Chapter 306 Houyi Tower, the power of shooting! (1700 vote plus more)

[Ding … Qianlian pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering a soul talent, the quality of the armor -breaking crossbow tower (purple) you get is 3rd, and you get the Houzhu Tower summoning card (epic quality). .

Wu Feng’s pumping purple defense tower in combination with the extraction of the purple defense tower, he won an epic -level defensive tower in one fell swoop, or a variant of defense tower in the arrow tower!

Houyi Tower: Medium Defense Tower (Epic Quality), covering an area: 400 meters*400 meters. The minimum attack power is 50,000 points, which can be attacked once (a Houyi virtual shadow) per second. The range is related to the power attributes of the Houyi virtual shadow. It is also related to the bow and arrows used. 10,000 points.

Attachment skills: Great Witch Statue, aiming shooting, charging shooting, penetrating shooting, promoting power, and shooting.

Great Witch Statue: Houyi Tower will form a certain number of witch shooter statues. Its attack power will inherit 50%of Houyi and 40%of the attack speed, which can trigger other attack effects of Houya Tower. At the same time, every more orange -quality sniper tower in the territory, the Houyi Tower added a big witch statue.

The statue of the Great Witch needs to consume epic resource production. Every time he shot an epic target or a sufficient number of lords, Hou Yingxing can increase the number of large witch statues.

Aiming at shooting: The Houyi and Great Witch Statue on the Houyi Tower can aim at a target to launch a shooting, which will definitely cause a 10x crit and ignore the 100%physical defense of the enemy. The longer the aiming time, the higher the shooting damage. More than 5 times the range.

Standard shooting: The Houyi Tower of the Houyi Tower can enter the charging shooting mode. Each for 1 second of the charge, the damage increases by 100%, the maximum charging force is 15 seconds.

Passion -penetrating: The attack of the Houyi Tower of Houyi Tower and the big witch statue have a strong penetration. After killing the enemy, it will penetrate the target that will not penetrate the target to attack a straight -line subsequent enemy.

Each killing of 100 enemies, the basic damage of Houyi Xingying increases by 2 points and the strength attributes increase by 2 points. If 100 people are killed at one time, the 1 -meter range and 10 -point force attributes of the Houya Tower will be increased. If you kill 2,000 people at a time, the number of a large witch statue in the Houjia Tower will be increased.

Promoting power: The attack of the Houya Tower will attach the power of advancement. The farther the shooting distance, the higher the damage. Increase 500 basic damage per 100 meters (you can get aimed at shooting and accumulating power shooting bonus).

The power of shooting: Houya Tower can be super powered every time (the frequency is related to the power of the Houyi Tower), causing harm to the ultra -long -distance enemy, and the shadow of Houyi and the big witch statue will attack. In this state, the range of the Houya Tower will increase by 10 times, which can trigger the force of advancement at the same time to lock the target, making the enemy unable to avoid the attack.

Remarks: Did you see the sun in the sky? What can be on, only one is enough!

“I wipe it, isn’t this the Houya Tower, which has shot ten solars in the legend! But those who burst the sun are a higher -quality defense tower evolved from the Houya Tower. Patient! ”

When Wu Feng saw Hou Tower, which was hundreds of meters, he almost jumped out, mainly because the Houya Tower was too famous, but this was the existence of the sun!

In the abyss where the tenth day was, the lords rely on the Houyi Tower after the evolution, and there was only one of the ten solars.

It was just that the abyss encountered a very terrifying existence, and eventually fell into the hands of natural disaster lords.

Now that Wu Feng sees the Houya Tower, he can’t help but imagine that his defense tower has burst everything.

However, Wu Feng first ended this round of unlimited trials with the 120th round.

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel successful customs clearance unlimited test 120th round (common difficulty), according to the number of customs clearance rounds and records, obtained a total of 214,580 review points, which can be used to enhance the trial star. .

Because of the 120th round, he quickly killed a large number of legendary BOSS. This time Wu Feng’s score exceeded 200,000 points. In addition, the remaining scores can be raised to Nine Stars.

After all, from Seven Stars to Jiuxing, only 170,000 points are scored. In this way, Wu Feng can point out the III -level tower defense enhancement.

Tower defense enhancement: III level. After litting, it can increase the enhanced level of all defensive tower level 3. Ascending to IV level requires 2 technology points and tower defense level levels to reach IV.

The III -level tower defense is enhanced. Wu Feng can spend resources to strengthen the main defensive tower to higher levels. Combined with the tower defense versatile, his defense tower is more than 50%stronger than tower defense technology!

This is the gap between technology and no technology. If the two have the same defense tower, Wu Feng can also crush the enemy by technology.

