"Are you sure, can the two of us do it?" At

this time, Qin Wenwen felt more and more that something was wrong with this situation.

Although on the surface, there is nothing.

But now this scene really gives people a feeling.

It's as if many people will rush out anytime and anywhere.

This really made Qin Wenwen feel very worried the more she looked at it.

But Han Shaofeng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked in front of him.

"It's okay, don't worry, it's enough.

At this time, Han Shaofeng's eyes moved slightly, and he looked in front of him.

The more it is now, in fact, it seems to Han Shaofeng.

At present, Han Shaofeng is completely aware of this.

However, the more it is like this, it actually makes Han Shaofeng feel better and more in his heart.

"Nice, this is the place. "

You go over there and take a look, there should be a problem with the goods there.

As Han Shaofeng finished speaking, Qin Wenwen at this time became more and more curious.

However, when Qin Wenwen saw this.

Obviously, Qin Wenwen is still more and more shocked in her heart now.

"This, I didn't expect it, it's actually these!" When

Qin Wenwen saw this, she was shocked.

Because she knew very well in her heart that if these things spread.

What will be the impact on the market as a whole?

But here, Han Shaofeng felt it the more he looked at it.

How should such a thing be solved next?

At this time, Qin Wenwen's face was full of curiosity and incomprehension.

"So, what are you going to do?"

When Qin Wenwen looked at Han Shaofeng, she asked even more subconsciously.

For these things, in fact, now, Han Shaofeng has already seen the problem.

Slowly, I was looking at these.

At this time, Han Shaofeng said directly: "Burn these things."

When Han Shaofeng's words came out, for Qin Wenwen beside him.

Obviously, Qin Wenwen is a little caught off guard now.

Such a thing, after all, is still too thorough.

At this time, deep in Qin Wenwen's heart, the more she thought about it, the more anxious she felt.

After all, now, if such a thing is burned, wouldn't it be too exaggerated?

However, Han Shaofeng said with a serious face.

"At present, this matter must be done to the end.

"Otherwise, what do you think will happen if these things are circulated?"

When Han Shaofeng's words came out, this made Qin Wenwen more and more shocked.

Such a thing, although Qin Wenwen had expected it before.

But now that she has seen it, Qin Wenwen still can't accept it.

However, the more this is the case, the more Qin Wenwen herself ends.

"Okay, then let's set fire to it quickly!" When

Qin Wenwen finished speaking, Han Shaofeng was extremely calm.

"In that case.

"Well, then, you're waiting for me on the side. Han

Shaofeng knew that in fact, it was still very dangerous for them to do this now.

But at this point, it had to be done.

So, in Han Shaofeng's view.

At present, what are you going to do about it?

At this moment, the more Han Shaofeng's heart looks, the clearer it becomes.

As for Qin Wenwen, she seems to understand something.

Qin Wenwen looked at Han Shaofeng and couldn't help but say.

"In that case, you must, be careful.

When Qin Wenwen finished speaking, Han Shaofeng smiled faintly.

This kind of thing is actually nothing at all.

So when he saw these places, Han Shaofeng was even more calm.

"It's nothing, but it's okay to rest assured.

"It's just a small thing. "


At this moment, not far away, a man walked out.

This person was none other than Zhao Mingquan, the hall master of the Luoshui Chamber of Commerce Branch.

When Zhao Mingquan saw this scene, the whole person looked even more gritted teeth.

After all, at present, such a thing is really untouchable.

And for the current situation, at this moment, a trace of killing intent emerged in Zhao Mingquan's heart.

"Damn, who did

this!" "Now, at all costs, I have to find him out for me!"


Zhao Mingquan said this, the people around him nodded again and again.

That's what they want to do now.

And at this moment, Zhao Mingquan gritted his teeth.

Even when he saw this, he was furious.

On Zhao Mingquan's side, the others nodded again and again.

This kind of thing is actually the same thing that all of them expected.

So next, these people are even more open-minded.

"That's right, so for now, we all have to deal with all of this quickly. "

yes, they have to be found.

"Needless to say, in fact, that's what we all plan. The

more this is the case, the more excited the people around them become.

Although the matter has come to this, it seems to all of them.

Anyway, something like this, look at it now.

It is imperative that we get to the bottom quickly.

Otherwise, no matter what, in fact, such a thing still feels like a big difference.

And Zhao Mingquan's brows furrowed: "Hmph, the North Chamber of Commerce, or the people of the Southeast Chamber of Commerce?"

But Zhao Mingquan now knows very well that the matter has come to this point, so he can only let it go.

So, when Zhao Mingquan saw this.

At this time, his whole face was even more indescribably serious and direct.

"Now that it's over, I don't mind having fun to the end.

When Zhao Mingquan subconsciously looked in front of him, at this time, his brows furrowed slightly.

Because at this time, Zhao Mingquan suddenly found out.

Not far away, something is already not quite right.

"You guys, go over there.

Zhao Mingquan stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance and said to the people around him.

And with Zhao Mingquan's words, the people around him got up and came over one after another.

After all, now, in the eyes of all of them.

If you want to do it next, you must deal with these things quickly and thoroughly no matter what.

Otherwise, it always feels like all this is not enough to see.

The more so, in fact, from the current point of view.

Deep down, all of them understand more and more.

But it's come to this, in fact, in the eyes of all of them.

In fact, it is imperative to solve these things as soon as possible.

So here, Zhao Mingquan felt it more and more at this time.

Next, it's actually better to deal with it quickly.

Not far away, those people began to speed up.

After all, someone has already come, so all of them, it is better to solve this matter quickly.

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