Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2113: Ascension Hall

Chapter 2,113

Lin Xuan followed in the back without hesitation, and looked calmly to the extreme. Soon, the two disappeared into the sky in tandem.

In the following time, the two men rushed to the road, of course, not always stupid flying, Lin Xuan pretending to be inadvertently, knocking on the news of the side of the corpse.

On the surface, he asked some unimportant questions. The old man naturally has no hidden meaning, such as bamboo beans, and one by one.

However, Lin Xuan’s way of asking questions is actually clever, and between the chats, I have figured out a lot of things that I want to know.

The next journey was smooth and there was no accident. After two hours, they had already arrived in the depths of the Cuyin Mountains. They were wrapped in mountains and were actually an innocent swamp.

It stretches for thousands of miles and is full of stench and corpse.

"This..." Lin Xuan swept his eyes, his face showing a bit of dignified color.

In this swamp, there are countless ghosts and sacred corpses swimming, this is not an ordinary swamp. For the corpse, it has the effect of warning and protection, and then cooperate with the defensive group to break it. Almost impossible.

The two stopped the dawn outside the swamp.

The old man took a note from his arms and raised his hand. After a while, the ghost screamed loudly, and the fog on the swamp spread out, revealing a passage of three or four feet wide.

"Predecessors, please." The old man said respectfully.

"Yeah." Lin Xuan nodded, urging the instrument, and entered the corpse with him.

The passage stretched like a distant place, and the ghosts and ghosts in the swamp and the corpse poison seemed to be blocked by some powerful force and would not enter this passage.

But don't look down on its defensive power. If it is used against the enemy, this corpse swamp will be terrible, far from the general sect of the sectarian family.

After a sip of tea, the passage came to an end and a small island appeared in sight.

Speaking small, it is relative to the entire cunniling mountain range. The island is oval, and the longest thing is more than 50,000 miles. The area is also very vast.

Just getting started, a strong yin is coming.

The corpse of the corpse is very good regardless of the pulse of the veins.

Lin Xuan released his knowledge, and he was full of cultivators everywhere. However, it can be distinguished from the costumes. In addition to the corpse disciples, there are many foreign monks as their own.

Needless to say, these people are coming to see the Wanbao Conference.

"Predecessors, you can go to the pavilion first, and you will receive a good reception as a monk in the time of your departure." The voice of the old man with the laughter was introduced to the ear. Lin Xuan was unacceptable for such advice.

So the old man led the way, the two flew like the southwest corner of the island, and all the way to meet some of the cultivators who were inspected, but there was nothing wrong with the old man’s guarantee. Soon, there was a beautiful building in front of him. .

"Predecessors, there are receptionists who take care of the clutches. You can pick one."


Lin Xuan nodded. He didn't care about what he was staying in. He swept his eyes and chose a quiet pavilion.

Soon the old man helped him through the formalities and handed a token to Lin Xuan’s hand.

"I have to work for you."

"Oh, the predecessors are too polite. Compared with your life-saving grace, what the younger generations do is not worth mentioning. It is just a matter of raising their hands."

"The Wanbao Conference will be held three days later. The seniors will take a break here and there will be someone to inform you."

"Okay, Lin will stay here for a while, and the friends don't have to be together, so they can do their own thing." Although Lin Xuan is deliberately trying to get into the rudder of the corpse, but so smooth, how much still Some are unexpected.

Wanbao Conference, some meaning, Lin Xuan intends to participate in the re-determination.

Maybe there will be treasures that I need, and Lin Xuan thinks so in this way.

In the next three days, Lin Xuan did not go anywhere, and he meditated in the squatting hall.

Of course, not to improve strength, just to recharge your batteries.

Time flies like a gap, these three days have been calm, and Lin Xuan has not gone out, but with his powerful knowledge, everything that happened nearby is naturally clear.

There are also many monks living in the museum. These are foreigners who are preparing to participate in the Wanbao Conference. Among them, there are many people who are separated from each other.

Feel the strength of foreign monks, Lin Xuan also has some expectations for the upcoming Wanbao Conference.

On this day, Lin Xuan was meditating in Dongfu, and suddenly he felt like he was raising his head.

The right hand is lifted up and a clasp appears in the palm of your hand.

The red light flashed, the outside prohibition was separated, and a fire dragon flew in.

It is a note!

Lin Xuan sinks into the gods and immediately sends a respectful voice to his ears.

"Predecessors, the Wanbao Conference will be held in Shengsheng Hall. If the seniors are interested, please go here."

When the voice just fell, the light converges and an invitation appears in sight.

"I finally waited." Lin Xuan's voice of self-speaking came to his ear, and he did not see his extra movements. The invitation fell into his hands.

Then Lin Xuan will ban a point and leave the pavilion.

Where is the Shengxian Temple, Lin Xuan does not know, but it doesn't matter, because at this moment, most of the monks in the pavilion are rushing to where.

If you don't know the road, there is nothing. Just follow them.

Along the way, Lin Xuan also saw a lot of law enforcement of the corpse, but the investigation is not strict, the corpse is now a very moment, but the top sect of the sect is still there, there are two distracted ancestors Sitting in the door, who has eaten the bear heart and leopard, dare to come here?

But to say change, there are also, the former Wanbao Conference, high-level demonizers can also participate, and now mortals and monks have a bad relationship, naturally it is impossible for the demonizer to come to the corpse.

Lin Xuan flew slowly and released his knowledge. He would be hidden to the clutch. He was not noticeable among the monks. After a slap of tea, a huge building appeared.


This building is actually suspended in the air, at first glance, endless, how big is not clear, this is the iconic building of the corpse door, the Temple of Ascension.

What is striking is that around this huge building, there are still a set of stone sarcophagi, which vary in size, some are similar to ordinary coffins, others are more than ten feet long, and there are thousands of them. There are so many.

Lin Xuan is also widely known, but such a strange scene has never been seen before, can not help but read more eyes, a voice of discussion has been introduced into the ear with the wind: "This is the flying scorpion of the corpse, Sure enough, I heard that this is one of the three treasures of the corpse, I did not expect it to be here?"

Ps: I am going to New Year, and my friends are happy new year. I am very busy recently. The update is a bit unstable. Please forgive me, I am too busy, but I will try my best. Do you still have ***? Please vote for the magic rain as a New Year gift, please ***, thank you.

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