Chapter 443

When Bai Qi saw the monster full of screens, what he felt was an unspeakable excitement, and [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] nodded.

“How many monsters do you want, there are everything here, you can just brush it! The quantity is absolutely enough! You remember to brush more to kill God.”

Summoning is a suitable environment for this kind of environment. The more enemies, the greater his skill lethal.

Often, a few thousand enemies were killed. This second is fast and fierce, which is fiercer than a sub -mythical defense tower.

With Bai Qi, [Blue Star First Handsome Gund] quickly brushed to the 80th round. As a result, this round of larger meteor fire and rain+cosmic rays fell, but its specifications are almost in the epic natural disaster. The category.

The natural disaster of the cosmic ray is that the sky is constantly falling in the sky, and its type is similar to the cosmic ray tower Wu Feng’s previously built.

Under the shot and meteorite of the sky, the sky is like an extremely gorgeous curtain, and even a feeling of being polluted by light.

This is a brand new nature. Wu Feng couldn’t help whispering: “This universe rays are also the heavenly phenomenon that will appear on the 796th floor?”

“How do you feel that the number of natural phenomena on the 796th layer is all kinds of natural disasters! This layer is really disaster and difficult.”

Wu Feng has almost confirmed that the phenomenon that appears in hell difficulty in which layer to open infinite trials is the phenomenon that has appeared in this level.

Meteor fire and rain and cosmic rays are the heavenly phenomena of the 796th floor, but the frequency of its occurrence may not be as frequent as the three magic moon on the 799th floor.

In the face of gorgeous cosmic rays, Wu Feng did not dare to underestimate. His power is similar to meteor fire and rain, but this natural disaster pays more attention to killing flesh and blood.

[Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] There is a barrier to the end of the world. It is always at ease.

So [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] was easily brushed to the 100th round. This round of natural disasters are still meteor fire rain+cosmic rays+sun fire.

The sun fire is a black flame falling in the sky. This flame falls from the sun. With other natural disasters, it is really like a doomsday.

These are the three epic natural disasters. In the [Blue Star First Handsome guy], he extended the 100 kilometers of the Nervic Great Wall. After ensuring the intensity of the despair barrier, he successfully cleared the 100th level.

To the 120th round, the natural disasters in the sky became a sub -mythical level.

In this way, Wu Feng almost knew how the infinite phenomenon of the infinite trial of the 796th floor was running.

This abnormal phenomenon represents different natural disasters, and its types and specifications will rise with the number of wheels, and the difficulty of customs clearance will naturally become more and more difficult.

These natural disasters are all waves, and one wave of waves will cause huge damage to the lord’s defense line. Under the baptism of natural disasters, you can also face a steady stream of BOSS. The difficulty can be imagined!

Wu Feng estimated that the Great Wall of 100 kilometers was not a problem to block the natural disaster of sub -myths.

Then he only needs to face the impact of boss and monsters. Without the increase in the magic moon, the level and lethality of the monsters are not as difficult as the hell on the 799th floor.

Wu Fengtong was very easy to close. After he killed the enemy to the 160th round, he found that this round was indeed a very difficult three epic+natural disaster combination of Sanya mythology, but the enemy was only the seventh order of the seventh order. Epic BOSS.

Wu Feng’s stiffly under the meteor fire rain (epic)+cosmic ray (epic)+solar sky fire (epic)+void shock (Asian myth)+destroy the world of light (subtly)+corrupted blood rain (Asian mythology The natural disaster combination of this epic BOSS!

You know, the void shock is the void crack everywhere in the sky. From time to time, there is a combination of void cracks into the blade of the void.

Destroyer Aurora is an upgraded version of the cosmic rays. Massive light is densely covered with the sky, and all the creatures will be shot invisible.

Corrosion blood and rain also dropped the blood and rain, so that the people who were stained with blood and rain were corroded and turned into a skeleton.

The power of these three sub -mythical natural disasters is even more fierce and vicious, but Wu Feng couldn’t help thinking of Ophara, who could control the natural disaster.

