Chapter 420 The Gate of the Abyss, the devil is coming!

The changes in Aurora are naturally because of Wu Feng’s talent into the talent. He could evolve Vigus before, and now he can evolve.

At this time, Aurora had 2 magical power. In addition to Wu Feng’s ‘help’, it suddenly made Opora a mythical hero.

Now Wu Feng does not need to switch back and forth between Fengyun and Ophara. He can directly let Opora have mythical strength!

Heroes Title: Disaster Goddess (Divine Waking up)

Hero Name: Oolla Ferun (Activated God)

Hero level: level 46.

Divine power: 3 points (weak divine power).

Hero talent: Disaster Goddess (mythical talent): Ophara carries some of the gods and divine power of the goddess of disaster. She will grow from the world and will become the new goddess of disaster. O howra has some power of the deities, with full attributes+300%. All skills will be upgraded (ordinary skills will have a mysterious effect, and the mysterious skills will have a prohibition effect). Strong natural disaster.

After the increase of divine power, the attributes will also increase with each other. Each point of power can increase the full attribute by 1%.

Disaster’s advent (mythical talent): It will make the magic level of 1,000 kilometers around the territory+35 levels, a refreshing frequency of 500%, and this effect will change with the improvement of the Eura level.

Every time Oolla is upgraded to level 1, a disaster will cause a disaster (the minimum is epic disaster). The use of disaster props can enhance the quality of 1 (up to the highest quality of mythology) and enhance its effect by 400%.

The power of natural disasters (epic talent): Every time Oolla master a disaster ability, you can understand the ability to update from the disaster. The more natural disasters, the higher the level, and the higher the attributes (legendary levels The disaster ability is increased by 10%, the epic -level disaster increases by 30%, and the mythical disaster is 100%full attribute).

At present, it has been mastered: Nanman Invasion (Epic), Meteor Fire Rain (Epic), Great Earthquake (Epic), Destroyer Flood (Epic), Demon Come (Epic), Undead natural disaster (epic), borderless blood Hai (epic) and so on.

At the same time, every time the disaster is mobilized, the destruction and killing of the disaster will draw the strength from it. If the world is successfully destroyed (the all lords of a region, a country, or a heavenly domain disappear), they can get divine feedback. The world has been destroyed: once.

Flowing faith (epic talent): Ophara will spread the belief of the goddess of disaster. Every believers who believe in the goddess of disaster will be blessed and improved (the heroic attributes are improved, the quality of the military has improved), At the same time, the power of beliefs generated by believers will be converted into Auro’s divine power.

Hero skills: Destroyer spells (seven stars secrets), death one finger (eight star secrets), natural disaster spells (eight -star secrets), mysterious power (eight -star secrets), natural disasters (nine star secrets), natural disasters control (natural disaster control (natural disaster control) Nine -star secrets), natural disaster (Jiuxing forbidden).

Training arms: Doomsday Master (Training Conditions: Legendary Master Quality above)

Special identity: member of the goddess alliance.

O how to advance into a mythical hero. Her attributes are really comprehensive. Because she has used a large number of disaster props, she has launched many natural disasters through natural disasters. Her attributes are still very powerful.

After evolving into a mythical hero, her combat effectiveness, if it is not an artifact, can be ranked in the top three of all mythical heroes.

Besides, Opora can also enhance her strength by collecting faith and launching natural disasters. Her potential is extremely huge!

The only disadvantage of O howra today is her goddess alliance organization, and she has not yet activated, and she has not obtained the increase in the power of hero organizations.

After Opora became a god -level hero, Wu Feng felt more likely, because Orura in his arms was more attractive. As a goddess, her sacred and inviolable temperament was more likely to make Wu Feng think about it.

Wu Feng gently surrounded Ophara: “The natural disasters caused by you have caused the effect of destroying the world! It suddenly killed the lord of a region.”

What Wu Feng refers to the No. 091 region of the 052 country, which was destroyed. This area was completely destroyed under the pinch of the world’s floods and hundreds of millions of meteors.

After the enemy was completely destroyed, Wu Feng sent a wave of heroes with the conveyor card, occupying the enemy’s territory, and began to run in the area of the 091 area to quickly occupy this area.

Anyway, the lord has been killed, and Wu Feng’s operation is so unstoppable at all. This is the fastest one in the next area.

