Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2648: Xianshi troubles

The second two hundred and forty-eighth chapters

With his current strength, killing Dong Xuan, and even just the cultivators at the level of the clutching, is naturally not difficult. (--网.)

Of course, Lin Xuan is strong again. This is just a blow. More or less, there will be some fish that slip through the net, but it doesn't matter. Other monks of Yun Yinzong have already rushed up.

The hunter became a prey, and with the addition of Lin Xuan, the whole situation has been completely reversed.

Yun Yinzong's morale is so great that, in contrast to those outside immortals, confidence falls to the bottom of the valley. Lin Xuan's previous blow not only wiped out Wu's blame, but also completely destroyed their confidence.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the dog of the funeral family is facing. In the face of the chasing of the cloud-invisible monks, few people dare to stop and fight. They almost all turn around and run. As a result, the crisis of Yun Yinzong is naturally lifted, and the net of the net can be removed. number.

Lin Xuan, with the power of one person, once again turned the tide and saved the cloud from the fire.

Its prestige in the minds of this sect is even more so.


After half an hour, Lin Xuan was greeted by a large group of monks to the main hall. As for the remaining endgames, the following monks were naturally cleaned up.

"Uncle Shi, please sit down."

A soap robes old man said that Lin Xuan naturally would not deny and sit down directly in the main position.

In addition to him, there are more than twenty monks in the main hall, all of which are above the Dong Xuan period. Except for the five-pulse peaks, the rest are also the elders of Gao Dexun. (--网.)

"What is going on, where are the enemies coming from, and how are the other two elders not in the rudder?"

This kind of major event happened in this door. It was actually attacked by the strong enemy. The various losses were numerous. Lin Xuan’s heart was both surprised and angry. He was not interested in spending more time with the juniors and straightened to the opening of the mountain.

"The uncle is angry, this thing is purely an accident. This time, the strong enemy that this provokes is not the same, it is Taixuanmen, Ling Guizong and Tianjing Valley, the alliance formed by the three families." It is said that although this guy is not one of the five peaks, but the cultivation is quite outstanding, but the elders of the late Tang Xuan, speaking naturally is not a small weight.

"Tao Xuanmen, Ling Gui Zong and Tianjing Valley."

Lin Xuanzhen listened, but could not help but change color.

Although these three can't be said to be the top martial art in the dragon world, they just come up with one, and the strength is far better than that of Yun Yinzong. The three join hands...

Have you made a mistake, can this kind of thing be explained by accident, how can Yun Hsiao Zong get such a strong enemy?

Lin Xuan’s heart is speechless, and his heart is even more unexpected.

At the same time, he also knows that this matter is no small matter, I am afraid it is not clear in a few words.

Lin Xuan is not the first immortal to the immortal. On the contrary, the wind and rain he experienced is far better than the average monk, so the horror is horrified, but Lin Xuan has no self-confidence, so it does not help, calm and calm. Helps solve the problem. --网.

"Let's say, what is going on?"

"Uncle Shi, things are like this..."

A woman's voice was heard in the ear. Lin Xuan listened a little familiar, and went back to the head. He saw the female cultivator of the twenty-seventh eight-eighth, and his appearance was acceptable. However, there was a cold atmosphere in his body.

Lin Xuan thought a little, thinking of the identity of this woman.

Li Hongshou, the chief of the peak of the phalanx.

Among the five veins, only the peak of this vein is the female stream, although its name is not surprising, but it can become the master of a peak.

Late stage of Dong Xuan!

I just heard that this woman is so arrogant and has very few words. How do you take the initiative today?

Lin Xuan was a little surprised, but his face was calm and calm: "Go ahead."

"Yes, Uncle Shi."

Regardless of the usual character of Li Hongshou, at the moment in front of Lin Xuan, it is called a respectful respect to the extreme, and it is impossible to kill the same-order cultivator without such a gesture. How could it not be feared by the disciples under the door?

Li Hongshou swallowed a spit, and the sound of a little coldness slowly passed into the ear: "Uncle Shi, this time it is also a misfortune for money. The three major sects look at the industry of the door, so..."


This result, Lin Xuan was greatly shocked, although the world is bustling, all for the benefit, cultivation and cultivation of immortals, the competition is the resources.

In the Xiuxian world, it is not uncommon for the two masters to be a spiritual land, or other spar veins, but it is not unusual. However, Taixuanmen, Lingguizong, and Tianjing Valley are not ordinary martial art.

Although it is not the top of the world, it is also ranked first.

The three factions joined forces to **** the resources of Yun Yinzong, which really made Lin Xuan unexpected.

What exactly has this door got, so that other forces are so embarrassed, we must know that they are the three factions, and they will not fight each other once again. If they are equally divided, how much benefit can they get?

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan is really curious.

The voice of Li Hongshou continued to pass into the ears.

"Uncle Shi, is the fine vein of the spar."

“The best spar vein?”

Lin Xuan stayed, not so smart, is it...

This thought has not been turned, and the next Lin Yujiao’s weak opening: “Uncle Shi, yes, that is the one you won from the hands of the young master of Wu Da.”

When I heard this, Lin Xuan was speechless for a while. In the final analysis, the initiator was actually himself.

"How can this be the case? Although the best mineral veins are not trivial, the Taixuanmen three factions are not ordinary forces. How can they not be in this position? It is reasonable to say that a spar of the best spar is not enough to make them tempted, at least not to Let them form an alliance with the door, is there any reason in the middle?" Lin Xuan's cold voice was introduced into the ear, although it is not clear, but he can be sure that this matter, certainly have no inside story.

"Uncle Shi Yingming, if the light is the best vein, with their riches, it may not be tempting, but chances are coincident, and a treasure is dug out from the vein." Lin Yujiao said faintly.

"What another treasure, what?"

Lin Xuan was more interested in the hand.


Lin Yujiao has not yet opened, but Li Hongshou has unexpectedly interjected from the side.

"what did you say?"

Lin Xuan hurriedly stood up. This unexpected result made him also somewhat dysfunctional.


As the name implies, it is something more advanced than spar. The effect is similar to that of the spar.

With the richness of Lin Xuan’s family, in peacetime, there are not too many treasures that can make them feel tempted, but Xianshi is definitely one.

Not only, but also Lin Xuan urgently needs.

During the trip to the ice sea, Lin Xuan was very rich in harvesting, and the first force in the world was looted.

There are countless treasures of all kinds of rare treasures, the most important of which are the three pieces of the finale in the non-treasure.


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