Chapter 307

At this moment, [Gravity of the Ground] is counting the situation in the leader. After checking the loss of the territory, Changshu breathed a breath: “Fortunately, this wave supports, these resurrected lords are simply beasts.”

“One by one wants to kill us, directly dominate our territory, and go to a lot of development time. Then our coalition forces should really be organized, not to mention the [Jiutian Travel], and it is good to deal with these resurrected lords!”

[Gravity Gravity] I couldn’t help thinking of the coalition groups they had organized before. At that time, he and the [Sky Forbidden Area] were organizers, but after they organized it, the entire coalition group had not played a role. [Sky Forbidden Area] It was killed.

Under the threat of the resurrection lord, [Gravity] quickly organized the coalition forces to fight against the resurrected lord.

In the group, [Gravity of the Earth] Crazy launching a lot of lords: “Brothers, are now reaching the moment of our lives and death. The resurrection of the lord is aggressive. We will organize the coalition forces and kill them!”

“I am willing to send me 80%of the heroes and arms to join the coalition forces. At that time, we will sweep all the way like the 18th Route Allied Army to conquer Dong Zhuo and kill all the resurrected lords in the 034 area!”

“The resurrected lord also has a lot of resources. To kill them, we can get these resources and greatly speed up our development speed!”

[Gravity of the Earth] Some confusion not only mentioned the threat of the resurrected lord to the crowd, but also mentioned a large amount of resources owned by the resurrected lord.

Hundreds of lords in the group are really excited. They are all lords in the No. 034 region. If they are joined forces, let alone the resurrected lord, even if they are dealing with [Nine Days Traveling], I’m afraid there is no problem. Intersection

So some people proposed in it: “[Gravity], the Eighteenth Road Allied Forces defeat Dong Zhuo, then [Nine Days Traveling] is Dong Zhuo!”

“At that time, we have killed the resurrected lord. After the strength increased, should we remove the [Nine Days Traveling]?”

[Gravity] Immediately responded: “Of course … what kind of ghost is this!”

[Gravity] After a exclaiming in the group, there was no sound at all. The rest of the lords looked at each other and didn’t know what happened.

At this time, [Gravity], his territory has been penetrated by a black arrow. This arrow falls from the sky and directly through the above of his lord’s house.

Under the protection of the lord’s house, coupled with the vast territory, the health of the lord’s heart was very thick, but under this arrow, the lord’s heart was directly ejected!

The lord’s heart of [Gravity] was immediately second, and [Gravity of the Earth] did not even have the time to respond, and was killed!

[Ding … the lord’s heart of the lord’s gravity, according to the level of the lord (level 25), you get 13 kills. .

[Ding … the lord of the lord who successfully destroys the gravity of the land can occupy the lord’s 50%territory and trigger the skills of the family robbery, which can occupy the 15%of the leader of the lord. Please choose the preserved plot. .

[Ding … the lord of the lord who successfully destroyed the gravity of the land and triggering the skills of the family robbery can obtain a land of 15%(level 2) with an area of 15%of the lord, with a total area of 7,230 units. Please select the land type. .

[Gravity of the Ground] It is one of the leaders of the territory in the 034 area. There are also three orange defense towers and a large amount of purple defense tower in his territory.

Various buildings are relatively complete, there are many territorial facilities, and the territory scores are 60,000. After killing him, Wu Feng can inherit most of his territories and increase his territory score a lot.

And this scene happened too fast. [Gravity of the Ground] leaving only a saying in the group, and disappeared.

The lords in the group are all aggressive. Is [Gravity] attacked by the resurrected lord? So someone immediately opened the list, and then found that [Gravity] completely disappeared on the major lists!

“What happened? [Gravity] Didn’t you rank 7th on the regional territory list before? Why is it gone at once?”

“[Gravity] also disappeared on the hero list and the rich list. What is this guy doing? When you encounter the attack of the resurrected lord, you can run away without leaving?”

“But what I think of this is not like running. If the resurrected lord is siege, [Gravity] should be asked to help in the group, but he disappeared without saying a word …”

“How do I feel like he was killed. If it was relocated, it was not this kind of operation! I have sent a private message just now, and I will find no one.”

Many lords in the group found that something was wrong. [Gravity] not only disappeared on the rankings, but even private messages were sent to find out!

All this indicates that [Gravity] seems to be killed.

But this is too weird. Just now [Gravity] is still in the group, the signs of the righteousness of the rush to deal with the resurrected lords and even the team to fight [Nine Days Travel]!

Why is it gone in a blink of an eye? Is this a horror game?

Just thinking that there was another lord called [Screaming Chicken] in the group disappearing. He was more exaggerated than [Gravity]. Even without a word, people were gone.

