Chapter 489 Artifact Copy, Invincible Clips

Wu Feng’s special new lottery this time used most of his special permissions at hand, and he carried out 12 thousand consecutive draws.

This also made Wu Feng very many mythical items. All kinds of props were carefully sorted out by Wu Feng and found a chance to use after preparing.

Among them, Wu Feng cares most is the innate chaotic mythical items, fighting avatar card!

This item is a bit similar to the previous Lord’s avatar card, but it is a bit different.

Fighting avatar card: Special items (the quality of congenital chaotic myth). After using this prop, the lord can have a special combat avatar. 200%of the body.

Combined ability: span the abyss (unique attribute), share talent, combat instinct, growth constitution, artifact replication, permanent avatar.

Crossing the abyss (unique attribute): When using a combat avatar card, the formed combat avatar can move across the abyss without being limited by the abyss.

Fighting Talent: After the formation of combat is formed, the talent effect of the body can be converted into combat talents, and maximum can be converted into a mythical talent ability.

Battle instinct: When using the lord’s avatar card, it can make the combat avatar have powerful combat instincts, quickly grasp the true meaning of various abilities, and continue to become stronger through cultivation.

Growth constitution: After the formation of combat avatars, all the attributes of the body will grow to the avatar with a ratio of 200%. The attributes of the fighting avatar will also be fed back to the body at a ratio of 80%.

Artifact Copy: The combat avatar can copy all the artifacts owned by the lord’s body (which can be updated as the body is replaced). It is best to copy the congenital chaos artifact. This artifact cannot be used for others and does not real.

Permanent avatars: After use of the battle, it can exist permanently. It can be resurrected with mythical awakening crystals, but it can be resurrected three times.

Remarks: Want to know what is true God of War? Then use the fighting card card, he will be born for fighting.

The attributes of this combat clock card made Wu Feng sigh. It can be said that this is the strongest mythical prop by he has seen.

Not to mention, the ability to copy artifacts alone is the ability he dare not think. After this power is used, it is completely allowed to copy a set of artifacts on his body!

Wu Feng’s artifact on his body is mainly the component of the upper Cang suit, coupled with the artifacts such as Fan Tianyin, bundling of Xian Suo, after copying, at least the same as the extra seven or eight artifacts!

Although these artifacts are not real, they can exert their left and right. For example, the hands of Shang Cang will play a role in the combat partner, but it cannot be used for others.

This copy of the artifacts will independently calculate the cooling and use of the hands of the upper Cang Cang. The number of uses of the hands of Wu Feng’s gods directly equivalent to double.

In this way, the more Wu Feng is equipped with various artifacts for himself, the greater the role of this item!

“The fighting avatars can inherit all my combat skills, wouldn’t it include my ability to do nothing! Then he wouldn’t die at all!”

“Various dangerous areas can also let the battle avatars go for me. Anyway, there is a crystal of awakening, he will not die!”

“More importantly, this combat avatar can ignore the restrictions of the abyss. Isn’t he going to the 798th floor, and he can return to the 799th floor immediately. This is completely open!”

Wu Feng thought of all kinds of ability to fight, and he was excited. This copy of the artifact and the abyss of the abyss is open!

He couldn’t wait to look at the combat effectiveness of the combat avatar, so he immediately took out the combat avatar card and then chooses to use himself.

As this one with a little colorful light was invested in Wu Feng’s body, he shocked, and saw a body in front of himself from a special colorful light in front of him.

The appearance of this body is exactly the same as Wu Feng, which is exactly a avatar that is directly copied.

And when the fighting avatar opened his eyes, Wu Feng immediately communicated with him. He looked at the avatar: “From today, you are the body of the world. The world is big, you can go!”

Wu Feng’s words made the fighting avatar smile slightly: “The world is so big, I am going to see it!”

The two are actually one, and their thoughts are connected. Wu Feng immediately checked the ability to fight the avatars. What he cared about most was the talent that he pumped his own consecutive.

But he remembers that the talent ability attached to the combat avatar card is to change the talent of the lord to combat talent.

When that soul is sent into the soul, it will become a powerful and unparalleled talent, so that the fighting avatar will be born for fighting!

Congenital God Seal (Mythical Talent): When using any skill, there is a chance to trigger the congenital god seal, which can make the skill more cast (double the chance of casting is 100%, the higher the multiple, the lower the probability), which can cause multiple times to cause multiple times The skill effect, or the skill effect is combined to attack, at least double the cast, and the maximum is 100 times.

Seeing the innate god of the fighting avatars, Wu Feng also secretly staggering. Is this a mythical fighting talent? This is too perverted!

This talent, that is, the multi -fold cast in the legend, releases any skills, has a chance to cause double or even 100 times the casting effect.

For example, when taking a hand of heavenly gods, if you trigger a hundred times the cast, then the hands of hundreds of heavenly gods will fall, which is really directly destroyed!

And even if it is not a hundred times, this congenital god seal is the minimum of 100%double casting. Every time you use the hand of the heavenly god, you can have two Cangtian giants to suppress it.

A little estimated, this simple and unprepared hand of the two heavenly gods can take the enemy below the mythical level for seconds.

In fact, the fighting avatar can actually combine the hands of the two gods, and the two attacks into one attack, making it more powerful.

This can completely launch the corresponding play according to the situation, which is definitely the magic skills in the magic skills!

With this talent, plus a artifact, Wu Feng feels that the fighting avatar second mythical hero or mythical BOSS, that’s not the hand!

“Body, the artifact on you, I have all of them. You see this sword wing!” The battle avatar suddenly opened, and there were two pairs of metal sword wings behind him. Here are the upper sword wings.

This pair of sword wings is now incorporated into four dusses, including the congenital chaos artifacts such as Xuanyuan Sword, which has a powerful horror. The two pairs of sword wings are enough to make the summons of the combat avier reaching an invincible height.

