Chapter 442

The words of the fallen blood angel saying to the [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] are also what Rylier said to Wu Feng, but Rylier also considers the influence of the gate of heaven.

“Lord, we all officially activated the identity of the heaven messenger. We can communicate the ancient world of heaven. We also have the door to heaven. We can build a cloud city on the basis of the gate of heaven!”

“Although this epic architecture cannot be compared with the supreme heaven, it is also a building that summons angels and training angels. The number of angels we can summon every day can greatly increase!”

Hearing Ruilier’s statement, Wu Feng laughed: “Okay, then we will build it immediately! Based on the door of heaven, build a cloud city first!”

Wu Feng was so popular. On the basis of the gate of heaven, he established a cloud city. According to the news revealed by Rylier, when he had the gate of heaven, the cloud in the clouds he established could The building is much stronger!

Combining the two, Wu Feng can quickly form an angel army to deal with natural disasters, which will be very easy to use.

And there are [Blue Star First Handsome guy], the fallen blood angel said that they can build another cloud city on the 796th floor, because in the heaven messenger, each more mythical angel hero can increase the construction of a cloud. The number of the city!

Each mythical angel hero must be long as an angel, which has the authority of building a cloud city and communicating with the ancient world of heaven.

So [Blue Star’s First Handsome Funny] also opened the cloud city in the territory. This cloud city also floats in the air, which is a bit like the city of the sky.

It’s just that the city of the sky is a war architecture. This cloud city is just arms architecture, and it is still impossible to push the enemy horizontally.

Instead, it has evolved it into the Most of the Paradise, and it is the fusion of arms architecture and war architecture.

“It takes about a day to build a cloud in the cloud. This is already an epic architect. Fortunately, the [Blue Star First Handsome Guide] also summoned an epic craftsman over there. This time is almost the same.”

Wu Feng is equivalent to the opening of the two clouds in the clouds, and the time on both sides is almost the same. [Blue Star’s first handsome guy] used so many summoned scrolls there, and naturally summoned epic architects.

Therefore, the two epic -level arms buildings are built quickly. When they are built, the [Blue Star First Handsome guy] can also have a stable and powerful force obtaining channels on the 796th floor.

The lord ’s avatar card can only share materials, and the hero can only summon the initial heroes. If the soldiers, then there is no way to send the elite troops to the 796th floor.

The troops of [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund] can only be formed by himself, which is also created according to the hero he summoned.

This requires the troops that are adapted to the troops that are adapted according to the powerful heroes they have summoned. The fallen blood angel already has Yunzhong City to summon the angel force, then the fallen blood angels need to upgrade and improve their strength by themselves.

Wu Feng immediately left a large piece of demon nest point for the falling blood angel. The four -wing angel named Lucifer immediately opened it!

In the territory of [Blue Star’s First Handsome Guy], there are still three big brothers left now!

The yellow robe monsters, Kuimu wolf, living Buddha, Jigong, and long eyebrows. These three are the characters who dominate one side, and it is not simple in mythical heroes.

The yellow robe monster · Kui Mu wolf has a double identity. He is one of the members of the monster heaven and the orthodox pioneer of the God of God.

After he joined the monster heaven, plus many monsters summoned by Wu Feng, it was considered a bull demon king and Sun Wukong.

So many powerful monsters simply make the demon in the territory of [Blue Star First Handsome “, and there is a feeling of entering the monster’s nest.

At the same time, the yellow robe monster · Kuimu wolf is also one of the twenty -eight stars in the Xian Shen Temple. It also has a place in the fairy god heaven.

Calculating Da Wa, Erwa, and Shoushuang, activated the hero organization of Xian Shen Temple!

Xian Shen Temple: Epic Hero Organization. At present, there are 3 members, which can increase the chance of summoning the members of Xian Shen Temple of 18%.

Mythical hero (1 person): Yellow robe monster · Kui Mu wolf.

Asian mythical hero (1): Gourd Wa (Da Wa, Erwa)

Epic Hero (1): Shouxing.

Legendary hero (0 people) :.

According to the quality of the members, the power of the 4.5 -layer tissue is activated (the quality of the myth is improved by 2 layers, the quality of the sub -mythology is increased by 1.5 floors, the epic quality is improved by 1 layer, and the legendary quality is increased by 0.5 layers).

Organization provides attribute bonuses: The membership of the fairy gods cultivation system is increased by 180%.

