Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1908: Insidious giant whale king

The 1890th Insidious King Whale King

For a time, Lin Xuan had the mentality of retreating.

After all, the treasures are tempting and have to be ordered to enjoy.

This reason Lin Linxuan has always been clear.

It is only fools who want money to do things.

People are dead, even being smashed, and there are more treasures for what purpose.

The reason is very simple.

Lin Xuan thought of retreating, but this thought only flashed in my heart.

Lin Xuan shook his head no.

Not reluctant to treasure.

But this thing is too embarrassing.

As the saying goes, I have never eaten pork. I have always seen pigs running. Yes, I have never played against the monks in the middle of Dong Xuan. But it does not mean that Lin Xuan is really ignorant of them.

There are no face-to-face internships, and books can learn enough knowledge.

Lin Xuan asked himself, and even a lot of books on the books, even the many classics collected, have also taken time to browse through them. Regarding the strength of the mid-term monks, he has also made speculations and assessments.

The conclusion is that I can't beat it, but it will never be like this.

This conclusion Lin Xuan is sure that after his complicated speculation, it should be correct, and the conclusion is wrong, unless those who are classically written are all nonsense, but this is obviously impossible.

This kind of strength completely suppresses itself, even if it is the mid-term Dacheng cultivator, it will never do this.

Unless it is a late old monster, there is still a possibility.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan was discolored, and he was busy releasing the knowledge and sweeping it over the other side. It was definitely in the medium term.

Lin Xuan's eyes have become a bit confused, so close to the distance, his own knowledge, all the other side, even if there is a subliminal concealment, it is impossible to cover up their own cultivation.

What's more, it's not necessary. Both sides have already played against each other. They are planning to meet each other and cover up their strength. It is not a matter of eating too much or having problems with their heads.

What's more, the two races are evil, how many spies' eyes are staring, and if the whale king is really advanced to the later stage, this is an important big question. Unless he stays in the palace, he will never cover the news.

In other words, whether Lin Xuan uses the gods to detect, or infers from common sense, the giant whale king in front of him is definitely a mid-term cultivator.

Then why is the power of his punch just so embarrassing?

Lin Xuan has some puzzling and can't understand it.

There are strange things every year, and this year is especially many. The enemy in front of me is absolutely negligent.

Lin Xuan's expression was dignified to the extreme, and on the side, the giant whale king was also secretly stunned, and after a punch was attacked and attacked by Lin Xuan, he did not take the opportunity to expand the results.

It is suspended in the air and the expression is equally dignified.

My own situation knows that Lin Xuan is confused because he is consciously falling into his own inertia.

This is not Lin Xuan's fault. After all, the way everyone thinks is definitely not perfect, and there will be blind spots.

Although Lin Xuan’s experience is rich, it is also not customary.

Who said that a fluttering punch is inadvertently thrown out.

Whoever said that the power of the big force must be gorgeous to the extreme.

Perhaps most of them are, but it does not mean that this is the truth that people generally need to observe.

For example, the giant whale king just had that punch.

There is a nice name in the practice he has cultivated, and he has a blow.

As the name suggests, it is the meaning of a boxing.

I know from the name that this punch is extremely powerful, and it can be called the trick of the giant whale king.

In peacetime, it is not difficult to make this punch. It is not that every generation of giant whale kings has such a talent.

At least from this generation, at least three giant whales have never succeeded in cultivation.

In front of him, this is really a day-to-day character. Although he has not been able to break through so far, he has become a cultivator in the late stage of Dong Xuan, but at least he will be the signature secret in the "Deep Whale". Surgery, Qiankun was smashed.

Based on this, his strength in the six kings of the sea can not be ranked first, the first three is certainly no problem.

However, when you use it, you have a lot of power. When you use it, there is still a difficulty, that is, you can use it if you wave.

This is also very normal. Generally speaking, the more powerful the tricks, the more difficult it is to use, the more mana cost, and there are usually various constraints.

As a mystery of the giant whale's bottom of the box, it must be used for a long time, which greatly limits its use.

Unless someone is holding your opponent for you, when you get together, which enemy will be stupid waiting there, it must be that you are sick and want you to die.

A series of attacks flocked, and in no way will you let me go.

Is there a way to solve this problem?

Although the giant whale king is known for his bravery, there are also no shortage of talents in history.

Very simple, it is the first move to play.

Generally, the cultivator will generally have a number of ways, that is, first try to test the other side's magical power and then make a decision. This can't be said to be wrong. After all, everyone knows the truth of knowing oneself and knowing each other.

The giant whale king did the opposite. The first trick used the strongest tricks. There were several advantages. One was to be unprepared for the other party, and the other was to have enough time to gather the gas when talking about the scene before the war.