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the 091 country No. 091 of Tianyu 052 to activate the monopoly program, please make sure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. Can be a monopoly who gets a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the country 091, the country’s list of No. 052 No. 052, and the regional list disappears, the Lord Nine Sky Travel will get 5000 point of reputation and 1 legendary degree every day. .


Wu Feng, who took another region, was in a good mood. Now, he did not take the power to make an outpost in the country No. 052, and he could start to expand in this area.

“Ophara, this time you destroy the world, you can get 1 point of power, which is much faster than me.”

“I didn’t expect you to be so powerful …” Wu Feng looked at Ophara, and a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It was only Wu Feng’s words that said something. The expressionless Aurora heard Wu Feng’s ridicule. She glanced at Wu Feng: “Lord, relying on my destroyed flood, but I can’t complete it. Destroy the world. ”

“This still depends on the hundreds of millions of meteors …”

Opora was not concealed. She was calm, but suddenly inspired Wu Feng’s desire to conquer. He fiercely picked up Obora again: “Then I will help you destroy the world again! This is rare The opportunity to destroy the world! ”

“This time we change the position to destroy the world!”


The natural disaster in the 091 region of No. 052 was destroyed. After the lord was completely destroyed, there was an uproar in the area No. 092 next door.

They can all observe all kinds of electric flashing thunder in the area next door, and even have a large meteor fire and rain constantly smashing. This kind of scene makes them shocked, I do not know how to face this situation.

Fortunately, after the destroyed natural disasters of the world, the 091 area seemed to enter the sage time, Wuyun dissipated, and the meteor fire and rain were gone.

So the lords of the No. 092 region were relieved, and they then saw someone sending troops to occupy all the area 091.

“That’s … the hero and troops of [Nine Days Traveling]? He took off the 091 area so soon. This natural disaster was probably not caused by him!”

“It should be [Nine Days Traveling] this guy! Didn’t he have an epic hero who could cause natural disasters? I just didn’t expect her hero to cause natural disasters covering the entire area!”

“Like this big move, you should not be able to launch continuously. I hope [Jiutian Travel] will start this trick next time you will find this trick. Don’t come to our 092 area.”

“Are you afraid you are not dreaming? [Jiutian Travel] has won the area No. 091, and he will definitely expand outward! We are next door next door, how can we not be attacked by him.”

“Yes, [Nine Days Traveling] has completely occupied the country No. 062, and he is now a big lord! Since he is doing the 091 area, it means that his future expansion direction is my country No. 052! We can run for running! No. ”

Just as many lords in the 092 area discussed fiercely in the regional channel, they suddenly heard a deafening thunder!

A large lightning raised the sky, like a signal, declared that the new war began without warning.

At the same time, a thick clouds began to appear in the sky, and the sun in the sky was quickly blocked. The entire 092 area was caught in darkness.

The next step is the endless flood. The reason why this scene appears in the 092 area is because Wu Feng and Oolla replaced a position, and the scenery on the chair is very good.

In the 092 areas, all the uneasy lords, all of which have blown up now!

“I am so short! [Nine Days Traveling] The sages have such short time? This has just destroyed the 091 area, and he launched a natural disaster again? How can this cooling time be so short! ”

“What is he! The next goal of [Nine Days Traveling] is indeed our area No. 092, so we are his next goal? So we are going to escape now?”

“You can run away or run quickly. We do n’t know how to resist this natural disaster. If we stay, then it is exactly looking for death! If we have survived the natural disaster, [Nine Days Traveling]’ s army will kill Come here. ”

“Also, I heard that there are many void bosses in the army of [Nine Days Traveling]. You can easily seal the void. Wait for the [Nine Days Traveling] to kill the army. We can’t run!”

“I did not expect that [Jiu Tian Traveling] can make us unable to resist, how can we survive?”

“[Nine Days Traveling] After all, it is the first big lord. He is now in the sky. We still don’t think about fighting with him.

Countless lords in the 092 area, after the discovery of the Nine Days of Nine Days, was launched, and almost all of the thoughts left were defeated.

If they are ordinary natural disasters, after they support it, they can take the opportunity to expand and occupy other eliminated unlucky eggs.

But now this natural disaster is launched by [Nine Days Traveling], which is clearly staring at [Nine Days Traveling]. The army is ready to go. The lord who wants to stay is how to fight. ] The army.

