Chapter 488 Battle Skill Card

Wu Feng also noticed that the results of [I am the big devil] were good. He immediately continued to let [I am the big demon king] sweeping the country No. 011 and strive to win all the country as soon as possible.

[I am the big demon king] I am also interested. He commanded the demon projection to continue to expand the results of the war.

With [good acupuncture points every day], the entire 011 country is also fry the pot. [Good acupuncture points every day] In the country No. 011, it can be regarded as the strongest batch of lords!

“What happened!? [Good acupuncture points every day] actually was eliminated! [I am the big demon king] even he can kill!”

“[I am the great devil] The previous talent ability, isn’t there no way to get a monopoly! Now how can he do this monopoly with [good acupuncture points every day]!”

“This is not exactly the combat power of [I am the great devil]. Have you ever made a qualitative leap than before! I think he seems to have the sign of the Supreme Alliance. He has joined the Supreme League!”

“It turns out, no wonder [I am the big demon king] has become stronger, and I have done [good acupuncture points every day]. This is the Supreme Alliance to support him!”

“I used to think that the cracked heavenly Eagle seems to be the power of [Nine Days Traveling]. Now it seems that my guess is right!”

“I wipe it! Isn’t the Supreme League the league 799, he is really ready to expand on our 798th floor! This is too arrogant!”

“[I am the great demon king] came together with [Jiutian Travel], and also joined the Supreme Alliance. There is a bonus of this god -level alliance.

Because [I am a big demon king] did not conceal my identity and the alliance logo, the country No. 011 was boiled.

They did not expect that things actually evolved into a situation in front of them, which burst of a large number of lords of No. 011 National Lord!

After they discovered that [I am a big devil] is so difficult to deal with, plus [good acupuncture to learn every day] is destroyed, and a smart person immediately takes the lead.

With their running road, the demon projection without the target can kill others, making the avalanche effect more obvious.

So the rest of the lords could no longer be supported, and a large number of lords were killed or expelled. [I am the great demon king] took less than 4 hours to occupy all the remaining areas!

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the No. 085 of the Sky Domain 011 No. 066 of the 798th abyss 066 to activate the monopoly program. Please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours within three days. The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region 085 of the 798th abyss 066 Tianyu No. 011, the regional list disappears. The nine days of the league will be fixed to get 5000 hopes and 1 legend every day. .


[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly of the No. 100 Nationality No. 100 of Line 798, No. 066, No. 066, to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the area No. 100 No. 100 of Tianyu 066, the 798th abyss 066, and the regional list disappears. The nine days of the league will be fixed to get 5,000 sounds and 1 legendary degree of legends every day. .


With Wu Feng and [I am the Great Devil] to win the entire 011 national, the [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell], which is recruiting 041, also learned the news.

The lord under his hand reported to him the first time: “His Royal Highness, the news just got, [I am the big demon king] has been resurrected long ago, and he has occupied 90 regions in other Tianyu. ”

“Just a few hours ago, [I am the great demon king] joined the Supreme Alliance, and with the help of the Supreme Alliance, I took off the country No. 011!”

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] Hearing the report of [Hyoguang], he couldn’t care about attacking the country No. 041.

After all, [I am a big demon king] was his rival before, and [nine days travel] is his next goal.

As a result, he hadn’t launched an attack on them. The two enemies had come together, which made [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] very dignified.

There is almost no doubt, he guessed that these two people should come to him!

“[I am the great demon king] This defeated general does not need to be too worried, but [Jiutian Travel] This guy has improved too fast!”

“If [I am a big demon king] with him and get the full support of the Supreme Alliance, then [I am the big demon king] may really pose a threat to us …”

[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] But know what the talent of [I am a big devil].

This guy has an epic talent, which is already a hegemonic talent, letting him develop, and sooner or later he can become a hegemon.

Originally, [I am the great demon king] was eliminated, he could not catch up with the progress, but now he has joined the Supreme League. This is the biggest variable!

[Heguang Tongchen] also reported more details: “His Royal Highness of the Shizi, according to the information I got, [I am the big demon king] After the resurrection, his demon king’s talent came to look stronger.”

“He only spent less than 10 hours, and he destroyed the lords of 19 areas, and even the” good acupuncture acupoints every day “was eliminated by him.”

“Previously, [I am a big demon king] could not do this, that is, after the resurrection of [I am the big demon king], his combat power is stronger than his peak period! This is all [nine days travel] for help! ”

The speculation of [with the same dust] is still in line with the facts, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] is also dignified;

“I did not expect that I was talking about the price with him, but he was eliminated by [I am the great demon king]! This is a huge loss for us!”

“You can be killed if you can make [good acupuncture points every day]. [I am the big devil] ‘s ability to become at least 5 times stronger! [Nine Days Traveling] How to do this …”

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] The more you want to get the scalp, the more he wants to get numb. He may immediately go to [Jiutian Travel]. In this way, the more preparations for dealing with [Nine Days Traveling], the better!

