Chapter 140 Wushuang General [43108]

Hero title: Wushuang general general

Hero name: Wu Dianwei

Hero level: Level 1 (0/2000).

Attack power: 80 points.

Defense: 35 points.

Value: 500 points.

Magic value: 100 points.

Basic attribute: Hidden [Click to view]

Hero talent: Wushuang general (perfect talent): As a unparalleled general, Dian Wei can enhance his attributes by killing. Each killing does not lower than the number of enemies with a level of 100, which can increase the full attribute of 5 points. At the same time It will converge in the body and can be used to increase its own attributes and attack power when opening a unparalleled attitude.

Hero skills: Sweep the Qianjun (two -star skill) [Click to view detailed attributes].

Fearless charge (Samsung Skills) [Click to view detailed attributes].

Non -pair of posture (four -star skills) [Click to view detailed attributes].

Loyalty Lord (Four Star Skills) [Click to view detailed attributes].

Train arms: Tiger Leopard Riding (Training Conditions: Cavalry above Blue Quality)

Special identity: Three Kingdoms generals

Dian Wei’s attributes are similar to the initial Weigu silk. As an orange -quality hero, he has a high growth potential.

In particular, the talent of this unparalleled military general allows Dian Wei to continue to grow through the killing on the battlefield.

Wu Feng got the purple quality Dian Wei when simulating the game. Without the prefix of Wu, he could not be comparable to the current Dian Wei. The purple quality Dian Wei, even his talent is not the talent, potential and combat effectiveness, all of which are currently unparalleled generals. Interture is too far.

It can be said that the purple quality Dian Wei and the current Wu Dianwei are completely two heroes, and Wu Feng also remembered a rumor. The generals with prefixes are higher -level versions.

Wu, Meng, Demon, God, this is a prefix limited by the generals of generals. God Zhao Yun, Shen Guanyu, etc. are their ceiling.

The Dian Wei in front of him is Wu Dianwei, and it is naturally stronger than ordinary Dian Wei. It is said that if the hero organization starts with all martial arts prefix, the opening of the Three Kingdoms will be opened. powerful.

“Yes, Dian Wei’s loyalty to protect the master is still there. Then when I encounter danger, he will appear, and you don’t have to follow me all the time. You can put it out to upgrade.”

Wu Feng’s most appreciated is Dian Wei’s loyalty to protect the Lord. As a close guard of the lord, he will be very competent, and he will protect the lord in any condition.

What should I do if you eat hot pot and sang a song, what should I do? There is a guardian carrier!

What should you do if you do the Cao thief and suddenly blocked by others? There are still Dian Wei to protect it!

Keke, so if you want to be a Cao thief, it is impossible to have Dian Wei. Now there is Wu Dianwei, which is stronger than ordinary Dian Wei.

“Oh, then I can now win the top 6 of the heroes …”

Wu Feng opened the hero list in the region. Now there are 8 heroes above the hero list. Wu Feng’s six heroes are all on the list.

Wu Dianwei can rush directly to the 6th by lower levels, showing that his potential is still very large.

Heroes List (Region No. 012062033, 799th Floor))

First place: Holy Charm (Legendary Quality), owner: Jiutian Travel.

Second place: Taurus Star Spirit (legendary quality), owner:? Intersection Intersection Essence

Third place: Dark Night Ranger (Perfect Quality), Positive: Jiutian Travel.

Fourth place: Dragon Soul Artillery (Perfect Quality), owner: Jiutian Travel.

Fifth place: bomb madman (perfect quality), owner:? Intersection Intersection Essence

Sixth place: Wu Dianwei (perfect quality), owner:? Intersection Intersection Essence

Seventh place: Shadow Sagittarius (Perfect Quality), owner: Longwei · Burning Eight Wilderness.

Eighth place: Wu Zhang Liao (perfect quality), owner: Longwei · Guankou Zhenjun.


In addition to Wu Feng, the other two in the region with orange heroes are the two forced to burn the eight wasteland and Zhenkou Zhenjun.

It wasn’t long before they just got this quality hero, Wu Feng’s Wu Dianwei could surpass their hero score.

At the same time, this is also related to Wu Feng’s set of good hero equipment to Dian Wei. A purple -quality armor and weapon, plus purple mounts, Dian Wei’s combat power is still good.

The top six of the regional hero list, the daily prestige rewards alone are very good.

At the same time, Wu Feng also won the top two of the heroes. Now only the big brother has received another legendary hero, and temporarily lists Wu Feng.

Heroes List (National No. 012062 Nationality)

First place: Holy Charm (Legendary Quality), owner: Jiutian Travel, Area where it is located: 012062033.

Second place: Taurus Star Spirit (legendary quality), owner:? Intersection Intersection The area where it is: No. 012062033.

Third place: Dream Zhang Fei (Legendary Quality), owner: Royal Ten Top Ten Lord, the area where it is located: 012062001 area.


Through the hero list, Wu Feng can also get a lot of prestige every day. In this way, the heroes above the orange quality are really good, and they will never be too much!

“Dian Wei, go to the Demon Canyon Defense Line, where will you raise the level first!”

Wu Feng asked Dian Wei to drive to the Devil Canyon Defense Line. The demons over there were the most, and Dian Wei could kill a total of kills.

Class 1 Dianwei, killing some of the enemy who has been killed to suppress the blood of the residual blood, can completely harvest quickly, and improve their own attributes first.

The talent of Wushuang Wu, as long as he kills enough, Dian Wei can grow quickly, so the sooner he gets such heroes, the stronger the ultimate combat power.

Wu Feng paid attention to Dian Wei’s situation. He was clever. As soon as he reached the line of defense, he opened the unparalleled posture and started the unparalleled mowing mode and started to harvest many devils crazy.

In this state, he was very lethal. It was also a second to deal with the little devil of the 15th level.

Sweeping the thousands of troops in 3 seconds, 10 times in the state of unclear posture, and one twenty or twenty little devils in seconds at a time.

In this way, Dian Wei killed 200 little devil at one time. Although it was impossible to compare with the Taurus star, this lethality was already very fierce at level 1.

After a wave of harvesting, Dian Wei rose to level 2, and increased the full attributes of the two times. The attack and defense were greatly improved.

Then he can effectively kill the enemy without turning on the unparalleled posture. When the unparalleled gesture is cooled, just open it again.

“The Three Kingdoms Warriors are really a grass -cut machine. There are a lot of mighty people in the three kingdom generals.

“At that time, Zuo Xu Chu and You Dianwei were guarded, plus the god Zhao Yun and Shen Guanyu as general, that would be able to sweep everything!”

Wu Feng’s heart rose in the ambition, the star spirit of the Star Palace, and the generals of the Three Kingdoms of Wushuang, all of them!

Wu Feng, who has a soul, has a lot of opportunities to make a lot of high -quality heroes as long as he has a lot of lottery. This is still very cool.

After the summoning scroll, Wu Feng pumped another wave of resource crystals. This time he rushed to Wanlian directly!

(This chapter is finished)

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