The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 484: When the appointment is in progress

After the bell of eleven o'clock in the evening rang on the clock tower, the still lit torches on the walls on both sides of the castle corridor gradually went out, and the quiet corridor plunged into darkness again.

Suddenly, a faint voice came from nowhere, as if someone was talking in the corridor.

No, it should be said that someone did speak in the hallway.

A pale light lit up out of thin air in the darkness, provoking dissatisfaction and accusation from the wizards who were about to sleep in the surrounding portraits.

"Tonight, it seems very lively." Isabel stopped, listened to the whispers from a distance, turned his head and said to his boyfriend next to him, "It doesn't matter if I date another day."

"It's okay. Anyway, there is this thing. We won't run into other professors." Albert shook the map of the map in his hand. For a night date, he would naturally take important things with him, otherwise he would be disturbed by others. Dating, what a disappointment.

"The map has a very high magic content." Isobel said as he continued to move forward, "it used very clever tracking spells, mantra spells, and disguise spells."

"I know." Albert asked back. "By the way, can you make a copy yourself?"

"Can't you do it yourself?" Isobel was a little surprised, Albert was actually no different from omnipotence in her eyes.

No way, this product basically knows everything and knows everything.

"My tracking spell is not smart, and it's not a mantra." Albert shrugged, and he was surprised to find that Isobel knew him so well. Sometimes it felt a little weird to think about it.

However, the natural photographer is really amazing!

"Recently, a lot of pressure has been accumulated." Albert stretched out his hand and took Isobel's hand, leading her to move on.

"Why do you say that?" Isobel asked rhetorically. She uses the time converter frequently, and she does accumulate a lot of pressure. As the OWLs test approaches, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

"It's just a vague feeling, and you care too much about your grades." Albert casually changed the subject, "We went to the Ravenclaw common room to chat. I haven't been to other college lounges? "

"You have been there last time, and at this point in time, it is best not to. Some Ravenclaw students are still reviewing their homework." Isabel suggested, "Or, let's go to the Gryffindor common room. , I am also curious about what your lounge looks like."

"Percy Weasley is still reviewing his homework." Albert said without hesitation.

"Are you trying to say that I didn't study hard enough?" Isobel glanced at his mouth and took Albert directly to the common room in Ravenclaw.

On the way to the Ravenclaw common room, they also encountered many students who had returned to their respective lounges. There were students from all four academies, and Filch's curses came from further away.

"Does the guard at the hunting ground really raise a dragon?" After Isobel and the others walked away, he curiously asked his boyfriend next to him.

"Well, it's true, I secretly raised a Norwegian Ridgeback."

Because the dragon will be sent away tonight, Albert didn't hide it.

"So, the things that have been raging a while ago are also true?" Isabel suddenly realized, looking at Albert with a weird face, "The Ministry of Magic did not find the dragon in a surprise inspection. Is it because you hid it?"

"Well, congratulations, that's right. As expected of my girlfriend, come, give you a reward." Albert reached out and lifted Isobel's waist and kissed her on the cheek.

"Actually, I even suspect that this matter has something to do with you from beginning to end." Isobel felt that his boyfriend was always mysterious and knew a lot of things.

"If he helps hide the dragon, the eight achievements in this matter are directly related to him."

"You can think that I helped Hagrid get the dragon egg, helped him satisfy his hope of raising the dragon, helped him hide the dragon from the Ministry of Magic's surprise inspection, and finally helped him send the dragon away." Albert was very straightforward. Admitted it.

"It's hard to imagine you would do this."

"In my prophecy, Hagrid is destined to get that dragon egg." Albert sighed helplessly, "Raising a dragon is Hagrid's dream and his obsession. Even me, It might prevent him from raising a dragon, so I handed him a hand, and he was a friend."

Of course, there are some things that Albert did not say. He got a lot of tasks and rewards for himself with the help of the Dragon Egg incident. This is the most important thing. If he can't squeeze out experience, Albert will basically not intervene and let him go. .

"I understand what you mean." Isabel nodded. At the beginning, she also had her own dedication. In order to kill Rowena Smith, Isabel also paid a lot. In the end, it was impossible to let go easily and would not give up. , Even if it makes some irrational decisions.