Thinking of this, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] said, “We must speed up the progress and promote the hegemony earlier! So that my father will give me more support, and my combat power can go to the next level. ”

“At the same time, I have to deepen cooperation with that woman and deal with [Jiutian Traveling], but she is willing to be worthy!”

“Let’s go! Let’s get out of the horse in person and take off the 041 country as soon as possible!”


[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] is planning how to deal with [Jiutian Travel] and [I am the Great Devil].

Wu Feng’s own side has completely occupied the country No. 011 and won the corresponding reward.

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the national degree 011 of the 798th floor No. 798, and activate the programs of the great leader. , Can become a big lord, get the bonus of the Great Lord. .

[Ding … Due to the national lord No. 011, No. 06, No. 066, the national list (list) disappears, the lord’s nine -day travel will get 100,000 sound values and 30 legends every day. .


After Wu Feng won this country, the reputation value and legendaryness he got every day was naturally higher, and he also obtained a 1 -point power. This can have a mythical item to start, and Wuhu takes off!

[I am the big demon king] The promise was completed here, he was also relieved, and at the same time he also looked forward to the rapid expansion in the future.

“The combat power of the Devil’s projection has increased so much. In the future, I only need to get enough epic props in the future, and I can almost stabilize each area!”

“However, considering the launch of the devil’s advent at the same time, even the monopoly can kill, then I better launch the demon king in 10 regions at one time, which is the most efficient.”

[I am the big devil] There is no epic props at hand. What he thinks now is to collect more epic props and an epic prop, which represents a region!

This is much more efficient and successful than his previous devil.

[I am the great demon king] Before launching the demon king’s temporary, we must send the army to support it to ensure that it is a region.

Now he only needs to sit at home, and then launch talent ability, highlighting a relaxed freehand.

Isn’t this Wuhu take off!

Just when [I am the big demon king] whispered how to expand rapidly, Wu Feng contacted him: “The devil, let’s continue!

[I am the big demon king] A little embarrassed to answer: “League owner, I have no epic props at hand, the only epic -level battle card, that is my core card!”

“It’s better to wait for me to develop for a while. I put together 10 epic props, and let’s work again? Let me return it to Mo Xie to you …”

[I am the big devil] I thought Wu Feng was let him continue to consume epic props, but Wu Feng’s answer was surprised by him.

“Epic props, you need to be so laborious. The epic props at hand are fully controlled! And you just occupied so many regions, and you can also provide us with epic props!”

Seeing [I am a big demon king] a little doubtful and hesitant, Wu Feng sent him 20 epic props directly, but this is a unified defense tower relocation card!

This kind of prop is meaningless to Wu Feng. He has many epic void bosses, which can be relocated by them.

So the epic relocation card was taken by Wu Feng as a waste in his hand, but now he has an important role!

Seeing the things sent by the league, [I am the big devil] glared out: “Alliance leader, this is the prop that the accumulated props?”

“How can you have so many defensive tower relocation cards! This is all epic props!”

[I am a big devil] It is difficult to imagine that some people can save so many epic props casually, and they are all similar props.

This shows that the number of epic props in the master’s hands is more than 10 times that of this!

The same is true. The ability of [I am a big devil] is that any one -time props can be launched, but many props of Wu Feng have their own role.

If he wants to launch, he will let [I am a big demon king] consume this kind of props that he can’t use.

When I heard the sigh of [I am a big devil], Wu Feng laughed again: “Where is this! I still have a group of defense tower relocation cards, and now I will give it to you!”

After Wu Feng finished speaking, he took the legendary defense tower relocation card accumulated at hand. This is 45!

The legendary prop, Bai Lian pumping with the purple key, Wu Feng can be drawn stably, so there are many legendary props at hand.

This kind of defensive tower relocated card has a lot of money. Originally, Wu Feng was ready to replace himself with other props, but now it is useful.

Wu Feng first traded the legendary relocation card at hand to [Little Red Carp], and the Witch Girl immediately understood Wu Feng’s intention.

“Brother League, you are a big deal this time! Do you evolve so many defensive tower relocation cards at one time?”

Wu Feng nodded: “This time we have a big business. Naturally, we have to make a big deal. Come on, and the relocation card has been evolved into epic props.”

[Little Red Carp] The sky -high braid shook, she nodded, “Then you just look at me!”

Speaking of [Little Red Carp], you launch the ability and consume 45 points of superfluous power. He has evolved all the legendary props into epic!

Wu Feng ’s extraordinary power is far more than 300 points. He uses it when it is useful. Now this only consumes less than 1/8 extraordinary power.

In addition, there are still stable outputs. Wu Feng evolved epic props with extraordinary power. At that time, [I am the great demon king] to launch the devil’s coming and earn it back.

This is a special sale. Wu Feng is equivalent to using legendary props to help [I am the big demon king] to launch the devil’s coming.

This undoubtedly greatly reduces the threshold of the devil’s ability to come. Without [I am a big demon king], a large number of epic props can be launched.

Wu Feng quickly got a new batch of epic relocation cards. He also sent it to [I am the Great Devil]: “This is an epic relocation card that I have evolved with ability.”

“You only need to let go to do it. Every time you take a region, it means that I can make another epic prop.”

