The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1068: problem solver

Before Fudge could completely sort out his thoughts, he found himself in new trouble.

Newspapers other than the Daily Prophet were covering the event and even published a photo that Fudge had previously received. Although it is not the same photo, it can be seen that it is the same style, and you can also see that Peeves in the photo is throwing something on the Aurors.

And there is the Auror of the Ministry of Magic, who actually fainted collectively near the school gate of Hogwarts. In short, today's Ministry of Magic has once again become the laughing stock of the entire British magic circle. Many wizards are questioning the level of the Aurors, and even think that it is because of the worrying level of the Aurors that they can't catch the Death Eaters who escaped from prison.

Fudge's political enemies even took advantage of the opportunity to slander Fudge's incompetence, suggesting that Fudge's ministerial position was coming to an end.

Fudge had to hold a high-level meeting of the Ministry of Magic to discuss how to solve the problem at hand.

"I'm sure this is definitely a good thing the Hogwarts gang did." Fudge slammed a few newspapers on the table and snarled angrily, "Some bad guy is Trying to smear the Ministry of Magic and reduce the credibility of the Ministry of Magic has been a serious violation..." Fudge seemed to have forgotten something, turned his head to look at Percy.

"The crime of disturbing the peace!" Percy added.

"Yes, the crime of disturbing the public order." Fudge waved his fist angrily.

The crowd fell into a brief silence, and lowered their heads to stop looking at Fudge. This so-called "crime of disturbing the public order" was only added to the Ministry of Magic law a while ago.

Today's Ministry of Magic is becoming more and more absurd under the leadership of Fudge.

"I can understand your mood, Minister, but we don't have much energy to waste on Hogwarts right now." Rufus Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror Office, spoke first.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he attracted the gazes of other people. Those gazes seemed to say: What can you understand, you understand shit.

Scrimgeour directly ignored the gazes of the others and said with a blank expression: "We are seriously understaffed. According to the information reported by the Aurors, it is not difficult to see that the reputation of the Ministry of Magic at Hogwarts is quite bad, very..."

"That was Dumbledore deliberately trying to sow discord." Fudge said excitedly, "He tried to form Dumbledore's Army to overthrow..."

"According to the information provided by the Aurors, Dumbledore's Army did not exist from the beginning. The so-called DA refers to the Defense Association." Amelia Burns had to interrupt Fudge, otherwise God knows the topic will be discussed. Where does Fudge take a stray?

"Dumbledore admitted it himself," growled Fudge. "I have a clear record here, and Weasley was there."

"Yes, Dumbledore did admit it." Percy echoed.

"Maybe, there are other reasons."

"That doesn't matter, they've formed a ridiculous 'Toad League'," Scrimgeour interrupted with a frown, "I mean, Hogwarts students are very much in every way. Against the Ministry of Magic's interference at Hogwarts, we don't know if what happened to Mrs Umbridge had anything to do with it, but...if those so-called 'Toad League' or 'Anti-Toad League' students take other means against the Ministry of Magic It's probably pointless to send more people to Hogwarts, unless we replace all the professors there and use the strictest management methods to control it, or sooner or later, there will be big trouble."

"And Mrs. Umbridge's information from Harry Potter." Rufus Scrimgeour continued: To be honest, I doubt the truth of those words, I don't mean to ha Leigh Potter was lying, but he didn't know, Potter's news came from his godfather Sirius Black, and Black was undoubtedly a cunning wizard, so how many lies are there in what Potter said, We don't know about it.

Rufus Scrimgeour didn't want the Aurors to go deep into the Forbidden Forest to search for the so-called Dumbledore's secret base, God knows if this was true, and he didn't want his men to go into the Forbidden Forest. adventure.

Even if you really want to search the entire Forbidden Forest, it's not something that a few Aurors can do. If all the Aurors go, what will you do with the rest?

"I think there should be some secrets hidden in the Forbidden Forest, whether Mr. Potter knows or not, or whether Sirius Black deliberately guides them, those words have some meaning, at least we can assume certain conditions are true, in speculation The meaning of Dumbledore's actions," Pierce Hinckness said, and they all acquiesced in the fact that Umbridge used Veritaserum on Harry Potter, so they did not doubt what Potter said.