While they were talking, the two had arrived at the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room.

"You come or me."

"Let's come, who made me just an invited guest?" Albert smiled and made a please gesture, put his head to Isabel's ear, and asked softly, "Secretly carry How does it feel for your boyfriend to enter the common room of your college?"

"How does it feel?" Isabel repeated: "It doesn't feel much, you can go in anyway."

"Or, take me to your dormitory?" Albert suggested with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Isabel's expression turned strange and reminded. "Do you know that Hogwarts has a rigid rule?"

"I know. It was said in "Hogwarts, a School History" that the founders of the school believed that boys were not as reliable as girls. So they enchanted the stairs of the girls' dormitory, but the Big Four had nothing to think about. Yes. We can enter the girls' dormitory without stepping on the stairs." Albert blinked playfully and reminded, "I have a flying broom here!"

"Well, you won." Isobel said discouragedly: "You should stop going to the girls' dormitory. The movement will disturb the girls who are not asleep. If other girls learn that you are going to be secretly late at night Sneak into the girls' dormitory... you don't want to know the result!"

"I thought the girls would entertain me warmly for afternoon tea!" Albert laughed and teased.

"If you are not here at night, maybe this is possible."

"Good evening, Ms. Gray." Albert smiled and greeted Ravenclaw's ghost, not embarrassed to be found out on the date.

"Good evening, if I were you, I wouldn't run around at night." Ms. Gray looked up and down the two genius wizards at Hogwarts in front of him, "Although many people think that dating after the curfew is a romantic Thing."

After speaking, Ms. Gray floated away.

"It seems that you are very familiar with this lady."

Isabel started to introduce Ravenclaw to Albert, she still insisted that if Albert came to Ravenclaw, he would not be so adventurous as he is now.

Albert just laughed and said nothing.

During the chat, the two of them talked about some trivial things at home, and then introduced each other about their family.

Isabel also learned from Albert that why he became Wild Smith's heir.

"A dumb gun?"

Isobel nodded imperceptibly: "At the beginning, I guessed that you might be the offspring of a wizard or a dumb gun. But, I didn't expect that you were still Smith's direct line."

"Those are not important anymore."

Albert exposed the incident lightly.

Yeah, it doesn't matter anymore!

"However, your sister may be a little troublesome!" Isabel said suddenly: "She now has worship and attachment to you. For her, you are hers alone, a very special existence. I am in her In his heart is probably the bad woman who took his brother away. It is impossible for her to like it!"

"Don't think too much. When Nya grows up and is more sensible, she won't be like that." Albert found that Isobel's statement may be correct, but he thinks time can help solve all this. Everything will change, let alone a young girl.

"Let's go, let's go to the observatory, if you are lucky, you should be able to see the Norwegian Ridgeback." Albert suggested with a smile: "You should also be curious about what the dragon looks like!"

After Isobel agreed, the two left Ravenclaw's lounge together and headed towards the observatory. On the way, they also met Filch, and the administrator was patrolling near the Astronomy Tower.

After Filch disappeared at the end of the corridor, Albert whispered to Isabel: "Perhaps, you have also noticed that Filch is a dumb artillery, and as long as it is not too bad, he can easily hide it from him."

"You know a lot." Isobel gave Albert a deep look.

"If you look closely, it is not difficult to find his identity. Filch has never used magic from start to finish, not once, and it is impossible for Muggles to be an administrator at Hogwarts, so he It could only be a dumb gun."

Isobel looked at Filch's leaving back and shook his head imperceptibly.

They came to the corridor on the first floor below the Astronomical Tower and found Malfoy sneaking around, and they didn't know how he avoided Filch patrolling around.

"Malfoy will definitely be caught, deducted points, locked up." Albert said to Isabel when he started to walk up the spiral staircase.

"I heard that you seem to have made a prediction for that Mr. Malfoy." Isabelle asked with interest.

"Well, I did make a prediction, and that prediction is beginning to be fulfilled." While they were talking, the two of them finished the steep spiral staircase and opened the wooden door on the top floor of the Astronomy Tower.

