Chapter 419

Wu Feng took out the net bottle of Liuli jade. This congenital chaos artifact, with Wu Feng unified the nationality of 062, produced a new spiritual fluid.

At present, in terms of all his areas and countries, the Liuli jade net bottle can obtain 3500 drops of glazed Ganlin (legendary quality) and 125 drops of glazed jade liquid (epic quality) every day.

Because of the national degree 062, there are 5 drops of glazed magic liquid (mythical quality). This is the genius genius of the genius. When it comes down, it is enough to turn decay into magic.

Wu Feng walked into the Xiancao Garden. He silently watched many god -level spiritual planting that was thrive, and then walked to the peach tree mother plant, dripping a drop of glazed solution for him.

At this time, Chen Guo was in front of the Peach Tree Mother. When he saw Wu Feng’s movement, he was full of expectations. The peach tree mother plant could absorb 10 drops of glazed jade liquid a day.

If you want to grow up seeds to grow other peach trees, it takes 1,000 years. Even if it is covered with glazed jade liquid every day, it will take 100 days.

Today, there is a different glazed jade liquid. This kind of god -level heaven and earth treasures will definitely accelerate the breeding speed of the peach tree mother plant!

With a drop of three -color glazed liquid dripping down, the peach tree mother strains made a crispy and crispy sound, which was the sound of the mother plant developing and growing rapidly.

Wu Feng immediately checked the situation and saw that the peach tree mother plant grows fast. A drop of glazed god liquid goes down, and its height is from three feet to four feet!

This is better than Chen Guo’s 10 drops of glazed jade liquid yesterday!

Looking at the changes brought by the glazed magic fluid, Chen Guo was very excited: “Lord Lord, this glazed god liquid, one drop, can accelerate the growth rate of the spirit plant for 20 years! This is really a god!”

“After dripping 1 drop of glazed magic fluid, the spirit plant will grow rapidly. During this time, the glazed jade fluid it absorbed was more.”

“Look at this peach tree mother, while it absorbs the glazed magic fluid, we can pour 20 drops of glazed jade liquid!”

Chen Guo guided Wu Feng to drop 20 drops of glazed jade liquid to the peach tree, and now the peach tree mother plant grows faster and more amazing!

After pouring so many days and treasures, the peach tree mother plant is equivalent to accelerating the growth of 40 years! This speed is really amazing!

The peach tree mother plant also grows rapidly because of this wave of rapid growth. Its branches have grown new buds, and a small flower is to be placed in buds. When the peach tree mother plant blooms, it is definitely a prosperous scene!

Wu Feng shook a net bottle of glazed jade, listening to the crispy impact of the liquid inside, he smiled slightly: “Chen Lao, how much can this glazed solution be poured every day?”

Chen Guo took the beard, and Lele watched the peach peach mother -in -law, drooling. The great master smiled and said: “Liuli god liquid is a god -level heaven and earth treasure. The god -level spiritual plant, it is okay to absorb 3 drops of glazed magic fluid every day. ”

“This peach tree mother plant can absorb 5 drops of glazed fluid every day!”

Chen Guo’s words made Wu Feng stunned, so it seems that he is not enough to produce glazed magic fluid every day!

After all, he is only 5 drops of glazed fluid in a day, and it is not enough to pour so many god -level spiritual planting!

Because many god -level spiritual planting has its own role, Wu Feng is preparing to be stained with rain and dew, and pour the glazed solution to each god -level spirit plant.

After ginseng fruit trees poured 1 drop of glazed magic fluid and 20 drops of glazed jade liquid, this spirit planting exudes a fascinating fragrance.

The music that had been drooling in the drooling of the Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Tao Mother was immediately attracted by ginseng fruit trees. It secretly looked at the ginseng fruit trees and wanted to see when the spirit plant could grow the fat doll.

Ginseng fruit tree is also equivalent to accelerating 40 years in a day. According to this posture, it can quickly grow ginseng fruit trees!

There is also the Wu Dao tree on the other side, which is also poured by Wu Fengzhao this proportion of 1 drop of glazed solution and 20 drops of glazed jade liquid.

Wu Daoshu also grown up a lot immediately. The sword gods and unknown surnames who sitting under the tree to communicate with the kendo all took a deep breath. They only felt that their understanding of Kendo suddenly improved a lot.

Anonymous reached out one, and the two dragon -shaped swords were spoiled, wandering in the grass space, and flew back to the unknown two sleeves.

The two -sleeved green snake has been easily learned by unknown, and he laughed heartily: “Good hands and two -sleeved green snake! The predecessors are too good!”

“I am willing to learn Wan Jianjue and become a disciple of Wan Jianzong!”

Bu Jingyun had no interest in Wan Jianjue, but after seeing the unknown predecessor showing the two -sleeved green snake, he also gave birth to interest and was ready to learn.