This is also [Screaming Chicken] Some friends found that he was suddenly gone, and then sent a private message to find the same person!

[Square eating chicken]: “I wipe it! [Screaming Chicken] suddenly disappeared. I sent him a private message, and it was also found that he had no such person! Is he also eliminated?”

The other lords were also aggressive: “What happened? How to [screaming chicken] and [Gravity] were suddenly eliminated, and the two of them were hundreds of kilometers away! When the scene disappears, the scenes are both scenes, the scenes are both. So similar! ”

“I wipe it! [Screaming Chicken] People are really gone! I was still chatting with him just now! Without a sign, he was eliminated? What is going on?”

In the group, Wu Feng had gained more territory.

[Ding … Destroy the lord of the lord’s screaming chicken, according to the level of the lord (level 23), you get 12 kills. .

[Ding … successfully destroying the heart of the screaming chicken, which can occupy 50%of the leader of the lord and trigger the skills of fighting the family, you can occupy the 15%of the leader, please choose the preserved plot. .

[Ding … successfully destroyed the heart of the screaming chicken, triggering the skills of fighting the family, and the land of 15%(level 2) with an area of 15%of the lord, with a total area of 4,320 units. Please select the land type. .


In Houyi Xuying, the arrow was arrowed, and the power of the shooting day shot an arrow that spanned more than 700 kilometers to kill [Gravity].

The big witch statues on the whole Hou Tower also launched an attack together, and their range was increased by 10 times. The big witch statue holding the orange bows and arrows reached more than 100 kilometers. A range of more than 80 kilometers.

The position of Wu Feng’s place is in the direction near the city of steel. The distance of the No. 034 is only less than 50 kilometers away.

So after the power of the shooting day, the 10 major witch statues each found the target of the 034 area and aimed at the shooting!

During aiming at the shooting, the range extends again, and they shot one arrow, which is enough to kill most of the lords today.

Even if the lord’s heart is protected by the lord’s mansion, it is penetrated by this ultra -long -range attack, and then the lord’s heart is bursting!

The distance of hundreds of kilometers is often comparable to a legendary missile.

It is just that the missile is a fiberic prop hosted, and the attack of the statue of the big witch is attacking the single, specifically targeted at the lord’s heart.

In this way, in addition to Houyi’s virtual shadow killed [Gravity], the big witch statues also dropped 10 lords in seconds, including both ordinary lords and resurrected lords.

Wu Feng does not care about his identity. Anyway, the No. 034 area has been regarded as a thing in the pocket. The lords in it must be cleared!

The sudden attack of Wu Feng made the lords in the 034 region at risk. Suddenly, the lord was eliminated, and even the enemy did not know what the enemy was.

The psychological pressure of this horrible game is too great. The previous coalition groups were once again trapped. They were all thinking about a question: “How can someone do things within the coalition forces and be killed? The coalition forces are toxic? ”

At the same time, the [Steel straight man black and thick] hidden in the coalition group could not help sending a private message with Wu Feng: “Boss, [Gravity] you killed? That is the that yesterday said that he would organize the coalition forces to deal with you. That fool … ”

Wu Feng smiled: “Yes, I remembered him today and killed him.”

[Steel straight man is black and thick] I feel a rush of anger, but others say this intentionally pretending. The big guy says this is true.

Steel straight men also felt the power of the big guys, silently, and killed [Gravity]. So far, no one has found any movement!

You must know that [Gravity of the Earth Heart] Anyway, it is the top ten lords in the 034 region, which still adds the result of the subsequent batches of resurrected lords.

Such a celebrity in the region was killed like a chicken, which has exceeded the category of straight steel men.

He is now thinking that it should be very easy to deal with any lord in the 034 region.

“By the way, big guys, I have raised 5 million magic crystals, can I go to the Prophet Library to learn the Lord skills?”

[Steel straight man black and thick] Speaking of another thing, Wu Feng told his allies a long time, but it was a bit difficult to raise a huge sum of 5 million magic crystals.

Until now, [Steel straight man is black and thick], with the support of the second sister and six sisters, it has made 5 million magic crystals.

Wu Feng is also trying to promote the matter. He nodded: “You can come over now. I open the authority to you. Do you send it or run by yourself?”

[Steel straight man is black and thick] Very diligent and frugal family: “My territory is only a hundred kilometers away from your territory, then I still run over, this can also save two teleportation cards.”

So the Steel straight man immediately set off, and took his strongest hero and arms to go straight to his boss’s territory.

When passing by the City of Steel, he was shocked by many giant machinery and dense production lines of the City of Steel. The big guy really made the previous demon fortress into a city of steel!

He did not stop in the Iron and Steel City, so he continued to penetrate Wu Feng’s territory.

