Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2649: Ins and outs

蟠桃林轩 has swallowed, and let it repair a lot of skyrocketing, double infants and one Dan all promoted, the mystery of the effect has no words to describe. ""

As for the second, it is the floating treasure that is left behind by the real people. .

The ethereal real person is one of the two founding fathers of the floating fairy palace. The power of the robbery period, the power of the Fubao left, is naturally obvious.

But these two treasures are not the most precious.

The most valuable of these should be the last magic weapon.

Really awkward!

As the name suggests, I originally hoped that it had the power of the true spirit.

Unfortunately, the request was too high and it was not achieved in the end.

But it is by no means a waste. Although it is less than expected, the strength of this cockroach is still comparable to the old monsters.

Of course, it is the beginning, but even so, it is quite rare.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the treasures of the heavens.

It is a pity that all things have advantages and disadvantages. It is difficult to provide power for this.

The best spar has no effect. If you want it to play its due strength, you must use Xianshi to do energy.

But Xianshi is the object of the immortal world. Even if the spiritual world is a coincidence, it is rare.

At least the strength of the celestial palace in the ice-cold sea can not be done. Only this kind of mega-power can be collected in the treasure house. Otherwise, if it can drive this thing, the result of taking the 渺 渺 渺 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐Something is gone.

Of course, these are hypotheses, no matter what, the true spirits are in the hands of Lin Xuan.

Because Xianshi is rare, Lin Xuan simply did not release tasks like Yun Yinzong disciples, because this is beyond the scope of their capabilities.

Unexpectedly, today, Zongmen was in great trouble. Lin Xuan asked why, but he heard such an unexpected result.

It’s really worthwhile to break through the iron shoes. Lin Xuan is of course more concerned.

It is no wonder that Lin Xuan was shocked when he first heard the news.

I suddenly stood up. But other people didn't care much.

After all, the news was too embarrassing. When they first heard about it, the degree of shock, but it was far more than Lin Xuan.

Relatively speaking, Shi Shu is already a city with a chest and calms to the extreme.

"What is going on, don't worry, say slowly."

Lin Xuan is not an ordinary cultivator. At this moment, a light color has been restored. Sit back to the seat, turn your head, and face the opening of Li Hongshou and Yan Yue.

"Yes. Uncle Shi, the mining vein, was originally carried out by the FDC. The disciples are more clear, the matter goes back about a year ago, and we did not intend to have a huge harvest in the process of mining the veins. Come out with a piece of celestial stone."

"Xianshi, isn't it scrap?"

Lin Xuan was a little surprised. I had to know that the spiritual world was different from the fairyland. Even if it was a coincidence, it produced a little fairy stone. It will also become a waste that is of no use at all because of its many impurities. The chances of really mining Xianshi are too small, even if there is only one piece, it can be called luck to the extreme.

"If it's scrap, it won't be such a big disaster for the door."

Li Hongshou sighed: "The disciples were shocked and happy at the time, but they also knew that this was a minor matter. They sent people to tell the two uncles who were sitting in the Zongmen. They strictly blocked the news, and they knew that the disciples still appeared. The traitor, the news was known to the Taixuan tribe."

"It turned out to be."

Lin Xuan finally understood the beginning and end of the matter.

With the strength of the Tianxuanzong three factions, a fine spar vein in the district may not be in the eye, but if it is mined from it. The result will be different again.

This thing, let alone the distraction period. Even if the old geeks during the robbery period will be guilty, this is a treasure that can be met and not available, and has great use in all aspects.

It must be known that Yun Yinzong’s hand has a whole vein. Here, a piece of sacred stone can be mined. Maybe there will be a second piece, the third one...

"In addition to Taixuanmen, Ling Guizong and Tianjing Valley, are there other forces involved?"

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, there is no war in this battle. Lin Xuan naturally has to figure out this kind of problem.

"No." Li Hongshou shook his head affirmatively: "The three factions are not idiots. They must have blocked the news. Otherwise, they will lead to other big forces, or the involvement of old monsters during the robbery period. It’s empty.


Lin Xuan nodded, this view should be correct, in exchange for him is the principal of the three factions, certainly the first time to block the news, so many porridge, this kind of good things who want others to share with themselves.

"Where is the dragon brother and Lin Shijie, how come there is no one sitting in Zongmen?"

"The two uncles went to the vein to preside over the overall situation, but for a long time they did not contact the general rudder. The disciples suspected..."

Li Hongshou’s words did not go on, but everyone understood the intent of her words. For a time, the atmosphere in the hall was stagnate.

Lin Yujiao's look is even more terrible.


At the same time, there is a barren hill that is not known to millions of miles away from the cloud ruins.

The aura of this place is thin, but the monks who built the base period also can't look at the eyes. However, there is such a place where no one cares, but a few mysterious cultivators gather and discuss what is in an abandoned stone temple.

Five men and two women, one male and one female in a black robe, can not see even the face.

As for the other few people, the ages are different, but the repairs are different, but they are all the cultivators of the late part of the gods.

No, not all of them are cultivators, two of them are actually demon.

The one on the left, the long-eared eyes, the skin is bright red, and there are three demon eyes on the forehead, and a fierce temper is out.

On the right is a demon woman.

At first glance, it was quite a bit of a look, but her eyes were bleeding red, and there were many red-red scales on the cheeks on the left and right sides.

Dressed in red, the small mouth of the cherry was quite beautiful, but one mouth could see a thin snake core.

The woman’s body is ready to come out, and it must have been cultivated by a certain snake.

The second demon is also the existence of the late part of the distraction. As far as the realm is concerned, it is no worse than the five people next to it.

The other three men are the old ones of the celestial wind bones, a handsome brocade, and a red-toothed white, like a boy who was reborn.

Of course, this person is just looking at the young, the real age, it is hard to say, at least tens of thousands of years old.

"Sun Daoyou, what happened, the last time led by your spirit ghost, our two factions as an assistant, intending to win Yun Yinzong in one fell swoop, how could it fail, and the disciples who played, have not escaped a few, almost completely annihilated."

The old man of the sacred wind bones slowly opened his mouth with a bit of blame.

Ps: phantom rain to ask for the recommended ticket, thank you for your friends, please remember - -,-- for your text.


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