Wu Feng’s words, as well as the thick stream of epic relocation card, made [I am the big demon king] stunned so much that he couldn’t speak.

After 1 minute, [I am the great demon king] reacted: “Allies, this is the ability of our allies? This is too good!”

“Then I can be transformed into a permanent motor! Legendary props can help me launch the devil’s coming. Now I can make [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] cry!”

Wu Feng also heard that the next goal of [I am the great devil], that is, [Blue King Jiuyou Hell], which is also Wu Feng’s thoughts!

“[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] This guy is trying to attack the two countries and want to be an overlord!”

“We will surprise him now. Where he wants to attack, where will we go and make fun!”

Wu Feng and [I am a big demon king] smiled at each other. They have received information.

As long as he captures these two countries, he can become a hegemon of one party. This is the primary goal of the two!

“Then choose 15 areas in these two countries. Let’s shock [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] a little devil!”

Wu Feng determined the goal and quantity, and he was not in a hurry to use the epic -level props at one time. This is to avoid [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] suddenly transform the goal.

Anyway, Wu Feng is ready to play with [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell].

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] Where to expand, they accompanied him, anyway, he would not let him easily become an overlord.

[I am a big devil] When I heard Wu Feng’s words, I also smiled. What I thought was really coincident with him!

So [I am the Great Devil], I chose 15 regions in each of the 041 and the national degree 042. He also chose two areas occupied by two [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell]!

With the launching ability of [I am the Great Devil], a large number of Devil’s projection has also come to the 041 and the national degree 042.

Taking the 041 nationality as an example, 13 of which are scattered in the chaotic areas scattered in the hands of various lords, and each region has at least 100 demon king projection.

There are two regions, which have been occupied by the No. 041 [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell]. In these two areas, only one demon king projection has come to these two areas.

With the advent of the demon projection, the situation of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] attacked the bulk lord immediately, and immediately changed.

In the area where the [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] was attacked, the demon king’s projection appeared, and his goal was destroyed immediately.

Then these demon king projected, under the command of [I am a big demon king], began to slaughter the men of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell].

The combat power of the demon projection is very powerful. They are all fierce in Bian mythical BOSS.

Facing this level of BOSS, they were killed and retreated. Without the assistance of the defense tower and other lines of defense, the troops of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] faced the demon projection of the demon.

So a three -party war happened in various regions, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] found this as soon as possible!

“This is … [I am the big demon king] This guy dares to shoot directly to me! He was just looking for death!”

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] He laughed at his anger, and he was still planning to attack No. 011. As a result, [I am the Great Devil] first entered his site.

This is really the rhythm of death! This is the army who is ready for his tough! Intersection

“[I am the big demon king] This guy, there was a coordination of the army before, not my opponent. Now that I just rely on the devil’s projection, I want to wipe my wrist with me?”

[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] It was extremely disdainful. I think [I am a big devil] is a defeat of his men.

But when the Devil’s projection killed the Quartet and killed his troops, the [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] discovered something wrong.

“The combat power of this devil’s projection has really enhanced so much!”? ”

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] I think that before [I am a big demon king], I can sweep other bulk lords because they are too weak.

And his troops are all elite elite, so as not to be swept by a boss.

But now [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] faced, dozens of demon king projected after destroying the target, and jointly launched an attack on his army.

The demon king’s anger set of the demon projection provides strong defense power. The attacks of various four -order arms are absorbed by the armor, which is difficult to kill it effectively.

And Mo Xie in the hands of the devil’s projection, it is really two butcher knives. Regardless of your legendary heroes or epic heroes, they are all a second!

[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] His Majesty’s epic heroic hero died under the demon projection, which caused [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] to damage!

Now, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] only to know that it was not too weak in bulk lords, but the demon projection was too powerful.

This devil’s projection is so powerful that he has no good way to deal with it!

Therefore, [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] has to be retreat, so as not to damage all the power in the projection of the demon king.

After all, this devil’s projection duration is limited, and it is not the conventional force of [I am the great devil]. To deal with this enemy, it is best to avoid its edge.

In this case, no one can resist the pace of the demon’s projection, [I am the great devil] immediately captured many areas!

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the No. 012 region of Line No. 041, the 798th abyss 066, to activate the monopoly program. The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region 012 of the 798th abyss 066 Tianyu No. 041, the regional list disappears. The nine -day tour of the league will be fixed to get 5000 dots and 1 legend every day. .


And what made [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] did not expect that he chose to retreat, but in some places, he retired!

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] In the two regions occupied by before, two demon king projection also appeared, and they made trouble in these areas.

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] Mobilized the army to attack the demon projection. If he had been monopolized by him, if he retreated, wouldn’t he make his own site make people.

Then the pace of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] will be greatly affected as a pace of overlord.

But [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] has not been able to kill the demon, and there will be a new demon king projection from other regions.

That is the demon king projection that has destroyed other regions to support it!

Now [I am a great demon king], the tactic is to deal with the warfare method of [good acupoints every day].

Use the ability of the devil’s advent to allow the demon king in other regions to siege the site of [Blue King Jiuyou Hell].