That is a big lord who occupies the entire country! And they are ordinary lords that have not occupied a region, and this strength gap is too great.

Even if it is a monopolist, it cannot fight against the big lord!

“I don’t know if the [Gentleman Heaven and Health] in the No. 093 region will run the road. Let’s talk about it first! [Jiu Tian Travel] is not what we can deal with.”

“That’s right, as long as the lord’s heart is kept, there is still hope, the land is lost, and the people are lost; all people lose the ground, everyone is available! Reserved our life is the most important!”

In the 20092 area, a large number of running incidents occurred when hundreds of millions of meteors fell. Many lords moved their territory away, lest the army that was destroyed or [nine days traveled] was killed.

In this case, the Lord of the No. 092 area ran out of more than half of the lords, and the entire area became a lot deserted, but some lords still did not relocate cards or wanted to expand.

After all, there is a saying, and others are afraid of me greedy.

When some lords are afraid of escaping, there are always some courageous guys who want to take the opportunity to pick up cheap.

So they ushered in the destruction in the flood of the world, and the flood alone drowned and destroyed a large number of territories. After the flood of the world lasted for an hour, as the thick lightning penetrated the sky, this was like a sign. This is a sign. This is a sign. Countless firearms appear in the sky.

Hundreds of hundreds of fire stars dragged down the long tail and fell down, destroying the leaders of the lords, and a large number of lords had no chance to escape, and they were killed.

It wasn’t until this time that they knew why the No. 091 area stayed in a wave of natural disasters, and no lord stayed. This was not that they didn’t want to stay, but they were killed.

Under the pinch of the two great gods, where can ordinary lords hold this kind of attack!

The duration of hundreds of millions of fire meteors is not long, and the lethality exceeds the flood of the world. The lords who have been supported by the floods are all killed.

In the end, the hundreds of millions of fire meteors were closed, and almost all the remaining lords were killed!

However, with the disappearance of the two god -level natural disasters, a number of troops appeared in the 092 region. They quickly occupied the site of the 092 area. This is the army of the monopoly [Gentleman Tianshangjian] in the next door.

[Gentleman Tianxingjian] is the lord of the fantasy spirit. He has a very strong talent, and there is a group of very powerful younger brothers. After establishing a legendary lord league, [Gentleman Tianxingjian] Has occupied the No. 093 area next door.

Originally, [Gentleman Heaven Xingjian] and his Sky Alliance were already planning to sway the area 092. I did not expect that [Nine Sky Travel] actually launched a god -level natural disaster and destroyed the lords of the 092 area.

[Gentleman Tianxingjian] Immediately felt that this was an excellent opportunity. You can take all the area 092 in one fell swoop!

So he decisively let many younger brothers act along with himself, and vowed to take down the 092 area and let his monopoly area add another!

As for being easy to be stared at [Jiutian Travel], [Gentleman Tianxingjian] already thinks very clearly, even if he does not operate this, [Jiutian Travel] will launch an attack on his territory after launching the 092 area. Essence

In this case, he might as well occupy the 092 area, and first develop it here into a cushion zone to deal with the [Nine Day Travel] offensive.

He can see the situation to decide whether to resolutely resist or run immediately.

[Gentleman Tianxingjian] I feel that I am too witty!

At this time, Wu Feng was holding Ophara quietly. The god -level natural disaster launched by the goddess of disaster was really powerful, but he also contributed a lot of power.

Originally, Wu Feng intends to immediately take off the 092 area, but he did not expect that before he called the army to enter the 092 area, [Gentleman Tianxingjian] actually took the lead.

This guy directly occupied a large leading territory near the junction area of the 093 area and the 092 area. He also started to establish a territory quickly.

Seeing this scene, Wu Feng couldn’t bear it: “This guy actually wants to take advantage of the gap between the natural disaster and run to grab my site! This can’t bear it!”

“Doesn’t this make me just sweating and raining.

Auro could not help but glance at Wu Feng, and this bad guy was ridiculed herself.

The goddess of the disaster whispered: “Then let’s launch a god -level natural disaster for this guy?”

Hearing O howla, Wu Feng felt a bit sore with his waist, and he finally knew why Kris was worried that he would sit down.

Is mythical heroine so fierce? But since the beauty has an appointment, how can we refuse! Wu Feng immediately decided to change another place!