At this time, Wu Feng had been at 40 points, and it was only 2 hours before the eighth day. He also sent a private message with several allies he chose to invite them to the territory.

This is mainly because he is about to be promoted to the second order. At that time, he can start the construction order of the god -level alliance. After communicating with the allies, the alliance will be built to add them to them.

Even when the alliance construction tasks are activated at that time, they need to participate, which must be prepared in advance.

[Qianshan Twilight Snow], [Blue Demon Ji], [Zhu Family Lao Six], [rich world] and others responded for the first time.

There is also Zhu Biyu and Lao Xun, and they are even more excited. Zhu Biyu even said that he would move to the 034 area and become Wu Feng’s guard!

“You two guys, come over earlier, Tiantong, you can also come to the Prophet Library to learn the Lord’s skills!”

Wu Feng threw out the ‘bait’, and Zhu Biyu began to organize the resources within the territory more efficiently, and was ready to move.

When the allies were prepared, Wu Feng first took Vigus and Pan Feng to Panshi Cave. He was not here to experience the black silk and white silk made by clues. Come.

Wu Feng brought Vigus and Pan Fenglai, mainly to try the effect of opening up the world. This ability is the new ability to get after Pan Feng’s first seal of the giant spirit ax.

This is the essence of the giant spirit ax, which can not only help Wu Feng develop the leading territory, but also allow the holder to get feedback in the process of opening up.

It is only the current giant spirit ax that can only open a larger space in the mystery and small world. Wu Feng wants to think about it, and only the Panshid House in Panshidong meets this condition.

Pansidong House is the Xianjia Dongfu, which is self -contained. There is a small world. Pan Feng should be able to launch the world here, and Wu Feng brought him over.

When Wu Feng entered the deep inside of Panshid, he just walked into the Panshid Cave Mansion, and the two incense winds rushed over. “Lord, what kind of wind blows you?”

“I thought you hate our sisters. Since the last time I came, you never came to Panshidong to see the two of us …”

Jian Juan is indeed a spider essence. When she speaks, it makes Wu Feng difficult to fight. Wu Feng rarely comes to Panshid Cave. It is not worried that he was eaten by the spider sperm!

This is only the two spider essences. If there are seven spiders, I am afraid it will be life.

After seeing Weicus, the two let go of their arms subconsciously, and they greeted Weichent enthusiastically: “Sister Weigu, it seems that you are there, the lord’s big talent dares to come to us …”

“Lord, you often forget our sisters. Instead, Sister Vesus often comes. Do you think the black silk we make, is it easy to use?”

As for the stockings made of special clues, the feel is really good, but it is more difficult to tear. Is this easy to use or not?

Vigus made her face ashamed. She thought of the violent of the lord last night. That black silk can be regarded as a work?

“Two fairy, you are so beautiful, how could I hate you, but the lord’s affairs were too busy, and I didn’t have much time running everywhere.”

“You two, you can go to the territory when you have time. You can see the little monster in the Laidong Mountains. Now you often enter and exit the Prophet Library. The people in the territory also like them …”

With a bright eyes, she nodded: “Then we really have to go down the mountain to see, stay in Dongfu every day, and everyone is stupid!”

Han Lu also laughed at the class: “I heard that there was a master in the Library of the Prophet Library to teach the truth daily. I have time, I want to listen to it.”

Wu Feng thought of the reason why the old master taught, either hearing the Tao, the death of the night, or the words of the son who was not strange.

If you learn, I am afraid that there will be only two more mother tyrannosaurus …

“I come this time, mainly to let you help you develop the Dongfu. Now this set of silk cave is still too small. If you have new sisters to join, I am afraid it will look a bit crowded …”

Wu Feng explained his intention, and he also looked at the size of the Panshi Cave Mansion. This cave is a special small world, occupying a small area, but there are 120 units in the actual area in it.

It is only for Dongfu to live. Some large facilities cannot be set up at all. Now the Panshidong Mansion only opens the Guling Big Array, which is limited.

Hearing Wu Feng’s mention of this, Juan Juan stunned, she couldn’t help but get close to Wu Feng: “Lord, you really want to help us two sisters open the cave government? But you are not a fairy figure, how can you help us?”

Wu Feng laughed. He was really not a fairy figure. He would not open the cave with technical means, but he could rely on brute force!

To be precise, he can rely on Pan Feng’s brute force! As long as you are strong, you can open the cave.

Wu Feng laughed without saying a word, and directly signaled that Pan Feng could operate. So in the shocking eyes of Xun Juan and Han Lu, Pan Feng took out the giant spirit ax, and then he launched Wushuang and Fa Xiangtian.