“If this is let Opora come, the natural disaster is just helpful for me! But Obola is not an initial hero, and it will not go to the 796th floor for the time being …”

When Wu Feng saw the contents of the 160th round, he couldn’t help but think of it, so he tried to replace the candidate of the initial hero. As a result, the initial hero was completely locked.

Moreover, Opora also helps Wu Feng expand on Floor 799, eliminating many regions one by one, and Wu Feng’s plan can only be temporarily stopped.

In this case, Wu Feng killed all the way to the 180th round. After passing the lottery, Wu Feng benefited greatly!

[Ding … Bailian Pump (special permissions) successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the cosmic ray tower summoning card of the universe*2, the soul -eating summoning card, the thousand arrows of the tower of the tower*2, the heaven and earth cage tower summoning card (Legend quality). .


[Ding … Bailian Pump (Special permissions) is successful, triggering a talent in the soul, you get the Houzhu Tower summoning card (epic quality). .


[Ding … Bailian pumping (special permissions) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, you get the summoning card of the World Destroyer Tower and the Steel Tower Summon Card (Epic Quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, you get the summoning card (sub -myth) of the death halo tower. .


[Ding … Bailian pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering the talent of entering the soul, you get the Summoning Card of the Frost Era, the Sword Tower Summon Card, and Destroy the Olympic Tower Summon Card (Epic Quality). .

From the 60th round to 180 rounds, the epic -level defense tower from Wu Feng has 6 seats, which can greatly supplement the number and strength of Wu Feng’s defense tower.

More importantly, a special purple defensive tower that he was drawn in the 150th round became a sub -mythical death halo tower after obtaining a thousand -lid bonus.

This defensive tower has extremely special features, which can be regarded as the evolutionary version of the tower of death.

Death Halo Tower: Asian mythical quality, with skills: Death halo, the power of death, absorbing the soul, the realm of death, and death.

Death Halo: The Death Make Tower will cause continuous damage to the enemy within the attack range, causing (0.5%maximum health+5000) points per second, but the ordinary attack and death aura of the death halo tower will not cause death, at most the enemy will cause the enemy The health of life drops to 1 point.

When the health of the enemy drops below 20%, the death of death will increase the chance of the enemy to be attacked at least 50%(relative probability).

The power of death: The Death Make Tower enables the surrounding defensive tower to obtain the power of death (the radiation range is related to the number of soul ring layers of the death halo tower. Attack) increased by 300%.

The defense tower that is radiated by the power of death, each killing a certain number of enemies can increase the attack power. Each killing enemy above an epic level can have the ability to die (this ability can increase the chance of death).

Absorbing the soul: The death of the death halo tower can absorb the souls of all dead creatures within the range of attacks. Each absorption of 1,000 souls will increase a layer of soul ring, which can increase the attributes of the death tower once.

Every 1000 layer of soul ring can increase the basic damage and kill range of the death halo tower once. Every 1000 layer of soul ring, you can increase the chance of death of the death halo tower once.

Currently there is a soul ring: 0 layer.

Dominement of Death: Within the coverage of Death Halo Tower, the field of death will be formed. In this field, the lower the enemy’s health, the higher the damage. The chance of death caused by the friendly forces doubled, that is, the upper limit of the death target of death was increased to the sub -mythical level (the same as the quality of the death halo tower).

Death coming: The Death Halo Tower can summon the death of death, causing an attack on the enemy. The death of death has a strong ability to die. There is a high chance that the enemy will die in the death.

Death halo tower is the ceiling of the death tower. On it, it should be a mythical defensive tower such as the Death Tower.

Its capabilities are the comprehensive reinforcement of the tower of death. Whether it is the chance of death or the effect of death, it is comprehensively enhanced. With this ability, cooperate with the defense tower such as the death ray tower, and the BOSS of the sub -mythical level will also be able to kill the sub -mythical BOSS. It’s much easier.