So in the [Gentleman Tianxingjian] in the 093 area, he found that there were countless dense void cracks over his territory.

Before Wu Feng’s sweaty launching the flood and hundreds of millions of meteors, he first let Oura use the epic void storm to use natural disasters!

Today, Opora is already a mythical hero. In combination with the natural disaster, she can easily launch an epic void storm, and she can block the entire area No. 093.

[Gentleman Heaven Xingjian] Originally, I wanted to see the situation and decided whether to run or resist. As a result, [Jiutian Travel] did not give him a chance at all, he directly blocked his retreat!

[Gentleman Tianxingjian] The face has changed a lot: “[Nine days travel] It is too domineering! I just entered the area 092 to grab the site. !? ”

In the Sky Alliance, other lords also discovered this, because most of their territories were around the territory of [Gentleman Tianxingjian].

Wu Feng banned the entire area No. 093 with the void storm. Their territory was also banned in it, and Wu Feng moved away.

This time, the entire Sky Alliance is almost all beaten by a net! Many people are still a little afraid of the reputation of [Jiutian Travel].

[Born in the sky]: “Alliance, what should we do? [Jiutian Travel] Standed us directly, this is to do it with us!”

[High -altitude skydiving]: “Boss, [Jiutian Travel] is not so easy to provoke, what should we do? Now running, it seems too late!”

[Gentleman Tianxingjian] I couldn’t help but sneer: “We are legendary alliances, and we also monopolize a region. Do you admit it so? ”

“I haven’t played it yet, you are so afraid of what to do!”

[Gentleman Tianxingjian] Before he finished speaking, he saw that there were a large number of night ranges in the 092 area. These ranges were all powerful legendary soldiers.

After Georot launched the night ascension, after the night became the night, the night gangs were very easy to arrange [Gentleman Tianxingjian] on the fortress of the border.

The night ranger who got the night bonus, the strength has almost improved a grade, and the troops of the [Gentleman Tianxingjian] can resist at all.

At this moment, [Gentleman Tianxingjian] finally knew the gap. Previously, it was only hearing that [Gentleman Tianxingjian] still felt that the lords of the 062 Nationality were too weak.

But when he really faced [Nine Days Travel], he knew that it was [Nine Days Traveling] too powerful!

[Gentleman Tianxingjian] In the troops in the 092 area, they were immediately slaughtered by a backward side. They were quickly cleaned out of the 092 area!

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the 092 region 092 in Tianyu 052, 012 to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lords have survived for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. Can be a monopoly who gets a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region 092 of Tianyu 052 No. 052, the list of the region disappears, the Lord’s nine -day tour will get 5000 point of view and 1 legendary degree of daily. .


When Wu Feng heard this reminder, he smiled and laughed. The time was just connected. It was time to let the [Gentleman Heavenly Traveling Jian] taste the flavor of the god -level natural disaster!

I saw that in the 093 area, a heavy dark cloud also suddenly appeared, and the thick lightning split the clouds again, bringing heavy rain!

The flood of the world began to pour down, and [Gentleman Tianxingjian] immediately changed his face. He was also gambled before [Nine Sky Travel].

But he thought that [Jiutian Travel] can be so powerful!

This also has something to do with the dragon and tiger wine. Wu Feng’s belly can make his dragon and tiger fierce, and his physical fitness greatly improves, so that he can continuously launch a god -level natural disaster.

So under the flood of the world, the territory of [Gentleman Tianxingjian] was immediately soaked in the water, but [Gentleman Tianxingjian] launched a legendary war card very decisively, so that his territory was avoided. Protect.

“You can use the avoidance card of your hand, we strive to survive the duration of the void storm, and then find a way to run!”

[Gentleman Tianxingjian] also allowed everyone else in the alliance to launch a war card, blocking countless rainwater outside with a barrier to avoid war.

This is a thorough realization of the terrible [nine days travel]. It is not ready to be ‘unruly’. When it ’s time to run, you should run immediately!

In this case, [Gentleman Tianxingjian] saw that under the scouring of heavy rain, the entire area 093 was suddenly sinking into the sea.

Countless rainwater has raised the water surface rapidly, and a wave of monstrous waves constantly impacted this barrier to avoiding the war.

In the flood of the world, the lord who used the purple avoidance card was quickly broken by the waves, and then the territory was destroyed by the flood!

