"It's just, so good, I don't know, why are you here?"

Han Shaofeng looked at Qin Wenwen and couldn't help but say subconsciously.

And Qin Wenwen's big eyes blinked and looked over.

There was a smile on her face.

"That's right, I want to come to the North Courtyard Chamber of Commerce to have a look.

"However, I didn't expect it to be like this.

When Qin Wenwen finished speaking, Han Shaofeng smiled indifferently.

In fact, such a thing was completely expected.

But the more this is the case, the more these people look at it, the more surprised they feel.

At this time, Han Shaofeng was frowning.

"But it's dangerous.

Han Shaofeng was like this, but Qin Wenwen looked at it even more with an oath.

"Of course I know it's dangerous.

"But now, I want you to help me.

When Qin Wenwen finished speaking, Han Shaofeng was a little depressed.

What should I do about this matter

? Could it be that Han Shaofeng wants to help Qin Wenwen deal with himself together?

It's still a little incredible.

As for Han Shaofeng, he still shook his head: "No, the North Courtyard Chamber of Commerce is completely more terrifying than you imagined."

As Han Shaofeng said this, Qin Wenwen nodded heavily.

In fact, she has fully seen this kind of thing now.

And see here, treat these things at the moment.

In fact, deep in Han Shaofeng's heart, he looked completely eager to try.

After all, looking at it now, at this moment, Han Shaofeng himself is acting lightly.

The matter has come to this point, how could Han Shaofeng not understand how to deal with this matter next.

And the more it is now, at this moment, Han Shaofeng is acting very casually.

"However, I can accompany you to see the branch of the Luoshui Chamber of Commerce. Originally

, Qin Wenwen almost gave up.

But Han Shaofeng's words brought a trace of indescribable excitement to her face.

Qin Wenwen is even more unbelievable now.

"What you said is true

?" "Are you really willing to help me with this?"

So in Qin Wenwen's opinion, it is obvious that she is still very surprised.

As for here, Han Shaofeng didn't care about these at all.

Besides, what kind of situation will such a thing bring about for the present.

In fact, this point, in itself, is beyond doubt.

And the more he does this now, Han Shaofeng at this time is even more subconsciously looking at the eyes.

"However, this is very dangerous.

When Han Shaofeng finished speaking, Qin Wenwen shook her head over here.

"No, I'm not afraid. "

What are you kidding

? We've come to this point, so what do you plan to start with?

Such a thing, in fact, has become very obvious from now on.

As for Han Shaofeng, he is very calm.

"Okay, since you're not a problem here, let's go together. "

Anyway, for Han Shaofeng, this kind of thing is actually normal.

So now, Han Shaofeng is actually looking forward to it more and more, and it would be good if he could solve this matter.

This, in itself, is beyond doubt.

At this time, Qin Wenwen was also looking forward to it.

But in her heart, she was actually still secretly thinking about these things in front of her.

"That being said, but what are you going to do next?"

In fact, Qin Wenwen still has a lot of confusion in her heart now.

But Qin Wenwen knows such a problem.

For a while, it is difficult to effectively solve it.

So Qin Wenwen is still directly following Han Shaofeng's side now, that's right.

As for Han Shaofeng, he was extraordinarily calm.

"It's okay, just rest assured. "

They can't threaten us yet!"

when Han Shaofeng's words came out, he even dealt with these things at present.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng himself felt it more and more.

From now on, I've made up my mind to do this.

So no matter where you start.

In fact, it seems that such a thing no longer exists at all.

"It's just that the more I do it now, the more it seems to be a big step behind.

"Of course, such a situation does not exist at all.

When Han Shaofeng looked at the eyes, the more so, even the current things.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng is much more familiar than anyone else.


Zhao Mingquan's whole brow furrowed.

This kind of thing is even more of an ordeal for him.

So now, Zhao Mingquan doesn't want such a thing to happen.

The body was in his opinion, and Zhao Mingquan wanted to solve these things more and more urgently.

Otherwise, for now.

Anyway, it's a feeling.

This kind of thing seems to be completely insufficient.

And beside Zhao Mingquan, others were talking.

"Hall Master, what should we do next?"

After all, such a thing, the people around Zhao Mingquan.

In fact, I am getting more and more anxious.

After all, such a thing, to a fundamental extent, is still somewhat surprising.

And while seeing this, Zhao Mingquan himself felt more and more.

In this case, since there is a desire to completely solve these things.

So starting from now, such a problem is actually necessary to start quickly.

Otherwise, no matter what, it always feels like it's a big step behind.

"No, this matter is actually very thorough.

"So then, let's all have to deal with this matter quickly. The

more so, in fact, looking at it now, the more they look at it, the more excited they become.

Now, looking at it now, there is only one way to do it.

And when Zhao Mingquan saw this, for him, he still said.

"All in all, from now on, it is imperative for all of us to prepare as soon as possible.

After all, in Zhao Mingquan's view, he can actually be keenly aware of it.

At present, in the final analysis, it is not enough to see such a thing.

However, Zhao Mingquan still looks like he does his own thing.

"No matter what it is, all in all, let's hurry up and get ready.

"At least for now, things are nowhere near that bad.

Zhao Mingquan's words aroused the strong interest of everyone around him.

If you think about it so carefully, it seems that such a thing is indeed the case.

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