After that, Anonymous and Bu Jingyun learned the sword moves next to the sword god of Li.


When Wu Fengle saw his heroes communicating with each other, the growth of Wu Dao tree also made the old master’s teaching easier. The changes brought about after the growth of Wu Daoshu, that is, several disciples of the old master triggered the epiphany!

The cattle was sitting under the realm of Wu Dao. After he realized, he realized the sixth sense of the small universe at once, and Niu Da jumped excitedly!

“I realize the sixth sense! Then I can play the speed of light! The original light fist is to suppress the enemy’s perception and speed up the speed of my fist! Then my fist cannot avoid and resist as the speed of light!”

Niu Da’s epiphany made him add two great skills at once. In the battle, perception reached the sixth sense of predictiveness, and there was a faster and faster light -speed fist!

On the other side, Geralt also had an enlightenment. He suddenly mastered the double -knife skills of the sun and moon double knife, and he could use the powerlessness of the sun and the moon!

For a while, the combat power of the two soared, and once a sense of enlightenment, they could be worthy of a few months of hard work. This is a short time. It is said that if it is a long period of enlightenment, people can make people direct directly. Breaking through the realm, it is possible to go directly from the legendary hero and break through into an epic hero!

There are even episodes of epic heroes who have become mythical heroes under the realm of enlightenment.

That is, once I am epiphany, better than ten years of hard work!

The better the Gao Dao tree grows, the greater the chance of realizing the heroes next to Wu Dao Tree!

In fact, it is not just a hero. Ordinary creatures can also be epiphany. Among them, the Goblin Warriors who have been mixed with various big brothers have also occurred!

This guy stood up fiercely, that was his realization of the orange boss from the purple boss!

Speaking of the benefits brought by epiphany, he has benefited the most.

Wu Feng also saw the changes of the Goblin Warriors. He looked at Harland with interest: “Harrant, what changes after you realize?”

Harrant touched the back of the back: “Lord, I will learn skills, is this a change? I can read the text in the future and I can enter the Prophet Library to learn skills.”

Wu Feng stunned that Harrant was neither a military nor a hero. He could enter the Prophet Library to learn skills, and he asked Hamant to try it.

As a result, after Hamant entered the Prophet Library, he really learned a five -star hero skill, and his name is the soulpot stick method!

When the thick wolf stick goes down, a stick can crack its soul!

“Harrant is not a hero, and he can learn hero skills. This is really strange! No wonder [Face Wall Emperor] will let me cultivate my own people.”

“Harrant can also be regarded as the first batch of people in the territory, and I don’t know to what extent he will grow in the future. In this case, he can also get a hero status.”

Wu Feng took out an orange hero identity card. He did not use it directly, but looked at Hamant: “Harrant, are you willing to become a hero and always fight for me?”

Harrant scratched his head: “Lord, I have trained it, I am willing to fight for you in my life!”

“Your territory is my homeland, I am willing to pay everything to protect my home!”

“My wives are also in your territory, and I have to protect them!”

Harrant’s words made Wu Feng laugh. This guy followed Niu Da and others every day. He learned the characteristics of several big brothers.

Niu Da’s mantra, just to pay everything for the protection of the home, as if it was Harrant’s own words.

Since the Goblin Warrior has his own awareness, Wu Feng used his heroic card to him. As the light spread, the Goblin Warriors became an orange -quality hero!

It was only a little surprised that after opening Harrant’s attributes.

Protecting homeland: Perfect hero talent, fighting in the homeland identified by Hamant, Hammart’s full attribute will be increased by 100%. Each time Harland will win, Hamant will get a growth. This talent can upgrade and evolve.

Protecting family: Perfect hero talent. In order to protect his family, Harrant is willing to swear to fight. Every time a family recognized by Harrant, Hamant’s full attribute will increase by 30%. If other hero organizations are added, the members of the hero organization will be regarded by Hamant as their family. This talent can upgrade and evolve.

Harrant actually has two talents. This kind of talent hero is more talented in the orange hero.

And Hammart’s talent also corresponds to what he said before. His talent is to protect his homeland and protect his family. Wu Feng can’t help but speak: “You are a family and hero! You word, family! ”

Harrant touched the back of the back: “Lord, the word you said, I am too dull, I don’t learn too much, I still call my family …”

“You are one of the families I think …”

After speaking, Wu Feng saw Hamant’s protective family talent triggers, and his full attributes increased by 30%. This is that he determined that a family can increase the full attribute by 30%. After Dieca, it was still very amazing.

Niu Da saw that Harrant changed a lot. He came over and patted Hamant’s shoulder: “Harrant, perform well! After you become a hero, you can master your own destiny, I am optimistic about you!”