“Finally, you can bring out the Houya Tower, and this Hou Yingying is too handsome!” After bringing the Houya Tower out of the unlimited trial, Wu Feng immediately rushed to the Houyi Tower.

At the top of the Houya Tower, a strong man with a red fruit standing on his upper body stood by his skin. His skin was made of bronze, which looked extremely powerful, and his arms could easily break all enemies’ necks.

This is the legendary big witch Houyi, but now this defense tower is just Houyi’s projection, not a real entity.

Wu Feng even found that there was no bow or arrow on the projection of Houyi. He could only look at the territory below, showing his memory.

“Lord, Houyi has no bows and arrows for the time being, you can’t help you solve the enemy, please forgive me …” Houyi hugged Wu Feng.

Although he was projected, he still had a certain wisdom, but he left Houya Tower and was imprisoned in this circle by the rules.

How could Wu Feng let his epic -level defensive tower wasted here so much. He quickly patted his hands and made people send a legendary bow and arrow.

This is a set of bows and arrows that he had drawn before the lottery. It belongs to the hero equipment. Wu Feng wants to try it. Can Houyi be equipped with this bow and arrow.

Unexpectedly, Houyi was not a hero, but he was able to pick up this set of weapons named Dragon Bow and Dragon Tujian directly. He saw Houyi holding a weapon, and immediately broke out.

He said nothing, bend his bow and arrow directly, and aimed at a big spider with a hundred kilometers away from Houya Tower!

Wu Feng was stunned, and from his vision, he couldn’t see where his target was, but only knew it must be a very far away!

This legendary BOSS has just climbed out of Tiankeng, but Houyi aimed at it for 30 seconds. After the power was to the limit, Houyi shot out!

I saw the black arrow shot out of the air, and it really crossed hundreds of kilometers, and then the big spider who rushed up with the tower that had just faced the tower was shot on the spot!

In this arrow, Wu Feng let the magical whistle tower track throughout the process. Under the lock of the magical eyes, Wu Feng saw that the black arrow had a speed of a long aloic, and even passed through the void, and suddenly appeared in front of the enemy.

Wu Feng feels that this arrow can’t resist or avoid. Even if you use a transient to open the distance, this arrow will still hit the target!

So Wu Feng couldn’t help asking Houyi: “Houyi, the arrow, is your arrow opened the power of shooting day?”

Houyi shook his head: “Shooting a little spider, where to start the power of the shooting day, this is just my extreme range of about 2/3!”

After listening to Houyi, Wu Feng people are numb, so this is only the distance between your range of 2/3? Can your extreme range be more than 150 kilometers!

This is out of charge. You can span 1/10 region in one arrow. Isn’t it possible to shoot the power of the shooting day to the next area? You are really a great god who breaks through the sky.

“Lord Lord, this bow and arrow you gave is very easy to use, probably allowed me to play the strength of 1/3. What enemies do you have, just let me open the bow and arrow!”

The words of Houyi are not pretending to be forced, but just stating the facts calmly, but after he said that, Wu Feng only felt a powerful force on the door!

You are so powerful! It’s not pretending, but it is more exaggerated than I pretending to be.

Legend has it that it can only play about 1/3 of the strength. I am afraid that only the epic -level bow and arrow can make Houyi burst out!

In other words, with epic -level bows and arrows, Houyi should be able to shoot at a distance of more than 450 kilometers. Wu Feng speculates that it may reach 500 kilometers!

Because epic bows and arrows are more powerful than legendary bows and arrows, the blessing of the range is definitely higher. Houyi is 500 kilometers of its own initial basal range. With the improvement of epic -level bows and arrows, it is possible to break through thousands of miles!

In this way, can you shoot 10,000 miles after turning on the shooting day? From the No. 1 region, shot directly to the No. 10 area, who can hold it!

“Then I must get a epic -level bow and arrow as soon as possible to the great god of Houyi, and I will never let you be wronged!” Wu Feng clapped his chest.

The epic defense tower, if the power erupts, is absolutely a mess.

The Two Equipment Tower is the Formation Tower. It belongs to the defensive tower with both offensive and defensive. The star tower is the core of the star tower group, but the lethality is scattered and the group wounds are fierce.

The Houya Tower is simply a lot. What is particular is a single killing. The group injuries can only rely on penetrating effects. However, because of purely, it can have extremely terrifying lethality.

Wu Feng estimates that if he is equipped with an epic -level bow and arrow for Houzhu Tower, he will threaten the big brother in the air, and then he can try to do the big wave of big brother!

“There is still a big witch statue downstairs. Although they are bronze statues, they are also fierce!” Wu Feng looked at the platform below the Houya Tower. Now there are 6 big witch statues. Similarly, it is a very strong image of the big man.