It happened that in this round, Wu Feng’s enemies finally changed, and the final BOSS became the seventh -order Asian mythical BOSS.

If there is no death halo tower, then [Blue Star First Handsome guy] is a bit stressful to deal with this boss.

But in front of the Death Make Tower, the boss within the sub -mythical level is crispy!

I saw that the Death Make Tower matched with various death rays towers, which is enough to easily shoot epic BOSS by relying on the number of attacks and the chance of death.

Even if it is the sub -mythical BOSS, it finally fell under the death of the death of the Death Make Tower.

The mysterious existence of death is a mysterious existence that the body is shrouded in the black cloak. Outsiders can not see the real body of death in the shadow of death at all. They can only feel the powerful rules mastered by the virtuous shadow.

The god of death in his hand cut crazy, and quickly slashed the sub -mythical ancient devil with Bai Qi.

In the 180th round, it was also killed by [Blue Star’s First Handsomey guy], which made Wu Feng sigh: “I did not expect that I had 180 rounds of the difficulty of killing hell, which was actually completed on the 796th floor.”

“This is really because the hell on the 799th floor is difficult to come out in March, it is more difficult than the other layers of hell!”

Wu Fengyi knows that the difficulty of hell on the 799th floor will face the myth -level BOSS in March in the 160th round.

This is already a heavenly. Even in the 796th floor, there are not a few Dao Dao Liu.

But in the 796th layer, in the 180th round, BOSS is only the Asian God -level, which is incomparable with the 160 rounds of the 799th layer!

Wu Feng sitting on three mythical defensive towers, all of them must be sinking on the 180th round. After all, the hell difficulty in the 799th floor is 180 rounds, which is the round moon+eight -order mythical BOSS.

This should be the difficulty of 250 rounds on the 796th floor.

In the 180th round of customs clearance, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] rushed to the top 100 on the trial list. The lords of the 796th layer are high and there are many defensive towers, but they reach the 180th round. It is an enemy above the eighth level.

The lord who can clear the 180th round is really rare.

[The first handsome guy of Blue Star] It can be rushed to the 180th round, and it can indeed be among the top in the leader of Gou Dao.

A number of 100 lords who wandered Dao Dao noticed that they were curious after they were squeezed down, but because [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] hidden the ID, they could only guess who the newly rising Lord is the Lord.

Only a few people are suspicious. Is this new lord of the top 100 in the trial list, the newly rising [Blue Star First Handsome “? The resurrection lord suspected of the ancient god?

This possibility also made them a bit incredible. The lord who had just resurrected rushed into the top 100 of the trial list. Is there still a heavenly reason? Is there any law?

The party [Lan Xing’s first handsome guy] was just rushing forward at this time. This was the first time he cleared the 180th round.

Wu Feng feels that this may get more trial scores. He took this expectation and killed the 200th round all the way!

[Ding … Bailian pumping (special permissions) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, you get the death of the tower summoning card and the Sky Summon Card (epic quality). .

In the 200th round, Wu Feng was waiting, because he didn’t need to see it, he knew that this level was a special level, and the difficulty would definitely improve.

The same is true. In the 200th round, Wu Feng just appeared and saw countless thunder clouds in the sky. Looking at the posture, Wu Feng knew that this was a god -level natural disaster!

Not only that, in the 200th round, there were countless fire meteors, cosmic rays, and even gorgeous aurora. The previous natural disasters also came down together.

This time is the meteor fire rain (epic)+cosmic ray (epic)+sunfire (epic)+void shock (Asian myth)+extinguishing the world of light (Asian myth)+corruption blood rain (sub -mythical mythical mythical Level) The terrible natural disaster combination of+chaos mine robbers (mythical level)!

Wu Feng has been letting Opora using the god -level natural disaster to destroy other people’s territory. This time is also the first time he has tasted the god -level natural disaster.

This is also different from that of Ou Ruolai. The god -level natural disaster she launched is the thousand -meter lord in a region.