Harrant’s performance was indeed satisfied with Wu Feng. He immediately held Niu Da’s fist: “Brother Qiang, you are also my family!”

After identifying Niu Da’s family, Hamant’s full attributes once again obtained a 30%increase. After this identification, the increase was the increase effect.

In other words, Hamant’s continuous growth and enhancing his own basic attributes can always obtain 60%of the full attribute growth! This is too awesome.

And Hamant also began to identify his family in the territory and teach him all kinds of knowledge. He is a family, with all attributes+30%!

There is also Lord Vesus, also family, and 30%of the fully attributes. He often takes him to the Lele who meets the world. It is also a family, and it is 30%increase.

After some calculations, there are so many family members of Harrant, and this is nothing. I saw Hamant pulled out his wives: “This is also my family!”

Today, Hamant has a total of 6 wives, all of which are ‘beautiful women’ with big waist. They smiled coquettishly. This is naturally Hamant’s family.

In this way, there are 11 family members recognized by Harrant, which can increase Harrant’s full attributes by 330%! This is very good.

“This is just the family that Harrant has identified now. In the future, let him make more friends, and even join a hero organization.

Wu Feng found that Hamant was a little talented. He also wanted to experiment that the ordinary creature in the territory would eventually reach to what extent.

In Hamant, he can still tilt a little resources. The world says that Goblin garbage is the weakest monster. But in Goblin, there are different Goblin demon gods.

It shows that even if Goblin is like Goblin, it can eventually grow into a deity. Since the Goblin magic god can grow up all the way, how can he not cultivate a powerful and unparalleled Goblin!

Wu Feng is preparing to relieve the prejudice and let go of his imagination. Harrant’s two talents have a good effect, so let him recognize his family.

“Harant, you will communicate with other heroes in the territory in the future and strive to join the inside of their organization. Unfortunately, you will not be a sword, otherwise the surname of the sword of Li may be willing to teach you two -sleeved green snake …”

Wu Feng shook his head. If Harrant had the talent of the royal sword, it might still try it. It was just a Goblin.

Niu Daha took a smile on Harrant’s shoulder and said, “Harrant, then you can try to join the Star Palace, as long as you can turn yourself into Star Spirit!”

Harrant touched the back of the back: “Brother Qiang, I won’t!”

Wu Feng also felt that Herhate, such as Xingling Palace and the Dragon Alliance, requires special blood to join, may be difficult to join.

Like fighting Tyrannosaurus, he has the dragon’s blood. After Wu Feng transformed him into a hero, he could become a member of the Dragon League directly.

The race of Keharant is Goblin. To make him a dragon, it is too difficult. It is not something that can be done by the dragon blood.

As for Xingling, it was a bit likely, but if he wanted to come and think, Wu Feng felt that there was a hero organization that was suitable for Hamant to join.

“Harrant, then you can follow your Jie brother first! His hunting magic organization is recruited from the outside world. If you kill enough devils, you can join the hunting demon!”

Wu Feng pointed to Hamant the road, and Hammart immediately rushed to find Geralt: “Jie Ge, I also want to hunt these abominable devils, can you teach me how to fight the demon?”

Jelot is now guarding the twisted wormhole in the area 099. Harrant ran over, and Jelot did not refuse.

It is rare to have heroes who are willing to fight against the demon throughout their lives and invest in the cause of hunting the demon. Jerot does not think that there is any problem with Harrant’s Goblin’s identity. In the hunting of the devil, there are any heroes.

So Geralt left Hamant and asked him to kill the demon with himself in front of the wormhole: “You kill 10,000 demon first, I’ll teach you how to hunt the demon!”

Cades around Geralt saw Harrant really picked up the wolf tooth stick and killed the devil’s nest. He smiled slightly. Although this silly big man was a bit non, he was still very serious. Cadi Sriol is also willing to observe and see if this guy is suitable for joining the hunting demon.


After Hamant went to study with the hunting demon, Wu Feng came to the innate gourd vine again. This spiritual plant can also get 1 drop of glazed magic fluid and 20 drops of glazed jade liquid.

With so many spiritual fluids poured down, the congenital gourd vines shake for a while, and a fairy sword gourd was fell first!

This gourd is the same as the gourd between Wu Feng’s waist, and he can also breed sword qi and wine. Wu Feng asked Lao Liu to put a little bit of dragon blood wine and prepare to give it to the sword god of Li.

Wu Feng remembers that when the Sword God surnamed Li, when he first summoned, he borrowed a wine swordsman’s fairy sword gourd and drank some wine. This old predecessor was also a person who loved wine!

After Lao Liu was found, he took out the treasured 3 altar dragon blood wine into the new fairy sword gourd. At the same time, he also got 5 altar dragon blood wine into Wu Feng’s fairy sword gourd.