This enhances the lethality of the devil’s advent, which is not expected by [Blue King Jiuyou Hell]!

Earlier, the devil of [I am the Demon King] came, and it was not possible to do this. Now that the projection combat power of the demon has surged, it can easily destroy the bulk lords in a region. This combat method can be developed.

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] Hacked, the line of defense in one of the regions was rapidly breaking through, which was already in danger.

“Special! [I am the big devil] I actually played a new trick, and I didn’t believe it. My men were defeated.

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] Because he defeated the psychological burden of [I am the big demon king], he could not easily give up his territory, but his organizational strength and began to fully resist the projection of the devil.

This is exactly what Wu Feng wants to see. He watched the demon projection gathered to attack the site of [Blue King Jiuyou Hell], and he smiled slightly.

“[[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] made the stupidest choice. These demon projection are real consumables. He consumes his own life to consume it, which is undoubtedly reducing his combat power.”

“People have lost land, people and earths have existence, land survivors are lost, and no human and earth can do it. I don’t know …”

[I am the big devil] There is a pleasure of revenge, he nodded: “[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] I think I am his men.”

“If I had just been resurrected a few days after I was resurrected, I would take his territory, and then he would throw his face fiercely.”

“He just can’t let go of his own face, and now he can only carry it hard.”

The two do grasp the psychological grasp of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell], and [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] does think so.

So he was facing the siege of hundreds of demon king’s projection alone. Even if he organized multiple lines of defense, the defense tower and the city wall were combined to resist the demon projection.

But because the devil’s projection has an artifact blessing in the hand, everything made by [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] is futile.

I saw that in front of the line of defense of [Blue King Jiuyou Hell], the demon projection kept rushing forward with various firepower. They were all projected, and they were naturally not afraid of death.

The attacks of various artillery fire and the defense tower fell on the body. The demon projection did not blink, and he faithfully executed the order without retreat!

As long as the demon projection is approaching the city wall, he can use Gan Mo Xie to open a huge mouth on the wall, and few city walls can block this attack.

When the demon projection enters the city, the guards on the wall will be harvested by artifacts by the demon project.

Now in the territory of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell], what happened is equivalent to dozens of or even hundreds of sub -mythical boss.

In this scene, anyone will tremble after watching it.

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] also looked at it with a scalp. He used his use and could only kill a few demon king projection. However, compared with the number of demon projection, this was just a lot of money.

During the 6 hours of the Devil’s projection, the two areas of [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] were eventually broken by the demon projection.

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] has therefore damaged a large number of elite troops, and even the epic -level defensive tower has been destroyed!

This really lost his wife and folded his soldiers, and the damage was so big that [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] was extremely heartache!

“Special! [I am the big demon king] I consumed me so much army. We have completely formed this hatred! And [Nine Days Traveling], it must be that he has supported [I am the big demon king] so many Epic props! ”

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] Angry and heartache here, he couldn’t wait to destroy both of them immediately.

On the side of Wu Feng, he has rely on the power of [I am the great devil] to occupy all the 30 areas of the two countries.

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the No. 015 region 015 of the Supreme League No. 798 in the 798th abyss 066 to activate the monopoly program. Please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours within three days. The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region 015 of the 798th abyss 066 Tianyu No. 041, the regional list disappears. The nine days of the league will be fixed to get 5000 dots and 1 legend every day. .


[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the No. 030 region of Line No. 041, the 798th abyss 066, to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours within three days. The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region 030 of the 798th abyss 066 Tianyu 041, the regional list disappears. The nine -day tour of the league will be fixed to get 5000 dot values and 1 legend. .


Wu Feng this time, but from [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell], he seized food in his hands and grabbed 4 regions. Two birds!

You know, before the [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell], both countries have laid 80 areas in these two countries, and only the last door is the last one to take advantage of two countries and become overlords.

Wu Feng and [I am a big demon king] were arrested in the case of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] and the pants were arrested.

This is really wearing the revenge of the sky!

It is also for this reason that the mood of [I am a big devil] is extremely sour!

“Alliance leaders, we accounted for 15 regions in the country No. 041 and the country No. 042, then [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] cannot occupy this country.”

“He either organize the army to launch a fierce attack on us, or find another country to start a sweeping. We only need to see the tricks.”

[I am the big devil] I have prepared two hands, no matter how [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] operates, he just wants to slow down [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] to become an overlord!

It is best to let [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] never be a hegemon!

Wu Feng also agreed to this idea. In order to deal with possible battles, he extended the Great Wall of despair at the Nationality of No. 041 and the country of 042.

This is a powerful and unparalleled line of defense in these two countries. This line of defense relies on many defensive towers that comes with the Great Wall of Desire, which can block the attack of [Blue King Jiuyou Hell].

What’s more, [I am a big demon king], there will be stationed the elite troops into the Great Wall of Desperate. There is an additional bonus for the Great Wall of Desperate. His army is enough to deal with the elite legion of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell].

