The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 372: 1 point difference

The fact that there was a three-headed dog in the corridor of the restricted area on the fourth floor soon spread to a small area. The number of students sneaking into the restricted area of ​​the corridor became more and more. Filch had to spare more time to patrol nearby. To prevent other students from sneaking into the forbidden corridor.

Albert occasionally heard the students murmured about the three-headed dog. Even some students in Gryffindor took pride in taking a walk around the corridor of the restricted area.

Of course, most of the students who were about to die have come back in the hands of Filch. The administrator has stepped up patrols more than once. If anyone rushes over there, he will be driven or be driven away. Filch caught him in his office.

Albert did not rush to complete the mission of "The Brave Game". The requirement of the mission was to pass a series of levels to protect the Philosopher's Stone.

So is the Eris Mirror prepared by Dumbledore considered part of the level?

If you break through, but find that the Eris Mirror has not been put on, and you can't find the Philosopher's Stone, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Moreover, the corridor of the restricted area is now attracting attention, and it is not the time to go to that place.

Albert packed the rest of his unfinished homework into his school bag and prepared to do his homework in the responsive room. He took Tom out for a stroll, lest he stay in the room all day long and come to Hogwarts. He didn't even lose weight afterwards, which really made Albert look a little disturbed.

When Albert was preparing to go out with his homework, he met Fred and George who had just returned from training at the entrance of the common room.

"Wood did not find a suitable player."

The Weasley twins told Albert the bad news.

"Wood asks you to prepare, remember to participate in the next training."

"The first week of this month hasn't been over yet!" Albert bent over to fish Tom up, turned and said to the twins: "When have you seen me lose?"

"Is he too confident?" Fred looked at the back of Albert disappearing into the common room entrance, and touched George next to him with his elbow.

"By the way, Albert thinks the seeker is Harry. But how can Harry join the team in the first grade?" George was also puzzled, "Don't forget, the first grader Students are not allowed to bring broomsticks into the school, let alone join the Quidditch team."

Of course, it's okay to be a team alternate, just like them.

Albert had no idea what Fred and George were talking about. He was staring at Tom, who was running around in front of him. This guy had probably been locked up for a long time, and immediately after he was released, he couldn't see any shadows.

"Really, I like to trouble me."

Albert waved his magic wand, and Tom, whose four feet were off the ground, was flying towards this side, constantly making meow and panic sounds.

When he fell into Albert's arms, Tom was already shivering and dared not move. Flying is not a friendly experience for a cat.

"What a timid guy!" Albert touched Tom's head soothingly, put the cat on the ground again, and touched it with his foot. The timid guy just shrank there and won't leave. In the end it was Albert. Hold it and enter the room responsive to requests.

Tom lay on the table for a long time, and finally relied on the lure of dried fish to barely get out of the shadow of flying.

"Your cat?"

When Isabel walked into the responsive house, she saw Tom playing with a ball of wool on the ground at a glance. She bent down to look at the fat cat and asked curiously.

"It's called Tom."

"Hello Tom!" Isabel greeted Tom. She could see that the cat was wary of herself, so she didn't have the idea of ​​reaching out to touch the cat, although she really wanted to do so.

"How is this week?" Albert put away the quill, looked up at the girl sitting in front of him, and asked with a smile.

"Very busy, start preparing. Ls exam, I hope to get good grades." Isobel looked at Albert who was a little lazy, and said gently, "What about you?"

"It's also very busy. I'm busy with class every day, or on the way to class. I really don't know how other people spent three years in such a busy study." Albert called Tom over and bent over. Pick up the cat and put it on the table.

"If you are very busy, what should other people do!" Isabel doesn't believe Albert. She is very aware of the other's abilities, and it is difficult to hold him back in learning.

"I don't know, I remember Percy also selected all." Albert said of this, smiling to Isabel: "You are now the prefect of Ravenclaw, congratulations!"

"Yeah." Isobel didn't really care about this, and nodded slightly: "The prefect has some privileges, and it feels pretty good."

"What privilege?"

Albert asked, he only knew that there was a separate luxurious bathroom, the others were not very clear.

"There is a luxurious bathroom..."

"The bathroom? This is also possible. If necessary, the responsive house can also be turned into a very luxurious bathroom." Albert shook his head and interrupted.

"That's right." Isobel didn't care when Albert interrupted her, and said with a smile, "I originally planned to tell you where I was."

"The door next to the statue of Fuzzy Polis?" Albert recalled. "I remember the password as if it were: "Fresh pineapple. ""

"You actually know that, by the way, you might have been there already!"

"I haven't been there yet, I just know some secrets. I know more about Hogwarts Castle than you." Albert is actually not interested in these things.

"I believe this. I heard that your two red-haired friends know no less secret path than Filch." Isobel had also heard of this.

"But, is the prefect's bathroom really luxurious?" Albert said suddenly, "When shall we go together?"

"Go together? You mean the prefect's bathroom?"


Albert did not look into Isabel's eyes, lest he be seen.

"If you want to... it's not impossible." Isobel said nonchalantly.

Of course, this means that for the two of them, a bit of provocation is not a big deal.

"When are we going together? I can't wait." Albert put on a squinting expression as much as possible, causing Isobel to giggle.

After a while, Isobel regained his smile on his face and changed the subject: "Katrina is not doing well, she is too tight. When you have time, help her, okay?"

"That's your sister."

"She is very stubborn in some aspects." Isabel sighed helplessly, "Actually, this is a problem that you will encounter when choosing all courses, and you generally need to overcome it yourself."

"Have you encountered it?"

"It took me two weeks to get used to it. By the way, you are actually affected at all." Isobel did not see fatigue from Albert's body. Using the time converter to go to class can sometimes make people tired. , This is what makes Isabel sigh.

"Because I'm a genius!" Albert said shamelessly.

"Yeah, yeah." Isobel said perfunctorily. She didn't deny the incident, her eyes fell on Tom next to him, and she couldn't help asking, "Can I touch it?"

"Of course. But Tom is not very friendly to strangers." Albert said as he took out a bag of dried fish from his jacket pocket. "Just try to feed Tom something and fight it well. Relationship, it will let you touch it."

As soon as he tore the packaging bag, Tom had already rushed over, even though Albert was gently pushing his head to the side, this guy tried his best to move his head here.

Isobel next to him watched this scene and smiled happily.

She reached out and took the small dried fish that Albert had handed and handed it to Tom, and said to Albert, "I wanted to have a cat before, but the situation at home does not allow it. Does your cat not eat food from strangers?"

"I used to teach it not to eat randomly."

As he said, Albert stretched out his hand to hold Isabel's hand and stretched the dried fish to Tom's front. This time, the fat cat cautiously leaned forward. After eating the dried fish, he licked Isabel. Hands.

"So cute!"

Isobel reached out to touch it, but Tom avoided it.

"A few more contacts, it won't repel you." Albert looked at Isobel, moved his head over, and when the two of them were about to touch their faces, there was the sound of the door being opened. They were taken aback.

Albert turned his head to look at the person who came in bitterly. In fact, he knew who was coming even without guessing.


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