Don’t think that the power of the flood is weak. When the amount of water is large to a certain extent, after it forms the heavenly waves, it is the destructive power of the great power level of heaven and earth, which is the same as the earthquake.

So in the Sky Alliance, the first victim soon appeared.

[Ding … the members of the Supreme Alliance to eliminate the Sky Alliance (martyr), according to the quality of the alliance (legend) and the league level (level 1), obtain 3,000 alliance experience values, officially open the alliance war. A large number of alliance experience. .


[Ding … the members of the Supreme Alliance eliminating the Sky Alliance (a punch of the 80 -year skills), according to the quality of the alliance (legend) and the league level (level 1), obtain 3,000 league experience. .

[Gentleman Tianxingjian] I did not expect that someone in his league was eliminated so soon. He was heartbroken, but this was his core team.

Every time he was eliminated, the foundation of his hegemony in the future was weakened! This is something he can’t accept! Never let [Jiutian Travel] eliminate the members of the Sky Alliance one by one.

[Gentleman Heaven Xingjian] If you want to change the status quo, he is difficult to protect himself. This is just a flood!

Under the pouring rain, the power of destroying the flood is getting greater and greater. After the hour, another natural disaster was late.

The killing of floods lasts for a long time. Hundreds of billions of meteor shower is the impact. The hot hundreds of millions of meteors fall from the sky. The impact and destruction effect caused by the earth can be imagined.

Some members in the Sky Alliance were originally supported by the orange avoidance card. As a result, under the impact of hundreds of millions of meteors, the avoidance barrier was torn almost instantly, and then it was destroyed under the natural disaster.

[Ding … the members of the Supreme Alliance eliminating the Sky Alliance (born), based on the quality of the alliance (legend) and the league level (level 1), obtained 3,000 alliance experience values. .


[Ding … the members of the Supreme Alliance eliminating the Sky Alliance (high -altitude skydiving), based on the quality of the alliance (legend) and the league level (level 1), obtained 3,000 league experience values. .

[Gentleman Tianxingjian] can almost only watch [Hengkong’s birth] and [high -altitude skydiving], the two confidantes are also eliminated by this wave of billions of meteors.

He even discovered his legendary barrier to avoid the barrier, and he was crumbling under the impact of hundreds of millions of firearms.

Under the continuous impact, the barrier to avoiding the war was finally drilled in by a fire star, and the entire war barrier was broken.

Then there were countless fire stars that smashed into the territory of [Gentleman Tianxingjian], and to destroy everything in the territory.

The various defensive towers and heroes of [Gentleman Heaven and Health] are trying to destroy the fire stars in the sky. However, because this is a god -level ban, the territory of [Gentleman Tianxingjian] is still destroyed by one breath.

With a long sigh, the legendary alliance leader’s territory disappeared.

[Ding … The Lord (Gentleman Heaven and Health) who eliminated the Sky Alliance (Gentleman Heaven), which eliminated the Sky Alliance, obtained 10,000 league experience values based on its alliance quality (legendary) and league level (level 1). .


[Ding … The Lord (Gentleman Heavenly Xingjian) and other members of the Alliance of the Supreme Alliance eliminated the Sky Alliance to complete the achievements of the alliance, and obtained 20,000 league experience values based on its alliance quality (legend) and alliance levels (level 1). .

[Ding … The Lord (Gentleman Heavenly Xingjian) and other members of the Alliance of the Supreme Alliance eliminated the Sky Alliance to complete the achievements of the alliance, plunder 50%of the alliance experience value, and obtain 16,000 alliance experience. .

Wu Feng quietly hugged Airura, and he looked at the goddess of disaster: “A legendary alliance is destroyed by you so much. It is indeed a goddess.”

At this time, Aurora had no strength at all. After all, she came to three consecutive gods. Even if she was a goddess, she exhausted her strength.

At least it will take a while, and maybe it will be able to fight the strength tomorrow.

Opora experienced the divine power in her body, and she was still satisfied: “This time I destroyed the world 3 times in a row, and I have gained 3 points of power. Now I have 5 points of magic power.”

“If you get 5 more magical power, I can reach 10 points of power and be promoted to the level of weakness such as weakness!”

Wu Feng laughed slightly: “Then I will help you destroy the world a few times tomorrow, I hope you can come one or two rounds tomorrow …”

On the face of Opala’s face, there was also a shameful expression on the face, mainly because the lord’s adults were too shameful.