As long as it is Wu Feng’s equipment, the battle avatars will be copied, including this sword wing.

In this way, the sword of the sword -wing ‘swallowing’ will also appear on the battlefield, which is more exaggerated than other artifacts.

On a Cangjian wing, he helped Wu Feng more copy of 4 artifacts!

After seeing the fighting avatar activated the Cangjian wing, he almost combined with the sword, and instantly cut it out, and even the countless sword repair in the territory felt a call.

It was a master of Kendo resonating with them. The sword god and Qinglian sword fairy surnamed Li had some response, and the two of them opened their eyes at the same time.

After the two looked at each other, they immediately appeared over the territory, and they saw the fighting avatars of Yujian.

“Lord Lord? Your Kendo Xiu is a sudden improvement of so much! At least this is the level of Jianba!”

He seemed to be very surprised when he saw that he was a “lord’s adult”. Not long ago, adults of the territory were the kendo accomplishments of Sword Five.

Why don’t you see it in a short time, the lord’s master has the academic accomplishment of Jianba. Even if he is, it is impossible for him to do such a height in a short time!

Qinglian Jianxian was also very surprised. What he was even more shocked was the kendo talent shown by ‘lord’ s adult ’, because when they came, the“ Lord of the Lord ”reached Sword Seven.

But while drilling swordsmanship, he enlightened again and again, and suddenly raised the swordsmanship to the level of the sword eight.

Jian Qi broke through the sword eight, but he just realized it, which was just the same as the legendary Monette Supreme!

Thinking about this, ‘Lord Lord’ is really a god!

Just when the Sword God and Qing Lian Sword Fairy both admired the talent of ‘Lord Lord’, Wu Feng also drove the heavenly chariot to appear in the sky.

Seeing Wu Feng, the sword god of Li and the Qinglian sword looked at the battle avatars again. They reacted, and the avatar seemed to be the lord’s adult.

Wu Feng also laughed and said: “Lao Li, how is my fighting avatar talent? Is it better than me?”

The surnamed Sword God is not polite: “Lord, more than a little better! His tap talents are not you can compare at all!”

“Even if I am at the same level as him! If he studied Kendo with all his heart, it can reach the same sword twelve realm as us sooner or later!”

After the surnamed Sword God and Qinglian Sword Fairy, after having Wan Jianzu, they enlightened the kendo every day and the assistance of Wu Daohu, they have all broke through the level of the sword twelve.

Such a tall kendo accomplishment makes their combat effectiveness more scary, but under normal circumstances, they will take the depths of the town Wan Jianzu, and they will not shoot easily.

Wu Feng does not need to shoot for the time being, and he is happy to let them concentrate on cultivation. In this way, the accumulation can be thin. In the future, there will be a war. Their combat power is undoubtedly Wu Feng’s card.

“Sword Twelve? That distance is still a bit far away. Let’s find a way to break through the sword nine! His tap is so high, depending on the powerful combat instinct.”

“Fighting avatars to learn any combat skills are invincible!”

Wu Feng looked at the fighting avatar, but he suddenly pointed at Wan Jianzu: “The body, let me go to Wan Jianzu first!”

After speaking, Wan Jianzu combined with the sword of the Shang Cangjian wing, and almost appeared above Wan Jianzu as the teleportation. The surnamed Sword God and Qinglian Swordsman looked at each other, and they immediately followed.

As soon as the fighting avatar came, it was attracted by the many sword soul projection in Wan Jianzu. It was a projection formed by the newly forged Shenjian and sub -mythical fairy sword today.

After rising to level 2, Wan Jianzu can forge 1 god sword and 5 sub -mythical fairy swords every day. The fairy swords below can be completely unlimited.

Today is forging the god sword by Bu Jingyun himself. A red blood -colored sword was born from the god sword furnace. He named it the red god sword and drank the blood of the gods. This sword can grow rapidly!

“Here, my Kendo will improve faster!” The battle was sees the hospitality. He first found a sub -mythical sword soul projection.

After the two entered a special fighting space, the sword soul projection immediately raised the sword to welcome the enemy. The sword soul projection was not polite at all.

The fighting avatar smiled slightly, and he didn’t have any movements. The upper sword wing turned into several gods and swords. His sword moves were flat, but he was extremely sharp.

After triggering the three -fold cast of the congenital god seal, countless sword shadows shrouded the sword soul projection. After this trick, the sword soul projection was defeated!

The fighting avatar actually killed the Asian -level sword soul projection in one hit. This combat power made Wu Feng look at it.

At this point of view, the combat effectiveness of the fighting avatars is indeed much stronger than his body. It is really worthy of the existence of fighting!

All attributes and abilities exist for fighting!

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated the sub -mythical sword soul and won the challenge reward: all attribute+15000 points, Kendo experience+150 days. .

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated the sub -mythical sword soul, obtain attribute growth, you inherit 80%of attribute growth, all attributes +12000 points, Kendo experience+96 days. .

Because the sword soul projection has obtained the attribute improvement, Wu Feng has also increased the attributes. This is really a benefit of both sides!

After the fighting avatar defeated the sword soul projection, he quietly stood in place to absorb the kendo experience, which allowed his kendo to improve quickly.

After the fighting avatar opened his eyes again, his Kendo Xiu made a significant improvement. This is mainly because his kendo talent is high. The same kendo experience. After he touched the bypass, he felt deeper.

“Fighting avatars, I can also challenge the sword soul projection you have defeated! We can calculate the reward separately.”

Wu Feng smiled slightly, and he also challenged the same sword soul projection. For Wu Feng himself, the sword soul projection he defeated by himself has no meaning in challenge again, and the reward cannot be added.

But for the fighting avatars, Wu Feng’s challenge to win is completely again. Both of them calculate the rewards separately.