As for whether Voldemort is alive or not, Sinkness remains on the sidelines, and many wizards actually have the same attitude.

"We don't have enough Aurors, maybe you don't know, there hasn't been a new Auror in the Auror Office for three years," Scrimgeour reminded with a frown.

There are not many Aurors in the Auror Office, and no one has been hired in the first three years. Now there is a serious shortage of manpower. Even if you want to expand the number of Aurors, there is no way to do so, unless you lower the standard, or... In short, these are in Scrimgeour didn't look like a good choice.

"I care more about the 'weapons' that Potter said." Amelia Burns tapped the table with her fingers, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"That's just a ridiculous fantasy." Fudge stared angrily at Amelia Burns.

"I have to remind you that a lot has happened in the Department of Mysteries recently." Amelia Burns ignored Fudge's annoyed expression and said to herself: "At the end of August, Stokey Podmore attempted to Arrested for breaking into the Department of Mysteries, Arthur Weasley was bitten by a snake before Christmas break, and Broderick Bird was hospitalized for some reason, and his death was suspicious, I thought Rodri The death of K. Bode was an accident, but now they have one thing in common: the Department of Mysteries. Is there something in the Department of Mysteries that is attracting him or him?"

"It's just your guess, Burns," said Fudge angrily. "And the Department of Mysteries is safe."

"We should now recruit some wizards to join the emergency team, and first find out what's going on in Dumbledore's secret base." Fudge made up his mind and continued, "As for Hogwarts, leave it alone for now until Umbridge recovers. , she will continue to be in charge of Hogwarts affairs."

Everyone felt that Fudge was absurd and didn't understand what the **** he was trying to do.

"Weasley, have you found out who's up to Hogwarts?" Fudge asked off topic.

"We should first find out who attacked John Delix's group at the gate of the school. The other party was only one person, and he easily brought down ten elite Aurors..." Scrimgeour felt that Fudge was just trying to shirk responsibility.

"There are not many wizards who have this ability and dare to do this." Fudge interrupted impatiently: "It's either Dumbledore or Albert Anderson, and Dumbledore's character is unlikely to be high, and... "

"Cough cough..." Percy Weasley suddenly coughed violently.

"...Albert Anderson is more likely. As a duel champion, it's not impossible to take down ten well-trained elite Aurors in a sneak attack." Fudge looked at his assistant and found that Percy was heading for He blinked, frowned and asked, "Do you have anything to add, Weasley."

"There is no minister."

Percy sighed silently in his heart, planning to report to Fudge later.

"Just talk." Scrimgeour looked at Fudge's assistant. He felt that this guy had something to say just now. As the person in charge of the whole thing that Fudge sent to investigate, he must have discovered some secrets.

"I think you must know the specifics better than anyone else. Report your investigation to me now," Burns said.

"If you have any clues, you'd better report it as soon as possible."

Not only Scrimgeour, but everyone else looked at Percy. They were terrified by Fudge's tricks, and they didn't want to continue stepping in the pit.

Pierce Sinkenis even stood up directly and reached out to Percy for the report in his hand.

Percy hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Fudge.

Fudge didn't seem to understand why Percy was looking at himself, but he said, "Here it is."

Percy gives the report to Pierce Sinkness.

He took the report, flipped through the contents on the parchment, looked up at Fudge again, and fell into a brief silence.

Pierce Sinkenis' reaction seemed to indicate that there was something wrong with the report, and it had something to do with Fudge, so Percy Weasley didn't speak.

The others took it over and flipped through it, and all fell silent. The last report was placed in front of Fudge. After flipping through the report, the Minister of Magic finally understood why everyone had such a reaction.

Albert Anderson was in Transfiguration class at the time, and the entire class could testify for him, so Fudge's suspicions about Albert couldn't have been established at all.

Fudge glared at Percy, dissatisfied with the behavior of his assistant.