"How are they going to enter Hogwarts?" Isabel looked at the cloudy night sky, and suddenly asked Albert with his head sideways. "I remember it was mentioned in Hogwarts, a History of the School, because the school was around With the protection of ancient magic, outsiders cannot directly enter this school by flying."

"Then how do you think they got in?" A faint smile curled up at the corner of Albert's mouth, and he looked up somewhere in the school. The window of the principal's office was still lit.

"You mean, the principal let them in?" Isabel immediately realized what was going on. "The principal knows about it?"

"Congratulations, you are right!" Albert said happily, "Actually, I wrote to the principal, briefly explaining to him the situation on Hagrid's side. Since the principal is not ready to participate, it means that he actually defaulted It’s what Porter did."

"Are you trying to say that all this is actually what you expected?" Isobel raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It can be said like this."

"I like the way you are confident." Isabel kissed Albert on the cheek and reminded him, "But you should know that not everything can go as you expected."

She didn't want Albert to be too smug, so that sooner or later there would be a bad luck.

"To be honest, it was beyond my expectation to find you as a girlfriend." Albert put his head to Isabel's ear and whispered softly: "I really never thought that Hogwarts would return There is a good girl like you."

"So, when you were in first grade, you started looking for a girlfriend for yourself?" Isabel covered her mouth and chuckled, but she still liked Albert's words.

"In the same class, I don’t feel much. Your sister is actually very beautiful, but her personality is probably not the same as mine. Gryffindor’s Sanna’s personality is okay, and she was also Muggle-born, and gets along with me. It's not bad." Albert observed the change in the expression on Isobel's face secretly, and said deadly, "I think Shanna might like me a little bit."

"What do you see me doing?" Isobel couldn't help but laugh.

"See if you are jealous?" Albert said solemnly.

"Jealous, why should I be jealous, what's so jealous, the girls you mentioned are just poor losers." Isobel said pityingly.

This is so reasonable that Albert simply doesn't know what to say.

He suddenly understood a little bit about what happened to Fred, George, and Lee Jordan who were usually left speechless by his own words.

Just as the two were talking, there was a sound of footsteps outside the spiral staircase.

It's Potter and Hermione.

They were whispering about Malfoy being caught and locked up.

Just as the two were about to open the wooden door and enter the top floor, Albert suddenly felt that his cheek was held by someone and his mouth was blocked by someone.

Then, the door was opened, but no one else entered the observatory.

Albert doesn't quite understand why Isabel did this.

Suddenly, the sound of the box landing on the observatory sounded.

The two separated immediately and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Who's there."

The scene suddenly fell into a weird atmosphere.

At this moment, Harry, who was hiding under the cloak of invisibility, was a little flustered. They never thought that there would be other people on the observatory.

"Potter, the invisibility cloak is good, I can't see where you are hiding?" Albert lit his wand, with the help of the light from the tip of the wand, looking at where the door opened, he broke the silence by opening his mouth first.

"Why are you here?" Harry got out of the invisibility cloak and asked, looking at Albert.

"Sorry to interrupt your date!" Hermione is not a fool like Harry. When the two came in just now, they ran into them kissing.

The students in the school know that Albert already has a girlfriend, but everyone has never seen them date together.

Unexpectedly, the two of them would meet here.

"Isabel is interested in dragons, so I brought her over to try my luck. And, don't you think this is also a good place to date?" Albert blinked at Harry and reminded: "Bo Especially, if you have your own girlfriend in the future, you can bring her here for a date."

Harry was a little embarrassed, and even forgot about Malfoy's demerit and detention.

"Is this the dragon?" Isabel looked at the little dragon in the crate with interest. This was the first time she saw what a living dragon looked like.

"This guy's teeth are poisonous." Albert took out a pair of dragon leather gloves from the deformed lizard leather bag and handed it to Isabel. He reminded him: "If you want to touch it, remember to wear gloves. I don't want you to come in too. school clinic."

Watching Albert take out the gloves from his pocket, Hermione's expression suddenly became complicated.

"It's really grumpy!" Isobel was bitten when he was driving the dragon.

Noble in the box was moving violently.

