Chapter 141 Wanlian Pump, God -level Resources [44108]

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[Ding … Wanlian pumping (resource crystal) is successful, triggering one of the talents in the soul, the 7 -unit diamond (perfect quality) you get is 4th level, and you get 70 units of Rainbow God Stone (mythical quality). .

“Well, the talent of my soul is a mythical talent, and it really failed to extract the existence of mythology or above. It seems that I can only find a way to evolve the talent.”

When the three -color light broke out, Wu Feng’s eyes were blinded. In order to ensure the benefits of Wanlian, Wu Feng used 10 orange crystals to pump.

It really took out the orange -quality resources, and under the blessing of Wanlian, 70 units of the rainbow god stone was obtained!

In fact, according to the normal bonus, after the quality of the orange quality resource quality is increased by 4, the resource above the mythical level should appear.

However, Wu Feng’s talent limited his limit, so he would only take out mythical resources, but the quality did not increase, and the number was increased. The number of them directly turned 10 times, so that 70 units of the rainbow god stone appeared.

This special resources of this mythical quality can be described as endless value, and it is absolutely used by building mythical buildings.

Even if Wu Feng is a bit extravagant and adds this resource when creating the city of the sky, it can greatly enhance the attributes of the city of the sky, and can also replace the required magic guide flying stone!

“It seems that orange crystal cooperates with Wanlian pumping, which can almost stabilize mythical resources. This is indeed the rhythm of take -off!”

“Next time Wanlian pumps, you can look forward to what kind of mythical resources. There are rainbow gods to replace the magic guide flying stone. What I need to make up is the legendary resource of 2,000 units.”

Wu Feng hasn’t felt before. Now it seems that the legendary resources of 2,000 units are more difficult to make up than epic resources. After all, the magic guide flying stone only needs 50 units!

To make up the legendary resources, naturally, he still has to rely on resource crystal to draw. Wu Feng draws the remaining resource crystal another wave of prizes. In the end, he pushed the cumulative draw to 10800 times!

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This time Wu Feng changed the way, putting orange crystals in the Bailian pump, and it has a 30%chance to produce purple resources. Under the bonus of Bai Lian, he can get a large number of legendary resources.

If you want to make up the legendary resources of 2,000 units as soon as possible, you can only use this method.

After some operations, Wu Feng’s wealth rushed to more than tens of millions, but he made money quickly, spent money faster, there were Titan City walls under construction, and various items on Aba Gong needed to purchase. Wu Feng’s The money is still used!

“Niu Da, you are blessed again. These meteorite stones have taken it to absorb it!” In this wave of resources from Wu Feng, there is a star resources.

When Wu Feng saw that Niu had risen to level 6, he asked the Goblin Warriors to send the meteorite stone of 6 units to Niu Da. He had to upgrade the new star in his body.

Only one level can light up a star. Wu Feng is ready to smash the legendary star resources on Niu Da.

This star fighting power burst is the huge help he became a regional hegemon, and it is worth smashing resources!

“Brother Qiang … this is … the lord’s elder …” Warrior Goblin rushed over, and the strong brother shouted very smoothly.

Niu Dasun’s result of the meteorite stone sent by the younger brother, after absorbing it, he really lit the second star! The third star requires the legendary resources of 7 units.

This requires more and more resources, and the difficulty of litting is really bigger.

However, after Niu Da Lai brightened the second star, his strength also skyrocketed. After a punch, he could kill the purple boss of the same level!

The stars in the sky seem to have become more.

“The orange boss has reached the requirements of the number, it’s time to go to the Shuguang Barry to find Kadis!”

Wu Feng arranged the Demon Canyon’s affairs, and he yawned to the Shuguang Restaurant and pushed the door into it. The tavern was still very lively!

I saw nine heroes sitting or standing, and they were all walking lively. Only Cadis sat alone in the corner and was drinking green ant wine silently.

“Lord, are you here? Do you want to drink our elf honey? We only provide for the lord’s adults!” The charming and touching boss Ali saw Wu Feng and immediately posted it with a smile.

The other two dark elves with long legs with long waist are also wearing rabbit girl costumes, twisting their waist and attached to Wu Feng: “Lord, what service do you want, we can all provide it!”

Weigs is not here, otherwise you have to take the whip to draw these two glamorous and cheap goods, but dare to come to the lord of the lord.

Wu Feng looked at the rabbit girl who was close at hand. He temporarily resisted the impulse. Compared with the darkened elf of the rabbit girl, isn’t a white silk pure love mage fragrant! Intersection

“Alice, there seems to be more heroes in the tavern today?” Wu Feng glanced at Wu Feng. He had recruited two blue heroes by completing the hero missions yesterday. Today, there are new heroes to settle in.

Wu Feng also discovered the law of recruiting heroes. The blue hero can be recruited with only a relatively difficult blue task.

Purple heroes need two difficult purple tasks in two rounds. Orange heroes like Cadis need three rounds of orange tasks.

Each round of hero missions will summon the scroll of the heroes who are corresponding, so Wu Feng does not think that the number of tasks given by these heroes is many.

Even Taurus Star Spirit summoned the scroll with heroes!

“Lord, your territory is very strong, and there are various wines. Of course, many heroes will come. If our dawn tavern is upgraded, the attractiveness of heroes will be greater!”

(This chapter is finished)

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