Organization provides bondage bonuses: The cultivation speed of members of the God of Heaven has increased by 90%, and the cultivation skills have been improved by 180 years.

After the Xian Shen Ting was activated, Wu Feng was also bright. This is also an epic hero organization. The quality of the organization members is very high.

Even the door guards at the door are probably a legendary hero. Fulushou, a hero who has little combat effectiveness, belongs to an epic hero.

After the appearance of Shouxing, his ability can affect the entire territory, greatly increase the life expectancy of the leader of the people, and greatly increase the happiness of the people in the territory.

All the people of this territory have a great sense of belonging to the real estate, so the role of Shouxing is still very great.

After the appearance of the Kuimu Wolf, he also looked down at [Blue Star’s First Handsomey guy]: “Lord Lord, who is one of the 28 stars, the Kuimu Wolf, if you can gather 28 stars, it will help you to sweep the world in the world. ! ”

Wu Feng nodded: “In the heavenly court, it is more than 28 stars! What four heavenly kings and eight immortals should be the same level of combat power with you 28 stars.”

“If you gather all the heroes of the God of God …”

Wu Feng thought about it, that picture is so beautiful, I can’t figure out!

The fairy gods are definitely countless superhero organizations, which is almost the same as the monster heaven next door. Nowadays, the monster heaven is also a mythical hero with high organizational power.

Looking at the remaining two heroes, the real people of Changmei are also one of the members of Wan Jianzong. He is also a member of the Masao Alliance. It is a power to exist with the Magic League.

After being summoned by [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund], the King of Xuanyuan Fayang saw the long eyebrows, and he was numb and strictly waited: “Long eyebrows, you are actually summoned!”

The real people of Changmei are the founders of the Emei faction. Many Emei sword fairy that Wu Feng previously summoned was his disciples and grandchildren.

He is also a giant level in the main alliance. The king of Xuanyuan is also very afraid of the real people. Instead, the long eyebrows are more calm.

“You don’t need to be as good as the enemy. We are all the men of the lords and do things for the lord. As long as you do things for the territory, I won’t embarrass you.”

“Zhengxie competes, now it is already a past! Since in a territory, we cannot split!”

The pattern of long eyebrows is obviously much higher than that of the king of Xuanyuan. His words made Xuanyuan Faya relieved, and he didn’t have to compete with the strongest of the long eyebrows.

Xuanyuan Fayang posted a classic quotation of the magic road: “桀 桀, lord, as long as you let me use the magic method, I can quickly improve the cultivation.”

“In the future, you can easily help you solve the enemy!”

[Lan Xing’s first handsome guy] glanced at the people in the magic road, he patted his hands: “No matter what method I use, as long as you can improve your strength and sweep the enemy.”

“The enemies you have to face in the future are all heroes of the fourth and fifth or five -level. If you do not quickly improve your strength, you can’t catch up with the enemy’s combat power.”

Long Mei Real people stood up their own snow -white long beards: “Lord, we will improve the level as soon as possible …”

The existence of long eyebrows has soared with the organization of Wan Jianzong, and the entire Emei faction can be regarded as countless sword fairy.

Together with his disciples and grandchildren, he was a very wonderful scene.

“Amitabha, the poor monks see the lord’s boundary, it is really talented!” Holding a broken fan, the old and wearing a broken clothes said with a smile.

On the Buddha hat he brought, there were several patchs. If he hadn’t known his identity, Wu Fengfei could think that this was a white -quality beggar hero.

But this image cannot be imagined. This is a mythical hero living Buddha Ji Gong!

Living Buddha Jigong is now the third Buddhist monk. After he appears, he can activate the Holy Monk and Heroes of the Buddha.

After Fahai appeared, when he saw many monsters, he couldn’t help but wanted to shout a wicked evil and eat me a Dawei Tianlong.

But after seeing Sun Wukong, the Demon King and Kuimu Wolf, he took a deep breath and temporarily held back. In the face of these three big men, now he said that he would be beaten in minutes.

Jigong is much more cheerful than Fahai. He turned around around the territory, and said with a smile: “Lord, in our territory, all kinds of creatures have all kinds of creatures, it is really interesting!”

Ji Gong pointed to the many monsters, and the Xuanyuan Fayang, who also refers to the Magic Dao. He was very tolerant of these aliens, and he shouted and killed after seeing it.