Moreover, although there are weaknesses in this move, the benefits are also obvious. It is concealed. It is obviously a blow, but it looks like it is light and fluttering. It doesn't see the flash of light. The sound does not see anything dazzling. When you find it, It is already late.

Ever since this trick was invented by the predecessors of the giant whales, there are already many masters who have died, and they have died in the hands of Qiankun.

You still want to test, the other party suddenly used, but it is the strongest trick, but it looks like it is still fluttering. It has to be said that it is very insidious to use it in such a way.

The monk in the middle of the trick burst into tears, often yelling at the giant whale king and being insidious.

However, in addition to venting the grievances in the heart, what can be used, lose is to lose, but also hope that the giant whale king blushes off their little life, it is impossible.

The whale king is not stupid, and how insidious it is, the original experience of the cultivation of the fairyland is the result.

However, this tried and tested tricks, this time actually fell through, and it is only a clutch to crack him, the surprise of the giant whale king heart compared with Lin Xuan, can be said that only a lot.

When Lin Xuan suspected that he was a late-cultivator, the giant whale king also thought that Lin Xuan had concealed the cultivation. The two people’s knowledge did not stop on the other side, but the results were so shocking to both sides. .

The other party really did not hide and repair it. How is this possible?

The puzzled color flashed past, and then the two of them hesitated and did not hesitate.

Lin Xuan's sleeves glanced, dozens of Jianguang fish swim out, the wind will rise, and in a moment it will reach a few feet, Lin Xuan did not let them blindly attack, just tens of thousands of roads are useless, now dozens of sacrifices The Tao wants to defeat the enemy, it is not a ridicule.

Lin Xuan is not an idiot, of course, will not do this kind of ridicule.


At the same time that the swordsmanship was skyrocketing, he had already raised his right hand and pointed his finger toward the front.

The sound of smashing, the swords suddenly rushed in one direction, and then together in the glory.

What caught your eye was a dazzling sword with a five-color flow.


"Impossible, the golden wood and the fire and earth, actually contain the five elements of the world of heaven and earth, is this guy, actually the five spiritual roots of the immortals."

The giant whale king and the poisonous dragon ancestors almost exclaimed at the same time. The five kinds of spiritual masters can mobilize five kinds of vitality to launch attacks. This is common sense in the cultivation of immortals, and they are naturally clear.

The spiritual masters of the whole spiritual roots, though not completely absent, are at least the East China Sea... For millions of years, they are sure that they have never appeared. Even if other small interfaces have such genius, it is only a classic. The legends recorded on it, as to whether it really happened, who is sure? At least, they used to be jokes, but in front of them...

I saw it with my own eyes, and the shock in my heart was hard to write in words, but the action of the giant whale king, at this moment, is already a slow step.

Lin Xuan’s method of fighting is rich, and the ability to capture fighters is unquestionable.

Seeing this scene, I don’t have to say that the sleeves are once again. This time, from the fish oil inside, it’s not the five colors.

The silver mans flashed, and the nine-day moon ring appeared in the air.


As if the sound of the rapid collision of the bells was transmitted to the ears, the double rings skyrocketed, and seemed to be slow and urgent, and the head fell toward the other side.

The momentum also looks unbeatable.

After all, refining this thing, I did not know how many treasures were collected before and after, and then Lin Xuan’s body, cultivated for seven or eight hundred years, the power is not outstanding, in fact, relatively speaking.

Lin Xuan did not stop here, and then sacrificed the nine-day moon ring, while his left hand flipped, the red mans flashed, but it was a dark gourd, which emerged in the palm of his hand.

Then, instead of Lin Xuan's extra movements, he flew out of his hands, the black awns flickered, and the volume quickly became bigger. The bang, the cork opened, and the black and red thunder sand swarmed out.

Just rushing out of the gourd, or chaotic, Lin Xuan two hands and a dance, those Tianleisha is like an intermediate polymerization, then the body length of more than ten feet of sand scorpion appeared in sight.

The claws of the teeth, raised their heads, made a suffocating scorpion, and then rushed toward the giant whale king.

The whole process is complicated, but in fact it is all in one go.

The poisonous dragon ancestors looked so stunned. Didn't this kid hide his strength and real kung fu when he played against himself?


At this time, he had a brand new understanding of Lin Xuan. He couldn't figure out why a clutch was in the district. Why is there such a strength? How many cards he still has is not known to him.

In my mind, the thoughts turned, and Lin Xuan’s screams have been passed to the ear: "Dragon, what are you doing here, not to be with me."

***: The update is delivered at night, the 9000 outbreak is completed, and the end of the month is very, very urgent. ***, friends, please let me see if you have any questions. Give it to you, thank you.

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