Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2350: The power of space

However, Lin Xuan suddenly changed his face, and his body was sprayed with blue light. He turned his body at a speed that was difficult to see with his naked eyes, and his right hand lifted up. It was also a five-finger grip, and the same heavy punched punched toward the front.

The same silent, no trace of prestige, the previous force of the cyclone is nothing. []

However, seeing Lin Xuan's movements, the ancient armor is a miniature pupil, and his face is both surprised and stunned.

Have you made a mistake, is this kid in the eyes of the body double repair?

However, at this moment, I don’t even think about it, and even the thoughts in my mind have not been turned, and the two men’s punches have collided together.


The voice is not so big. It can be said that only a muffled sound is heard in the ear. However, the scene that appears in front of you can be called a shocking thing.

That's right, it's amazing.

The punch itself is silent, but when it passes, the space begins to collapse.

When the two fists were handed over, the space was stirred up by the majestic force. There was no hurricane, and there was no aftermath like spreading around. However, there was a white spot in the whole space. It was only a little bit of the ball. , quickly expanded to a diameter of seven or eight feet.


Suddenly, a strange wind came into the ears, and everything nearby, dirt, sand, and even the air, was sucked in by the white things.

It is quite similar to the legendary black hole in the space, and the fact is also true. The blow of Lin Xuan and the ancient magical fire of the ancient armor can be said to be the result of the combination of the two generations. The result of the power, the hard work, is to break the space, the hard life, the space black hole appears, but it is very small, and because of the law of heaven and earth, it is rapidly bridging.

Fortunately, otherwise, if you really meet the black hole in the space that will not be bridged, everything in the neighborhood, let alone sand and dust, even the light and the heavens and the earth can not escape, all will be engulfed by this black hole, Lin Xuan and green armor Not to mention the ancient devils, they will be self-contained and all buried in black holes.

Of course, this is only if, if, the real space black hole is the existence of two distracting levels, they just created a short shot that temporarily simulates the black hole, but it is still far from the real black hole. It’s not too far, it’s not the same day.

But no matter what, it is enough to be able to break the space with a single blow.

Lin Xuan’s phoenix dance nine days, is the world’s first-class refining technique, and with the purification of the fruit, even the same level of the demon, is far behind, but just hard hit that blow, But it did not take advantage of it.

In front of the green armor, if you talk about the physical strength, it is not inferior to yourself, or even better.

Lin Xuan’s heart is stunned, but the change is not slow.

The right hand is retracted, but the left hand is a five-finger claw, and the dignity is abnormally directed toward the front.


Space fluctuations began, and the aura between heaven and earth gathered in the middle. A cyan giant hand appeared in the line of sight. The surface of the rune was mottled, and the mysterious ancient text with the size of the fist was looming.

This hand is more than ten feet long. As soon as it appeared, it immediately became a claw and went to the bottom.

As for the right hand, Lin Xuan is not idle, and his sleeves are glanced. He only sees the brilliance of the brilliance, and a short sword with a long handle flies out.

Lin Xuan held it and took a deep breath, injecting the mana of the body into it.

In the meantime, Li Mang rises up, and a majestic aura, centered on the fairy sword in Lin Xuan’s hand, rushes to the surrounding area.

Lin Xuan screamed, as if a sunny day, a figure of the four spirits emerged from the air, and then quickly clear, the claws of the claws flew toward the front.

The spirits of the four spirits are very different, but the power under the joint hand is astounding. For the first time in the eyes of the ancient armor, the color of dignity is revealed.

There is even a bit of sorrow in it.

"Tongtian Lingbao, not right..., ordinary post-mortem Lingbao, there is no such Baidu Post Bar to sail the slogan, can you say that it is the legendary innate Lingbao?"

This magical mind thinks so much, shocking to the point where it is impossible to add, we must know that the congenital spiritual treasure and the acquired spiritual treasure, although they are called Lingbao, but the difference between them is a cloud.

The acquired Lingbao, although it is also a great thing, but in their eyes of this order, it is not really precious.

The old guys who are distracted, whether they are human races, monsters, or legendary ancient devils, can have a few pieces of post-mortem as a self-defense.

However, the innate Lingbao is different.

Not to mention the distraction period, even the old monsters in the robbery period, or those ancient demon ancestors, may not be able to come up, this guy in front of you, but just advanced, in other words, the moment before the hole Xuan period, this kind How can a character have a congenital spirit?

For a time, if you fall into the clouds, it will be difficult to understand all kinds of doubts. However, at this moment, there is time to give him a slow thought, regardless of whether the opponent’s hand is in the possession of the innate treasure. In short, you must first raise the crisis in front of you. I will talk about it in the past.

Seeing the shadows of the four spirits coming to the sinister, the ancient scorpion scorpion squeezing, as for the claws on the top of the head, although it is also Lin Xuan's tricks, but the two compare, he seems disdainful.

The right hand was lifted up, and the thorns were loud. A black lightning flashed out of his palms and turned into an electric cymbal. The murderous giant hand like the blue color rushed over.


A loud bang came into the ear, and the giant hand was violent, but the embers released by the ancient armor were also very small.

When the two touched each other, they all died.

Lin Xuan's wave of attacks has been resolved, but then, the four spirits have been rushed to the near, in the face of this suspected innate Lingbao tricks, the ancient armor can not be arrogant.


I saw him raise his head and burst into a low voice in his throat.

Then both hands and feet flashed at the same time, and the left and right hands each changed into a giant magic blade with a long handle.

No... not only the hand, but also his knees, but also the sharp magic blade.

For a time, the shape of this demon is terrible.

I saw that the giant blade of his hands was slightly sinking, his feet were bent, and his body was picked up, as if he were going to roll into a ball.

The action is quite ridiculous, but with the gleaming magic blade, no one can laugh.

Although his movements are weird, at the moment it is a dignified look to the front.


The eccentric sound is transmitted to the ear, a black light blade, rising from the air, the shape is also very strange, actually quite similar to a blooming flower, but the petal is crescent shaped.

It seems to be slow and eager, like a phantom of the four spirits.

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