"Norwegian Ridgebacks are more aggressive!" Albert drew out his wand, and after the spell hit the dragon, it stopped struggling.

"What did you do?" Hermione asked inexplicably.

"Coma spell, you probably don't want to be troubled by Filch!" Albert explained casually, and then changed the subject, "By the way, what you were talking about just now, it seems very happy."

"When we came over, we saw Malfoy being caught by Professor McGonagall." Hermione said excitedly. "It was that guy who almost caused Hagrid to be expelled from the school. He finally got retribution."

"I really want to know what Snape would look like when he saw Professor McGonagall bring Malfoy to see him." Harry was also gloating with misfortune.

"Well, it's really interesting, and I want to know." Albert turned his head and looked at Isabel, who was rubbing his fingers: "Are you okay!"

"It's still very small!" Isabel said with emotion: "It should be less than a month, the dragon is really a very dangerous creature."

While they were chatting, a few black spots appeared on the horizon. They should be Hagrid's friends, and they soon landed on the observatory.

"What's wrong with it, it looks like it's boring?" a wizard asked, checking the dragon in the crate, raising his eyebrows.

"I used a coma spell on it to calm it down," Albert said.

"This is not easy, dragon skin is very resistant to magic." The other wizards all showed surprised expressions. They also dealt with dragons, and naturally understood how difficult these creatures were to deal with.

"Probably because the dragon is too small, and the resistance to magic is not a strong relationship." Albert casually said, "Say hello to Charlie for me!"

"Okay, Mr. Anderson."

The four of them were all very good. After a brief introduction, they began to entangle the box firmly with the rope they had brought. They did not dare to stay at Hogwarts at all, and hurriedly rode a broom with the dragon and flew away.

No way, if the Ministry of Magic knows that they are carrying a dragon illegally, it is estimated that they will be in prison.

"Then let's go first!"

Harry and Hermione both let go, waved to the fading back, and turned to bid farewell to Albert and Isobel.

Then, they forgot to bring the invisible cloak, and went downstairs.

"Why don't you remind them?" Isabel looked at Albert suspiciously.

"Let them suffer a little bit, so that they will have a long memory, so that they will not like to run around after the curfew." Albert showed a look that I was good for them, making Isobel very speechless.

She always felt that Albert just wanted to see those two guys unlucky, they wouldn't have a magic spell, they would probably be caught by Filch when they went down.

A large number of deductions and confinement.

It is not difficult to imagine what happens when everyone wakes up and is shocked to find that Gryffindor College's scores have dropped significantly.

"You are so funny!"

Isabel looked at Albert who was checking the invisibility cloak and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"It's worthy of being the Deathly Hallows!"

Albert couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This invisible cloak feels weird to the touch, as if it was woven with It is very special, and I can't see what it was made of. "Albert handed the invisibility cloak to Isabel, and looked at the new task that appeared on the task panel: Collect three Deathly Hallows.

After seeing this task, Albert was speechless for a while.

However, he was quickly drawn back to his attention by Isabel.

"What are you going to do with this thing?"

"Well, I'll take it back to Potter later!" Albert said without hesitation.

When they were about to leave the observatory, they heard a sound of footsteps under the spiral staircase.

"Perhaps, Potter revealed to others that we went out for a night tour." Isabel teased.

"Who do you think it will be?" Albert looked at the visitor and greeted him questioningly: "Good evening, Principal Dumbledore."

"Good evening, Mr. Anderson." Dumbledore looked at Albert and Isobel without being angry, let alone blaming them for being here in the middle of the night.

"That little dragon was sent away?"

"Sent away!" Albert handed the invisibility cloak to Dumbledore simply: "The invisibility cloak that Potter forgot to take away. I think he now regrets how he left it on the roof! "

"Yes, they are in a little trouble." Dumbledore took the invisibility cloak and said gently to Albert and Isobel: "I suggest you move your date to the day. It is always bad to violate school rules. Yes, and not sleeping at night is not good for your health."

With that, Dumbledore left with the invisibility cloak.

"Let's go back too!" Albert said to Isabel with a smile, "Don't be surprised, after all, it's Dumbledore, who is still very open and easy to deal with."


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