In fact, now, Han Shaofeng didn't expect it at all.

Things could have turned so badly.

But the more it is now, in fact, Han Shaofeng's sight falls in front of him.

Obviously, Han Shaofeng is much more familiar than anyone else now.

Slowly, I just subconsciously looked at the front of me.

The more so, in fact, Han Shaofeng himself didn't think that there would be any problems.

And that's just it, in fact, Han Shaofeng has already realized it.

"Okay, don't toss any longer, all of you, let's come out quickly!" Han

Shaofeng's eyes moved slightly, looking in front of him, and suddenly he didn't forget to say directly in front of him.

With Han Shaofeng's words, what will be the threat for now.

In fact, such a thing, in itself, came very unexpectedly.

And that's just it, in fact, in front of Han Shaofeng, the people around him were even more looking at him in unison.

It's just that here, Han Shaofeng behaved very indifferently.

"It's kind of interesting, all in all, it doesn't seem to be enough at the moment.

When Han Shaofeng said this in front of him, it was obvious that he didn't care about this.

And not long after, in front of Han Shaofeng, a group of people suddenly rushed out.

These people are fully armed, and it seems that they don't intend to let go of Han Shaofeng at all.

It's just that here, Han Shaofeng doesn't think there will be anything wrong with this scene at all.

Slowly, just subconsciously looking at the eyes.

The more so, in fact, how to solve these things now.

In fact, in Han Shaofeng's heart, he is becoming more and more clear about these things at present.

And these people don't intend to let Han Shaofeng go.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be so bold that you would dare to come out alone. "

That's right, since the matter has come to this, then why are we all talking so much nonsense?"

"Now that it's decided, then we have nothing to say, if you want me to see, it's better to do it quickly." "

The more it is now, the more it is for these things at the moment.

Next, what exactly are you going to do with all this?

In fact, looking at it now, there is nothing else to say.

The more this situation is now, in fact, for these things.

Deep down in their hearts, they have completely settled on this.

And that's just it, actually, on this side.

Han Shaofeng still disagreed: "So, do you mean that you can completely eat me up to you?"

"Okay, now, I can give you this opportunity, but you, just come!"

As Han Shaofeng said this, he spoke.

That feeling was like a needle that quickly pierced it.

Even they, after seeing it.

All of them, they still have to admit it.

Han Shaofeng's threat to them at the moment is actually very big.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Han Shaofeng was very calm.

"It's just that at the moment, it doesn't seem to be enough.

When Han Shaofeng said directly in front of him, the more so, what to do next when dealing with things like this.

Nothing else, but this time.

Han Shaofeng has made up his mind to completely solve all this.

"Hmph, do you think this is enough?"

When Han Shaofeng looked at him, it was obvious that he was not worried at all now.

It's just that the more it is now, how to solve this point.

In fact, in Han Shaofeng's opinion, he didn't feel anything at all.

Although this is the end of the matter, it is aimed at these problems.

In fact, in Han Shaofeng's eyes, it is nothing at all.

Looking at these in front of him, at this moment, Han Shaofeng's face was filled with a faint smile.

"Anything else, in fact, there is nothing to say for the time being.

"But then, this time, I think that this point, in fact, is completely necessary, and we need to make more efforts to deal with these things."

When Han Shaofeng said in front of him, the more so, for these things at present.

In fact, in Han Shaofeng's view, what are you going to do next.

In fact, there is nothing to worry about other things.

And that's just that, in fact, here, those people around are desperate to arrive quickly.

"If you want me to say, we don't have anything to say, let's hurry up.

"Although this is the end of the matter, but in the future, I think we must hurry.

"Actually, now, if you think about it, this kind of thing is really good. "

The more this situation is now, how do you plan to deal with this?

In fact, in the eyes of all of them, what should be done next.

There is nothing else to say about such a thing.

And the more so, the more we should actually plan to do it now.

Other problems, on the contrary, are nothing at all.

It's just that, just looking at the front of me little by little.

The more this situation is now, the next point, how to deal with it.

In fact, here, Han Shaofeng's face was filled with a playful smile.

After all, next, such a situation is actually completely there.

And the more Han Shaofeng is like this, for the others in front of him, what should he plan to do.

In fact, such a thing, in itself, is completely out there.

"Hmph, look for death.

Han Shaofeng looked at these people coldly, and suddenly began to make a move.

Originally, these people looked even more invincible.

But now, these people have long since lost their former domineering.

Even in their opinion, how to solve such a problem.

Anything else, on the contrary, there is nothing to say for the time being.

And the more it is now, in fact, the more Han Shaofeng looks at it, the more he feels.

Next, in such a situation, in fact, it is imperative that it is important to deal with all this quickly.

After all, these things themselves are actually completely there.

Looking at these, Han Shaofeng at this time was disapproving.

"Although now, it has come to this.

"But what should we do about such a thing, in fact, I think that all of us can start at any time."

When Han Shaofeng's eyes moved slightly, he looked in front of him.

The more so, in fact, the present words.

Han Shaofeng himself has completely made up his mind.

Slowly, just looking at the situation.

At this time, Han Shaofeng smiled faintly.

"It looks like the plan should have been ahead of schedule. Otherwise

, Han Shaofeng always felt like something was missing.

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