Chapter 134 Purchase! 【37108】

After Wu Feng asked specific questions, the mysterious sheepskin roll immediately gave the price: “50,000 magic crystals.”

Wu Feng nodded. This price is okay. It is nothing. He asked a mysterious store. Whether it was Aba Gong or not, he could always find a mysterious store.

So after he paid the price, he got the specific coordinates of the mysterious store. Teacher also had a blue teleportation card in his hands, which could send a small number of heroes to see.

Teacher Xun immediately executed, and let his heroes send the magic crystal to the past. This is a big magic crystal that “righteous father” gave himself!

When the beautiful heroine under the white silk skirt came to the coordinate point, he really saw a mysterious shop hidden in the woods!

Seeing this familiar mysterious store, Teacher Holy looked at it: “It is really Abbun’s mysterious store, I found it!”

After the mysterious store ran overnight, the place where it opened was still in the 075 area. Teacher Wu found a mysterious store in the wild again. He was overjoyed.

And Mr. Abadon is more “surprise” than the first time when he saw his heroine hero, he was preparing to roll: “Where are the lords from? I have come here, and I have to chase me! I’m really fine! ”

When Teacher Ji saw Aba Gong, he wanted to run, and he quickly stopped the other party: “Abbun, don’t run! I will buy things with huge sums this time!”

Because he was worried about Abadon’s running, he quickly asked the white silk heroine to take out a lot of magic crystals from his chest: “This is the magic crystal I prepared, I want to buy something.”

Seeing that there is really a magic crystal, Abbun swallowed his mouth spit, and the temptation of the magic crystal made Aba Gunn unable to open. He finally didn’t mean to run, but he still looked at the heroine in front of him carefully.

“What are you going to buy something? If you are white again, I will go to the next area! I can’t find me for a lifetime!”

Abbun was really shadowed by the teacher, and I am not a beautiful woman, how do you babble again again! And even if I am a woman, this is not such a person!

Teacher Xun saw that because of the two consecutive Bai Yan, Goblin businessmen were extremely afraid of him. Teacher Mo had to ask the heroine to give the answer: “I want to buy the seeds of dragon teeth first. I saw you a bag last time. And the seed of the divine flower, I want to buy it too. ”

What Teacher Wu said is the spiritual plant seeds that Wu Feng wants to buy. Whether he can leave Abadon, he must always complete the task of ‘righteous father’.

Seeing the heroine paid the magic crystal over, he quickly took it. He was also refreshing. He took out the two bags of his own on his hand and gave it to the heroine.

Teacher Xun’s heart was happy, and it seemed that some talked, and it really said that the Goblin merchant said that the Goblin merchants couldn’t go through the magic crystal.

Compared with beautiful women, magic crystals can move them better.

So Teacher Xun hit the iron while it was hot: “I still have a lot of money here. You have to buy two orange tower defense call cards. Other things, you can also open it to me!”

Teacher Mo still paid the money this time. Before seeing it, Aba Gong relaxed his vigilance and gave him the two orange tower defense cards according to the request of Teacher He.

This level of summoning cards, one is 500,000 magic crystals. This is still a mysterious store. In other places, you can’t see this kind of thing.

Either it costs special authority to buy it at the reputation value store or the killing store. The price is also very high, generally exceeding 10,000 reputation!

“Brother Feng, this is the list of purple and orange items in Abbun’s hand. He said that he didn’t trust me enough and didn’t want to show me the legendary items. “”

Teacher Wu quickly sent a list, and Wu Feng was also laughed at him: “Call the righteous father! If you buy more things with him, you can continue to white.”

“As long as you make money, Goblin merchants are still willing to do business with you. If you buy about 10 orange items, you can once in vain. Remember not to treat others too hard.”

Teacher 理 nodded and expressed his understanding, Brother Feng, no, it is the meaning of ‘righteous father’. It is preparing to buy more orange items here in Abbun.

When he arrives, it can be once every day. This is called a happy cooperation!

[Click to view the selling items]

“I did not expect that even the blue hero summoned scrolls in the mysterious store. I thought that only high -level taverns could produce this rare prop! This must be bought!”

“There is also a copy card, orange items, that must be bought! Buy a refresh card! Buy and buy!”

After many items of Abadon, after watching it, all these items have been made in seconds. This is a huge transaction of more than 2 million.

Now he has nearly 10 million magic crystals at hand, and the resource crystal you bought can also be drawn, so spending this ‘small money’ can greatly enhance their strength, which is naturally drawn.

Unfortunately, the purchase frequency of mysterious stores is not as high as ordinary stores. Abbun usually updates items within an orange quality only one day.

If it is a legendary item, the frequency of the update is lower. Now the teacher can not see the legendary items in Abbun’s hands. Then think of ways to “open your heart” and sell legendary items.

When Wu Feng thought of this, he repeatedly told Teacher: “Old, you are white, but you must not scare Abbun away.”

“I am still waiting to see what kind of legendary items he will sell.”

Teacher Xun looked at Abbun, who was cramping with the magic crystal, and smiled: “Brother Feng, no, the righteous father! Don’t worry, the child must keep this guy, and I will not be exhausted again. ”

“These things you want, I have been mailing you to you, and it should be here soon!”

Wu Feng nodded. If these things were sent over, he could use the blue hero to summon the scroll to a wave of thoughts. This is a very high chance of making high -quality heroes!

“Then draw a wave of ordinary summon scrolls first, and you can almost wait until the hero summon the scroll in place …”

(This chapter is finished)

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