It is ready to see if it can promote the Dharma and cross some people. This is one of the characteristics of the Buddhist monk organization.

Buddhist monk: Epic Heroes, currently 3 members, can increase the chance of summoning the members of the Buddhist monk by 20%.

Mythical Heroes (2): Datang Saint Monk, Tang Seng, Living Buddha Ji Gong.

Epic Hero (1): Monk Fa Hai.

Legendary hero (0 people) :.

According to the quality of the members, the 5th layers of tissue power is activated (the quality of the myth is improved by 2 layers, the epic quality is improved by 1 layer, and the legendary quality is increased by 0.5 layers).

Organization provides attribute bonuses: The all -attributes of the Buddhist monks and converted to Buddhism have increased by 200%.

Organization provides a bondage bonus: The more people recite the Buddha, the higher the attributes of the Buddhist monks. The mythical monk can guide other heroes to convert to Buddhism and join the ranks of Buddhist monks.

Mythical holy monks can guide others to convert to Buddhism, so that members of the Buddhist monks in the Buddhist Buddhism, Ji Gong originally fancy Sun Wukong.

In the words of Ji Gong, this monkey has a relationship with my Buddha. After seeing the Tang monk, he knows that Sun Wukong is going to cross by the monk.

His gaze looked at the Xuanyuan Dharma who was on the side: “You wish you to cultivate the Buddha?”

Faced with Ji Gong’s inquiry, King Xuanyuan immediately shook his head: “I am the first person in Magic Tao. How can I turn my head to cultivate Buddhas? You don’t have to tell me what to put down the butcher knife and stand into the Buddha!”

“If it is so easy to become a Buddha, then no one can cultivate the magic first, and then cultivate the Buddha, which is faster than you practice Buddha.”

Ji Gong was stunned. Your demon monster was very clear. This was clearly looking at it.

Ji Gong won’t say this: “I didn’t say that letting go down to stand up to the ground. If you practice Buddha, you must first abolish you with magic skills, and then re -cultivate the Dharma.”

“Since you are unwilling, I will go to other people …”

Ji Gong is not in a hurry. The magic path and the monster can be crossing. Some disciples in the right path can also be used.

There is the existence of the double cultivation of the Buddha and Taoism in the right path. If he is a happy Buddha, this group of people must be willing to practice with himself, but unfortunately he is not.

Ji Gong shook the fan, and he wandered in the territory without care. The personality of the living Buddha was really unique and unwilling to be crossed. He was not in a hurry.

[Blue Star First Handsome Guy] A simple round of lottery has a large number of senior heroes. His ranking on the heroes list is relatively high.

As for No. 053, the heroes of the Heroes of the Tiangu have been completely dominated by him. The efficiency of this list is quite fast.

Next time, Wu Feng can also get a lot of rewards on the 796th floor.

With so many mythical heroes, Wu Feng was also worried about how to obtain evolutionary blood, and added 5 mythical heroes in one breath.

If they make sure their growth, then Wu Feng will prepare 5 drops more every day to evolve the blood!

[Blue Star First Handsome guy] Here, many heroes must also prepare more magic nest caves to upgrade, and he has been let the monkey brother push the lord of this area.

As the Monkey Brother made a big trouble, some lords couldn’t carry the relocation, and some lords were hit by Goku with a stick of the lord.

When Brother Monkey rose to level 25, he swept all the lords in this area, and it took 8 hours.

This efficiency is not low. It is mainly the lord of the region. Anyway, it is also the level of the fourth or five -level. There are more props resources in your hands.

Now that Brother Monkey has exploded the last lord’s territory, he finally completed a milestone.

[Ding … Qi Tian Dasheng Sun Wukong successfully made a big noise in the Tiangong, and the single -man eliminated all the lords in a region. According to the average level of the region (level 151) and the number of lords (125), Qi Tian Dasheng Sun Wukong received 21,000 points All attributes grow. .


With this settlement, Monkey Brother has soared a wave of attributes by making a big trouble. This is the lord who was driven away from the escape from the lord.

The lord of the lord of the monkey with a big trouble with the heavenly palace is about 1/10, but this time the entire area is settled together, it also has a good income.

Brother Monkey swept the entire area, and his strength was very obvious. When he waved his stick, he could destroy the territory of a lord.

At that time, some lords responded slowly, and even running could not run away!

