Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2349: The Nine Palaces must show their magical powers

This time, it was replaced by a water column. However, those inks were gathered by magical powers, not creatures, and naturally they did not know what to fear.

Although the sky behind it has been blocked by the terrible corpse fire, the sky looks gray and gray, but how about it, the ink squid is like a moth, and the rushing up.

Of course, there are losses, but after paying a lot of money, there are also nearly half of the inks that broke through the barriers of the corpse fire. The sound of snoring is more and more harsh. The ink scorpion and the three-eyed corpse have started to be close-knit and claw-toothed. It’s a great deal.

In terms of individual combat power, it is natural that the ink scorpion has the upper hand. However, the number of three-eyed corpse is more than several times. Usually, seven or eight corpses are surrounded by ink, so how is the outcome? It is hard to say.

This series of fighting methods is more complicated to say, but how fast they move, the time spent actually is only a moment.

The ink sputum was blocked, Lin Xuan’s crisis was not lifted, and the huge black water Shura knife emerged again. The nearby magical spirits swarmed in and wanted to cut the head of Lin Xuan again.

Lin Xuan brows a wrinkle.

This time, he did not hide, but his hands raised, and crossed the strange trajectory in the void. One by one, the French seal emerged. With his movements, the Jiugong had to smash the sword, and the scattered swords around it were as long. The whale was so absorbent that he returned to his side.


Lin Xuan raised his right hand, and also made a phoenix nod, then the nine hundred and ninety-one handle swords, divided into nine groups, began to aggregate, nine brilliant lotus appeared in the line of sight.

The lotus of the sword!

The nine lotuses were suspended on the side of Lin Xuan, and then slowly bloomed.

The scent is overflowing, obviously composed of the fairy sword, but it is so close to the real, just like the real lotus.

Then, the sound of snoring was never stopped in the ears, flying from the nine lotuses to the sky.

The filament is a fire red, which looks similar to the magical sword of the sword, but it is much more mysterious, and the number is extremely amazing, criss-crossing, the astronomical network appears in the line of sight, and then the repairing magic The knife is entangled.

In the distance, the woman’s face changed, but she was amazed by the disdain.

My own magical powers, I have a number, other five elements of the spell are not mentioned for the time being, but the great swordsmanship is arrogant and arrogant. There is no problem with the same level. With the 72-handle black water repairing knife, it is even more important, even if it is a husband, dare not dare. Hard to pick up this trick.

Those filaments seem to have a lot to come from, but they want to stop their own blows, but they are just daydreaming.


The woman was screaming, the voice just fell, the magic became more and more vigorous, poured into the huge magic knife, and then the speed of the magic blade slammed forward suddenly accelerated. However, those red lights As if the silk was also spurred by the thorns, all of them condensed in this direction. As a result, the momentum of the magic blade was amazing, but it gradually became weak after successively cutting off nearly a hundred red-hot filaments. The speed is greatly reduced, and the remaining light wire is like a python, wrapped around it and wrapped up in layers.

This kind of change is that the female demon is not expected, his face is ugly.

Lin Xuan had long expected that there would be a smile on the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t have much time to be proud, but his hands were wide open, such as wearing a butterfly to bear all kinds of strange French seals, along with his The action, the sound of snoring, was introduced into the ear, and some fiery red filaments were suspended from the nine lotuses and suspended on his side.

However, unlike the filaments, the red light on the surface of the filament is more dazzling, but it is shorter.

It's not more than half a foot long, and there is a build-up pole, not so much a sword silk, it is more like it is similar to a flying needle.

At this time, the flying needles that were derived from the lotus of the sword were suspended in front of Lin Xuan's body, thousands of them.

The small half of the sky is shrouded in it and it looks very scary.

The woman was discolored, and the character of the Scorpio double demon did not say that the fighting experience was extremely rich. I imagined that I didn’t want to raise my head, and the jade hand stroking it on the hair.

As she moves, a leaf-shaped magic weapon flies out.

The female devil opened the mouth of the sand, a pure magical squirt, and quickly became the magic weapon of the shape of the leaf.

Then an incredible scene appeared.

The black leaves flashed, three into three, three into nine...

Almost instantaneously, it changes into hundreds of pieces.

Then, under the urging of this woman's law, she surrounded her group and looked far away, as if it were a ball wrapped in leaves.

It can be described as wind and rain.

Even so, the woman is still not satisfied, and one of the jinpa has flew out from the other hand of the woman.

The flash of light flashed, and another layer of light appeared.

Then the snoring was done, and countless filaments, such as bovine hairs, had burst out.

The light curtain was a starting point, almost no suspense, it was broken, and the sound of the jingle was brought into the ear, but this time, the magical shape of the leaf shape was not so easy to be broken, and the battle was deadlocked. .

Lin Xuan brows a wrinkle.

This situation is naturally what he does not want to see, his face is sneer, and he is about to use his power to destroy the enemy. However, at this moment, a roaring voice is heard in the ear, and the wind is rising behind him.

"not good!"

Lin Xuan reacted quickly and quickly turned his head.

But see that the ancient armor of the ancient armor has been pulled out from the flames, even the thunderfire cone has blocked his efforts.

Lin Xuan's face could not help but be a bit gloomy.

Originally, he was able to attack the enemy with the power of the thunderbolt. He wanted to drag the guy in front of him. Lin Xuan was strong and he was not willing to face the two powerful attacks at the same time.

First, the weaker ones will be eliminated.

Then there is a scene behind.

Lin Xuan’s method of practice is rich, and the plan is originally correct. However, the ancient demon of distraction can already be called the existence of power, but unlike the previous realms, there will be no obvious weak.

The female devil is also not good to deal with. Although Lin Xuan belongs to the leap-forward challenge and no pressure, but wants to take her down in a short time, it is still too difficult.

Although the result of the final fire, Lin Xuan still prevailed, but the opportunity has been missed.

In the squatting, the sound of the bones bursting loudly, the black light flashed, the bone blade of the right hand of the green armor has been restored, and it has also become the shape of the arm.

The goal is his head.

The speed of this punch is not fast, and there is no sound of breaking the air, silent, as if this is a distant blow, but it is a play.

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