But Wu Feng is now all the power to undertake the god -level natural disasters alone. That is the power that is enough to destroy the world.

After seeing the launch of the chaotic mine robbers, there are countless rough thunders that are constantly bombarded. Every Tian Lei can explode a legendary defense tower.

With such a fierce Tian Lei, the ordinary lord can give up and run directly after seeing it, but Wu Feng did not give up easily.

In this case, Wu Feng can only extend more Nervic Great Walls and constantly increase the upper limit of the defense of the desperate barrier, so as to carry the magic -level natural disasters.

Under the crazy bombardment of the god -level natural disaster, there was a huge and extremely non -dead bird flying over. This seventh -order mythical BOSS appeared with the god -level natural disaster, which can almost determine the destruction of this virtual territory.

But at this time, Wu Feng laughed. He asked the avatar to wait quietly for the undead bird to approach. When the other party appeared on the virtual territory, when the attack was launched on the desperate barrier Handsome guy] In your hand.

It was a treasure pearl containing countless devastating forces.

This congenital artifact is a treasure that can control all disasters. Previously, [Blue Star’s First Handsome Guy] has been useless, just wait for this mythical boss to enter!

Now the undead bird BOSS appears over the virtual territory. [The first handsome guy of Blue Star] immediately launched the power of destruction of the natural disasters, causing the chaotic mines!

After consumption of 100 points of destruction, the chaotic mine robbers were also controlled and enhanced by [Blue Star First Handsome Guy], and then all the god -level natural disasters were poured into immortal birds!

Natural disasters can control natural disasters below the mythical level without restrictions. However, if it is a god -level natural disaster, it will need to consume a lot of destruction.

The power of destruction was collected by natural disasters. Every time Opora launched a natural disaster above the epic level, the natural disaster orb will accumulate a certain amount of destruction.

During this time, because Ophara used permanent motivation to continuously launch the god -level natural disaster, this natural disaster orb has accumulated a lot of power of destruction, and it can also control the god -level natural disaster!

This time, not only the god -level natural disaster, but also the meteor fire rain (epic)+cosmic ray (epic)+solar sky fire (epic)+void shock (Asian myth)+Destroyer Aurora (Asian mythology Level)+corrupted blood rain (sub -mythical level) has all become the help of [Blue Star’s First Handsome Guer].

All natural disasters can collect fire -endless birds, and the situation immediately reverses!

“Hey, although Oolla herself can’t get through, her artifact can be shared between two layers of abyss, as is other artifacts, this dead bird can go to death!”

Wu Feng smiled coldly, [Blue Star’s First Handsome Guy] also appeared in his hands, blood cloak, flesh and blood armor, and invincible wind fire wheels. Several artifacts were all worn by Bai Qi.

Coupled with the Xianxian sword, Bai Qi can also have four artifacts. His combat power has been greatly improved instantly!

This is the reasonable use of shared materials. Many artifacts of Wu Feng can share each other to deal with mythical boss. This artifact can exert a strong power.

I saw that Bai Qi’s attributes skyrocketed, and a sword cut it out, so the undead bird screamed!

The undead birds who were embarrassed in many natural disasters. Now, with the offensive of the white and Honglian industry, it is not just a wolf.

With such a fierce attack, the bloodless bird’s blood was fast, and it soon entered the state of residual blood. Then it broke out of Bai Qi.

This mythical BOSS screamed, and it was beheaded by a sword of the Xianxian sword, but Wu Feng didn’t take it lightly.

After seeing the falling bird falling, it also left a fiery red feather. This feather is the second life of the undead bird!

At this time, Lei Kait has disappeared, and other natural disasters have disappeared. At this time, [Blue Star’s First Handsome Funny], the reliance on undead bird disappears.

As the flame gradually converges, the more powerful undead bird is resurrected again!

Wu Feng did not let it go: “Since you killed you once, then don’t mind killing again! Then give me to death!”

