The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1069: visitor

The follow-up development of the Peeves expulsion incident was a bit unexpected. The Ministry of Magic's interference in Hogwarts was not as intense as expected, and it could even be said that there was no interference at all, as if the Ministry of Magic had completely forgotten Hogwarts.

Without the disgusting toad, Hogwarts has a new lease of life.

The original arrogant and domineering investigation team became the target of revenge after losing Umbridge's asylum. It is said that they were found in the bathroom the next day.

Although the expulsion of Peeves turned into a farce, it still had an impact. During a class on the protection of magical creatures, everyone suddenly discovered that Hagrid was missing.

Many students believed that Hagrid's disappearance had something to do with Umbridge, because there was a group of Aurors lying in front of the school that day.

The whole thing was quickly rumored that the Ministry of Magic wanted to arrest Hagrid in private, but Hagrid beat them all down.

No matter what the outcome is, it cannot change the fact that Hagrid disappeared.

The three of Harry even went to Albert because of this, but they were dismissed by Albert with "Hagrid is temporarily hiding".

Albert knew where Hagrid was hiding, but he didn't plan to tell the three of Harry, it was useless anyway, and they couldn't help.

During Umbridge's hospitalization, Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal, could only help with the aftermath. She wrote to invite Wilmina Grapland to teach a class on temporary agency protection of magical creatures.

The most talked about whole thing is the statue of Umbridge in the entrance hall. Many Hogwarts students will stop in front of the statue. Everyone is very curious about whether the statue of the toad will be directly put there for people in the future. appreciate. If that is the case, future freshmen can learn about the great achievements of the "Toad" principal through the statue.

Not long after, a student was in a class on the protection of magical creatures when he stumbled upon signs of wizard activity outside the Forbidden Forest.

Later, Professor Grapland confirmed that the wizards were actually Ministry employees.

What do employees of the Ministry of Magic do in the Forbidden Forest?

The school began to spread the secrets hidden in the Forbidden Forest, and even many Aurors from the Ministry of Magic went deep into the Forbidden Forest to find that thing.

The news spread more and more crazy, and it didn't take long for everyone to know, and it was even reported that Dumbledore was hiding a secret weapon in the Forbidden Forest.

No one knows what is hidden, but they are convinced that there is a big secret in the Forbidden Forest.

However, to Albert's disappointment, the Ministry of Magic didn't seem to plan to go deep into the Forbidden Forest, let alone fight the Eight-Eyed Spider, otherwise the Aurors probably wouldn't let the students discover their whereabouts.

"Mr. Anderson, Professor McGonagall asked you to come to the office." A young girl hurried over to relay Professor McGonagall's message to Albert.

"What's the matter?" Albert asked in surprise.

"It seems that an official from the Ministry of Magic is looking for you." The girl said shyly.

"I see, thank you." After Albert thanked the little girl, he packed up and walked towards Professor McGonagall's office.

When arriving in the corridor outside Professor McGonagall's office, Albert encountered a group of melon eaters who were listening in on the conversation in the office with the help of telescopic ears.

Albert greeted them with a smile, then pushed the door and walked into Professor McGonagall's office. In addition to Professor McGonagall, there was a familiar stranger, whom Albert had met several times, Rufus Scrimgeour, Director of the Auror Office at the Ministry of Magic.

"Mr. Anderson, Mr. Scrimgeour is looking for you." Professor McGonagall introduced the Ministry of Magic official to Albert.

Albert nodded at Professor McGonagall, took out his wand and used the Interference Charm on the wooden door, then turned to look at Scrimgeour and asked, "What's the matter?"

"You're well suited to be an Auror." Scrimgeour forced a friendly smile.

"I'm not interested, tell me, what's the matter with me." Albert didn't plan to go around in circles, and Scrimgeour's smile was scary.

"They said you were a fortune teller." Scrimgeour looked up and down Albert.

Albert gave a noncommittal "um" and asked directly, "What do you want to divination?"

"The whereabouts of the escaped Death Eaters." Scrimgeour said his intentions.

