Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2112: Wanbao Conference

The 2nd and 12th chapter of the Wanbao Conference

"The soul flies, the old guy named Zhang, you are the brothers of our brothers are so good and flicker, although this is the 秽 山脉 mountain range, but far from the rudder of your corpse, we will kill you, there is enough time to leave Go, the soul is flying away from you..."

The old man listened, his face was ugly, but he had a few hearts. The other party was not bluffing. In the face of the three demonizers of the same level, he did not have the slightest chance of winning. Not to mention the three heroes of the clock. They were originally brothers, and they were good at In and out.

Do you really want to fall to this place?

The old man's face is full of fear, his eyes are dripping, and he is desperately trying to get out of the way. However, how can he think of a good idea for a while?

"The old man, the shackles of the shackles are tied, and you can suffer a lot less."

The boss of Zhong’s three males screamed and screamed. He saw his left hand lifted up, the flash of light flashed, and a golden long gun emerged, and the arc of the gun lingered, and the crackling sound of the screaming sound came into the ear.

Then the man will hold the rifle, and the chest will be like the old man.

The demonizer drives the treasure to be different from the monk, and does not dismiss it to make it appear. It seems to be quite similar to the martial arts master.

However, with the demonized body, no matter the speed or strength, it will not be inferior to the magic of the same-order monk.

The old man apparently had a hand with the demonizer, and he was experienced. He only saw his face change and his hand was shot at the waist, and the bone shield was sacrificed.

The timing was just right, just to seal the opponent's rifle.


He was so glamorous that he was hiding.

However, it is too late to be arrogant, because the enemy he faces is not just one person.

But three brothers!

Zhongshi Sanxiong advances and retreats together, see the boss has already started, the second child of the second child naturally has no reason to idle, but also took out their own treasures.

One person uses a gold wire big ring knife, one person dances the judgement pen, and works together to kill the past like the old man.

With an enemy three, just a few interest, the old man will be embarrassed to the extreme, as this goes on, the fall will be nailed to the ground.


The old man was anxious and angry, but he returned to the sky. With the passage of time, his face showed some desperate meaning. However, at this moment, a sneer came to his ear: "The mortal sects are so arrogant that they think so. If you become a demonizer, you can sit on the same level as our cultivator. I really don't know how to live and die."

The voice has not fallen, and a horrible spiritual pressure has fallen from the sky. Although the scope has been compressed, it is still shrouded in the number of squares.

"Catch the immortal!"

The intensity of the pressure made the four people change color, but in the next moment, the expression was completely different.

The old man is a surprise intersection: "Predecessors saved me, Zhang Delei, a younger corpse, will definitely thank you."

The face of Zhong’s Sanxiong suddenly became haunted.

"It’s an old monster in the clutch period, not powerful, fast, leave here."

The voices have not fallen, and the three brothers have retired together.

"Go, do you think that at this moment, is there still a chance to go?"

The sound of ridicule was introduced into the ear, and then the space fluctuated together. A monk wearing a green robe appeared in sight.

The pressure is overwhelming, but where they know, Lin Xuan has hidden power. After all, the caves are too eye-catching, and the clutches are not so eye-catching.

Even so, it is more than enough to deal with the three demonizers of the Yuan Ying class.

Lin Xuan's sleeves glanced, and a yellow orange-orange sword flew out. Anyway, Lin Xuan was rich in his body, and there were countless treasures in the storage bag. It was very easy to take out a handle to support the facade.


After the sacrifice of this treasure, Lin Xuan immediately pointed out, with his movements, the humming sound, the fairy sword in the halo skyrocketing, became seven or eight feet long.

"Great swordsmanship."

Many cultivators who use the fairy sword as a magic weapon all like this trick, which is simple and practical, and powerful.

That Xianjian has a turning point, just like the boss of Zhong’s three males.

"Big brother!"

The second child was shocked, but the rescue was too late. The boss’s face flashed a trace of fear. The hands raised his rifle and held it high. He hoped to seal his opponent’s attack. In his heart, the reaction was quick, but unfortunately. There was no use, and the thorns were loud, and even the man was smashed into two halves.

One stroke of enemies, the other two of Zhong’s three males were so scared that they couldn’t even dare to escape.

It is a pity that it was in vain. Lin Xuan manipulated the treasures and killed the two without hesitation.

"Thank you for the help of the seniors, your great grace, the younger generation must be unforgettable, dare to ask the seniors to come here, but want to participate in the Wanbao Conference?" Happy, a gift to Lin Xuan, the voice of the laughter was introduced into the ear.

"Wanbao Conference, what is it?" Lin Xuan's face was a bit strange, and then sighed: "Lin came to your party, this is for visiting friends."

"Visit friends, seniors who know who is the teacher?" Listening to Lin Xuan said that the old man's expression is more respectful.

"Yes, it's a pity that Lin's friend has fallen into the hands of the demonizer. So, Lin wants to enter the rudder of your party, but it is a bit of trouble, otherwise you can say that the Wanbao Conference, you may wish to see Lin Xuan answered like this.

"It turns out that because of those hateful demonizers, my corpse has recently been heavily guarded, but if the seniors want to go in, the younger generation will have no problem with the guarantor." The old man’s face showed a mysterious, somewhat pleasing voice. Into the ear.

"You mean, will you lead me into the rudder of your party?" Lin Xuan said undecidedly.

"Oh, the younger generation is low, but in the door, it is still a small position. Don't be too busy to help. Just bring the seniors into the rudder. This little thing can still be done."

"There is nothing to do with you. What are you talking about at the Wanbao Conference? I really want to see it, is it different from the general auction in the city?"

"Since it is called the Wanbao Conference, it is different from the general market. Of course, this is a grand event. It is held once every three hundred years. Those who participate in the cultivation of immortals must at least be at the level of Yuan Ying. Treasures are not the same as small ones. They are invisible at general auctions, so don’t miss them.” The old man said with a little pride.

"Well, trouble friends lead the way."

"Predecessors are too polite, let's go."

The old man's face showed a hint of joy, and he was able to hand over a clutch-level cultivator. For him, it would be of great benefit, and since the other party saved himself, it would certainly not be bad for the door.

So the old man clasped his hands and wrapped himself in a gray-white corpse and flew forward.

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