This time, Wu Feng launched the god -level ban on the magic -level ban on the gods he had previously selected, a total of 3 god -level ban on the scroll, and a god -level natural disaster stored in the natural disaster.

This god -level natural disaster is doubled when it is consumed. Anyway, there is more destruction stored in natural disasters. It is not a problem to launch a god -level natural disaster at all!

So the undead bird just resurrected found that it needs to face three gods of banned spells and 1 god -level natural disaster! Even if it becomes stronger after resurrection, it can only be killed under this continuous attack.

In the end, it was cut out from Bai Qi. As a killing god, after killing the mythical BOSS, he added 10 to kill the gods at one time! The attributes in all aspects are also a lot of skyrocketing!

The Death Make Tower has added 1,000 layers of soul rings in this process, and a mythical BOSS, which can be worth 1 million kills!

Wu Feng is willing to consume such a big time to kill strong enemies, which is also beneficial. In this way, he allows [Blue Star First Handsomey guy] to enter the unlimited trial of hell, and he can get a mythical BOSS every day. Corpse!

This boss’s body also belongs to the supplies that can be shared. After a sharing, Wu Feng obtained the body of the undead bird.

He brought this precious body to the evolution blood pool. When the bone -bone essence saw the lord’s person, he knew that this must be a precious corpse.

She kept staring at the lord, and she really saw the lord’s bodies who took out another mythical BOSS!

The bone essence was extremely excited, then she could get a mythical boss’s body again, and the bone essence was extracted, and the bone essence could take off again!

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pond devour the corpse of a mythical BOSS (undead bird), according to its class (seventh order 350 level), the yield of evolutionary blood (legendary) of the evolution of the blood pool is increased by 240 drops/day, The yield of evolutionary blood (epic) increases 12 drops per day. .

[Ding … The body of the evolution blood pool swallow a mythical BOSS (undead bird) body, according to its class (seventh order 350), you get 2400 drops of evolution blood (legendary quality), 240 drops of evolutionary sacred blood (epic epic (epic (epic) Quality), 30 drops of inlet blood (mythical quality). .

[Ding … The body of the evolution blood pool swallow a mythical BOSS (undead bird), according to its quality (myth) and race (phoenix), you get 60 drops of Phoenix god blood (mythical quality). .


Undead bird BOSS, due to its resurrection once, the number of gods contained in it is also extremely much, which is simply comparable to Starry Titan.

“Undead birds can be resurrected. It is still more difficult to deal with ordinary mythical boss. If there must be a god -level BOSS in the 200th round, then I only need to control the god -level natural disasters to control.”

“That [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] can also kill a mythical BOSS every day! In this regard, the investment of the lord’s avatar is worth it.”

In this way, as long as the natural disasters are used, Wu Feng can get a mythical boss from [Blue Star First Handsome “every day. This consumes 100 points of destruction.

Ophara now uses multiple rounds of god -level natural disasters every day, and the power of destruction provides is more than 100 points!

There are 60 drops of phoenix blood in this round of blood, which does not need to hesitate. This kind of blood is specially prepared for the Qingyu!

After calling the Qingyu, Qing Yan also gave Wu Feng an important message: “Lord, the lord, this kind of Phoenix god blood contains the power of Nirvana.”

“I absorb a drop of Phoenix’s blood, and then it can increase the power of Nirvana’s rebirth, combining the awakening crystal in your hand, then I can almost resurrect infinitely!”

The news of Qing Yan is undoubtedly very important. She has now reappeared 12 times, and her strength has improved very quickly.

If the Nirvana of the Phoenix blood, she can really survive, but now she can only absorb 1 drop of Phoenix blood every day. One of her confidence is still from Wu Feng’s a lot of mythical awakening. crystal.

“Then these phoenixes and blood, I keep it for you, you can play it!” Wu Feng pointed at the Phoenix’s blood, and Qing Yan nodded fiercely.

In the virtual space at this time, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] is still continuing to impact a higher round of rounds. When he comes to the 201 round, the level of the monster he encounters only reaches level 350 or higher.