"One thousand, give it to Gallen when the prophecy is over, and I won't refund the money here." Albert said his offer, and the high divination fee made Professor McGonagall doubt his ears, which was simply a money grab.

"I will give you a bounty of 1,000 Galleons for providing clues to catch the fugitives." Scrimgeour nodded and agreed, anyway, providing clues and catching the criminals is also a thousand Galleons.

"No, I think you're mistaken, I'm not giving you clues about wanted criminals, I'm giving you prophecy services, one thing is the same." Albert corrected, "Also, to the Ministry of Magic Whether I get a thousand Galleons for clues to fugitives is a question mark. The Ministry of Magic passed away my bounty last time, so don't mention the bounty to me, it sounds disgusting. Now if You need me to help you make a prediction, please pay 1200 Galleons first."

Scrimgeour raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't get angry because of it. He had heard of it, and he probably didn't have any good feelings for the Ministry of Magic.

"Looks like we need to talk!" Scrimgeour looked sideways at Professor McGonagall.

"I'm just outside, call me for something." Professor McGonagall reminded with a frown.

"Don't worry," Albert reassured with a smile.

"Can you really predict the future?"

Scrimgeour asked curiously after Professor McGonagall left.

"If you don't believe it, what are you doing with me?" Albert asked rhetorically.

"Everyone says you can predict, but some things are hard to believe until you see it with your own eyes." Scrimgeour made a gesture of invitation, motioning for Albert to sit down and chat, and he waved his wand to conjure up a A cup of black tea is not because he is stingy about not preparing a drink for Albert, but because he knows that Albert probably won't touch the drink he prepared.

"That's right. I can understand that there are very few wizards who can really peek into the future." Albert waved his wand, made himself a cup of milk tea, and sat down opposite Scrimgeour, "But you don't need to worry, I will make a prediction first and then give the money, and when you see the result of the prediction, you will naturally not have doubts."

"It was you who sent me the radio, right, and Azkaban's escape time?"

Scrimgeour took a sip of his black tea and looked at Albert sharply: "Actually, you knew that I would take the initiative to find you, or that you foresaw this day very early."

Albert neither admitted nor denied, just drank tea quietly.

That was enough for Scrimgeour, because sometimes silence meant acquiescence.

"You-Know-Who is really alive?" Scrimgeour asked suddenly.

"I thought you didn't believe me." Albert said meaningfully.

"Unbelief is sometimes an attitude." Scrimgeour said angrily, "Dumbledore made a mess of this by directly publishing this matter, and he should have..."

"Indeed," Albert looked at Scrimgeour and asked back with a smile, "Is it useful to negotiate?"

Scrimgeour didn't answer. If the discussion was really useful, it wouldn't be like this at all.

"Dumbledore is different from you, so he is greater than most people." Albert sighed softly.

"Great?" Scrimgeour clearly disagreed.

"I don't think there's any need to beat around the bush. If you want to know anything, just ask. But..." Albert reminded kindly, "This consultation will cost you money."

"I thought you weren't short of money." Scrimgeour raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not short of money, but some things don't mean free, and sometimes free things are more expensive." Albert said meaningfully.

Scrimgeour took a small bag of money from his pocket and put it directly on Albert. He had asked Percy something about Albert before he came, so he was prepared for the money he could not avoid if he wanted to get the news he wanted.

"Do you know where the mysterious man is hiding?"

"The Ministry of Magic is going to ask me to foretell his hiding place?" Albert asked rhetorically.

"Yes." Scrimgeour nodded.

If he really becomes a minister, it is unavoidable to increase his prestige by attacking the dark wizard.

"I advise you not to." Albert shook his head and said

"Why?" Scrimgeour asked, puzzled. "You can't find You-Know-Who."

"Even if you know it, it's useless. Where is the gap in strength, even if the Ministry of Magic calls all the Aurors, he won't be able to keep him." Albert guessed what Scrimgeour wanted to do.

"So, you know."

"It should be able to divination, but some things have to be tried to know." Albert naturally knew where Voldemort was hiding, and he was indeed going to throw the Auror over the mine, but not now.

"So, you really can find it?"