Even the poor without bows and arrows are the same as Houyi. These statues have no bows and arrows, and they cannot shoot. They have the corresponding lethality according to the bow and arrows given to them by Wu Feng.

So Wu Feng took the bow and arrows in the territory. The four orange quality and a dozen purple quality were of course preferentially equipped with orange quality bow and arrows. In the end, two big witch statues used purple quality bow and arrows.

Wu Feng also tried it. The big witch statue equipped with an orange bow and arrow was fierce than the sniper tower, and the range reached more than 10 kilometers. It was not a big problem to kill an orange boss with one arrow.

The big witch statue equipped with purple bow and arrow is almost the same as the sniper tower!

Wu Feng is interested in this time. He has a feeling. If he is equipped with a legendary bow and arrow to the big witch statue, their lethality may be compared with the legendary defense tower!

If Houyi is equipped with epic bows and arrows, the statue of the big witch is equipped with a legendary bow and arrow, this is the most furious configuration!

Now there is no such whisker, then it can only be used first, so Wu Feng used the killing number of this unlimited trial to evolve 4 sniper towers again, so that the big witch statue on the Houzhu Tower reached 10 10 seat.

With so many big witch statues, with the output of Houyi, the resurrected lords falling in the fishing pit will be even more miserable.

The position of the Houya Tower is outside Wu Feng’s main base. Wu Feng deliberately let him do dozens of kilometers away from the Demon Canyon, and then dozens of kilometers from several fishing pits.

Although such a distance, although it does not reach the extreme range of Houyi, it can also greatly enhance its lethality, shoot the boss in the demon canyon, or shoot the resurrected lord.

The big witch statues are responsible for outputting the monster nest in another area, which can also kill the kills.

With more Houya Tower, Wu Feng is even more confident, and out of curiosity about the extreme power of Houya Tower, Wu Feng can’t help but want Houyi Xuying to show his real limit.

So Wu Feng looked at Houyi: “Houyi Great God, it is better to turn on the power of the shooting day, let me see how far you can shoot!”

When Houyi saw the lord’s fists, he was obviously very interested in this, so he nodded and agreed, and saw that Houyi put on a bow and arrow, and his body was filled with golden light!

After Houyi put on an archery posture, he was like a golden battle. The range of Houyi Tower soared, and his upper limit reached 1500 kilometers!

Such a long range can be shot out of the area 034, and all areas of the 034 area are within the range of Houqi Tower.

Houyi said calmly: “Also ask the lord to choose the goal, as long as I can shoot it!”

Wu Feng was excited, and he thought about it, and chose a lord named [Gravity]. When he had previously entered Wu Feng, he also cursed Wu Feng with [Sky Bench]. Want to organize the coalition forces to deal with Wu Feng.

But then Wu Feng eliminated the [Sky Forbidden Area] with a thunderous trend. He suddenly stunned the so -called coalition forces, and they dared not to conjugate again.

But Wu Feng did not forget the idea of this guy. He has been remembering the words of this guy. He had no time to ignore this guy before. Now he just wants to try the power of Houya Tower and take this guy.

Anyway, it is the host of the hostile, and it is nothing to kill directly.

“Just aim at the lord’s heart of this [Gravity], I will let the magic whistle tower help you calibrate the target’s coordinates!” Wu Feng made a finger.

The magical whistle tower was projected in front of him with the [Gravity] territory. At this time, the other party had just repelled the offensive of a resurrected lord and was resting in the territory.

Houyi is far away, but it may not be able to see so far. The Houyi Tower, which is 100 meters high, is difficult to cross the middle of the Demon Mountains and see the situation on the other side.

But there is a magical whistle tower, this problem does not exist. Houyi can see the goal of heights, knowing that its territory coordinates, as long as the range is sufficient, you can attack the other party!

“This person’s territory is more than 700 kilometers away from us. In my range, you can attack.

After Houyi found the enemy’s territory, he smiled confidently, and then pulled the dragon’s bow to the limit. The legendary quality of the dragon bow bowed in his hands, and Wu Feng was afraid that Houfei would directly rely on the power to put the Dragon Dragon Bow directly. Pull off!

“I wipe it! Is this the power of Houyi virtual shadow? The legendary bows and arrows cannot bear the upper limit of its strength! No wonder he said that the legendary bows and arrows can only allow him to exert 1/3 of the strength.”

“Only epic -level bows and arrows can make Houyi fully play!”

When Wu Feng saw Houyi’s performance, he could only describe it with fierceness! Is this big guy really so fierce! Is this the power of epic defense tower!

After 30 seconds of charging, Houyi released his right hand fiercely, and the black dragon’s arrow shot out, and instantly penetrated the void!

This arrow will fire everything!

(This chapter is finished)

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