"Kill him, kill him for me!" At

this time, when he heard the news, Wu Yuanding felt that a flame was constantly rising out of his heart.

After all, how do you solve these things next?

In itself, such a situation is already completely there.

As for what exactly you plan to start with?

In fact, such a situation, in itself, is nothing at all.

Slowly, little by little, I looked at the eyes.

The more so, Wu Yuanding asked directly at this time.

"How about it, have you already done everything you asked you to arrange before?"

Wu Yuanding said, and the people around him looked even more sworn and said to Wu Yuanding.

"Elder, rest assured, everything is ready.

With the people around Wu Yuanding, he nodded heavily and said.

For such a thing, in fact, now, Wu Yuanding's heart is becoming clearer and clearer.

Since then, something like this has happened.

So the top priority is to find ways to solve these things first.

Therefore, when Wu Yuanding just took advantage of the situation and looked in front of him.

The more it is now, in fact, Wu Yuanding himself is much more familiar than anyone else.

At this moment, the corners of Wu Yuanding's mouth brought a faint smile.

"Now that the matter has come to this.

"So at this point, I think we can start moving.

When Wu Yuanding's words were finished, the faces of others brought a trace of swear.

In the depths of their hearts, how could they not understand what this mission would represent?

Moreover, in the eyes of all of them.

If necessary, it is necessary to increase efforts to solve these things thoroughly, which is the key.

"Who says it's not, since the matter has come to this, then we must hurry up on this matter.

"Actually, now, without thinking about it, these things are actually obvious.

"This is the end of the matter, so for now, it is better to get it done quickly. "

With the people around me, the more I looked, the more excited I became.

After all, what are you going to do next?

In fact, in the eyes of all of them, such a thing, what should be done.

In fact, in the eyes of all of them, the current this, itself should be so.

"Okay, then, let's hurry up.

After Wu Yuanding finished speaking, he took the people around him with him.


At this time, Han Shaofeng sat there and waited quietly.

At present, everything is expected by Han Shaofeng.

So next, in fact, Han Shaofeng himself will not worry about these at all.

"Looks like they're almost coming. When

Han Shaofeng saw this, it was obvious that for these things at present.

How should we solve this problem?

In fact, in the eyes of all of them, how should this point be dealt with at present.

In fact, it is a very necessary thing in itself.

And the more so, when seeing this.

Guan Difei, who was beside him, clenched his fists and said proudly.

"If they dare to come, then I'll let them taste the power of my fists.

Guan Difei's words were extremely serious.

And those people around him, in fact, now, in their hearts, also feel the same.

Especially now, how should this matter be carried out?

In fact, in the final analysis, it is necessary to start quickly.

Otherwise, if you think about it carefully, it is actually here, and it is not enough to see at all.

And that's just it, Han Shaofeng is looking into the distance.

It's all in place, and that's not all.

The key is to wait until those people arrive at this point.

In fact, we should continue to wait.

"Sect Master, good news, they have arrived.

At this moment, Zhao Tianlong came here and said excitedly.

After saying this, Han Shaofeng's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, all of this was much faster than Han Shaofeng imagined.

But the more it is now, since the other party has come.

Then these things, it's easy to say.

Thinking of these, Han Shaofeng moved his muscles and bones.

"Very well, in fact, the current situation is exactly what I want to see.

"Now that we've met all of us here, let's prepare for the next step.

Han Shaofeng said, and the people of the Five Elements Sect around him laughed even more.

"Yes, this time they came, and they directly turned them into roast suckling pigs.

"Of course, this time, see what else they can do

?" "Is this a joke, all of them, do they still have the ability to ascend to the sky?"

After all, next, such a thing is actually completely placed here.

Looking at these, Han Shaofeng was very indifferent at this time.


"Strange, I don't know if it's my delusion or whatever.

"I always felt like something wasn't quite right. "

At this time, for the present these.

Wu Yuanding frowned, and couldn't help but say here.

After all, such a thing, in fact, in the final analysis, is completely placed here.

And beside Wu Yuanding, when other people saw this, they still couldn't help but say.

"Elder, I'm afraid you're thinking too much. "

Here, where are there so many things?" said

to Wu Yuanding as the people around him did.

The more this situation is now, in fact, for these things.

In the depths of their hearts, the more they watched, the more excited they became.

In such a situation, what should I do?

In the depths of their hearts, they have begun to look forward to it more and more.

What should be done in such a situation?

In fact, all this has long been an obvious thing.

And the more this situation is now, Wu Yuanding came back to his senses.

"Well, you're all right.

"In that case, let's hurry up and solve all this completely."

When Wu Yuanding's words were finished, the people around him looked completely eager to try.

After all, what should we do now?

In fact, in the eyes of all of them, how could it not be clear?

At this time, Wu Yuanding and the others quickly rushed over.

However, unexpectedly.

In front of Wu Yuanding, there was an empty scene.

This discovery really gave Wu Yuanding a headache.

"Strange, what the hell is going on?"

Soon, Wu Yuanding realized what the situation was.

"It's not good, we're fooled, hurry up and retreat. "

It's just now, how can Wu Yuanding withdraw back?

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