However, thinking of the benefits of destroying the world, Opora is still full of expectations, but this kind of thing is easy to indulge in it.

“Ophara, let’s take a break. Let me first occupy the 093 area!” Wu Feng left Opora in his main hall.

Aurora was indeed unable to move at all. She could only fall asleep, and Wu Feng drank a dragon blood wine, and then walked out of the main hall in a strong man.

He found that because he drank three major dragon and tiger wine, and fully practiced swordsmanship, his Kendo Xiu was successfully breaking through the level of Sword Second!

In this way, Wu Feng can already find Li Laojian to learn the two -sleeved green snake. In this process, Geralt also quickly took his night ranger, and all won all the area 093. Essence

Because the Sky Alliance in this area was completely destroyed because of the two god -level natural disasters, there was no one who could never think of it and dared to come here to grab things.

So Wu Feng can successfully win all the area 093!

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the 093 region 093 in Tianyu 052, to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. Can be a monopoly who gets a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the country 093, the country list of No. 052 No. 052, and the list of the region will disappear, the Lord’s nine -day tour will get 5000 point of view and 1 legendary degree of prestige every day. .


Even thinking that Wu Feng won the area No. 093, which made the lords in the first three regions of the first region shivered.

They were originally united and prepared to fight against the invasion of [Gentleman Tianxingjian]. As a result, the big bosses they expected seemed to have encountered a larger BOSS!

This monopolist was actually killed by others so simple, and that posture was almost the same as a ant!

This made the lords in the 094 region numb, and they were all at a loss.

“[[Nine Days Traveling] This is too terrifying. Even the army did not send it, but just launched two natural disasters, so he wiped out the [Gentleman Heaven and Health] and his Sky Alliance! Is there anything more exaggerated than this? !? ”

“What should I do? [Jiutian Travel] Today, all the regions of No. 091, 092, and 093 are destroyed at one time! We must be the next goal!”

“Who said it is not! It is said that the god -level natural disasters cannot be launched continuously, but [nine days travel] have been here! Who knows if he can start another god -level natural disaster! Let’s just run!”

“Faced with [Gentleman Heaven Xingjian], our union can still confront it, but in the face of this kind of god -level natural disaster, we can’t confront it at all!”

“Yes, the army of [Gentleman Heaven and Health] is nothing in the face of this god -level natural disaster! In this case, let’s run early, even if the god -level natural disaster is launched today, [nine days travel] Will be launched, we can run early in early running! ”

So Wu Feng just occupied the No. 093 region. Under the gaze of Erwa, he saw the lords of the 094 area, which ushered in a large wave of relocation!

They just glanced at the situation in the area No. 093, and decisively chose to run. A large number of lords escaped, allowing the No. 094 area to enter an empty level.

Wu Feng himself was very surprised: “I haven’t done anything yet? You are running out? If everyone is so interested, then I will expand it, wouldn’t it be easy to be happy.”

It can only be said that the lords in the 094 area are still very eye -catching. When they see the situation, they run away immediately.

Wu Feng also simply asked Jorot to take the night ranger to continue to push up. On the 18th day, they were finished, and they could usher in the night immediately.

At that time, you can push all the way and quickly take off the 094 area!

Anyway, he now has enough troops to invest in expansion. However, the number of twin magic caves has soared his night ranger. Wu Feng can expand rapidly at night, and he can stop the territory of digestion and digesting during the day.

In this way, you can ‘combine work and Yi’, and while laying the foundation of the territory, it can also expand rapidly, which can be described as two birds with one stone!

After occupying the next 093 area, Wu Feng also set up a two -sleeved green snake with the Sword theology of Li. Perhaps Wu Feng’s talent was also good. The efficiency of his learning two -sleeved green snake was good.

I saw Wu Feng reaching for a trick, and the two epic sword tower fell into his hands. Wu Feng raised both hands, and the two fairy sword towers turned out to shoot out.

Then there is endless sword qi pouring at any time, which can kill the feeling of various strong enemies. It is really handsome! Wu Feng couldn’t help but secretly praised, this is the strong and handsome trick!

“Yes, the talent of the lord is quite high. In the future, practice Wanjian Jue, it should be okay to reach Sword Five and Sword Six.”