This is also because the level of [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund] is relatively low. Until now, it is only in the early 25th level. In the future, his level has been improved. In the 200th round of enemies, the level will exceed the eighth level. It’s right.

Today, by the Great Wall of Despair, [Blue Star’s First Handsome Man] has been killed all the way to the 220th round. As a result, this round has once again appeared in the new god -level natural disasters, plus the new eight -level mythical BOSS!

Faced with this lineup, Wu Fengguo made [Blue Star First Handsome Guer] and chose to give up. Without a mythical defense tower, this lineup was almost impossible to do it.

Wu Feng’s eloquent choice to give up, and you can settle this trial!

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy successfully cleared the unlimited test of the 219th round (Hell difficulty). According to the number of customs clearance rounds and records, a total of 14.2 million points can be obtained, which can be used to improve the trial star. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy encountered meteor fire rain (epic natural disaster), cosmic rays (epic natural disasters) and sun fire (epic natural disaster) in hell difficulty, each epic natural disaster, trial scoring score Extra+20%, an additional 8.52 million points, can be used to enhance the trial star. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy encountered void shocks (sub -mythical natural disasters), extermination of the Aurora (sub -mythical natural disaster), and rotten blood rain (sub -mythical natural disaster) in hell. Natural disasters, additional+40%of the trial scores, an additional 17.04 million points, can be used to enhance the trial star. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy encountered chaos and mines (mythical natural disasters) in hell, destroying the heavenly robbery (mythical natural disaster), each mythical natural disaster, the trial score is additional+100% Get 28.4 million points, which can be used to improve the trial star. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy beheaded a mythical BOSS (undead bird) in hell difficulty, with an additional+50%trial score, an additional 7.1 million points, which can be used to improve the trial star. .

“The number of customs clearance is high, and the rewards given are also high. This time I can get trial points than I use the Asian mythical invitation letter!”

“And the bonus of the trial scores given by this kind of natural disaster is no less than that in March. I saw a natural disaster in the 220th round, and there were mass scores to account! Wuhu took off!”

Wu Feng was shocked to see the settlement results. He received 75.26 million trial points in this round, which was exaggerated than the 50 million trial scores obtained by the Asian myth yesterday.

This is mainly because his rounds of customs clearance from the 180th round to the 220th round. This round alone is the existence of the third place in the trial list!

This naturally makes his basic trial scores scary, even if there is no Asian mythical invitation letter from 50%, it is considerable enough.

The trial points obtained by [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund] are the tower defense technology used for Wu Feng’s body. The two shared technology, there is no saying that [Blue Star First Handsome guy] needs to re -climb the technology.

With so many trial scores, Wu Feng can rush the trial star from 153 stars to 196 stars! Just a little bit, you can break the 200 stars!

The tower defense technology of 200 stars should be the technological level that is difficult for the owners to be reached normally on the 796th floor.

In this wave, the skills points for [Blue Star First Handsome “are also in Wu Feng’s body. He can get 44 -point skill points. With so many skill points, he can take the fourth -order skills in one breath Raise!

Wu Feng also filled it directly!

Tower Defense God Light: V -Class V. After lighting, you can add 250%of all defense towers and increase the upper limit of the tower defense and kill level of 10. The level of the light of the tower defense reaches the VI level.

The second full -class fourth -order tower defense technology appeared. Wu Feng still had 4 skill points left. He used it in special tower defense technology. He thought about it and used death specialty.

This is the first -level technology. It can be upgraded to level 4 at 4 points. It is cost -effective to think!

Death system specialty: Level IV can increase the full attribute of 40%of the defense tower of all deaths, and increase the chance of death at 0.4%of the defense tower of the death system. It takes 1 technology point to advance to the V level.

The specialty of the death department was coded by Wu Feng considering that there was a halo tower. The tower of death in his territory has now evolved to an epic level.