[Ding … successfully defeating the sub -mythical sword soul and obtaining challenge rewards: all attributes+15000 points, Kendo experience+150 days. .

[Ding … the body successfully defeated the sub -mythical sword soul, obtained attribute growth, the battle points of combat sharing 200%of attribute growth, full attribute+30000 points, kendo experience+240 days. .

Due to the attributes of the combat avatar, it was Wu Feng’s 200%, and even the attributes that Wu Feng obtained was growth, and he would also achieve 200%effect.

At this time, Wu Feng defeated the sword soul projection, but the growth of the combat avatars was twice as much as himself. At this moment, the attributes and kendo accomplishments of the fighting avatar increased the waves quickly.

After he felt quietly, he looked at Wu Feng: “The ontology, so it seems that you still need to work harder to grow faster!”

After listening to the fighting avatar, Wu Feng had a boss told himself that only if you work hard, the boss can change into a big house and a good car.

Wu Feng shook his head: “Let’s help each other! Enhance the attribute together!”

Wu Feng had already defeated all the previous sub -mythical sword soul projection and epic sword soul projection. Today’s new sword soul projection was born, and Wu Feng defeated the remaining 4 sword soul projection.

He used the powerful upper sword wing, most of which defeated the sub -mythical sword soul projection within ten moves, which was the enemy defeated with pure swordsmanship.

[Ding … successfully defeating the sub -mythical sword soul and obtaining challenge rewards: all attributes+15000 points, Kendo experience+150 days. .

[Ding … the body successfully defeated the sub -mythical sword soul, obtained attribute growth, the battle points of combat sharing 200%of attribute growth, full attribute+30000 points, kendo experience+240 days. .


So as Wu Feng continued to defeat the sword soul projection, both the ontology and the combat avatars have gained huge growth.

Wu Feng even felt faintly break through the realm of Jian Liu.

If it reaches Sword Six, Wu Feng can be regarded as a master of Kendo. I am afraid that below 795, not many lords can achieve this kendo accomplishment.

But the battle over the battle is much more exaggerated than Wu Feng. In the face of sword soul projection, he almost killed a sword!

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated the sub -mythical sword soul and won the challenge reward: all attribute+15000 points, Kendo experience+150 days. .

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated the sub -mythical sword soul, obtain attribute growth, you inherit 80%of attribute growth, all attributes +12000 points, Kendo experience+96 days. .


Because Wu Feng defeated the projection of five sword souls, the kendo accomplishment of the combat avatar improved obvious, and he followed him to challenge all the sword soul projection.

After a round, he also improved a wave of attributes and Kendo accomplishments.

Every time the fighting avatar, I stopped and perceived the experience of sword soul projection. He used it to impact the higher kendo realm.

As a result, after he defeated the last sub -mythical sword soul projection, he reached the pinnacle of Jian Eight, and it was only one step away from Jian Jiu!

You know, the fighting avatar has not been able to break through the sword eighth, and now it is about to impact the sword nine.

I am afraid that this kendo talent is not weaker than them!

If the fighting avatars continues to grow, sooner or later, they can reach their realm and even surpass them!

Because the resources owned by the lord are more rich than them, the resources represent power.

“On the body, I was still in the door, so I will challenge mythological -level sword soul projection!” The fighting avatar is a fighting madman.

He is thinking about improving his own strength. Now he is a little bit worse than Jian Jiu. He can’t wait to break through the realm.

This best breakthrough is naturally the reward of defeating Sword Soul projection!

The Asian mythical sword soul projection, the combat avatar has all been defeated. The rest is the only mythical sword soul projection, and the sword soul projection lower than the sub -mythical level is not very helpful for the fighting avatar.

Wu Feng is also looking forward to this: “Come and try. With your kendo accomplishment, it should not be difficult to deal with mythical sword soul projection.”

The fighting sector nodded, and now there is a god -level sword soul in Wanjianzu, which is the sword soul of the red god sword of Bu Jingyun.

The fighting avatar directly found the bloody sword soul. He hooked his fingers towards each other, and the two immediately entered the battle scene.

The sword soul projection of the red god is a powerful sword soul. The clothes on his body were soaked by blood, and even his eyes were all bloody.

This dwelling sword can be described as the same vein with the Xianxian sword, and it is the endless killing of the leaving. The lethality of this type of sword soul is extremely powerful.

If you are not careful, you may be beheaded by him, or the two sides will be exhausted together.

Faced with the god -level sword soul, he was not arrogant and impatient. He looked at the opponent quietly, and then suddenly made a sword!

The fighting avatar was killed. He combined with the sword with Shang Cang sword wing, and countless god swords flew out. Here is the battle avianwan’s own transformation.

This trick will inspire all the power of the sword. The more the swords that are integrated with the sword wings, the stronger the power of this blow.

Today, the fighting avatar has a six -handed sword at the same time, and the four times the cast of the congenital god seal is triggered.

The god swords in all directions made the red god sword soul scalp numb. He disregarded him and drank directly. The Red Sword in his hand tried his best to defeat many god swords.

In the end, the theological sword soul defeated the thirteen god swords, but it was stabbed by the remaining swords, and the red god sword soul was immediately severely damaged.

But the fighting avatar itself was unscathed. As long as the sword was not defeated, he would not be injured.

After creating the red god sword soul, the fighting avatar adopted the defense instead, and was not in a hurry to fight against the red god sword soul.

After practicing with the swords and sword souls with each sword, the battlefield finally shot suddenly, and he launched the people’s swords and swords to return to Zong again.

This time, he triggered six times the cast. The sword of the sky directly drowned the red god sword soul. The god -level sword soul was immediately defeated!

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated mythical sword souls (red god sword soul), and obtained challenge rewards: all attributes+50,000 points, Kendo experience+360 days. .