The words of the surname of Li made Wu Feng a little bit, and the lord who was so handsome and had a kendo talent, was just good in the mouth of the Sword of Li?

If he can’t get old, drink more dragon and tiger wine. The better the quality of the wine, the greater the improvement of his kendo.

When Wu Feng wanted to ask him how to learn a sword to open the heavenly gate, an unexpected person took the initiative to contact him.

[Battle Heaven Fighting]: “Little friend, how are you recently? I heard that you have occupied a country and become a big lord?

The witch master actually contacted Wu Feng, thinking that [going against the sky] is just the younger son of [fighting the sky], but he can easily kill a hegemon.

The strength of [Fighting of the Heaven] must be even more scary. He may be extremely powerful in the master.

This old -fashioned master contacted Wu Feng and made Wu Feng a little flattered. He quickly replied: “Old man, you have a fallacy, my little achievement is just a trivial matter in front of you.”

“I also want to thank you for helping me solve the threat of the three -eyed family! If it wasn’t for you, I would have no way to solve the 785th floor enemy.”

[War Heavenly Fighting] Haha laughed: “Little friend, I later listened to my son mentioned, at the time, it was not just him!”

“Even if he didn’t make a hand, the other two hegemon you invited came was enough to sweep the three -eyed tribe’s shame. We are just icing on the cake.”

[Battle Heavenly Fighting] I didn’t have the meaning of inviting merit. After he said this, he went straight to the theme: “I don’t hide you this time. I take the initiative to find a little friend, mainly for my granddaughter’s affairs.”

“My granddaughter Xiaohong Carp is now in urgent help!”

[Battle of the Heavenly Fighting] With such a solemn opening, Wu Feng did not dare to neglect. [Zhan Tian Fighting] helped himself so busy, and he naturally wanted to cast a peach.

“Master, do your granddaughter encounter any difficulty?” Wu Feng immediately asked the situation, and he was also curious about the situation of [Little Red Carp].

[War Tian Fighting] briefly introduced the situation encountered in [Little Red Carp]: “[[Little Red Carp] The place where the previous coming was 077, No. 066.”

“Although she came late, her strength has improved quickly. In recent times, she has swept the No. 066 region and has become a monopoly in the region.”

“But after the March of yesterday occurred, did you have a large number of abyss doors on the 799th floor? At that time, a door to the abyss appeared near the main base of [Little Red Carp].”

When Wu Feng heard this, he was a little stunned. Isn’t this a huge benefit?

In this way, [Little Red Carp] can quickly occupy the door of the abyss and develop the abyss that is connected to it.

Wu Feng couldn’t help asking: “Master, this is a good thing! Even if there are other lords who want to grab the door of the abyss, they are not the opponent of [Little Red Carp]!”

“You said just now, [Little Red Carp] is about to monopolize the entire area. In the 066 area, there should be her opponent?”

“Which layer of the abyss gate of her abyss? Is it the danger brought by the abyss gate itself?”

Wu Feng thought of a lot, and he couldn’t help asking his speculation. As a result, the answer of [Battle Heaven] also surprised him: “Yes, [Little Red Carp] The danger now is mainly because of From the door of the abyss. ”

“After the door of the abyss appeared around her territory, [Little Red Carp] sent someone to explore the door of the abyss. As a result, she found that the door of the abyss leads to the 798th floor!”

When Wu Feng heard a shock, the door to the abyss of the 798th floor was not the goal he was looking for!

Unexpectedly, the luck of [Little Red Carp] was so good to this extent. Not only did there be the empty door of the abyss to the door of her territory, it was also the door to the 798th floor!

If the door of the abyss leads to other layers, it will be very difficult to develop because of the huge gap. After all, there may be powerful lords on the other side of the abyss.

But if it is the 798th floor, it is the most suitable goal for impact!

Wu Feng feels that the door to the abyss must be occupied!

[Battle Heaven Fighting] The next words also shocked Wu Feng again: “If it is just to the 798th floor, it is undoubtedly a huge opportunity for [Little Red Carp].”

“But the door of the abyss not only leads to the 798th floor, but also the other end, but also an abyss demon king! After the other party found the door of the abyss, the army recently entered the 799th floor!”

“Today, the small red carp has been attacked by the abyss demon king and her subordinates. She has very hard resistance. The level of the abyss demon king is too high!”

(This chapter is finished)

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