[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] At this time, he also discovered the movement of [Nine Days Traveling]. He gritted his teeth: “[Nine Days Traveling] set up a new defense line in the country 041 and the country of 042. Luck in the end! ”

“Isn’t this guy fighting against the Abyss Demon King! He actually has the ability to start the second battlefield again!?”

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] Naturally, I do n’t know. Wu Feng actually does n’t have to invest in any power. He only needs to give [I ’m a big demon king] some epic props, and his new allies can easily open up the country to expand the territory. Essence

In terms of defense, Wu Feng only needs to produce magic crystals and mythical resources to extend the Great Wall. This is the easiest thing.

Extending the Great Wall of the Style can also increase the length of the starry sky. Instead, it makes him more calm when facing the Abyss Demon King. Now the Abyss Devil also finds that he is difficult to break through the defense line of [Nine Days Traveling].

The offensive on the abyss devil has weakened a lot.

In this case, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] finally chose not to attack No. 041 and the national degree of 042. If he wants to make a shot, he must first become an overlord.

Considering this, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] quietly made two -handed preparation, and then he launched an attack on other countries.

At the time of Wu Feng and [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell], many lords in Tianyu No. 066 also discovered the situation here.

In the entire 066 Tianyu, there are discussions on both sides.

“I heard! [I am the big demon king] He pitted a handful of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell]. Originally, he was going to become a hegemon, but he was blocked by [I am the big demon king]. Now he can’t be an overlord. ”

“What happened? [I am the big demon king] Isn’t it eliminated? Still eliminated by [Blue King Jiuyou Hell], is he not dead! How can this plot reverse again!”

“[I am the great demon king] It is true to be eliminated, but [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] is also true. This happens. Together, [I am the big demon king] are already people of the Supreme League. ”

“What does this have to do with [Nine Days Traveling]? [Jiu Tian Travel] Didn’t you kill the 798th floor, will he fight with the abyss demon king on the 099? It’s something! ”

“I didn’t understand it either, but this is the fact! [Jiu Tian Travel] and [I am a big devil] joined forces, I have driven [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell]!”

“[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] Originally became an overlord. When he became an overlord, we really couldn’t mix on the Tiangu 066. Now he has been blocked, maybe our opportunity is here!”

“This is a good thing! [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] was stuck on the door of the door. He and [Jiutian Travel] and [I am the Great Devil] must be hit with the dog’s mind. Just play! ”

“I didn’t expect [Jiutian Travel] to fight double -line operations, and at the same time fighting with a hegemon and prospective hegemon, this is a bit fierce!”

After Wu Feng and [I am a big demon king], after the situation of joining the work of the work was spread, there were legends about his legend in Tianyu No. 066.

He is a household name on the 799th floor, but he is not famous at the beginning of the 798th floor, but since today, he first killed from the 799th floor to the 798th floor, and fought against the abyss devil.

This allows the name of [Nine Days Traveling] to spread on the 798th floor.

Now he is in Tianyu No. 066, and also deal with [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] with [I am the Demon King]. It’s right.

This situation is also very rare. A low -level lord of the 799th floor actually mixed with a famous abyss on the 798th floor. This is simply the sky!

Wu Feng also found that as his name spread, he actually received a lot of applications to join the Supreme Alliance.

It was the lords of many 798th floors who wanted to join the Supreme Alliance to obtain asylum. On the 798th floor, the Supreme Alliance also began to have huge influence.

If Wu Feng thinks, I am afraid that many monopolists can take the initiative to join the Supreme Alliance, which is the role of fame.

After all, if it is an invincible alliance, the attractiveness to others is always far exceeding the imagination. Like the Supreme League on the 799th floor, it belongs to the excitement arms, and countless people have broken their heads to grab the addition.

On the 799th floor, the Supreme League is already the first league that does not need to doubt. This is the first position on the league ranking list, which is evidence!

With the rapid expansion of the Supreme League on the 798th floor, Wu Feng felt that it was not a dream to achieve a similar effect.

As long as he continues to work hard, sooner or later, he also shouted on the 798th layer, and he will follow the day!

When the Supreme Alliance continued to expand its forces, this day was finally over.

[Ding … End on March 29, the list settlement reward is distributed …]

[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Traveling and the Alliance (Supreme Alliance) dominated 5,800 areas, the list has been integrated, and the 190000 nods and 3800 legend rewards were obtained. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour and its alliance (Supreme Alliance) dominate 58 countries. All the national list has been integrated, and the 190000 clicks and 1900 legend rewards have been obtained. .


[Ding … Lord’s Nine Sky Travel Tour List (799th Sky List), won 700 legendary rewards. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour, the top of the rich list (799th, the list of sky), and won 100 legends rewards. .

[Ding … Lord Jiu Tian Traveling in the Alliance (Supreme Alliance) topped the league’s list (799th layer), and received 100 legends and 500,000 hopes. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travels won the first list of unlimited trials (799th), and received 100,000 trial points and 100 legend rewards. .


[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour, the top of the rich list (798th floor), won 100 legends rewards. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour, the top, second, third, and fourth, 280 legends rewards won the top, second, third, and fourth. .