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated mythical sword souls (red god sword soul), gain attribute growth, you inherit 80%of attribute growth, full attribute+40,000 points, kendo experience+288 days. .


The fighting avatar defeated the god -level sword soul. Both he and Wu Feng gained amazing attribute growth and Kendo accomplishment, and Wu Feng himself was infinite.

He suddenly blessed his mind, and the upper sword wing on his body trembled. As soon as he moved, he also combined with the sword, and the sword light instantly stunned into the palace of the lord.

He found how fast this sword light is, how fast the speed of others after the sword is combined. This trick learned from the battlefield is really easy to use!

This is also the hidden attribute between the ontology and the combat avatar. The two can share the combat experience with each other and cultivate together.

It’s just that, the combat experience of the fighting avatars is more abundant, and his talent is higher. More often, it is the combat avatar to share the combat experience with Wu Feng.

Such a calculation, Wu Feng benefited.

Now he also defeated the god -level sword soul by the battle avatars, and only broke through the realm of Jian Liu in one fell swoop!

“Haha! I finally broke to Jianliu, I can also call myself a master of Kendo!” Wu Feng was very excited. He had this trick to combine the sword and cooperate with the Cangjian wing, so don’t be too handsome!

On the other side, the combat avatar smiled. After he completed his understanding, the temperament on his body suddenly changed. The sharp momentum of the previously converged a lot.

The surname of the sword of Li immediately looked at the fighting avatar: “Your kendo has been free and sent, you break through Jianjiu?”

After the fighting partner nodded, after defeating the god -level sword soul, through the massive kendo experience of rewards, the fighting avatar broke through the Jianjiu in one fell swoop!

This is a new state, and it is also a realm that many mythical sword repair can achieve.

Other sub -mythical swordsmanship may not reach this realm even if it is hardworking for a lifetime, which shows that the gap!

Wu Feng is also happy for the growth of the fighting avatars. The stronger the fighting avatar, the stronger his combat power is also strong.

The fighting avatar suddenly looked at him: “The body, you also break through the Sword Six, do you want to try to challenge the god -level sword soul? If you can defeat the god -level sword soul, I will get higher.”

Wu Feng Zheng has this: “I was ready to try to challenge the god -level sword soul after breaking through the sword six, so let me try to fight with the god -level sword soul with swordsmanship!”

So Wu Feng also found the red god sword soul. He hooked his fingers towards the red god sword soul, and then launched a challenge, instead of entering the battle scene.

Seeing Wu Feng again, the red god sword soul frowned: “Haven’t we fought just now? Why did you come to me again!?”

The red god sword soul thought that the fighting avatar just now was Wu Feng. He was going to call the police. The lord on the opposite side had just abused him.

As a result, he didn’t go to other people to brush the attributes, but came to him again. This was a wool caught a mighty! This is too reasonable!

Wu Feng smiled awkwardly: “The one who defeated you just now is not me, but my fighting avatar. Now it’s my body.”

The red god sword soul can’t wait to wave it immediately, and can’t be hit. This high -end game cannot be hit a little.

From the perspective of the Chi Shen Sword Soul, a avatar can abuse himself. The bin was born, and he was not abused to die!

Seeing the expression of the red god sword soul, Wu Feng also laughed secretly. I did not expect that the red god sword soul was scared by the fighting avatar.

It seems that after the fighting avatar completely suppressed the red god sword soul, this god -level sword soul has been a little psychological.

This is mainly because the strength gap between the two sides is relatively large.

This unilateral abuse is that even fighting crazy is willing to try.

Wu Feng had to take the initiative. He came out of the royal sword, and the sword qi of the sword sword wing splashed towards the red god sword soul. As a result, as soon as he fought, the red god sword soul shocked: “Hey, you are really the body!”

“You are only the realm of Sword Six, what’s going on!”? ”

In the eyes of the red god sword soul, the ontology must be fierce, but he did not expect that the fighting avatar was a special existence for fighting.

His ability to fight is better than Wu Feng, but he has no ability to related the lord.

As a lord, Wu Feng’s most important thing is the ability to lead the territory and fighting ability, just one of the lord’s ability.

He is weaker than his own, and he doesn’t feel anything. The avatar is not listening to him!

“Then you don’t have a sword? I won’t be polite!” Wu Feng’s offensive was like a tide. He also made his best after entering the realm of Jianliu.

Various swords are desperately greeted the Red God’s Sword Soul. Anyway, the Red God Sword Soul will never be better. Wu Feng can only get a reward only by defeating him.

Seeing that the body is really not as available as the body, he has also been brave: “Only the six realms of the sword, just to challenge me!”

“Let you see the realm of sword eight!”

The sword soul projection from Wan Jianzu is naturally a Wanjian Jue. He also uses the realm of Wan Jianjue as the measure of the Metropolitanian realm.

As an ordinary sword, the red god sword soul has the sword eight kendo realm as soon as it wakes up, and the higher the quality of the sword, the higher the kendo realm of the sword soul.

Like the congenital artifact level, after the birth of the sword soul, it has the cultivation of the sword nine. The congenital chaos artifact such as Xuanyuan Sword has a kendo realm of the sword ten.

In this way, the sword souls in Wan Jianzu are amazing, and the realm of Kendo is also terrible. They can also improve the realm by continuous cultivation.

In the face of the red god sword soul with the eight realm of the sword, Wu Feng is not virtually: “The kendo realm does not represent everything.

Wu Feng’s reliance is that he has a powerful and unparalleled upper sword wing. The power of this congenital chaos artifact. After integrating multi -handle artifacts, he has significantly improved his kendo’s lethality.

After he uses sword moves, his lethality can at least increase the two levels, and Wu Feng can also deal with the red god sword soul.

Due to the battle in Wan Jianzu, Wu Feng could not launch the hands of the gods in the hands of the hands of God.