This technology can provide bonuses for the defense tower of the death system. Wu Feng has a chance in the future and wants to evolve this death halo tower to a myth level.

He always feels that there is a mythical defense tower, and it should be much easier to deal with mythical BOSS or mythical heroes.

As soon as the death is triggered, let your mythical boss also kneel. This is the feeling of watching the barbaria and the death halo tower after watching the god of death.

Wu Feng is still looking forward to this!

At the end of this battle, [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund] returned the relevant artifacts to Wu Feng. The number, type and lethal power in his territory have a qualitative leap.

This time, you can sit in the area where you are in the area, and you can retreat and retreat. In the face of his amazing defensive tower cluster, few people should dare to provoke.

In this case, [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund] began to plan to enter the ocean. He asked Sun Wukong to expand towards the 076 area. Sun Wukong, who was already hungry, immediately killed!

[Blue Star First Handsome guy] After ordering, Comrade Goku whistled happily: “Go old grandson!”

After he launched the clouds, the whole person rose into the sky. After pulling the speed to the limit, Goku passed the boundaries of the two regions a few minutes, and then killed a territory closest to the area closest to 075.

This time Goku ignored many peripheral defense, under the attack of countless defense towers, and directly came to the heart of the enemy’s lord.

“I am old -fashioned!” Goku smashed down a stick, and the golden hoop rod fought rapidly, and the drama of damage increased.

He was lying in the lord’s palace and hugging and holding the crazy. Before he responded, he disappeared with the lord’s palace.

Disappearing together, and his lord’s heart! This was destroyed by the lord!

Wukong’s Golden Hooping stick has a strong combat power. Now facing ordinary lords, he can directly knock on the core area of his territory into a fly ash!

King Kong’s not bad body allows Goku to ignore a large number of attacks, and the golden hoop stick gives him the destructive power of destroying and dying. In addition, the monkey brother’s combat power is doubled. Essence

Seeing the performance of the monkey brother, Wu Feng also nodded again and again. There was a monkey brother. As long as the enemy is not a monopoly or a big lord, he can easily suppress it.

After all, most of the lords in the 076 area are the losers, and their highest quality heroes are just legendary heroes.

In the face of Monkey Brother, they could not resist at all.

So with the rapid expansion of Monkey Brother, his attributes increased very quickly. Many lords had been destroyed by a stick before reacting.

Only a few lords have special protection lords to block the destruction of the monkey brother, and then relocate and leave.

The speed and efficiency of the monkey brother made Wu Feng very satisfied, and he also opened his unlimited trial.

[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel Choose Hell difficulty trial, improve the grade and attributes of the monsters (the level is increased by 20, the full attribute is 100%improved, and the random opportunity is added to the sky), the trial evaluation and the quality of the lottery have been improved. The reward was increased by 400%, and an additional bonus of the Asian mythical invitation letter was obtained. The trial evaluation will be increased by 50%. .

[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel Infinite Trial Invitation (Asian Mythical Quality), get the effect of initial tower defense, tower defense upgrade, and tower defense evolution. You can choose 7 initial tower defense, please choose. .

[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel Infinite Trial Invitation Letter (Asian mythical quality), the difficulty of choosing is the difficulty of hell, you can obtain the effect of defense building, you can choose a defensive building, please choose. .

For the second time I used the sub -mythical invitation letter, Wu Feng once again entered the difficulty of hell. His goal naturally was to kill a mythical boss again.

At the same time, he also calculated with mysterious sheepskin rolls. If he entered the trial invitation letter to the mythical level, the number of times used to use it before!

So today, I use this sub -mythical invitation to have no negative effects. Many daily benefits of bosses and defense towers are still necessary to obtain.

Because the difficulty of this hell has no pressure for Wu Feng, he asked Weicus to cooperate with the defense tower to solve the wave of enemies. He stared at the progress of the [Blue Star’s First Handsome Man].

Brother Monkey’s advance efficiency is much faster than when in the 075 area. It took 2 hours to advance to the coastal area of the 075 area.

