Chapter 133 The Mysterious Store of Running [36108]

Wu Feng has 10 Zhu Xueguo in his hand. It is nothing to eat one by himself. The remaining few can be used to cultivate.

Planting the next Zhuxue fruit in spring, you can get a fruit tree in autumn, that is, the Zhu Xueguo that is beaten!

So Wu Feng asked the blue -quality fruit farmers recruited from Baicao Garden to plant three chocolates on the level 3 of the Grade 3.

Wu Feng looked at it. Under normal circumstances, it takes 120 days to mature Zhu Hueguo. Under the cultivation of Level 3 Lingtian, it is 1/4 time, from 120 days to 30 days. If there are other extra additions, Cheng can continue to shorten its growth time.

The grade of fruit farmers is also related to the cultivation time of Zhu Xunuo. Blue -quality fruit farmers, watering and weeding them every day, can increase their growth rate by about 50%.

If there is a higher -level fruit farmer, the growth rate can still be improved.

“Unfortunately, the previous two designated craftsmen’s summoning cards were used to summon the architectural master, and let them build the Titan City wall.”

“If there is an orange -quality craftsman summoning card in the future, it is still used on summoning fruit farmers!”

Because there are no other buildings such as Lingquan and Tongling French Array, the 30 -day cultivation time is a bit long, and Wu Feng can only slowly boil.

Since there is a hundred grass gardens, it is natural to play its effect, so Wu Feng will let [rich world] help him collect spiritual plant seeds, and prepare to open up more psychic fields to grow all kinds of spirit planting.

There can be many attributes that can increase the attributes. Not to mention the perfect quality of spiritual cultivation as Zhu Heduo, to some excellent quality spirit planting. After the output of the fruit, the improvement of the territory is very obvious.

“By the way, did you find a mysterious store? You can see if there is a seed planting seed in his store, the mysterious store in the wild, the probability of the best product is quite high.”

Wu Feng currently only plant the spiritual plant of Zhu Hueguo. In addition to the [rich world], he thought of the old man.

The old man yesterday had a white orange defense tower, indicating that the mysterious store he found was quite high. There are not many kinds of wild buildings.

Thinking of this, Wu Feng contacted Teacher Wu: “Lao Xun, are you still at the mysterious store? Simply buy something for me, I need a lot of spiritual plant seeds …”

Wu Feng originally thought that the teacher would respond to himself, but he did not expect that he was in a very low mood: “Brother Feng, don’t say, I went to the mysterious store today for a wave of waves, and then pushed a piece of orange quality The tower defense call card. ”

“As a result, the Goblin businessman named Abadon ran overnight in front of me! He moved the whole mysterious store away, I don’t know where he ran!”

“You didn’t see it. The younger brother Brin, who was originally thin, was a fast running speed.

Teacher Wu’s words made Wu Feng laugh and laugh. This guy is no one. He has a white heart, but he ran away to Bai Yan!

At the same time, the name of this Goblin businessman always made Wu Feng a little familiar. He quickly found Grandai: “Grandai, is it new today? Scrolls, I want it all! ”

In the Goblin Store, which has been risen to level 3, he can put more goods. When Wu Feng came in, the two female boxers with big waist were guarding the store. Madam, the task of being a shop bodyguard is done by them.

The Goblin Warriors were in conjunction with Veuts and others, and his wife had increased to six.

“Grangtai, have you heard of a Goblin businessman named Abagan? There should be some connections between the businessmen of the Goblin clan.”

Hearing that the lord is going to buy it again, Ge Langtai’s face is going to laugh. He is like a chrysanthemum, which is opened to Wu Feng.

When the lord mentioned Abbun’s name, Gelangtai immediately posted it: “The lord encountered my uncle? He is my idol! It is a high -level mysterious store and make money everywhere! If I can become the same as him, The big brother is fine. ”

Wu Feng finally knew why he heard Teacher Ji say that Aba Gunn ran away with a mysterious shop overnight, and he would have such a strong sense of vision.

It turned out to be from Grandai. This Goblin businessman was afraid that when he was very zero -dollar to buy, he needed Goblin Tongli to make him feel security and was willing to stay in the territory.

Now that Abbun should be the same, although Teacher ’s talented talent can forcibly forcibly Bai Ji items, but this is the same as Zero dollar purchase, which will make Goblin businessmen very panic and run overnight.

After understanding the situation, Wu Feng once again contacted Teacher: “Old! You can’t do it. If you have the opportunity, you still have to” one -click three consecutive ‘. Directly scare the mysterious businessman away. ”

Teacher He stunned: “‘One -click three consecutive”? You mean buying his things, but what he sells is very expensive! Although it is all good things above purple quality, the price is tens of thousands, tens of tens Wan Mojing’s base, I don’t have so much net worth! ”

Teacher Wu relied on Wu Feng to support him to buy items in order to be able to buy high -end items in the mysterious store. He really wanted him to buy it. He couldn’t afford it.

Wu Feng was warm in his heart. In this case, Teacher Bai Ji had the summoning card of Tianlea, or he was given to him. The good brother was a good brother.

Wu Feng announced his boldly: “You can’t afford it, I can afford it! I’ll help you find a mysterious store, you can buy things with him, I will reimburse you for 2 pieces of buying orange items.”

Teacher Wu gave Wu Feng a orange tower defense card, Wu Feng was going to give him two orange items. It is easier to get magic crystal now. In the mysterious store, you can buy good things with magic crystals.

Seeing that Wu Feng was so arrogant, Teacher Ji immediately drank: “The righteous father is on!”

“I am old -fashioned for half a lifetime, I hate not to meet the Lord.

I treat you as a brother, do you actually want to be my son?

Wu Feng stared at Teacher Wu: “You are still drifting for half a lifetime, you have drifted for ten years to lose contact! Less nonsense, I will tell you the address of the mysterious store, you quickly find someone to find someone!”

Teacher Wu quickly listened to his ears. When he encountered a mysterious store, he rely on luck. This kind of wild building is not easy to find.

Abbun should now hide from him and want to find each other, it is even more difficult!

But Wu Feng has a way. He directly took out the mysterious sheepskin scroll: “The great mysterious spirit, I want to consult you a question, I hope you can answer me.”

There is a handwriting of the routine business of the mysterious sheepskin: “Ask your question, and then pay the price to know all the secrets in the world.”

Wu Feng asked immediately: “Where is the mysterious store in the country No. 075?”

(This chapter is finished)

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