The battle between the two sides can be described as a sword gas overflow. This is undoubtedly a process of refining Wu Fengjian. He did not rush to use other abilities, but tried to match with the sword soul of the Red God.

After hundreds of rounds of the war, Wu Feng’s increase in kendo experience in a short time also took this opportunity to quickly digest.

He really reached the realm of Sword VI. The problem of rapid improvement of the rapid improvement before has been relieved to a certain extent.

This is really a very fast way to improve with a master.

It seems that the sword soul is challenged in Wan Jianzu. The attribute rewards and kendo experience obtained are just rewards on the bright side. The real ‘reward’ is still the improvement brought by this kendo.

After this attempt, Wu Feng’s strength slowly improved, and the red god sword soul couldn’t help it.

“Fighting with a person in the six realm of swords, but it can’t attack for a long time.

The red god sword soul no longer uses ordinary swordsmanship, and has begun to use real killing tricks. I saw that the red god sword in the hands of the red god sword soul was projected into countless blood shadows!

Here is the bloody shadow attached to the red god sword itself. Under this trick, countless sword gas will cover the enemy, which can be described as pervasive.

Under this trick, if the strength is poor, it will be spiked instantly, and there is no chance of counterattack!

Wu Feng also saw the opportunity, and he seized the opportunity, launched the fate of the hero, and asked many heroes to lend the power to himself, and then he launched Wan Jian to return to Zongzong.

Wan Jian Guizong is also able to use the sword qi of Jian Xiu to cut out countless sword qi instantly. This trick is opposite to the blood shadow, and the sword qi on both sides will be offset each other.

In the end, Wu Feng relied on the power of the fate of the hero. The strength exceeded the bloody shadow of the red god sword soul.

The Red Sword Soul was defeated by Wu Feng’s sword, and Wu Feng also received the corresponding reward.

[Ding … successfully defeating mythical sword souls (red god sword soul), get challenge rewards: full attribute+50,000 points, kendo experience+360 days. .

[Ding … the body successfully defeated mythical sword souls (red god sword soul), obtain attribute growth, combat points to share 200%of attribute growth, full attribute +100,000 points, Kendo experience+720 days. .


After Wu Feng defeated the sword soul of the Red God, he obtained a lot of attribute growth by himself, which was very satisfied with him.

But Wu Feng was not complacent: “My Kendo Realm is still weaker than the god -level sword soul. It can defeat each other, relying on strength advantages.”

“It can be said that I have a ten -level force. Those who rely on the crushing of strength to defeat the red god sword soul, to deal with other sword souls, or rely on the fate of the hero.”

“To defeat the god -level sword soul by swordsmanship, there are still many ways to go …”

Wu Feng’s understanding of himself was very clear. He did not feel that his swordsmanship had reached a first -class level because he defeated the sword soul of the Red God.

It can be said that his kendo accomplishment can only be regarded as the middle and upper class in the entire territory. Heroes who are higher than his kendo are not too much!

On the other side, the fighting avatars also gained a good attribute gain in this wave. He silently absorbed the benefits brought about by the winner of the body.

After the experience of kendo in the past two years was digested and absorbed by him, his kendo realm undoubtedly went to the next level.

Fighting avatars couldn’t help looking at Wu Feng: “The body, no matter what you look, or you have the best benefits to defeating the god -level sword soul.”

“If you can defeat all the god -level sword souls, then I will definitely reach the realm of the sword!”

Wu Feng laughed: “All sword souls, do you not see the sword soul in the sword soul, the sword souls such as Xuanyuan Sword and Xianxian Sword? They are born with the realm of swords.”

“Even if you challenge them, it is not necessarily an opponent. You asked me to defeat them all. This is my fat tiger …”

Wu Feng has not been so big that he can challenge the main line soul. Even if he uses the fate of the hero, I am afraid that he cannot shake the main line soul.

After all, there is a gap between the god -level sword souls!

Between the realm of Jianba and the realm of swords, there is a huge gap between combat power. Even the sword god surnamed Li, because there is no innate chaos artifact, easily dare not challenge the soul of Xianxian.

Challenging this level of sword soul, the realm of kendo and artifacts are indispensable!

The fighting avatar also knew this. He just said a expectation just now. The body used today’s hero’s destiny opportunities, and he could no longer challenge other god -level sword souls.

On the contrary, the fighting is all the time, and you can sweep the ordinary god -level sword souls.

So Wu Feng asked the red god sword soul to go to the Great Wall of the Great Wall to replace another god -level sword soul. The summoned was God Zhan Lu Sword Soul.

This sword soul is also an ordinary god -level sword soul. Its combat effectiveness is almost the same as the red god sword soul. It is an enemy that can be solved by the fighting avatar.

Without speaking, the fighting avatars launched a battle with it, just like the sword soul against the Red God, the fighting avatar almost completely suppressed the opponent.

Within less than 100 tricks, the combat avatar defeated it by his own kendo accomplishment!

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated mythical sword souls (Shen Zhanlu sword sword soul), get challenge rewards: all attributes+5000 points, Kendo experience+360 days. .

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated mythical sword souls (Shen Zhanlu sword sword soul), gain attribute growth, you inherit 80%of attribute growth, full attributes+40,000 points, Kendo experience+288 days. .


The defeat of Zhan Lu’s soul, the fighting avatar and Wu Feng have gained a lot of benefits. In this way, all the ordinary sword souls can challenge the fighting avatar again.

Wu Feng also seized the opportunity and asked many god -level sword souls to return to Wan Jianzu to wait for the challenge.

While fighting, while fighting with different sword souls, every god -level sword soul will have their own unique work.

The blood shadow of the Chi Shen Sword Soul, the heavy Taishan of Zhanlu Soul, etc., are all first -class killing tricks.