[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour, the top of the rich list (797th floor), and won 100 legendary rewards. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour the top and second of the hero list (797th floor), and won 160 legend rewards. .


[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour, which won the list of the rich list (796th, the list of heaven), and received 100 legendary rewards. .

[Ding … the top, second place, third, eighth, ninth, ninth, ninth, and ninth, the Lord’s Nine Sky Travel Tour List List (796th Laun Tian List) won 300 legends awards. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travels won the list of unlimited trials (796th), and received 100,000 trial points and 100 legend rewards. .


[Ding … Lord’s Nine -day Traveling Alliance (Supreme Alliance) won 1034 of the Alliance List, obtaining 400 legends and 2000,000 nods. .

March 29th is the second day of this month, and Wu Feng has been in the abyss for almost a month.

As he occupied more areas on the 798th floor, the settlement rewards obtained naturally increased, and all the territories owned by Wu Feng added up to 58 national sizes.

It can be said that if these countries are in the sky, Wu Feng has become an overlord.

Wu Feng’s site is close to the level of overlords. His next goal is naturally the position of impact.

His other goal is to allow the Supreme Alliance to break through the 1,000th of the League’s Total List. If he can enter the top 1,000, Wu Feng can get 800 legends every day!

The Supreme League is the top 1,000, and the gap between the score is not large. As long as Wu Feng takes up a few countries, it can almost enter the top 1,000.

This is a threshold that only established a month of alliance, which can be worth the establishment of alliances that have been established for several years or even ten years, which is very exaggerated.

“Very good, let the Supreme Alliance rush into the top 1,000 in the first month! This is not difficult for me!”

Wu Feng set a goal at the end of his first month. Now that the first month is over, there are still three or four days. Wu Feng is still very sure about this matter.

At the same time, [Blue Star’s First Handsome Funny] also settled the corresponding rewards over there. Due to the two days, the [Blue Star First Handsome guy] won several large islands on the 796th floor, and its occupation of the site expanded.

At the time of settlement, the settlement reward obtained by [Blue Star First Handsome “naturally improved.

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy and the alliance (Tiandi Alliance) dominated 4,600 regions. The list has been integrated, and it has received 1400000 clicks and 2600 legend rewards. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy and the alliance (Tiandi Alliance) dominated 46 countries, and the national list has been integrated, and the 130000 point of view and 1300 legend rewards were obtained. .


[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy won the top of the rich list (796th floor), and received 100 legend rewards. .

[Ding … the top, second place, third, eighth, ninth, ninth, ninth, ninth, ninth, ninth, and ninth, the first handsome list of Lord Blue Star has won 300 legend rewards. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy won the top of the unlimited trial list (layer 796), and received 100,000 trial points and 100 legend rewards. .


After some settlement, Wu Feng’s increase in the legend exceeds 12,000 points again, with a large number of reputation values and legends, but Wu Feng’s important permissions.

After Wu Feng won some parts of the 798th floor, [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] has already begun to guide other areas. He launched a raid on the 038 country 038 and the country of No. 039.

In this country, two monopolists directly joined the Jiuyou League of [Blue King Jiuyou Hell]. In these two countries, he directly owns a dozen regions.

After all, the newly added [torch in winter] and [Big Wang Yingming] are four -star monopolists and Samsung monopolists, which are directly provided for [Blue King Jiuyou Hell].

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] With their cooperation, it can expand quickly in the country 038 and the country 039.

Just as [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] sent troops to kill the country No. 038 and the national degree 039, Wu Feng and [I am a big devil] knew the news.

The two smiled at each other: “[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] This guy really didn’t dare to directly attack our line of defense. He was anxious to want to be overlords!”

“That’s it, we must make [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] unable to do so! If you want to do it, let him not go well!”

Wu Feng and [I am a big demon king] have reached a consensus long ago. They decisively launched the devil’s coming in the target territory of [Blue King Jiuyou Hell].

So [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] has just sent someone to enter the country of 038 and the country of 039, and he discovered that the demonstrations of the demon king in 15 areas of these two countries have appeared!

Even the monopoly areas of the two monopolists of [Fire Too in Winter] and [Big King Yingming] have also appeared on the demon king’s projection, which shows that their territory has been locked as the goal.

This makes [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] extremely angry. [Jiu Tian Travel] This guy really stares at him. Where he runs, this is the rhythm of where to go!

What makes [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] that can’t figure it out, where is [Jiu Tian Traveling] and [I am the Great Devil]. Where are such big epic props from!

You know, [I am the big demon king] to launch the demon king temporarily, and every time he falls in a region, he will consume an epic prop.

And [I am the big demon king], there are dozens of regions before and after, and so many epic -level props are by no means [I am a big demon king].

If it is [Nine Days Traveling] to support him, so many epic props are a bit exaggerated!

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] I can’t think of it. Now these props are evolved from [Little Red Carp].

As long as the demon king comes, the target area can explode and occupy, then Wu Feng can continue to obtain epic props like permanent motivation.

For Wu Feng, this epic -level prop is not a problem at all. Even if [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] does not attack other countries, Wu Feng will let [I am the big demon king] choose the goal elsewhere to launch the devil’s coming.