At the same time, Tang Seng also shouted a Buddha name: “Goku, we finished the first level of this way to take the scripture, the first difficulty of 1981, this is the first one to cross …”

[Ding … the Tang Dynasty monks, Tang monks, Qi Tian Da Shengsheng, Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King, Bai Qi, Living Buddha Ji Gong, War God Xingtian, Fallen Blood Angel, Kuimu Wolf successfully survived the first difficulties (preliminary based on) To activate the talents of Xitian to learn from the scriptures, according to the difficulty of the calamity, all members of the Bible Gathered Team have obtained 20,000 full attribute growth. .


Tang Seng’s Xitian’s talents will be regarded as the first region of this first region as the first difficulty in 1981. He has previously pulled several mythical heroes into the Bencene.

Six places to take the scriptures are temporarily full, so they all received the rewards of scriptures, and everyone could grow up!

This is that after Goku joined, the number of monks in the Tang monk increased the quota. If the pig eight precepts and sand monks were summoned in the future, the quota of the scripture group could increase.

By then, long eyebrows can be added.

Among them, Goku, as the main force, has gained the dual growth of the Temple Palace and Xitian’s scriptures, and the growth rate of combat power is very fast!

Wu Feng nodded secretly and pulled Tang Seng into the 796th floor. It was really the right choice. This is not only a very powerful combat power.

You can still lead a combination to learn from the scriptures to get rewards. What do you think, the effect of this scripture group is good.

After [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund], after completing the complete occupation of this area, the Supreme League finally opened up the territory on the 796th floor!

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the No. 075 region No. 075, No. 089, No. 796, to activate the monopoly program. The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region 075, No. 089, No. 796, No. 089, and the regional list disappears. The nine days of the league will be fixed to get 5000 sounds and 1 legendary degree of legend every day. .


The [Little Red Carp], which focused on the number of monopoly areas, extracted the extraordinary power of this area as soon as possible, and she was also secretive.

“The elder brother of the alliance is too powerful, and the expansion has been completed so quickly on the 796th floor.

“He stands up on the 796th floor so quickly, then he can expand it quickly as the 798th floor …”

[Jianghu Old Iron] also discovered that his talents and talents can actually launch to dig out the items on the 796th floor, which also surprised him!

So after excavating the items of this layer, he found that he actually dug two legendary items, and its output was much higher than the area on the 799th floor!

“Is this the income of the 796th floor? This is too cool. A region can be worthy of two regions in the 799th floor!”

“But the best is the boss. Is he found another door to the abyss, and it has begun to develop the 796th floor?”

[Jianghu Old Iron] I don’t know if his boss uses the lord’s clip to open up the wasteland. This hidden information, Wu Feng did not tell others that he couldn’t help it like Su Mu.

After winning the area No. 075, Wu Feng started to build fortress at the junction of this area and other regions. He could start with the starting point of No. 075 and began to expand outward.

Out of the demand for expansion, and also looking for the needs of [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves], Wu Feng found [Little Red Carp].

“[Little Red Carp], how much extraordinary power do you have now?” After Wu Feng asked, [Xiaohong Carp] immediately gave a reply.

“We have occupied dozens of regions during this time. In the country of 042, 1/3 of the regions have fallen. I have accumulated 40 points of power at hand. You can use it.”

Wu Feng nodded, so many extraordinary power can be planned and used, so Wu Feng asked [Little Red Carp] to help him evolve the magic fire purgatory tower into the Red Lotus Fire Tower.

He wants to let [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] also enter the infinite trial. The lord’s avatar has all the permissions of the normal lord.

In this case, you can participate in unlimited trials and other trials, and even get trial points.

It’s just that there are only some epic defense towers in the [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund], and he will definitely suffer in the difficulty. Wu Feng wants him to make a sub -mythical defense tower, at least a few more difficulties.

The sub -myth -level defensive tower formed by the magic fire purgatory tower is very suitable. Wu Feng has tested its power before, so he has never used the defense tower to summon cards.

[Little Red Carp] After getting the instructions, I quickly used the extraordinary power to point out the summoning card. After several times, I used the 7 o’clock power to enter the magic fire purgatory. Intersection

Now [Blue Star’s First Handsome Fun], you can also have good benefits in infinite trials.

In addition, Wu Feng also needed [Little Red Carp] to help him evolve again and out of a sky -eyed whistle: “Only Tianyan whistle can help me find the where the small world is located and the entrance.”

