionless, so cute.

Li Xu couldn’t help reaching out his hand to touch, about to touch, and saw Dawei looking at him with big eyes, staring blankly.

“Master, what do you want to do?”

“I want to touch your… ear.”

Dawei’s face quickly turned red, like a ripe peach, stammering:

“If it’s a Master, you can…”

She spoke too slowly, Li Xu had already retracted his hand, leaned against the chair, and was about to take a nap.

Seeing that Master seemed to be going to bed again, Da Wei hurriedly said:

“Master, don’t sleep, I have something to discuss with you.”

Li Xu didn’t open his eyes: “Say.”

“Master, isn’t there a hot spring in the back mountain of Qinglian College? I feel comfortable in the hot spring. Can we build a hot spring?”

“can not.”


“I’m busy.”


Dawei lowered her head, Master was too lazy, and walked away a little lost.

[Trigger missions, build hot springs, and randomly reward second rank Taoism]

Li Xu suddenly opened his eyes.

He has never used diligence, just waiting for system tasks to emerge, and system tasks will reward Dao Fa, so there is no need to use diligence at all.

He plans to save up and work harder and see if there is any change in the time system at that time.

“Xiao Dawei, you just said that you are going to build a hot spring. I agree to this. I will help you find it tomorrow.”

“Really?” Dawei’s eyes lit up, and her two little tiger teeth flashed.

“I never lie.”

“Master, you are so kind.”

Dawei jumped up happily and jumped on the Master in excitement. As everyone knows, her right knee is aligned with the middle of the Master’s legs.


Li Xu’s face was not good. He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists in his hands, his face full of pain.

Dawei quickly got up from Master: “Master, your face is very bad, what’s the matter?”

“Do not talk.”


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