When you come to this area, you can build a dock and prepare to go to the sea. After the monkey brother killed a lord who had a legendary dock on the sea, Wu Feng was ready to open a warship.

This time, Wu Feng used the architectural copy card at hand. This kind of prop can copy Wu Feng’s existing buildings at hand, and then copy the card to become a calling card for the corresponding building.

In this way, the copy of the summoning card can be shared with the [Blue Star’s First Handsomey guy] without hindrance.

What Wu Feng did was to replicate the card with an epic -level building to copy the Dalian shipyard, and he could move a new Dalien Ship Factory to the territory of the [Blue Star First Handsome Guy]. go!

After sharing the copy card, the [Blue Star First Handsome guy] immediately chose a good position by the sea, and then summoned the Dalian Shipyard.

After this shipyard landed, it was possible to start a warship. To this end, Wu Feng specially purchased several types of warship drawings from the book of craftsmen.

The Dalien Ship Factory immediately launched three new warships, including dragon battleships, deep -sea submarines and giant whale warships. These are legendary battleships, which are temporarily sufficient in chaos.

In addition to copying the Dalien Shipyard, in consideration of the current situation, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] also urgently needed a group of powerful arms to deal with various situations, and he took out several legendary building copy cards.

This kind of building card can naturally copy the legendary building. Wu Feng wants to copy the twin magic caves.

It’s just that Wu Feng is not going to copy the legendary twin magic points, but directly improves its specifications and copy the epic twin magic hole!

This requires [Xiaohong Lithium] to make a force. Wu Feng gave her a legendary construction evolutionary card, which was evolved into an epic level. Due to the quality restrictions of the copy card, Wu Feng did not let her evolve the evolution. Props.

Instead, the 4 rumors -level building copy card has been evolved into an epic level. In this way, Wu Feng can copy the four twin magic points to summon cards!

This can make the explosion of [Blue Star First Handsome “soared!

Wu Feng gave the four twin magic cars to the [Blue Star First Handsome guy]. He focused on upgrading one of the twin magic points.

The twin magic caves in Wu Feng’s territory are already epic -level buildings at the 6th level.

Twin magic caves: special buildings (epic quality), covering an area: 1,000 units, can be sent to the twin magic holes for replication, and after one of the magic caves, the other magic hole can be copied exactly the same exactly the same. Army.

At present, it is a 6 -level twin magic hole, which will increase an additional 180%of the accumulated experience value of the military type. The number of epic arms replicated by the twin reached more than 15,000, which can be upgraded to level 7.

Attachment capabilities: twin copy, simulation nest, universal replication, Gemini.

Twin students copy: After sending the soldiers within the epic level into the twin magic caves, the corresponding magic crystals and resources can be consumed, and one arms can be copied. Skills, replication can no longer be copied.

Simulation Nest: According to the level of the twin magic points, there will be different numbers of simulation nests (currently 12 small simulation nests and 3 medium -sized simulation nests). Small simulation nests can simulate all the military buildings within all legendary quality, medium simulation simulation, medium simulation Nest acupoints can simulate arms buildings within all epic levels.

The level of simulation nest acupoint is consistent with the level of the twin magic caves, and the number of recruitment of arms has obtained additional bonuses (currently the number of recruitment recruitment of 240%).

Universal replication: The arms replicated by the twin magic caves can leave the corresponding mark in the twin magic caves. The twin magic caves can be copied an additional batch of arms every day. According to the level of the twin magic points, the maximum of 600 epic arms and the current maximum daily copy can be copied daily. Army within 6,000 legendary levels.

Gemini Star: Twin -born magic hole can copy special heroes. After sending a hero within an epic level into the twin magic points, his twin brothers will be copied. The twins will increase an additional 60%full attribute. Heroes, a maximum of one epic heroine is copied every 3 days.

“Actually, the ability of Gemini Star is really amazing! Is this the additional capacity of epic buildings that exceed level 5?”

(This chapter is finished)

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