Scrimgeour felt more and more that the guy in front of him was weird, and he seemed to know a lot of things.

"Do you know **** him completely? I mean the mysterious man?"

"You have to ask Dumbledore about this. The one who knows the mysterious man best is always his enemy." Albert said calmly, "However, I don't think Dumbledore will tell you."

"What did Dumbledore hide in the Forbidden Forest?" Scrimgeour continued to ask.

"Aren't you looking for it?" Albert asked rhetorically.

"No." Scrimgeour shook his head.

"That's really regrettable." Albert didn't have the slightest regret on his face.

"you do not know."

"Fortunetellers are not omnipotent." Albert shrugged and said, "Besides, are you really interested in this matter?"

Scrimgeour fell silent again, and he was really not interested in this matter, so the Aurors were actually "lazy", and no one was looking for them seriously. Today was the third day, and he planned to call it quits and go back to Fudge to tell Fudge that there were too many clues. Little did not find.

"Who will be the next new Minister?" Scrimgeour's eyes flashed strangely.

"Looks like you really want to be a minister?" Albert looked up and down Scrimgeour, shook his head and said, "That's not a good position."

Scrimgeour remembered a report he had read.

"Who?" Scrimgeour pushed the bag of Galleons to Albert.

"If Amelia Burns doesn't die, she will be the new minister, and if she dies, you are." Albert took the bag of Galleons and reminded: "Even if you become the new minister, the same It won't last long, and are you really ready?"

The office fell into dead silence again, and Scrimgeour suddenly cracked and laughed, "This sounds like something a liar would say."

"If you really think so, I can't help it." Albert shrugged, "I never expect to be able to convince everyone."

Scrimgeour fell silent again, and although he was reluctant to admit it, Scrimgeour didn't want to die, and Percy told him that Anderson's prediction was particularly accurate, just as Albert had said he would be an assistant to the Minister of Magic after graduation. .

"If Amelia Burns hadn't died..."

"Amelia Burns has a high chance of dying, and I warned her about it, but she didn't take it seriously. However, to You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters, Amelia Beau Enns is in the way." Albert said softly, "Since it's in the way, just kick it away or let it disappear."

After Scrimgeour fell into a brief silence again, he suddenly asked, "Did you predict my ending? Or did you predict the future."

"I know what you're thinking." Albert interrupted softly, "The mysterious man has become more brutal, and he actually played tricks on the top of the Ministry of Magic?"

In the last wizard war, although there were similar examples, but not many, otherwise old Batty would have been killed by the Death Eaters long ago.

"Actually, you have been ignoring one thing." Albert put down the teacup and said with a smile: "In front of absolute power, your power is not worth mentioning at all."

"What do you mean?" Scrimgeour's face became ugly.

"In the eyes of You-Know-Who, the entire Ministry of Magic is nothing compared to Dumbledore." Albert said with a smile, "Don't be angry, I'm just stating the facts."

"What do you want to say?"

"The whole of the UK lives under the protection of Dumbledore, but you actually want to dig up this protection yourself." Albert's face had an irresistible sneer: "Once you lose Deng Without the protection of the strongest wizard in the magic world, the British Ministry of Magic will collapse completely within half a year at the latest, and your death, I suspect it has something to do with it."

"That's impossible!" Scrimgeour immediately shook his head in denial.

He's not a fool like Fudge. Even if he doesn't like Dumbledore, he will never make the relationship between the two parties too stiff.

"Who knows? The future can be changed, but it takes a lot of effort to change. If you really become a new minister, I think we will meet again." Albert said meaningfully: " If you want to then, before that, you need to recognize the situation and your own strength."

Scrimgeour fell into a brief silence again, because Albert's words seemed to herald the final result.

Amelia Burns dies, and Scrimgeour becomes the new minister.

For some reason, Scrimgeour just wasn't happy.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he was still in a very bad mood.

"Is there any way?" he asked.

"I don't know." Albert said softly, "I'm looking forward to the next meeting."

"What a... nasty guy." Scrimgeour's mouth twitched slightly, and he got up and left.


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