However, he could never realize that the report was not handed over to Fudge in the first place, and it was entirely Fudge's own fault.

"How likely do you think Albert Anderson is the mysterious wizard that Dawlish said? You should know each other!" Scrimgeour ignored the gloomy Fudge, he felt more for Albert Anderson interest.

Percy glanced at Fudge and saw that he had no objection, so he cleared his throat and said, "If it's just based on strength, I think the probability of Anderson is not low."

"He's very powerful?" Pierce Sinkenis asked curiously.

"World dueling champion," Scrimgeour reminded.

"I think that was his level of exposure," Percy recalled. "Actually, Albert Anderson has been refreshing my perception of genius, and you know he's won a lot of world championships, but still No one knows where his limits are."

"Although Mr. Anderson has also had some unpleasant things happen to the Ministry of Magic, the probability that he may cause trouble for the Ministry of Magic is not high."


"From what I know about Anderson, that guy is more likely to ignore the Ministry of Magic directly."

"Go on," said Scrimgeour.

"Once the Ministry of Magic takes the initiative to conflict with him, he will definitely fight back with his character, it will not be as simple as being knocked down by a stun spell."

The three who had been disarmed fell silent.


"Although Mr. Anderson has a good relationship with Hagrid, he actually has a good relationship with most wizards. He even set up a wizard card club and invited students from four academies to participate."

"So, Anderson has a good relationship with the students of the four houses. Even Slytherin House, which has the worst relationship with Gryffindor House, can still find friends." Percy looked around the crowd and continued: "So, even if Able I don't like the Ministry of Magic at all, and at most he will not be employed in the Ministry of Magic after graduation, especially when he has the whole class of students to testify, the probability of being the mysterious wizard is very low."

"I remember Potter once mentioned that Anderson can predict the future?" Rufus Scrimgeour was actually more concerned about this matter, "Since he has the ability to help Black find Peter Pettigrew, can we use him to find those who escaped? What about the Death Eaters?"

Everyone else around started whispering.

"I'm afraid... the probability is not high." Percy felt that this group of people was thinking about shit, and with Albert's character, 80% of them would ignore them directly.

"Because Mr. Anderson has had some unpleasant things with the Ministry of Magic?" Scrimgeour asked, frowning. "Come on, Weasley, I think you should know!"

"Looks like..." Percy glanced at Fudge secretly.

"What is it, make it clear, don't hesitate?"

"At the beginning, the Ministry of Magic did not give Mr. Anderson the reward for catching Black and Peter. Later..." Percy glanced at a few people present and said in a low voice, "The Wizengamore British Teen..."

"If we want Anderson's predictive power to work for us, what should we do?" Scrimgeour asked. If Anderson was so powerful, many problems would be solved.

"It's difficult, unless the Ministry of Magic is willing to pay a large sum of Galleons as a divination fee, maybe he might agree to help with the divination."


"From what I know about it probably depends on his mood." Percy didn't think they could succeed.

"Even if you give a large sum of Galleons, it depends on his mood?" Everyone frowned.

"Anderson himself was rich, very rich," Percy recalled.

"Is there any other way to make him work for the Ministry of Magic? Now is the critical moment for employing people. I..."

"My suggestion is not to annoy him completely. It's very irrational. When someone who rarely loses his temper gets angry, no one knows what will happen, especially when Anderson has a level close to that of Dumbledore."

"Do you think he has Dumbledore's level?" Amelia Burns asked with raised eyebrows.

"Maybe not now, but he will definitely be able to achieve it in the future. Unlike Dumbledore, Anderson is almost an all-rounder. He is the top group in every item. Maybe he can do everything except that he can't have children. "

"I suggest contacting him. If Anderson is willing to provide us with information, we can pay him according to the Garen who provided the clue reward on the wanted list." Rufus Scrimgeour looked up and said to everyone, "Whether it is Catch the escaped Death Eaters, or... no, as long as he can help us catch the escaped Death Eaters, that's enough."

Scrimgeour suspected that it was the guy who reminded himself earlier that he planned to take the time to get in touch with the other party, at least for mutual benefit.


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