Lao Liu helped Wu Feng dangling the immortal sword gourd: “Lord Lord, Chen Lao poured a lot of batch dragon blood fruit during this period of time.”

“My dragon blood wine here comes up. If you want to drink dragon blood wine, the number is absolutely enough!”

Wu Feng nodded: “Then give me more pretending, I don’t have to save it!”

Wu Feng drinks dragon blood wine, one is to improve his own basic attributes, and the other is to use this to sharpen Kendo cultivation. Drinking and drinking every day can increase the accomplishment of Kendo. Is this not fragrant?

He also felt that he was about to understand Jian Er, others, at least the kendo was handsome! After all, strong or not strong is a moment, but handsome is not handsome for a lifetime!

In this case, Wu Feng filled the dragon blood wine, and he could open it open, as long as he was not drunk.

Lao Liu immediately shouted, letting people move out more dragon blood wines. He went to Wu Feng’s ears and said, “Lord, your fairy sword gourd can put other wines.”

“I have a dragon and tiger wine here, that is, your friends asked me to help me brew. With the things you provided, plus the dragon blood fruit, I made this dragon tiger wine!”

“This is a big tonic! It is more powerful than the dragon blood wine. I have left 3 major altars for you. I will put it in for you together?”

Hearing the words of Lao Liu, Wu Feng thought of the two red flames that had been killed before, and one male and one mother and two epic -level bosses provided only a big tonic, but it was enough to soak a large tank of wine. It’s right.

Lao Liu incorporated this wine that was incorporated into the dragon blood fruit, called dragon tiger wine, and dragon blood, and the essence of the tiger.

This dragon tiger wine should be more advanced than dragon blood wine! After all, its ingredients used epic BOSS things.

So Wu Feng nodded and prepared to try the effect of this dragon tiger wine.

After being ordered by Wu Feng, Lao Liu also put the dragon and tiger wine of the three altars into Wu Feng’s fairy sword gourd. When he drank, he wanted to drink, and only needed to think in his heart. Essence

Both wines are installed in, and it will not affect Wu Feng’s drinking.

Wu Feng took his fairy sword gourd in his waist, and brought the other with the other with a lot of green ant wine, ambergris and dragon blood wine to the side of the sword god of Li.

At this time, he has also brought the Anonymous and Bu Jingyun, and both officially joined Wan Jianzong! Wan Jianzong’s various bonuses have increased greatly.

The surnamed Sword God himself has obtained a huge increase in this. A mythical hero joined Wan Jianzong enough to make him a huge increase in the talent through the sword and sword.

At this time, Wu Feng came over and handed Xianjian Hulk to the sword god of Li: “Senior Li, this is the fairy sword gourd produced in our territory, which is filled with wine, you can try it.”

The surnamed Sword God took the fairy sword gourd, and he laughed: “Lord, you are attentive! That old is uninteresting!”

Having said that, the Sword god of the surname Li took the Xianjian gourd, and he took a sip of his mouth.

This mellow rice wine made the sword god surnamed Sword God drink very much. After he drank ambergris and dragon blood wine, he laughed: “It’s still the most comfortable green ant wine! I love the most! Green ant wine! ”

Wu Feng did not expect that higher -quality ambergris and dragon blood wine did not receive praise from the sword god surnamed Li. Instead, the most common green ant wine was a good heart of the sword god of Li. Unique.

I saw the Sword God surnamed Sword God fiercely filled with a green ant wine. He made a wine hiccup, and then looked at Wu Feng: “Lord Lord, your kendo talent is not good, but if you want, I can teach Your two -sleeved green snake! ”

Wu Feng wants these two -sleeved green snake. At that time, two fairy sword towers were in their hands. With a sword, there would be two epic -level defensive tower turned into dragon -shaped swords.

Wu Feng came to this fairy sword gourd to the sword god surnamed Li, isn’t it just to worship the teacher? ” There are still, and it is very big!

The sword god named Li smiled: “Lord Lord, if you can master the sword second in Wan Jianjue, you can barely learn a two -sleeved green snake.”

“As long as you reach the second sword, you can come to me!”

Wu Feng did not expect that there was such a request. His Kendo Xiu had been stuck in Jianyi, that is, drinking some wine to improve the maintenance of Kendo.

It seems that he either find time to repair it, or drink more! Under the realm of enlightenment trees.

Just thinking that there was a shocking noise from the congenital gourd vine. After producing the fairy sword gourd, the congenital gourd vine digested the remaining glazed liquid, so the second gourd baby also landed!

In the loud noise, a big fat boy wearing orange clothes jumped out of the gourd, and Chen Guo, who had been standing next to the congenital gourd vine, was overjoyed. This is the birth of Erwa!