When the fighting avatar fights with them, it is not only to sharpen their swordsmanship, but also as much as possible to learn from the god -level sword soul from middle school.

Like God Zhan Lu Jian, in the upper Cangjian wing, after the fighting avatar and his corresponding killing tricks, when the artifact is launched, the power of this trick will double!

The combat instinct of the combat avatars is extremely powerful to achieve the effect of stealing the teacher on the battlefield. Wu Feng nodded secretly.

This talent, he can’t learn, and he will not be jealous, because this is also his power, the swordsmanship of the fighting clone, he can also learn through the battle clone.

[Ding … the fighting avatar successfully defeated mythical sword souls (Tai Ajian soul), and obtained challenge rewards: all attributes+50,000 points, kendo experience+360 days. .

[Ding … the fighting avatar successfully defeated mythical sword souls (Tai Ajian soul), gain attribute growth, you inherit 80%of attribute growth, full attribute+40000 points, Kendo experience+288 days. .


[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated mythical sword souls (hero sword soul), obtaining challenge rewards: full attribute+50,000 points, kendo experience+360 days. .

[Ding … the fighting avatar successfully defeats mythical sword souls (hero sword soul), obtain attribute growth, you inherit 80%of attribute growth, full attribute+40,000 points, kendo experience+288 days. .


After Zhan Lu’s sword soul, Taoshong Soul and Hero Sword Soul correspond to the Tai A god sword and the hero god sword. These two dwelling swords are also in the wing of the sword.

The fighting avatar learned from the sword soul’s ‘stealing teacher’, which is equivalent to enhancing the lethality of the upper sword wing in disguise.

This is why Wu Feng gives priority to the return of these sword souls. The last Xuanyuan Sword Soul, that’s it, this is not yet challenging.

After these three sword souls, Wu Feng subsequently asked other ordinary god -level sword souls to fight with the battle one by one. He successively defeated nearly ten ordinary god -level sword souls.

This is because in the Wanjianzu, there are nearly 20 sword souls above the god level!

After launching the new moon and different rune stones every day, Wan Jianzu can also forge two magic swords, and its growth rate will be amazing.

Each god -level sword soul is a huge treasure trove for the fighting avatar and Wu Feng. Both of them can get huge benefits from it.

After the fighting avatars defeated the Jiutian Divine Sword, Qinglian Sword, Gan Jian Sword, Mo Xie Sword, Jin Lian Sword, Chunyang Divine Sword, etc., the two of them had reached a new height.

In addition to these god -level sword souls, even the second god sword cast today also gave birth to a new sword soul. Its name is the glorious god sword, and the sword soul is also the brilliant sword soul.

This batch of god swords and brilliant sword souls is full of 11 god -level sword souls. The number is extremely amazing. Because the brilliant sword is not available for the time being, Wu Feng simply incorporates it into the upper sword wing wing. Among them.

In this way, the upper sword wing merged 5 dwelling swords!

This configuration is also extremely against the sky!

Coupled with the reward of defeating the brilliant sword soul, the fighting avatar is close to the ten realm of the sword, and Wu Feng has reached the pinnacle of the sword six realm. He can already start to impact Sword Seven.

In such a short period of time, from Sword Five to Sword Six, it can also impact Sword Seven. Wu Feng’s growth is obvious to all.

At this moment, a light -shaking white god sword fell from the sky. It was the sword soul of the summoned angel god sword. It was a innate mythical sword soul.

“Avatar, you can try to challenge the angel sword soul. If you defeat him, it means that the sword soul of the congenital sword is not your opponent.”

Wu Feng deliberately called the sword soul of the congenital sword, just to see what the limits of the kendo accomplishment of the fighting avatar.

The two are Ji Jiu Xiu. If other things are not calculated, they should be equal to the combat power. The fighting avatar defeats the angel’s sword soul. It should be fine.

Wu Feng also looked forward to the reward of defeating the congenital god sword soul, and wanted to see what kind of rewards would get the battle avatar.

The fighting avatar is also full of confidence: “Let me try the power of the congenital god sword first!”

The battle avatars entered the battle scene with the angel sword soul. When he came up, he was a big move. Under the sword returned to the Zongzong, countless sword air was splashed out.

This trick is often able to create a god -level sword soul in one fell swoop. When it can deal with the angel sword soul, it does not achieve the expected results.

The angel sword soul calmly responded to this killing trick, and the countless sword gas he had scratched blocked the offensive of the battle.

The sword soul is strong, and Wu Feng is also looking for it. No wonder the area where it is sitting in the town, the devil legion is seriously casualties, and it can’t be filled.

Angel sword soul is the light attribute. With such a powerful kendo accomplishment, the abyss demon king sent a god -level hero to lead the team, and it may not be able to stop the angel’s sword soul’s killing tricks.

This trick of the fighting available can not hit the angel sword soul. He can only compete with the angel sword soul.

Wu Feng was also very fascinated. He felt that the fighting avatar was also rapid digestion of kendo experience in the battle with the angel sword soul.

This scene is very similar to the fighting between Wu Feng and the Chi Shen Sword Soul. Both sides are comparable to each other. Through this evenly matched war, they can digest some experience.

After the two sides played hundreds of rounds, they almost dealt with Wu Feng, which was almost the same as Wu Feng. After using the opportunity of the fate of his hero, the battle was crushed by the power to defeat the angel sword soul in one fell swoop!

The sword soul of the congenital god sword was defeated by the fighting avatar in one fell swoop!

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated the congenital mythical sword soul (angel sword soul), and obtained challenge rewards: all attribute+60,000 points, Kendo experience+420 days. .

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated the congenital mythical sword soul (angel sword soul), obtain attribute growth, you inherit 80%of attribute growth, full attributes +48000 points, Kendo experience+336 days. .


