Chapter 199 Abyss Daily! 【102108】

Wu Feng really put out his territory coordinates. Previously, [Domineering Second Brother] has let his territory coordinates, so this is not a secret.

And he did this, if [Light of Hope], [Stairs of Heaven], etc., if there was nothing to say, it would really hit his face!

[Heaven Story] Seeing the reply of [Nine Days Travel], he almost couldn’t help declare war. Considering the strength of [Nine Days Travel], he could only report to his boss first.

“Boss, this [Jiu Tian Travel] is too arrogant. We might as well join forces with the remaining dog head lords to destroy [Jiutian Travel]!”

[Heaven Stairs] is linked to [Burning Eight Wilderness]. Each dragon guard has its own power. As long as they report their identities, there will be a large number of three -eyed lords willing to follow them.

After all, Long Guard is the guard of the prince and followed the Long Guard.

[Burning Eight Wilds] A large number of monsters that are refreshed in the territory: “Do you think I don’t want to attack the territory of [Nine Days Traveling]!?”

“But in the [Nine Days Traveling] In the territory of this guy, there are at least two legendary defense towers. We have only one orange hero. You can let us break his head to break his line of defense!”

“To destroy [Nine Days Travel], we can only think of other ways. His Royal Highness is already planning this matter, and only when key props are available, you can let [Jiutian Travel] fall on the spot! At that time, his two defensive towers are both, both of which It will be His Royal Highness! ”

I did n’t say what props were burned, but [Heaven Stagger] also knew that all kinds of magical props in the abyss should have everything, and the dragon guards must have thought of dealing with [Nine Day Travels].

[Heaven Stairs] will not mention this. With his abilities, he cannot organize any powerful coalition forces. He can only let [Jiutian Travel] first arrogant.

After Wu Feng left the coordinates of the territory, he saw that the enemy did not reply for a long time, and he could only shake his head: “I did not expect that Long Wei has also become a counseling. I am so exciting. “,”

“Then I can only come some fierce!”

Wu Feng also had Nan Man’s invasion card at hand. He was preparing to be the same as yesterday. After the first Nanman invading, he immediately followed the second one.

At that time, he had the opportunity to clear the lords of the region. After using Nan Man invasion at this stage, he was constantly obtaining the killing value.

On the fifth day, the lords generally rose to level 10, and many lords were promoted to the first level. After advanced, lords can have lord skills, and the combat effectiveness is still very obvious.

Under the invasion of Wu Feng’s multi -round Nanbar, it was also a master who could survive. What made Wu Feng a little bit unwilling was that after opening the Nanman invasion, the number of lords in the region was constantly changing. The number of lords not only decreases, but there are some increases!

Sometimes the two lords will be added in turn, and then a few are eliminated under the invasion of Nan Man. This kind of fluctuations have attracted Wu Feng’s attention.

Even if I kept staring at the major lists, Wu Feng also saw a few strange IDs who suddenly rushed to the list, which was obviously a foreign lord who had just moved in.

There are new changes on the leader list.

Territory List (Region No. 012062033, 799th Floor))

First place: Nine days travel, territory score:? Intersection Intersection point.

Second place: Longwei · Burning Eight Wasteners, Territory Rating: 24690 points.

Third place: Longwei ·kou Zhenjun, territory score: 22306 points.

Fourth place: Longwei Eachi snake, territory score: 22306 points.

Fifth place: 3,000 feet in white hair, territory score: 20036.

Sixth place: Emperor Emperor of the Wall, territory score: 19003 points.

Seventh place: The Italian gun of the second battalion, the territorial score: 18596 points.

Eighth place: Steel straight male black and thick, territory score: 18199 points.

Ninth place: Women’s Guard · Yinyue, territory score: 18065 points.

Tenth place: rich world, territory score: 18001 points.


The lists have changed, and some lords also appeared on two or three lists at once. It was obviously the lord who was newly relocated. Otherwise, the lords in the region would never suddenly pop up so many strong hands.

He murmured: “Is this the three -eyed tribe’s dispatch and convening other three -eyed lords in this area? Is this ready to fight with me?”

Wu Feng felt that this phenomenon was not ordinary. He quickly checked it with the magical whistle tower. Now the magical whistle has released 4 magical eyes.

Its radiation monitors the scope of large blocks. Although there is still a distance from the entire region, it can at least control the situation of a small part of the area.

Through the magical eyes, Wu Feng really found a foreign lord who temporarily relocated to the region. I saw 40 kilometers outside the mines. The territory.

The newly relocated leader named [Gou Dao Master]. His territory is actually a variety of defensive towers. The area area is only more than 1,000 units, but most of them are covered by the defense tower.

The whole territory is built like a hedgehog, which makes people feel hairy. This is clearly a Taoist leader!

“Is this guy, do you want to brush the resources by invasion of Nanzhuo?”

Wu Feng originally thought that it was the lord of the three -eyed tribe who moved to the No. 033 area. Then their race was either a three -eyed family or a dog head.

After careful observation with magical eyes, he found that the newly relocated lords included major races, and even the blue stars and the big heads.

This is not consistent with Wu Feng’s speculation. Many of the lords who moved in are the leaders of Gou Dao who defense Tallinli. Wu Feng speculates that these guys want to use the magic brush resources brought by Nanman invasion!

The choice of the leader of Gou Dao Liu still has a need for the territory. They are best to build the territory in the dense area of the monster nest acupoint.

In this way, you can establish a territory near the Monster Nest, you can build a line of defense, and you can also use the active coming of the monster brush resources.

As long as the Monster’s Nest Point is used well, their development speed will not be worse than the lords who are crazy, so the Lord Gou Dao generally needs a lot of demand for the nest upgrade card and the nest relocation card.

Thinking of this, Wu Feng was almost determined to be the Lord of these Dao Dao Liu, and he really invaded Nano!

Nanman’s invasion is a killing trick for many lords, enough to kill them, but for the truly powerful lords, it may be delivered by resources. After all, the speed of brushing the monster has increased. Increased.

In the region, there are many powerful lords who are silently developing, and the strength is stronger than the lords in other regions.

Now the strong in the leader of Gou Daoliu has also begun to gather here! This is not a good news. If Wu Feng wants to complete the achievements of the fishing fishing, it must clean up the other lords. When encountering these difficult turtles shells, the scalp must be numb.

Thinking of this, Wu Feng was also going to change the plan: “It seems that I can’t wait until tomorrow, I might start today

When Wu Feng was considering this important decision, Zhu Biyu took the initiative to contact Wu Feng: “Brother Feng, it’s not good, please take a look at the abyss daily this issue!

Hearing Zhu Biyu’s words, Wu Feng’s heart, he logged in to his personal space and checked the Subscribed Abyss Daily. This is a publication published by the Daily Alliance of the Fortune 500 Alliance.

Each layer of abyss has a separate section, which records the major events in this layer of abyss every day, and then publicize it.

Because the Abyss Daily is quite authoritative and the butt is rarely crooked, many lords use it as an important channel for obtaining intelligence.

Zhu Biyu’s intelligence merchants must read the Abyss Daily every day to obtain various types of information.

“The 799th layer section was launched four days before the abyss daily. However, after today, the Abyss Daily launched a new section.

“However, because there is still a new period of gold, there is no lord’s unified area, and even the list of the list is not activated.

(This chapter is finished)

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