As soon as Erwa was born, he saw Chen Guo. He was overjoyed and hurried over and shouted, “Grandpa! Grandpa!”

Chen Guo quickly picked up Erwa. Dawa was moving Jiuqiao Xianshi to exercise the power. He heard the voice of Erwa, throwing Jiuqiao Xianshi directly on the ground, and ran back to the congenital gourd vine.

“Second brother, you came out too!”

After seeing Erwa, Dawa was very excited. At least they could cultivate together and protect the territory together.

After Erwa landed on the ground, as soon as his eyes turned, he saw Wu Feng who came over: “Lord Lord …”

Big Wa nodded: “Lord Lord …”

Wu Feng did not expect that the effect of Liuli Shenye was so good. In a round, he not only produced a fairy sword gourd, but also made Erwa land on the ground.

Big Wa is naturally divine, and the ability of Erwa is a thousand miles away. Although this ability is auxiliary ability, it is also very easy to use.

So Wu Feng pointed to the direction of No. 052: “Erwa, help me see what there is in the mountain …”

Erwa nodded, and he launched thousands of miles directly. Each scene of No. 052 appeared in his eyes. Erwa could even show the scenes he saw, so that Wu Feng and others could see.

“Lord Lord, there are vast land on the other side of the mountain, and many lords are attacking each other!” The scene displayed by Erwa is the situation in the 091 region of No. 052. Many lords are attacking each other and want to kill each other. Others occupy more territories.

One of the groups of three -eyed lords and dog head lords joined forces to be in the form of active attacks. They joined forces to kill a large number of other races.

Wu Feng looked at it. If this continues, the alliance composed of the three -eyed and the head of the dog head may be able to unify the 091 area.

After watching the 091 area, Erwa shifted his attention and checked the situation in the area No. 092. He could also scan all the area 092 to see clearly.

Erwa’s thousands of miles are really amazing, which is much fierce than the magical whistle tower. What pays attention to is where to look at.

Erwa directly helped Wu Feng look at all the countries adjacent to No. 062. It was clear that the situation in these areas was clear.

In this way, even after thousands of miles and thousands of miles, Erwa can help Wu Feng detect the situation, so Wu Feng asked: “Erwa, your thousand miles eyes, what can you see the farthest?”

Erwa glanced at: “About 100,000 kilometers, which is related to my level and strength. The stronger the strength, the farther I see, and the scope of my listening is the same. In this range, I can listen to it. Find a way to hear the news in this range. ”

Wu Feng’s eyes were bright, and the magical whistle tower could only see the situation in the enemy’s territory, but he could not hear the content of the enemy’s conversation. Erwa was a thousand miles with a smooth ears, which could make the enemy’s every move clearly.

Since it can increase the detection distance, Wu Feng immediately took out the mythical hero identity card to use it for Erwa. If this prop, if it is not used at one time, you can use it next time.

Anyway, the god -level hero identity card can be converted into a hero of the three sub -myths. After using this time, the Sanwa and Siwa born later can also be transformed with this identity card.

I saw that Erwa, like Dawa, became a sub -mythical hero after completing the transformation. The attributes of Erwa may not be strong, but he can play a role now.

After becoming a hero, the detection range of Erwa’s thousands of miles has doubled. He could only see the country No. 052. Now he can see it even!

If Erwa changes the direction, you can also see the situation of No. 063 and the country of 064, and you can find out the information of these countries in advance.

Wu Feng’s goal must be hegemon or dominates, and he is also sure to get other countries in the heavenly domain 012.

It is also meaningful to find out the situation of these countries in advance. Just thinking, Erwa has looked at the West. His eyes lock in the endless mountains on the western western edge of No. 061 through countless mountains and rivers.

Erwa suddenly said: “Lord, there is a big monster in that direction!”

Wu Feng took a look at the scene of Erwa’s projection. In the western western side of the 061, it was the ban on the land of the Tianshen at the junction of Tiangu 012 and the Tiandi No. 011.

This forbidden area is also surrounded by clouds. Through this cloud, he can only see huge figures faintly passing by.

There are indeed many big bosses in the ban on the ground. Even if there is a mythical BOSS, Wu Feng is not surprising.

“That’s the place of the gods. It is normal to have a big monster. Can you see the other person?” Wu Feng couldn’t help asking.

Erwa shook his head: “I can’t see clearly, the other person’s strength is too strong. After reading it, I tears and flows, and I can’t see it clearly. This is a big guy who cannot be directly seen!”

Wu Feng also saw the scene printed by Erwa’s pouring changes. The content that Erwa saw fluctuated, making people unclear at all.

This is mainly because the object he sees is too strong. Only when the second baby becomes stronger, can we see it clearer.