The sword soul that defeated the congenital sword, the rewards provided by it were even higher. Wu Feng and the battle avatars were all spiritual.

Their strength is not counted, but they have improved again. When facing strong enemies, the strength of this growth is all of them.

The fighting avatar is about to face difficult challenges. Wu Feng is ready to let him complete some important tasks. The enemies he will face will be extremely powerful.

“Unfortunately, you use the fate of the hero to defeat the congenital sword sword soul, then today you can only get this reward …”

Wu Feng looked at the fighting avatar, and the other party was almost the same. If he rely on Kendo accomplishment, he defeated the congenital sword sword soul.

If you can break through the sword tenth, the fighting avatar may challenge the congenital sword sword soul. Now he has reached the pinnacle of the sword nine.

Wu Feng himself was the same. He relying on the kendo experience brought to him by the fighting avatar, he was only one step away from Jianqi Realm.

He felt that if he could still get a certain number of kendo experience, it would be possible to break through Sword Seven, and then he would challenge the god -level sword soul.

Here is a complete relying on your own ability, and without using the fate of the hero, you defeat the enemy!

As long as the hero’s fate is refreshing tomorrow, Wu Feng can challenge a god -level sword soul, or let the god -level sword soul added, let the fighting avatar challenge the two sword souls to improve the practice of Kendo.

“But I may have a better way now. There are so many treasure chest keys at hand, but I am not vegetarian!”

Wu Feng checked it. Due to the existence of the heart of the killing, Wu Feng could get a lot of treasure chest keys through killing. In addition, he was expanding rapidly on the 798th and 799th floor. promote.

In this way, he had a full 50,000 treasure chest keys at hand, which were all the treasure chest keys collected during this time.

Wu Feng simply asked Lele to bless him, and pumped all the keys of this wave of treasures.

With Lele and Sancai Deer, Wu Feng’s luck is amazing. The luck of the koi pond is also the degree of nine -petal Jinlian as the country has increased.

Even Longmen has opened the sixth, Wu Feng’s luck can already reach the point where he is almost thoughtful. Under the blessing of Xiangrui, he opened the key to the treasure chest, just to extract more swords.

With his lottery, he really took a lot of good things!

[Ding … Bailian Pump (Treasure Box Key) is successful, triggering a talent in the soul, you get Zhen Mo Wen Jian, Zhenyou, Zhen Qinggan Sword, Zhen She Sword, Zhen Tian Waterfall Sword , True Sun and Moon Sword, Zhen Xing Sword (Epic Quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talented talent, you get a pure Jun sword, Bailong sword, shadow sword (epic quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, you get the god · fish sausage sword (mythical quality). .


[Ding … Wanlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the quality of the Panlong sword (legend) you obtained is 4 levels, you get the seven star dragon Yuan sword (the quality of congenital myth). .

With a wave of thousands of consecutive pumps, Wu Feng picked up two gods swords, one was an ordinary sword, and the other was a congenital sword.

This is the weapon that can be directly born to the corresponding sword soul. After Wu Feng’s subordinates, the corresponding sword soul appeared in Wan Jianzu.

The fighting of the battle was hilarious, and at the moment of the birth of the god of sausage sword soul, he fluttered!

“It’s you! Come and fight with me! I want to break through Sword Ten!”

Looking at the appearance of the big fighting avatar, Wu Feng couldn’t help shaking his head, which is too anxious.

People who do n’t know, do n’t know how long you are hungry!

However, when the fighting avatar encountered an ordinary god -level sword soul, it was indeed an opportunity to become stronger. After he started war with the sword soul, Wu Feng immediately pulled all the follow -up treasure chest keys.

[Ding … Qianlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, you get the god · Chixiao Sword, Yitian God Sword, Tian Qiang God Bow (mythical quality). .


[Ding … Wanlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the quality of the Panlong sword (epic) you obtained is increased by level 4, and you get the Ah Nose Yuan Tujian (the quality of congenital chaos myth). .


[Ding … Qianlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, you get God · Chengying Sword, Biyu God Bow, Da Ni Shen Gun (mythical quality). .


[Ding … Wanlian pumping (treasure chest keys) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, the quality of the two pole swords*2 (legend) you get is 4 levels, you get the yin and yang Shenjian (yin sword), the yin and yang sword (yang sword (yang sword) ) (Congenital myth quality). .


[Ding … Wanlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the quality of the ancestor battle flag (epic) you won is 4 levels, you get the total flag of the twelve capital gods (congenital chaos myth quality quality To. .

Wu Feng’s subsequent lottery, another 6 -handed swords were drawn again, of which one was a congenital chaos artifact and two supporting yin and yang god swords.

In this case, if Wu Feng projected the yin and yang god sword to the demon king, I am afraid that the efficiency of killing the enemy can improve a grade!

Even if you do n’t projected for the devil, and give yourself into the upper sword wing, after incorporating them, I am afraid that the lethality of the Cangjian wing can reach a brand new height.

At this point of view, many of the gods this time can help Wu Feng’s fighting force!

After thinking about it, Wu Feng decided to use this pair of swords to enhance the ability of the demon projection. After all, Devil’s projection can help him quickly clean up the 798th area.

Wu Feng is still very concerned about this. After expanding the site, he can get more resources and get more artifacts. He is not so bad about such two congenital artifacts.

So Wu Feng contacted [I am the big demon king]: “Devil, how did you expand this round?”

[I am the big demon king] At this time, he was stunned, and he said excitedly: “Alliance leaders, I have destroyed 30 regions in this round. Now if you have a need, I can even take a country in the country No. 066. Go down! ”

After Wu Feng pulled out the fighting avatar card, many props he pulled out also began to play a role.

The legendary defensive tower relocation card he had drawn was evolved into an epic relocation card. In addition to Wu Feng’s direct relocation card, he gave all the waves to [I am the big demon king].

