The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 485: Slytherin heroes

"Albert, Albert, look over there and tell me if I am wrong."

The next morning, when Albert and his friends passed the huge hourglass that recorded the scores of the Academy Cup, Lee Jordan glanced at the hourglass inadvertently, and suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Albert, pointing to the huge hourglass of Gryffindor and said: "Why did our college suddenly fall to the last place."

"You're not mistaken, I really became the last one." George opened his mouth in surprise, and they were finally about to beat Slytherin College to win the College Cup again.

"You said, could the huge hourglass of the score be broken." Fred raised his hand and tapped twice on the hourglass.

"Probably one hundred and fifty points less." Albert raised his hand to stop Fred from being killed, and calmly said his guess: "Probably last night, when someone was walking around in the castle, he was caught by Filch. Caught, that's why our college was deducted a lot of points."

"Do you know something? I remember that you seemed to go out on a date last night, maybe you were caught by Filch!" Fred, George and Lee Jordan all looked suspiciously at Ai Burt. They don't believe that Albert will be caught by Filch, but this guy must know what caused Gryffindor to be deducted a lot of points.

"Well, last night, many students wandered around in the castle." Albert spread his hands helplessly, "Okay, let's go, go for breakfast."

"Are you not angry at all?" Fred muttered, "We are finally about to beat Slytherin again to win this year's Academy Cup."

"Not angry." Albert said indifferently. "To me, it doesn't make any difference whether to win or not."

This morning was desperate for the students in Gryffindor!

In just one night, all hopes for Gryffindor to win the Academy Cup were destroyed.

After all the Gryffindor students found out that their academy had been inexplicably deducted one hundred and fifty points, they instantly fry the pot.

How could their college suddenly be one hundred and fifty points less than yesterday?

What happened last night.

Everyone was looking around for the reason, until Percy Weasley bit the bullet and asked Professor McGonagall, and finally found the reason why their college lost one hundred and fifty points in one night.

You mean, Harry and two other students wandered in the castle at night, causing the college to lose so many points?

"Last night, why didn't you help Harry?" The three roommates were complaining about Albert, and most of the students expected their college to win the glory of the College Cup.

"They were caught by Filch because of carelessness." Albert said helplessly. "Sometimes, it's really not a question of help or not."

This incident soon spread slowly in Hogwarts Castle.

Gryffindor’s Quidditch hero, the famous Harry Potter, caused the Gryffindor Academy to lose so many points.

Harry, Hermione, and Neville became the least popular person in Gryffindor in just one breakfast.

A certain Slytherin student who learned about it walked up to Harry, patted the savior on the shoulder and said, "Thank you, Potter, you did us a great favor!"

"We have your credit for winning the Academy Cup!"

More and more Slytherin students came over to greet Harry Potter. They surrounded Potter at the table, clapped, whistled, cheered and cheered, making him tireless, and finally it was at McGonagall. With the help of the professor, Harry struggled out of the crowd and left in embarrassment.

As for everyone else watching Harry Potter coldly, no one gave him a good look.

"Do you care about the score?" After eating a sausage, Albert asked the three roommates around him.

"I just think it's hard to beat Slytherin to win the Academy Cup." Lee Jordan murmured: "It was destroyed like this, and I feel very unwilling."

"What's not reconciled? You didn't add much points to Gryffindor yourself, right." Albert calmly spread jam on the bread slices and said quietly: "If you really care about it, you will always try to help. The college has added points. What's more, I am not depressed myself, why are you depressed?"

Lee Jordan was choked into speech.

"What are you talking about?"

After hearing these words, a few high-tempered senior students turned their heads and glared at the speaker. They were all stunned when they saw Albert.

"Do you think I am not qualified?" Albert asked without looking up.

Although those people were very dissatisfied, they still shut up.

If you change to someone else, saying this will probably cause other Gryffindor students to stare at you, but the person who said this is Albert.

Even if his words directly hit the most vulnerable places in the hearts of many students, they have to admit that Albert is qualified to say these words.

Albert always adds a lot of points to Gryffindor every year.

It's good to know that most Gryffindor students don't deduct points from their college, let alone take the initiative to add points to the college.

Gryffindor’s students will be so dissatisfied. After all, the college cup that is about to be delivered will fly. Everyone will all their dissatisfaction on the three unlucky ones. And Potter is under the most pressure, and there is no way, who Make him the most famous?

In the evening, Albert went to find Harry, preparing to let the opponent go to him to retrieve the cloak of invisibility, only to see that Potter went to find Wood and said he wanted to quit the Quidditch team.

As a result, of course he was severely taught by Wood.

Although Wood was equally angry, his mind was still not confused. If they lose Harry, Gryffindor may even lose the Quidditch trophy.

"Wood, don't you mind lending Potter to me for a few minutes!" Albert raised his hand and greeted Wood.

"Please!" Wood said gruffly.

In full view, Albert led Harry to a place where no one was there.

"Okay, don't be sad, it's just a point deduction." Albert said: "You forgot to take the invisible cloak with you last night, remember to go to me and take it back later!"

"Aren't you angry?" Potter asked in surprise.

At present, it is estimated that only Ron would say this to him in the entire Hogwarts Castle.

"Angry? No, I don't value the so-called Academy Cup like others do. If there is something like If there is none, then there will be no." Albert smiled and patted Potter on the shoulder. : "If you can't stand their gossip, then stay low-key and spend more time and energy on reviewing your homework. Most students will not have a long memory in this area, and they will forget about it in a week or two. At most next semester, they will forget about it completely."

After being comforted by Albert, Harry's mood improved a lot, but his situation remained unchanged.

No way, he climbed high and fell hard.

Sometimes it's not good to be too famous.

No matter where Potter went, someone would point to him and say something insulting to Potter in front of him.

People, maybe they are all like this!

This is Albert's final answer.

As Harry's accomplices, Hermione and Neville had a hard time, because they were not as famous as Harry, and there were not many students who knew them in the school, but pointing ridicule and insults behind their backs could not be avoided.

At first, Hermione still desperately wanted to make up for the lost points from other professors, but every time she actively spoke or got extra points, what she got was always the cynicism and malicious slander behind her.

Therefore, Hermione no longer shows her face in the class, she always keeps her head down and studies silently.

If one of the three has the worst life, it is undoubtedly Neville.

At least, Harry and Hermione had friends who could hug each other to keep warm.

Since Gryffindor College was deducted a lot of points, Neville has really become a lonely man, and even the roommates in the dormitory are not willing to talk to him.

He could only endure all this in silence, not knowing how many tears he secretly shed in the dead of night.


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