Wu Feng motioned to the Erwa to see the sky: “Do you see the sun in the sky? Can you see where is the three moon in the sky? What will it be tomorrow?”

“Or see where is the 798th floor above the 799th floor …”

Erwa smiled embarrassingly: “Lord, Lord, I look at the sun in the sky, my eyes will be blind, and the sun cannot be seen directly.”

“Besides, the distance between the sun is far away from us than other countries! I still can’t see the real appearance of the sun.”

Listening to Erwa, Wu Feng would not force it. With the current strength of Erwa, it seems that he can only look at the situation of the surrounding countries.

In the final analysis, we still have to find a way to improve the attributes of the second baby as soon as possible to make him quickly stronger.

“Waiting for the strength of Erwa, I can let him go to the 796th floor to find [Alibaba and Forty Thieves]! His thousand miles eyes should be able to see the situation of the small world or heterogeneous space.”

“As long as [Alibaba and Forty Thieves] are not covered with mythical props, the second baby will have the opportunity to find him!”

Wu Feng’s main expectation for Erwa is that after he became stronger, he could help him find [Alibaba and Forty Thieves].

Today, let’s first investigate the situation of the surrounding countries first!

To enhance the strength of Erwa, you can upgrade, or through hero organizations. Wu Feng looked at it. Big Wa and Erwa were also members of the Lord’s protagonist organization.

It is just that they will only occupy a number of organization members, and they will only provide the power of an organization member.

In addition, Dawa and Erwa also belong to the members of the Xian Shen Temple. In this way, Wu Feng’s territory has three heavenly tissues: mechanical heaven, demon heaven, and Xian Shen Temple.

“Good guy, this is a few heavenly courts in my territory! But it doesn’t matter, the members of the God of God, anyway, are all fairy gods, and the quality is relatively high. This is an epic hero organization. The blessing is still considerable. ”

Wu Feng now has a big baby and the second baby. If you find two fairy gods, you can activate the God of God, and you can always see it in the future.

“Big Wa, Erwa, these ancient holy blood, you can absorb a batch every day, which can help you grow quickly!”

Wu Feng assigned an ancient sanctuary blood to Dawa and Erwa, which can absorb this kind of holy blood to enhance their strength.

The most gentle and most universal of the sperm blood seen by Wu Feng has seen by Wu Feng. As long as it is a hero, it has no negative impact.

Like the ancient dragons, they can not only absorb the dragon’s sacred blood to enhance the bloodline of the dragon blood, but also absorb ancient holy blood to enhance their own years, as well as other heroes.

The blood of Dawa and Erwa can be regarded as congenital fairy gods. It can also absorb ancient sacred blood to enhance their strength. As long as it provides sufficient ancient sanctuary, Erwa can be strong sooner or later to investigate the mythical BOSS.

Looking at the ancient sanctuary of the golden color, the big baby and the second baby patted the white fat hand: “Thank you for the Lord, we can grow up quickly and help the lord as soon as possible!”

Seeing that Dawa and Erwa went to play with Chen Guo, Wu Feng picked up the Liuli jade net bottle. Now in this jade net bottle, there is the last drop of glazed solution today.

Originally, Wu Feng was preparing to pour the peach trees, but he suddenly saw the Jiuxiao immortal stone that was raised by the big baby.

“Jiuqiao Xianshi needs to absorb the aura of heaven and earth to grow and‘ incubate ’. Can this glazed divine fluid accelerate his growth?”

“Maybe you can try it!” Wu Feng was more attentive to Jiuqiao Xianshi. After all, this is the only mythical hero who needs to invest in resources for a long time after he summoned.

It can be said that the monkey brother is definitely the mythical hero he has seen. The strongest potential and the most powerful. If the monkey brother is cultivated, it is definitely the rhythm of take -off.

So Wu Feng dripped the remaining drop of glazed liquid on the Jiuxiao fairy stone, and this three -color spiritual fluid flowed in along the stone hole.

Wu Feng saw Jiuqiao Xianshi emitting a faint white light, and the god stone seemed to start beating.

This surprised Wu Feng, the Liuli Shenye is really effective! It’s just a drop of glazed magic fluid. It seems that it is not enough. After the light, Jiuqiao Xianshi returns to normal after the light is gone.

Dawa curiously grabbed Jiuqiao Xianshi, and his arm sank, almost caught Jiuqiao Xianshi: “These Jiuqiao Xianshi seems to be heavier!”

Teacher Saitama was also aside. I heard that Jiuqiao Xianshi became heavier. Instead, he was happy: “Really? After heavier, isn’t the effect of that exercise better!”

“Big baby, just follow me like this!”

Teacher Saitama said that he held up the Jiuqiao Xianshi, which had increased by more than 30%, and made 100 push -ups. He didn’t feel difficulty, which shocked the big baby who had always been proud of his natural power.