“Now use a sub -mythical tower to use it. In the future, find a more advanced whistle tower to find [Alibaba and Forty Thieves] forced!”

After Wu Feng made a decision, [Little Red Carp] helped him to complete the evolution. She invested 8 o’clock to enter the legendary magic whistle tower into a sub -mythical level.

So Wu Feng directly shared the two sub -mythical defense tower summoning cards. If the other lords discovered that the two sub -mythical defense towers of the two sub -mythical levels of the [Blue Star First Handsome Guide] have to make his ancient god’s identity!

If it wasn’t for the ancient recovery, how could it have so many sub -mythical defense tower! Intersection

And [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] got two important defensive towers, and immediately put down the Tianyan whistle tower. He had to look at the situation of the Tiangu No. 053!

After seeing the Tianyan whistle tower landed, a number of sky eyes were launched, and the situation of the nearby countries was clear!

Through the eyes of the sky, Wu Fengxian saw the chaotic star in the direction of the east. The reason why this extinction was forbidden was because the entire chaotic star sea was a huge sea area densely covered with countless islands.

The islands in this sea are like constantly falling into the sea with stars. Looking down through the high -altitude angle of the sky, you can see all kinds of islands in the sea.

Even Wu Feng saw that some islands still moved slowly in the sea. The whole chaotic star sea was extremely complicated, and it became a pot of porridge.

Wu Feng’s No. 075 area belongs to the land sector at the junction of the chaotic star.

Many lords occupy an island here. If you want to attack these islands, the difficulty is much more difficult than the siege on the land.

This has made many lords after failure, like to run into the chaotic star sea, wait for enough resources, and then expand outward.

The number of lords in the chaotic star sea is much larger than the No. 075 area.

In the chaotic star, there are often some powerful Neptune and the emperor class running out. The powerful fierce beasts living on the island will also harass the lords who have developed their hearts.

The entanglement between lords, fierce beasts, and sea monsters, and the entanglement between many forces made the chaotic star seas look like a mess.

“The core area of chaotic Xinghai is the sky between the two Tianju, and my sky can’t see it …”

Wu Feng carefully looked at the area between the two heavenly domains, and found that it was a row of giant islands between the heavens. These islands were shrouded in the fog and faintly saw that there were giant fierce beasts inside.

And the sea areas between the islands often have a huge figure of ancient sea emperors, and it is a horror existence of more than 5,000 meters.

If it is not the depth of the sea water of the chaotic star, these ancient sea emperors may not be able to survive. Some shallow sea will be a bathtub for this level of sea emperors!

“Well, maybe my beast summon card is useful …” Wu Feng touched his chin. He previously drawn a beast summoning card, which was originally hesitant to use it on the 799th or 798th floor.

Now seeing the chaotic Xinghai pattern, Wu Feng feels that if he can use the beast to summon a card to control an ancient sea emperor, the area in that sea area can be won all in minutes!

In the country No. 079 next door, it has been occupied by 80%of the sea area, which can drive the ancient sea emperors. This kind of sea area is not easy to win!

When Wu Feng thought about this, he suddenly felt that there had been some changes in the sky. He used the eyes to take a closer look, only to find out that a large amount of meteor meteorite appeared in the chaos. The surrounding area has become the extinction of meteors and rain.

“Meteor fire is here again! Now this meteor is getting more and more frequent, and the number is increasing. It feels like this, the chaotic star sea will be filled!”

“Who said it is not! Although we are often affected by meteor fires and rain on land, the most affected are the waters where the chaotic star sea is over. Each time the meteor fire and rain ends, there can always be a large number of large and small islands in the chaotic stars. ”

“This is not a bad thing. If you increase the island, you can have more living space. We can’t mix it up, and we can go to the island!”

Through the discussion of some lords on the National Channel, Wu Feng found that the meteor fire and rain appeared this time was not a rare phenomenon.

The lords around the chaotic star sea are no wonder.

Wu Feng immediately watched the fall of these meteors. Sure enough, as these lords said, most of the meteor meteorites were smashed on the sea of chaotic star sea.

The huge meteor meteorite set off a horrible tsunami in the chaotic star sea. Many islands were hit, and the entire island collapsed.

However, after some meteors fell, they quickly resurrected, becoming a miniature or small island, and some meteor meteorites to help some islands expand the area.

Wu Feng also finally knew how the island of this star came.

