Chapter 198 Reserved Program [101108]

The fallen giant and Niu Da instinctively punch to each other at the same time, and both left only this instinct.

Eura Ora Ora Ora!

Big wood, big wood, big wood!

Both sides are already the same as Crazy Cow. After the cow launch the bullfighting skills, they both rushed to each other and began a punch to meat.

The body size of the fallen giant is indeed huge. Niu is only two meters and three meters, and the body shape of the fallen giant is more than 10 times that of him.

But the power is not completely determined by body shape. The power of Niu Da is not worse than the fallen giant.

On the contrary, relying on the dangling strength, each punch can cause considerable damage to the fallen giant. After a few rounds of the ball, the blood volume of Niu Da dropped half, but the degenerate giant was also dead!

This is under the attack of the congenital sword gas tower and the planetary tower. The fallen giant cannot carry the output. After all, it is equivalent to being besieged by three legends.

Coupled with other defensive tower on the Titan City wall, it can carry it for so long, which is already a giant template.

Just as Niu Da was ready to launch a god boxing to send the fallen giant to the sky, there was a sudden sound of the mountains and sea beast towers, and a blood egg dropped into the sky, and actually smashed into the head of the fallen giant!

Blood eggs launch the power of swallowing and forcibly devour the fallen giant!

The mountains and seas are indeed a legendary defensive tower. Its power is equally powerful. The timing of this blood egg selection is that the BOSS residual blood can be attacked during harvest!

Blood eggs were fatal, not only smashing the fallen giant, but also began to absorb its sperm blood crazy, and the incubation of blood eggs rose rapidly from 12%to 85%. Intersection

The fallen giant also dropped a legendary resource crystal and an orange summon scroll. This level of BOSS, casual falling point will be a huge income.

The most important thing is that the fallen giant is the legendary BOSS in the giants, which can be sealed into the Titan City wall and enhance the various capabilities of the Titan City wall. Can put away the corpse of the fallen giant first.

When the Titan City wall is built to 100 kilometers, then the corpse of this legendary giant BOSS can be used to strengthen the Titan City Wall.

However, Niu Da ’s punch was originally smashed into the fallen giant. As a result, the fallen giant was squeezed out by the blood eggs and almost fell on the blood eggs. The magic fist was fiercely blasted on the corrosive giant Boss, and sent it to the sky as a star!

After killing the corrosive giant BOSS in a spike, Niu Da stared at the blood egg fiercely. He was very uncomfortable, and his head was robbed!

The fallen purple giant BOSS can be sealed into the Titan City Wall. This wave has a total of 3 purple corrosive giants BOSS, which can increase the attributes of Titan City wall of 3 kilometers.

Wu Feng was sealed into a corrosive body of the giant, and found that the Titan City wall increased by 20%of the defense and durability, which was quite good.

If you use a perfect or legendary giant BOSS, the increase in attributes will definitely be higher!

“It doesn’t matter, since there is a degenerate giant BOSS in the Demon Canyon, it means that there must be the nest of the giant to corrode the giant. You can go deep into it in the future.” Wu Feng looked at the depths of the Demon Canyon, and prepared to corrode the giant’s nest. Incorporate the scope of brushing.

After that, Wu Feng glanced at the attributes of Niu Da Da, and found that as long as the target of the bullfighting died, most of the cows could get the attack power. This wave of bullfighting killed the legendary BOSS, which increased the attack power of 1200 points!

This is equivalent to letting his attack power soar for 1/4, and Wu Feng is quite satisfied, but he watched the incubation progress rushed to 80%of the blood eggs, and it was also a headache: “How can this guy, like the black egg, like the black eggs as the black egg , Are they all changing the way to grab people? ”

“The strange beasts hatched in the mountains and seas are not as anti -bone as black eggs!”

Wu Feng thought of the appearance of the black egg, and he had a headache, so Wu Fengguo ordered: “Niu Da, the strange beast hatched in this blood eggs in the future, if not obedient, give me a fierce beat of me. ! ”

Niu Da was also out of the state of mad cow because of the growth of attack power at this time. He nodded and nodded fiercely at the blood egg in front of him: “Lord, this matter will be given to me! I will teach it to be human! No, How to be a beast … ”

The blood egg seemed to feel the atmosphere wrong. After feeling Niu Da’s evil spirits and seeing the casserole fist, the little guy immediately frightened and ran back to the mountains and sea towers.

Children, no, it is the education of small beasts, and it really starts from the blood egg form.

After solving the degeneration giant, the Demon Canyon Defense Line still needs to face the impact of constantly corrosive giants. It seems that because of the influence of sin, the monster that impaches the Demon Canyon line is deeper than before.

The magic nest below the third order began to send troops to launch the line of defense. Wu Feng was not surprised. This is more resources!

Wu Feng seems not enough. He directly took out a south invasion card: “In the case of the two months of air, how can we get the reserved program in the 033 area!”

Today is 4 o’clock on the fifth day of night, and there are 17 hours for a long night. After the two -monthly, Wu Feng did not hesitate to launch Nano’s invasion card.

[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel uses the legendary doom card-Nanzhu invasion, the region will usher in the outbreak of the magic tide of 4 hours. The initiative of the monster searching territory has been greatly improved. Killing BOSS above the blue and above will get additional challenges. .


After Wu Feng used Nan Man’s invasion card, the lords stayed in the region were almost unable to vomit: “Sure enough, this force is here again! How many Nanman invasion cards did he have? Can people still stop! ”

In the regional channel, some lords questioned the soul.

The lord named [Light of Hope] is the lord of a dog head. After the evacuation of the domineering second brother, he is the strongest lord in the dog head. Before he did not participate in the war, he just contributed his strength. Discover his territory.

Now Wu Feng’s offensive slows down, but he did not expect that this guy would jump out, and some people immediately responded to his words.

In the regional channel, there are other lords who immediately questioned Wu Feng. [Heaven Stairs]: “Joh -day travel, you have launched a three -day Nanman invasion card. Do you want to force everyone to death?”

“The intention of 伱 is extremely sinister. For the safety of all the lords, I suggest that all lords will be destroyed by [Jiu Tian Traveling], so as not to continue doing things!”

[Heaven Stagger] is the Lord of the Three Eyes, and it is also ranked in the top 100 on the rich list. Obviously, he is singing with [Light of Hope], and you want to encourage many lords.

It’s just that other lords are not fools. You three -eyed and big heads have to deal with [Jiutian Travel], so let’s watch the show, just the dog’s teeth are hairy.

As for them to join forces together, these lords would rather move the territory with the relocation card.

After all, [Jiutian Travel] has proven his strength. He has killed the dog head and lord with one pair. If he forms the so -called coalition forces, no matter what the result is, there will be a bunch of cannon fodder killed.

Most lords do not want to be this cannon fodder, but if the Three Eye tribe can join forces to defeat the [Nine Days Traveling], these lords will definitely be willing to join in.

Simply put, who wins and whom they help.

Seeing the questioning of the regional channel, Wu Feng laughed. His face now does not care about the thoughts of these people. Besides, he will be a big lord to become a big lord.

If he wants to complete the achievements of fishing fishing, it is destined to be the enemy of all lords, and there is no need to be beep with them.

[Jiutian Travel]: “Is there such a good thing? Then I am waiting for you in my territory! By the way, I’m afraid you forget my territory, I will tell you my territory coordinates!”

(This chapter is finished)

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