Teacher Saitama is really too powerful. He can carry 100 push -ups with Jiuqiao Xianshi, which is more heavy than a mountain. Dawa feels that he will have at least a few times to complete.

So Dawa also learned to operate Saitama. He began to support the nine -handed fairy stone in a row. This behavior made Wu Feng secretly funny.

This is Brother Monkey! You actually regarded this as a prop.

Seeing that Dawa and Erwa were practicing very seriously, Wu Feng yawned back to his lord’s palace. In the past few days, he has been busy destroying the big brother. He has not closed his eyes for three days and three nights. It’s right.

In this case, Wu Feng also needed to rest. After all, he killed the big brother. In the Tiangyu No. 012, no one could stop his development.

Destroyed the strong enemy, and he should also relax and rest. Wu Feng ran directly to the lord’s palace and lay down to sleep. He suddenly entered a beautiful dream hometown.

When I woke up, Wu Feng found that it was 36 o’clock. It seems that he had slept for more than ten hours, and then slept again. On the 18th day, it would pass.

Wu Feng, who woke up, looked at the big sun outside, and he stretched his waist: “Senior Li said that I needed to cultivate to Jian Er to learn the two -sleeved green snake.

Wu Feng had nothing to do with it, so he picked up the Xianjian gourd, and he could continue to improve Kendo Xiu for drinking. Wu Feng said that he practiced sword tactics, that is, drinking small wine.

And Xiao Dang also made a large table of food for Wu Feng in advance. He was interested, and sat down and tasted it slowly. It was very comfortable with a bite of wine with a bite of food.

Just when I was at the meal, Opora also came to eat rice. The white -haired girl silently ate the food on the table. Even if she ate glowing food, her face was expressionless.

Wu Feng also knew about the character of Ophara. The white -haired girl had few personal emotions. Whether it was shock, joy or anger, sadness, etc., she almost appeared on her face.

Just when Wu Feng observed, Opora suddenly said: “Lord, my believers, my believers want to build my idols and temples in the city, dedicated to worship me, and provide the power of faith.”

“Can you let go of the permissions and let these believers build the idols?”

As the goddess of disaster, Aurora is still the human body. Only by constantly absorbing divine power can she embark on the road of God and eventually become a mythical hero.

In this kind of thing, Wu Feng naturally supports: “That’s naturally possible, I will invest in resources to help you build the idol, your idol, just put it around my idol!”

“There is also the statue of Vishe, you can also build a piece near my idol.”

Not all mythical heroes need to absorb the power of faith to become gods, such as Chris, Saitama, and the like. They are the props that specialize in the body and walk into God.

And Ophara and Vishe, now they have very enthusiastic beliefers. The power of faith they provided can be transformed into divine power through the idol, thereby pouring into them.

Ophara said so, it should be the power of her faith, which can transform the power of divineness.

Wu Feng is not just talking about it. He also immediately asked Pharaoh to bring people to the main base for construction, and quickly stood up the statue of Ophara.

Wu Feng himself drank a bite of wine and continued to taste the food: “The taste of this dragon and tiger wine is good …”

Being curious, Wu Feng also drank the dragon and tiger wine. He found that this wine is indeed a big tonic. After a sip, Wu Feng was warm and warm.

The feeling of this heat flow in the flow of the limbs is more obvious than the dragon blood wine, and his attributes are significantly improved. Even Kendo cultivation is also increasing rapidly.

But Wu Feng quickly felt wrong, circulated the heat of the whole body, and finally returned to his abdomen, and then he folded down, Wu Feng felt dry mouth.

At this time, Aerora has seen her idols being built quickly, I’m afraid she can take shape within today.

At that time, Ophara can transform out of the first point of power, and then formally embark on the road of God.

So Ophara took the initiative to Wu Feng: “Lord, thank you for helping me build the idol …”

Wu Feng felt the fragrant wind shop and saw the Aurora who was close at hand, the heat flow in Wu Feng’s body became even more hot. Wu Feng opened his mouth, and he felt that he spit out the heat.

Ophara also saw Wu Feng, who had a red face: “Lord, you …”

In the second half of Aerora, Wu Feng was blocked by Wu Feng. On the face of the white -haired girl, there was a rare expression of panic and shame.

She was then pressed on the table.


At this time, in front of the statue of the lord, a group of worshipers of the goddess of disaster were watching the statue of the goddess of disaster. As a master, Pharaoh was very easy to build a idol dedicated to collecting faith.

His efficiency is very high. Those believers are stood up at the speed of seeing the idol at the naked eye. The appearance and temperament of the idol is exactly the same as Ophara himself.

Because Opula had no expression on his face for a long time, this idol was just like Ophara, his face was indifferent and indispensable.