He only needs to hoard a certain number of epic props in his hands, and deal with the expansion of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] at any time to ensure that he will not be able to occupy a country completely.

When the Devil’s Program came one after another, [torch in winter] and [King Yingming] did not have the experience of fighting with them, they did not intend to give up their own territory at all.

So they established a strict line defense in their territory and concentrated on dealing with the attack of the demon projection, which is undoubtedly a kind of unsatisfactory behavior.

[I am the big demon king] Seeing secretly smiling: “Four -star monopoers and five -star monopolists want to challenge my devil projection? Isn’t this a head!”

[I am the big demon king] The launch of the devil’s arrival is to rely on this to consume the enemy’s life.

If the enemy abandons the territory, then [I am the great demon king] can only get one site, but as long as the enemy dares to fight him to the end, then he can use a large number of demon king projection to teach them to be people.

So [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] was too late to remind [firebares in winter] and [Big King Yingming], and their territory was surrounded by more than a dozen demon king projection groups.

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] immediately reminded the two: “You still withdraw it first! I didn’t expect [I am the big demon king] and there are so many epic props to launch the devil’s coming.”

“This time, I think it will be difficult to occupy the country No. 038 and the country 039.

[Firebars in winter] and [Big Wang Yingming] are unwilling to give up the territory who has been in business for a long time: “Alliance leaders, you have soared too much about others, destroy yourself!”

“In our territory, we set up a multi -layer defense line. Even if this devil comes, we only need to drag for a few hours.”

“There are a lot of our trap towers. Don’t fight against them, use the trap tower to drag time.”

The two monopolists have their own reliances. They have made up their minds. Even if [Nine Days Traveling] and [I am a Great Devil] have locked them, they can rely on the line of defense to deal with them.

This made [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] unwilling to persuade. Although the two joined his alliance, both parties had agreement.

It is impossible for them to obey themselves. In this case, they can only say that they are hard to persuade the damn ghost.

[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] silently stared at [the torch in winter] and [Big King Yingming].

Under the offensive of the Devil’s projection, the territory of [Torch in Winter] and [Big King Yingming] was quickly broken through. They did have a lot of trap towers to arrange various powerful traps.

Some traps can trap the enemy in the void, and some can exile the enemy.

However, in this type of trap, only the trap above the epic level can trap the projection of the demon for a long time and make it unable to leave the trap.

However, this type of trap tower, [torch in winter] and [Big King Yingming] have only three, they can only trap four or five demon projection, which can not have the effect of a hammering sound at all.

The number of demon projection in the two people’s territory exceeds 100! In this case, the territory of [Fire Too in Winter] and [Big King Yingming] was directly projected by the demon.

These two monopolists are like going to trap a group of Raptors with their own soil traps. Even if there are a small amount of ‘Raptors’ caught in a trap, the remaining Raptors are enough to flatten their territory.

Within 6 hours, the two areas of [Firebars in Winter] and [Big Wang Yingming] were destroyed, and at the same time, there were other parts of these two countries.

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly of the 798th abyss 066 Tianyu No. 038, No. 001 -015, to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. If the conditions are met, the nine -day travel of the league can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the area No. 001, No. 001-015, the 798th abyss 066, and the regional list disappears. The nine days of the league will be fixed to get 75,000 point of view and 15 points of legend every day. .


[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the No. 026 -040-040-040-040-040-040-040-040-040-040 region of the Supreme League and actor that no other lords have survived for more than 20 hours in the region. If the conditions are met, the nine -day travel of the league can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region No. 026, No. 026, No. 039, No. 066, 798th, and the regional list disappears. .


In the two countries, Wu Feng won a total of 30 regions. He consumed 30 epic props, but he also got 30 extraordinary power!

This efficiency is really not weaker than Wu Feng’s mythical hero, even more efficient than them!

Mainly, as long as Wu Feng gets enough epic props, he can let [I am a big demon king] at the same time destroy hundreds of regions!

On the other side, the two people in the [Winter Tower] and [Big King Yingming] were finally known to be amazing after being a round of “I am a big demon king”.

[Firekeeping in winter] Looking at the site in a region was completely occupied, he was angry and helpless: “This devil’s projection is too disgusting!”

“Each strength is so powerful, not only the defense power is strong, but also has a strong destructive power! After some demon king projection is trapped by my trap, they were immediately destroyed by their swords in their hands!”

“Legendary trap, a sword was split! This is an artifact!”

[Big King Yingming] also frowned: “I have been fighting with [I am a big devil] before. At that time, his demon king’s projection definitely had no lethality now.”

“From this perspective, I am the demon king’s projection of the Demon King. It will happen because of [Nine Days Traveling]! What did he do?”

[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] I have collected information in this regard for a long time. He directly gave the answer: “According to my observation, [Jiutian Travel] should be two artifacts for the demon king projection of [I am the big demon king] ! ”

“The god sword in the hand of the demon projection is definitely an artifact, and its lethality is enough to kill epic heroes! You can naturally not be trapped.”