The reason why this chaotic star sea has such a name is because the islands in this sea can be said to be the stars in the sky.

“The number and size of the islands of this chaotic star has been changing, and no one can draw an accurate map. No wonder it is called the chaos.”

“Some lords were directly hit by meteor meteorite and reimbursed on the spot. This can survive and need more luck.”

Wu Feng noticed that when the fire and rain fell, many of them had actively used the war barrier or shield card. In short, it was to form a protection on the territory.

The meteor fire and rain really smashed, and they would not eliminate them directly. They could also get the resources and territorial area of the meteor fire rain.

Among the meteorite fell in the sky, many precious resources can be collected, orange and legendary resources, which are countless, but good luck can also get epic resources!

“This meteor fire can also be regarded as a special natural phenomenon around the chaotic star sea. Although it cannot be compared with the March of the 799th floor, this situation is already exaggerated.”

“At that time, I can really find a chance to take off all the blockbuster islands of the chaotic star!” Wu Feng’s heart planned how to grab the land in the chaotic star.

Many countries around the stars are more than 50%, and even some countries are all in the sea.

Like Wu Feng’s 089 national, its waters account for 50%, and they can be No. 079, and the proportion of its waters is 80%.

Even the country of No. 059, the entire country is within the scope of the chaotic sea, and even the 058 country west of its west is in the sea area.

Such a large sea area involves dozens of countries, which is really a broad ocean.

Wu Feng chose here, thinking that the sea area is more suitable for gougie. To stay away from land, he can avoid being siege with a large number of troops. Wu Feng’s strategy on the 796th floor decided to be the first sea area and then land.

Just thinking that the meteor fire and rain were completely over, and Wu Feng’s eyes continued to spread to the surrounding area. He found that Tianyan was still difficult to scan to the small world of the 053 Tianyu.

So he still launched the perspective of God, and once again realized the power as well as God!

The authority of God was obtained by him, and everything in Tianyu No. 053 seemed to have nothing to do in front of him.

In this world, the strongest lords were swept by Wu Feng. He saw the situation of these lords, and many of them occupied a national lord.

In the end, Wu Feng’s goal still landed in the small world connected by Tiangu No. 053. Through the vortex around the small world, Wu Feng saw this small world deep in the bottom of the sea.

This small world happened to be deep in the chaotic star sea, close to the gods of the ancient sea emperor’s category!

“It turned out to be a small world underwater, and it was occupied by people. This is a lot bigger than heaven secrets!” Wu Feng locks the secret of the sea through the cover method set by the host owner.

Its size is probably about three times the initial area of heaven, that is, this is a secret state with 12 regions.

This is still the category of the secret state, but this specification can be called the secret state of medium specifications.

And Wu Feng’s most concerned is the master of the secret situation. After repeated scanning, Wu Feng found that the secret was occupied by a group of lords, and there was no [Alibaba and the Forty Pirates].

“It seems that [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves] This guy is not on the Tiandu No. 053. When there is a chance next time, I will move the Tiangan Po Tower to other Tianyu to find it.”

“As long as I look for all the heavenly domains on the 796th floor, I can find [Alibaba and Forty Thieves] sooner or later!”

Wu Feng did not expect to find [Alibaba and Forty Thieves] for this forced. He found this wave of Tiandu No. 053, and then he could try to occupy this secret.

When the perspective of God ends, [Blue Star First Handsome Guer] fully grasped a large amount of information from Tianyu No. 053, and he can also take a target to take action.

However, before that, Wu Fengxian asked [Blue Star First Handsome Fun] to enter the infinite trial to try it.

In the hands of [Blue Star First Handsome, there is an epic infinite trial invitation letter drawn by a lottery. There is no need to share Wu Feng. [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] can enter the unlimited trial of hell.

This time, Wu Feng mainly allowed the lord to try whether he had the authority to enter the unlimited trial, and the avatar could not kill the mythical boss for the time being.

The goal of Wu Feng gave him is that he has a lot of infinite trial lists, and a little defense tower is drawn, so an invitation letter with an epic infinite trial is enough.

After [Blue Star’s First Handsome Funny] picked up the invitation letter, he took a deep breath to activate the invitation letter. As Wu Feng imagined, the invitation letter wrapped the [Blue Star First Handsome Guer], indicating that he was the lord’s avatar, You can also participate in unlimited trials!