After the statue of Ophara was erected, the believers of the goddess of the disaster began to offer their faith. They kept chanting the names of the goddess of disaster and prayed for the territory not to be affected by the disaster.

But at this time, the sky suddenly became extremely dark, and the dark clouds suddenly covered the sun, making people reach out without seeing five fingers.

This abnormal natural phenomenon is like a sign of the disaster before the disaster. Numerous farmers who are working are stunned at the clouds in the sky stunned.

“What is this? How can this vision happen?”

Many people in the territory stared at the dark clouds in the sky in shock. They all had an ominous premonition, and the facts were as expected.

The dark clouds in the sky are constantly accumulated, and then there are lightning to tear the clouds, which releases energy and passion in the sky.

As the lightning stirred in the dark clouds, the sky began to pour heavy rain in the sky. This was really like the heavy rain that dumped the sky from the sky. In just ten minutes, the amount of water in the territory drowned many people’s knees.

Suddenly, such a heavy rain seemed to be directly out of the flood. Many people in the territory began to pray that Shang Cang not to fall down.

Many believers in front of the goddess of the disaster are also prayed to the goddess of the disaster, hoping that the goddess showed spirit to drive out the upcoming disaster.

The reason why these believers believe in the goddess of disaster is because they believe that the goddess of disaster is believed, and the goddess can bless them from being harmed by natural disasters.

The prayer of many mad believers is like sending information to the goddess. The goddess of disaster who has already sank in the wind and rain has finally reacted.

So these believers discovered that the layers of Wuyun seemed to start to move, floating towards No. 052, and they crossed the extinction place and appeared in the 091 area of ​​No. 091!

In any case, his homeland is not needed to be affected by the disaster, and the believers who prayed just now cheered.

They crazy to the goddess of the disaster, thanked the shelter of the goddess of disaster. Some believers who are not the goddess of disaster, seeing the goddess of faith, can really change the heavenly phenomenon, dispel the upcoming natural disaster, and there will be more. People have become the believer of the goddess of disaster!

In this case, the power of faith obtained by Ophara naturally rose high, and she transformed 2 magic power at one time!

At the same time, the number 091, which has shifted to No. 052, which was transferred to the past 052, has poured blood mold. The lords in this area are fighting crazy.

They were in the daytime war. As a result, with the arrival of Wuyun, they found that the weather directly changed from a clear sky to Wuyun!

However, many lords don’t care about this, Wuyun will be Wuyun, which will not affect their fighting.

“What is the impact of the rain now, let me kill this group of blue stars lords! We can monopolize the 091 area right away!” A three -eyed lord watched the troops of the siege a little hesitant, and he immediately ordered to continue the attack. Essence

As his words fell, there was a pouring rain falling, and his army rushed forward with heavy rain, and immediately suffered greater casualties.

In the heavy rain, his cannons could not be used, because the rain was too fast and too fast, and quickly drowned many of his army!

What made the three -eyed lord did not expect that the rain was getting louder, only a loud noise, and the floods in the upstream broke out! He rushed directly into his army, and a flooded seven troops came!

This is nothing. As the rain is getting bigger and bigger, the entire area 091 has become a country, which is the same as the legendary flood!

The horrible floods quickly drowned the territory of the lords. The huge waves of more than ten meters and tens of meters swept everything. Originally, it felt that there was nothing pouring rain, which actually produced such exaggerated results.

Numerous lords in the 091 area are stunned!

The more strange thing is that as the rain reaches the peak, Wuyun is suddenly torn by the thick lightning, and then I see that Wuyun becomes a fire, and hundreds of millions of meteorite fires and rain, dragging the long tail flames appear in the sky in the sky. Essence

These meteorites fell on the ground quickly, and with the floods, a natural disaster was formed directly!

Dahong+meteorite fire and rain directly led to the lords in the 091 area suffering a disaster, and a large number of lords were eliminated.

They haven’t figured out what the situation is!

“Let me go! What did this happen!? Why did we suddenly have such a major natural disaster in the 091 area?

“This is the legendary Destroyer flood plus hundreds of millions of star rain? These two natural disasters actually appear together. It’s so weird!”

“I’m obedient, I was almost destroyed. I didn’t expect my enemy to be destroyed by this natural disaster.

Under the terrible natural disaster, a large number of lords moved out of the No. 091 area. They left the area one after another, making the lords in the entire region decreased rapidly. The lords who wanted hard tops were almost destroyed by natural disasters.

In more than an hour of natural disasters, the lords of the 091 area were all empty!

This is the power of only mythical natural disasters!

At this time, in Wu Feng’s lord’s palace, he saw the paralyzed Aurora suddenly exuding a three -color light. She had a transformation. As Wei Gosi had previously evolved into a higher -level creature!

(This chapter is finished)

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