“There is also the armor on the devil’s projection, which should be stronger than [I am a big devil].

[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] In some words, the two of them were silent to [the torch in winter] and [Big Wang Yingming].

League leader, do you say this, isn’t it for us to lose confidence!

Two artifacts plus a set of sub -mythical sets, is this really what the lords of the 799th floor can come out! Intersection

[I am the big devil] In order to make up a set of epic sets, I was just homeless and I tried everything!

Now [Nine Days Traveling], I just took out the sub -mythical set and artifact to [I am the big demon king], which is simply subverting the imagination of the two!

But they carefully reflected that the demon projection of [I am the Great Devil], its attack ability and defense ability are indeed consistent with the configuration of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell].

From this perspective, this may be true!

[Firekeeping in winter] I can’t help but speak: “The leader, then I can only hide from [Nine Days Traveling]? People have already rode on our face and shit!”

[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] is an unexpected calmness: “Who tells you that we have been hiding in [Jiutian Travel] and [I am a big demon king].”

“We are just avoiding its edge. I don’t believe it. The epic props of [Nine Days Traveling] are unlimited!”

“Unless he nails in the remaining countries, it will sooner or later I can occupy the next country. When I become an overlord, I will deal with [Nine Days Traveling], and it will be much easier.”

“And my operation can also let [Jiutian Traveling] they fight in multi -line, and the heritage of [Nine Days Traveling], if he is fighting in multi -line, it will be to find death! We can break the line of defense at that time.”

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] This remark made [Big King Yingming] suddenly realized: “The leader is really powerful, and it is not a layer of content with us! This is the strategic vision!”

“Then we can consume it with [Nine Days Traveling], and sooner or later you will try it!”

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] Laughing: “I am this idea, two, you are an important member of our Jiuyou Alliance.”

“Although this time I ate some losses in the hands of [Nine Days Traveling], but you can rest assured, I will find a way to help you find it!”


[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] Another two allies who are adding themselves to the two allies. Wu Feng is here to exchange this battle with [I am a big demon king].

“Alliance, you are really like a god, this [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] really wants to bypass the previous battlefield to occupy other countries.”

“We are in the first time. In a short time, he can’t become an overlord. The later he becomes the hegemon, the more beneficial it is for us!”

Wu Feng smiled, he didn’t think he was like a god, this was just a normal prediction.

If he replaced [Blue King Jiuyou Hell], then he only has this way to deal with the enemy.

Thinking about this, he can probably judge the choice of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell]. Now [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] The second impact is blocked by himself, then he may change the way.

In any case, Wu Feng needs to prepare early to prevent [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] successful breakthroughs.

“Today, the defense tower migration card at hand is almost used. It happens that there is a round of raffle.

Wu Feng thought about it, and felt that it was still the most important thing for such epic props. This allowed him to expand quickly, but also kept it against [Blue King Jiuyou Hell].

In addition, Wu Feng just experienced the settlement of this day. Wu Feng, who has a large number of legendary and prestige, immediately used special permissions to draw a lottery.

[Ding … Bailian Pump (Special Power) is successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the designated soldier summoning card*20, the defense tower migration card*38, the war equipment summoning card*12 (epic quality). .


[Ding … Bailian Pump (special permissions) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, the awakening crystal you obtain, the resurrection crystal*8, the lord crystal*4, the hero identity card*2. Specify the hero organization summoning card*3, avoiding war card*3, forbidden spell scroll*4. Defense tower migration card*8, war equipment summoning card*2 (epic quality). .


【叮……千连抽(特殊权限)成功,触发一发入魂天赋,你获得指定英雄组织召唤卡*3、随机防御塔召唤卡*3、随机英雄召唤卡*4、避战卡*4、 Ban Mantra scroll*5, awakening crystal*5 (epic quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, you get the designated hero organization summoning card*2, destroy the world poisoning fog tower summoning card*2, the hell projection tower summoning card*2, designated hero equipment equipment Summon card*3, forbidden spell scroll*2. Specify the war equipment summon card*2 (Asian mythical quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian Pump (special permissions) successful, triggering a talent for the soul, you obtained the ban on the curse scroll, the awakening crystal*2 (legendary quality) to increase level 3, you get the ban on the cursing scroll*10, the awakening crystal*20 (Myth quality). .


[Ding … Wanlian pumping (special permissions) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, the designated hero organization summoning card, awakening crystal*3, spiritual crystal*2, exclusive equipment summoning card*2, beast king call card ( Legendary quality) Increase level 4, you get the designated hero organization summoning card, awakening crystal*30, divine power crystal*20, exclusive artifact summon card*2, god beast call card (congenital myth quality). .


[Ding … Wanlian pumping (special permissions) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, the combat avatar summoning card (epic quality) you obtained increased level 4, and you get the combat clip summoning card (the quality of congenital chaos myth). .

[Ding … Wanlian pumping (special permissions) is successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, you have obtained the equipment evolution card and the star extinguishing trap tower summoning card (legendary quality) to increase level 4. Summon card (congenital myth quality). .

“This combat clone seems to be another new summoning prop!”

(This chapter is finished)

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