I saw Pan Feng’s body skyrocketed and turned into a hundred meters giant. Fortunately, the height of Panshi Dongfu was still relatively high, and he could accommodate him.

Pan Feng in this state has skyrocketed, and Vigus does not forget to launch a lash and inspiration, so that Pan Feng’s power will continue to skyrocket!

When the heavens are opened, the higher the power of the giant spirit ax, the greater the new space that is opened. To launch the opening of the world, it is natural to let Pan Feng enter the best state.

As Pan Feng entered its peak, he roared and waved the ax fiercely! With a loud noise, Pan Feng’s opening of the mountain ax triggered the counterattack effect, and a space crack was cut directly at the edge of the Pansidongfu!

The very stable Panshid House began to shake fiercely, which was like a egg shell of an egg from the inside.

Various substances in the outside world poured into Panshidongfu. The two of them quickly shot them, so that all the feng shui and fires were arranged in accordance with the rules, so that the area of Panshidong Mansion began to expand in an orderly manner.

At the same time, the Panshid Cave Mountains also made a loud noise, and the mountains were expanding, turning more plots into the scope of the Panshid Cave Mountains.

Incormed into the Panshid Cave Mountains, the levels of these plots will be improved, and the aura concentration within the range of all plots will also increase. All the plots in the Panshid Cave Mountains will grow spiritual cultivation.

Chen Guo was pouring the veins of Ling Lingquan in a planting plant in the Baicao Garden. When he saw this scene, he greeted him immediately: “Lele, Lai Lai!”

Lele immediately ran to Chen Guo’s feet. After Chen Guo gave it a blood ginseng, he took it to the newly expanded Pansong Mountains: “Guo Lai, you are looking forward, you are looking forward, See where there are new spiritual planting, we take half of it and put it in Baicao Garden to plant … ”

After eating delicious food, Lele was full of energy, and it was willing to work. So with this auspicious beast, Chen Guo went deep into the Panshid Cave Mountains and found all kinds of spiritual cultivation.

In Pansidong Mansion, Dongfu, which covers an area of 120 units, expanded to the size of 280 units in one breath. This area is more than doubled!

The plots in Panshidong Mansion are all level 8 of the plot, and the 8 -level plot of 1 unit, all of which are valuable to the city, let alone increase the 80 -level plot of 160 units in one breath.

Both Juan Juan and Hanyu are very excited. Their Dongfu has expanded, and there are mostly space for activity, and the Pangsidong Mountains outside have expanded more than 50%in one breath!

The larger the area of the Panshid Cave Mountains, the more the aura is gathered, and the greater the benefits of the spiders.

I saw a commotion in Panshidou’s house, and seven or eight legendary spiders were born in one breath. This is the benefits of opening up.

The deepest part of Pansidong Mansion came out of a charming sheifer. She smiled at her mouth and walked out of her mouth.

“The eldest sister, the second sister, the third sister Cui Xiu has seen two sisters here …”

The new epic spider is named Cui Xiu. She is wearing a green clothes, and her appearance is not lost to her two sisters.

The number of spiders in the silk cave is more, and it is caught in the palecard, and the chance of being squeezed out has increased.

The three spiders gathered together. They said that they were a beautiful scenery. After experiencing the benefits of the expansion of Pansidong, the three spiders couldn’t help leaning against Wu Feng together.

“Thank you for helping the lord. Our Dongfu has increased its area greatly, which will be of great benefit to our future cultivation. If there are not Sister Vesus first, we might be promised.”

If the three spiders are essence, Vigus doesn’t care, she smiles slightly: “Three sisters, you think about it …”

In addition to the great benefits of the spider essence, Pan Feng also received huge feedback. He set out a level 8 -level plot of 160 units in one breath, so he added 3200 strength attributes in one breath!

This is based on the benefits of his performance feedback. After that, Pan Feng’s power attributes are getting higher and higher, and the space for splitting is getting larger and larger, and the attribute rewards are definitely higher and higher.

Today, Pan Feng’s power is absolutely full of legendary heroes. He also holds the artifact of the giant spirit ax, which is exactly the existence of a human -shaped killing device!

“Pan Feng, do it well. In the future, you can open up the world once a day, and you come to open up a new space in Panshi Cave.”

“This is an excellent growth opportunity for you!”

Pan Feng also knows this: “Lord, I understand, next time I can definitely open up more space!”

Because there was something, Wu Feng didn’t stop in the Panshid Cave. After he said goodbye to the three spiders, he took Pan Feng and Vigus away from the Panshid.

As a result, when they went down the mountain, they saw Chen Guo and Lele who were collecting Lingguo at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing Lele, Wu Feng’s eyes brightened: “Lele, Guo Lai, I am looking for you! Today’s lottery, you will rely on you!”

(This chapter is finished)

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