The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 373: Death Prophecy

Your cat? "

Katrina looked at the two sitting there, then looked at the fat cat on the table, and she knew who the cat was.

"Well, this is Tom." Albert reached out and held the dried fish left on the table, took his wand and waved it, resealed the dried fish package, and stuffed it into his jacket pocket.

"Silent curse?"

Katrina's expression is a bit complicated, and Albert's understatement of repairing the spell just now has undoubtedly brought her a heavy blow.

Silent spells didn't come into contact until they were in the fifth grade. She had tried a few simplest spells, but they all failed.

"No, I chanted the curse." Albert said with a smile, without admitting that he could curse silently.

Katrina doesn't believe it. The guy in front of me likes to talk to fool others. Is he really deaf?

"If you're done, don't take up the position." She said, "Also, your cat should lose weight. I have never seen anyone whose cat is so fat. How can you catch mice?"

"Tom doesn't need to be able to catch mice, he just needs to be cute." Albert said with a smile. He gave his position to Katrina, moved to the table that just appeared in the corner, and started to make new wizard cards. Since he wants to make this new card game popular, he naturally needs to spend some time on it.

As for the materials and styles, he has collected and designed them during the summer vacation. Although magic cannot be used at home, it is not impossible to do anything.

The back of the wizard card will be two crossed wands, plus a hat as the background. He originally planned to use W as the background, but think about the Ministry of Magic using this thing, so Albert simply gave up. Changed to a beautiful wizard hat.

However, considering that you are going to use the copy spell to promote, so there is no magic effect above. Well, it's a normal Muggle card.

The 1.1 version of Witcher Card is a few blocks longer than the handwritten version.

Of course, in order to draw a pie for everyone, Albert still made his own cards very exquisite, and let them see what the wizard cards would look like in the future.

Everyone needs some dreams and expectations.

Albert put the cards one by one into the box, lest Tom's claws would be harmed.

"I feel that divination class is rubbish!"

A voice came from the side, and Albert turned his head and saw that Katrina was predicting the luck of this month with the help of "Pull the Mist and See the Future".

Katrina is very anxious, she has been in a few classes, but can't see the prospect of this class.

What to use to interpret tea is a pile of rubbish.

No way, except for Albert, a guy who seems to be really good at divination, he can still talk nonsense with Professor Trelawney. The others have completely lost their previous curiosity and expectations for this course, they all understand Why is Professor Trelawney considered a liar.

As for homework, can you tell at a glance that they are all made up out of thin air?

Professor Trelawney likes to watch people predict some of their bad luck.

Then, most people's homework is about the bad luck this month.

Katrina is not a perfunctory person, so she really doesn't like divination classes.

"Isobel, why don't you give up this course?" Katrina asked her sister. She even doubted whether Isobel could learn anything useful from this course.

"The divination class is just like that. Although I don't know how to divination, I can still learn some of the most basic things." Isobel looked up at his sister and said lightly, "Divination requires talent. From the beginning, special Professor Lilawney just said it."

"Your tone is really like Albert." Katrina was a little unhappy.

"Is anyone calling me?"

Albert's voice floated from not far away.

"I'm not calling you." Katrina said grimly.

"I'm not deaf." Albert looked at Katrina meaningfully. "I heard everything just now."

"Well, I just said why I chose this **** divination." Katrina said anxiously: "Maybe, I should throw them in the trash, that's where they should go."

Albert glanced at Isobel, then looked at Katrina's parchment with few words on it, raised his eyebrows and said: "You don't know enough about this course, and you don't know its own positioning. clear."

"Well, let me hear your opinion, Mr. Great Prophet."

"Professor Trelawney is just an inexperienced prophet in my opinion. I don't think she can even afford such a heavy term. At best, she is a fortune teller in the Muggle world." Block chair sat down beside them and continued, "In the Muggle world, first-class fortune-tellers can usually predict something through some clues."

"For example, your mentality, habits, reactions, and even other things, or analyze the answer from some trivial information, or secretly give you a psychological hint to achieve it."

"So, this is how you predicted that the previous forbidden forest is dangerous..." Katrina raised her eyebrows, but was interrupted by Isobel, motioning Albert to continue.

"Those who are rigorous thinking will not like the so-called divination, unless they are true prophets, and wizards who can truly predict the future are highly respected." Albert glanced at Katrina, who was in a hurry. He continued: "I don’t think Dumbledore is very interested in Professor Trelawney’s so-called fortune-telling predictions, or our principal doesn’t believe in Professor Trelawney’s practice. In the eyes of Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor Trelawney might be someone who likes to brag and doesn't know her.

"But why did Principal Dumbledore hire Professor Trelawney instead of choosing other wizards, or just cancel this course?" Katrina asked her doubts.

"How much do you know about the surname Trelawney?"


"Kassandra Trelawney is a well-known prophet." Isabel explained: "Professor Trelawney probably has something to do with that person, and the talent for prophecy is usually inherited, Abel What this means is that Dumbledore can’t hire Professor Trelawney because of Cassandra Trelawney’s reputation, unless she is really capable.”

"That's it."

"I don't see what Professor Trelawney really has." Katrina murmured, "She is not as good as Albert in deceiving others' eloquence."

"Professor Trelawney must make a prophecy to Dumbledore, and that prophecy has come true." Albert pretended not to hear Katrina's words, "It's just that, that person may have really not inherited that. The prophecy talent of the Trelawney family prevented her from making predictions normally."

"You seem to be able to say that," Katrina murmured, "Maybe, I should talk to Professor Flitwick and give up the divination class."

"You can give up the Muggle research together, so you have a normal homework schedule." Isabel suggested kindly.

"Forget it, I have already learned it, how can I give up!" Katrina hesitated for a moment, and was still going to stick to it. She didn't want to turn herself into a joke of others.

"The divination class will examine tea divination, palmistry and crystal ball divination at the end." Isobel did not persuade him anymore, talking about the information he had collected. "Usually, as long as you study the most basic knowledge, at least If you can get a pass, those examiners didn't expect you to truly predict the future."

"Of course they didn't expect it. The wizard who can really predict the future is just that." Albert made his voice sound like it was coming from a long distance, and he was imitating Professor Trelawney's tone: "So, You understand Professor Trelawney would say that divination is the most difficult course in all magic arts. If you don’t have a'scope', then what I can teach you is very good Less, in this respect, books can only take you so far..."

"Do you really know how to divination?" Katrina asked her doubts again.

"If I said Professor Dumbledore would die within ten years, would you believe it?" Albert said suddenly.

"Principal Dumbledore is also very old, well, I know what you mean!" Katrina understood what Albert meant.

In fact, it is to predict a possible event in a big circle, even if it does not happen, it will not affect Albert.

After all, there are still ten years to go. By that time, I would have forgotten about this matter, and this guy has never said that he can divination, and you can't say that he is a liar.

"Well, it's a liar again." Katrina understood Albert's operation, "Sure enough, all predictions are deceptive."

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