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy uses unlimited trial invitation letters (epic quality) and successfully opens unlimited trials. Please choose the difficulty first. The quality of the invitation letter is the quality of the epic. You can choose ordinary, difficulty, nightmares. There are four difficulty in hell, please choose within 60 seconds. .

“NICE! Now I can participate in infinite trials twice a day. This benefits are simply explosive! The defense tower drawn every day can be made up!”

Wu Feng was very satisfied. For the difficulty choice, he was already familiar with the car. Out of the consideration of the impact ranking, [Blue Star First Handsome guy] entered the unlimited trial, he immediately chose the difficulty of hell!

This difficulty reward bonus is higher to get better defense tower.

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy chose hell difficulty trial, and the magic level and attributes were improved (the level increased by 20, the full attribute was 100%improved, and the random opportunity encountered celestial phenomenon bonus), trial evaluation and lottery quality Increased, the reward was increased by 400%. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy’s infinite trial invitation letter (epic quality), which has the effect of initial tower defense and tower defense upgrade. You can choose 5 initial tower defense, please choose. .

[Ding … Lord Lan Xing’s first handsome guy’s infinite trial invitation letter (epic quality), the difficulty is the difficulty of hell, you can obtain the effect of defense building, you can choose a defensive building, please choose. .

Like Wu Feng’s use of an epic invitation letter, the avatar uses an invitation letter to get the corresponding bonus. The initial tower defense and defensive buildings are the confidence of the closing of the closing high round!

So in the [Blue Star First Handsome, the Fire Tower and the Great Wall of Despair, the Fire Tower of Honglian Industry Fire Tower have been summoned, creating a virtual territory of the golden soup.

Although there is no mythical defense tower, reliable to this specification, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] can also easily clear the previous level.

Due to the difficulty of hell, the chance of getting a high -quality defensive tower during the lottery is similar to Wu Feng himself.

Wu Feng’s attention is mainly what kind of heaven will appear this time. In the infinite trials of the 796th floor, there will never be March.

If March appeared in the previous infinite trial, they would have known the attributes of March, which is obviously inconsistent with the facts.

He remembers that some people have mentioned that at different levels, the heavenly phenomena that appear in the unlimited trials of hell are different, which is mainly related to the abyss of that layer.

The abyss that came out in the past ten days, the unlimited trials of hell will also appear in the ten -day phenomenon.

What about the 796th floor? What kind of special natural phenomenon?

[Ding … Bailian Pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering a talent in the soul, you get the ray tower summoning card and the shadow tower summoning card (orange quality). .


[Ding … Bai Lian Dao (Special Power) is successful, triggering a talent in the soul, you get the tower summoning card, the polar tower summoning card, and the heaven and earth cage tower summoning card (legendary quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering a soul talent, you get the Jiutian Leichi Tower summoning card (epic quality). .

In this case, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] successfully killed the 50th round, and the types of defense tower were really different from the 799th floor.

The shadow tower and the heaven and earth cage tower are all defensive towers that Wu Feng had not seen before on the 799th floor.

At the same time, from this round, countless meteor fires and rain appeared in the sky.

It was the heavenly phenomenon that Wu Feng saw on the chaotic star, but now it has experienced once in the infinite trial.

Under the crazy baptism of this meteor, the general virtual territory was destroyed in minutes. However, the virtual territory of [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] is guarded by the Great Wall.

After activating the desperate barrier, the meteor fire and rain in the sky could not shake the Great Wall.

[Lan Xing’s first handsome guy] After feeling it, you can judge that this time the meteor fire and rain are equivalent to the power of an epic natural disaster.

If this round of natural disasters cannot be carried, the 50th round will not be able to clear the level.

[Blue Star First Handsome guy] With the Great Wall of Desperate, this round will be carried directly without any damage. The average lord, if it is carried hard, should not have much defense tower left in the territory.

“Well, not in March, the intensity of the monster will not be too high. This will get a lot of scores. It seems that you still need to launch a challenge to add points.”

[Lan Xing’s first handsome guy] Speaking, a legendary challenge order was launched. In order to add some difficulty, it was also added, and Bai Qi also summoned Bai Qi.

This legendary challenge is made plus mythical heroes, and the number and intensity of each round of monsters have a qualitative leap!

Bai Qi looked at it: “Lord, so many monsters, do you ask me to kill God?”

(This chapter is finished)

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