In this way, [I am the big devil] has hundreds of territorial relocation cards. He found two two nationals at the junction of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] at the end of this round. The 30 regions of the country won.

This directly broke the thoughts of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell], so that he didn’t have to think about expanding in this country.

[I am the big demon king] Seeing that my own side has won the 30 regions of this country, he simply suggested that the owners of the alliance invest in resources and completely win the country No. 037!

In this way, the rewards of the entire country will be them.

Wu Feng was not in a hurry. He directly shifted the Yin and Yang Divine Sword, and gave people to [I am the Great Devil]: “This is congenital artifact, and its power is more powerful than Mo Xiejian.”

“You put these two artifacts and launch the devil’s coming again, which can be more efficient.”

Wu Feng’s words made [I am a big demon king] excited. After seeing the Yin and Yang Divine sword, his eyes almost stared.

The main reason is that this Yin and Yang Sword is too fierce. This is a genuine congenital artifact or a combination artifact!

The power of this sword is indeed much stronger than Mo Xie. [I am the Great Devil] It is certain that the defense of any lord is difficult to block the pair of swords.

Even if it is used to avoid the battle card with the legendary level, it will be directly penetrated by the Yin and Yang Divine Sword!

“Alliance, we are going to give the lords of No. 037 the strength! They may be” moved “because of this!”

[I am the big devil] Laughing out, he could imagine the lords of No. 037, and after seeing his set of swords, he would cry.

At the same time, [I am the great demon king] also saw the hope of the rapid rise: “League leader, this time not only can we expand quickly, my demon king has come to talent, but also has the opportunity to evolve.”

“This day’s service, you only need to attack enough areas to evolve, and then it will become a sub -mythical talent, that’s not the sky!”

[I am the Great Devil] talent also has the ability to evolve. This is the rare lord talent with evolutionary potential.

Its evolutionary conditions are so straightforward, and it really only needs to continue to be intensity.

Among the many allies of the Supreme Alliance, only a few lord talents can evolve, like the talented talent of the old prince, and has now been evolved to the legendary level.

He is not just the items that can use Magic Crystal White Mysterious Stores, and he can even white items in the legendary store.

Bai Yan’s ability three times a day can allow old -fashioned and white -level items every day, and as long as the legend of Lao Xun is 5,000 points, he can be epic -level items.

This is also the goal of Lao Jie, and as long as there are enough epic -level items of Bai Yan, his talents can even evolve into epic talents.

This is similar to that of the devil of [I am a great devil]. With a clear evolution path, the lord only needs to work hard to evolve the talent.

When his talent evolves, his potential will also increase, and even if he will be eliminated again in the future, his lord talent will not fall.

[I am the big demon king] Naturally, after getting the Yin and Yang Divine sword, he immediately replaced Mo Xiejian back and returned to Wu Feng.

“In this way, I may be able to play some other tricks!” [I am the great devil] After the projection of the demon king was equipped with the Yin and Yang Divine sword, he had other ideas.

So in order to verify my thoughts, [I am the great demon king] launched a new round of demon king in the country of No. 037, and immediately a large number of demon king projection appeared in the country of No. 037.

It’s just that this time [I am the big demon king] came in batches very particular. He was separated by the region, and the fancy came to the demon king’s projection.

For example, he had previously occupied the No. 001-030 region of No. 037. Now he consumes 35 epic props and has come to 35 regions to the Devil’s projection.

The goal he chose was all the single areas in the No. 031-100 area, and the double number areas were deliberately let go.

This made the lords in No. 037 stunned: “[I am the big demon king] What plane is this? Why did he launch the devil’s coming for only the region of our single number? Do it in a single area? ”

“Fart’s obsessive -compulsive disorder, did he not move in a single area before! I ran out of the area No. 001!”

“In any case, [I am the big demon king] once again done against our country No. 037. He is ready to take off the entire 037 country in one breath!”

“[I am the big devil] ‘s appetite is a bit too big! Even if it is [Blue King Jiuyou Hell], it is impossible to hit 35 areas in one breath!”

These lords do not know that the appetite of [I am a big devil] is much larger than what they think. He does not want to win the remaining 35 areas in one breath, but instead prepares all the remaining 70 areas!

I saw that with the advent of the Devil’s projection, the weapons in their hands changed again with the previous. The powerful yin and yang dwellers made the lords of the entire 037 national lord a lot of money!

The demon projection holds the yin and yang god sword. They often meet a bipolar to destroy the lord’s main base. This is the killing trick of congenital artifact set.

Even if the demon projection only inherits its 80%power, it is not something such an ordinary lord can resist!

Even in the goal of the Devil’s projection, there is also a monopolist who was originally preparing to stand up to delay time when facing the demon projection.

After the demon king’s projection appeared, he went straight to his main base. After discovering the location of his lord’s heart, the Devil’s projection directly killed it.

The monopoly [Artist Paida Star] vigorously delay the pace of the projection of the demon king, and after the demon projection enters the attack range, he will challenge the attack.

[Artist Paida Star] It was a bit eye -catching. He immediately launched a legendary shelter to avoid the attack of the demon king’s projection.

As a result, the double sword in the demonstration of the demon king directly broke out of bright light. The two major stocks of Yiyin and Yiyang burst into the center of the [Artist Paida Star], which directly caused huge damage to its territory.

The legendary avoidance barrier was torn almost in an instant!

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly of the No. 099 of the Sky Domain 037, No. 066, 798th, to activate the monopoly program. Please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours within three days. The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region 099 in the 798th abyss 066 Tianyu No. 037, the regional list disappears. The nine days of the league will be fixed to get 5000 dots and 1 legend every day. .


“A monopoly, was actually killed by the big move of the demon’s projection!?”

(This chapter is finished)

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