Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1907: Qiankun punch

The first thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven chapters

Tens of thousands of swords, gathered together in the middle, layered, like the tide of the sea, rushing toward the enemy.

For this new trick, Lin Xuan is full of confidence. Even if the opponent is an old monster in Dong Xuan, he should not dare to straighten his front, and he only needs to retreat or dodge, so he will take the lead.

Experts have to make a move, only to compete for a few points. It seems to be a little superior. As long as it is used well, it can be maintained, and the advantage will be transformed into a winning advantage. If it is not good, it can also maintain the opportunities it has gained and continue to attack.

Lin Xuan’s method of experience is extremely extreme. This trick is not a simple sneak attack, but contains all kinds of flaws.

It’s no exaggeration to use old-fashioned calculations. However, as the saying goes, it’s true that Lin Xuan’s calculations are in the sky, but how can the giant whale king fall into his trap.

From the realm of the situation, the difference between the two is not known.

Lin Xuan has the strength of the leapfrog challenge. He only said that he can single out the early stage of the hole, and the middle-aged old monster is obviously not good.

Although Lin Xuan also considered this point, the sword of the sneak attack is not only fierce, but also swift.

According to common sense, the mid-term grotesque does not dare to wait for it, and the ten *** will choose to evade.

The whale king is the only exception.

The six kings of the sea have their own strengths.

The name of the shark king is mad, the jellyfish king is playing strangely, and the braveness of the giant whale king has never been questioned.

This is true of the great whale kings of all ages. They are the most brave warriors of the sea.

In the face of the swordsmanship like the tide of the sea, the eyes of the whale king did not hesitate, and the sound of the smashing sound was transmitted to the ear, and he slammed it up.

Yes, it’s a fist. It’s not unusual for the giant whale king to sacrifice any treasures. The refining technique is not unique to the human race.

Although the Haizu is a branch of the Terran, it has a history of several million years before and after. Through the efforts of countless predecessors, their system of cultivation is complete.

Refining is just one of them. The Hai nationality has a monk study, but the most proficient, non-mega whales are the only ones. It is said that all the giant whale kings have 70% cultivation practice.

The cracked lion and tiger is nothing but drizzle, and the royal family's secret technique is cultivated to a very deep place. The toughness of the body is not a disadvantage to the heavenly and spiritual people of the same rank.

Therefore, there are often human monks who laugh at the giant whales and say that they are the wisdom of picking up the demon.

Listening to the deflation, Lin Xuan felt so a bit sour.

After all, human cultivation is more complicated, and it is the devil and the Buddha, plus the demon, there is no lack of supernatural powers, but after coming to the East China Sea for so long, I have never heard of any monk in the refining The accomplishments of the aspect can be compared with the giant whale king.

Laughing at each other, but it is not eating grapes, saying that the grapes are sour.

Depreciating the other side is meaningless. What Lin Xuan wants to know now is that he can seize the opportunity for himself with his unintentional attack.

I know that the giant whale king did not hide at all, but greeted the sword and slammed out.


Between Lin Xuan and the giant whale king, there is still a distance of hundreds of feet.

In the middle is a magnificent sword, from the sound, Lin Xuan is absolutely mighty, occupying the uncontroversial upper hand, seeing the sword to engulf the other party, the feeling is that a giant beast is also smashed into Into the powder, but at this moment, the giant whale king that punch appeared.

Can not be said with light flutter, but from this fist can not see the might of the first warriors of the sea.

It seems that it is very common to reach out and not see any aura flashing.


This is the most normal feeling that everyone sees after this punch.

However, if you really think so, you are being deceived by your own eyes.

Lin Xuan’s first reaction was the same, but then his pupil was involuntarily contracted, and a little danger was captured by him.

But the capture is not an instinct that Lin Xuan really perceives, but has long been honed in the wind and rain.

Yes, it is intuition.

But sometimes, intuition can determine the outcome, and any experienced cultivator will not despise this feeling.

"not good!"

Lin Xuan’s heart was tightened at that moment, as if the ending of the defeat had been shrouded in the sky above his head. Lin Xuan had almost no thoughts, and he quickly took a step like the left.

Together with the spatial fluctuations, he has disappeared from the original place.

However, this is completely a subconscious movement. The fighting method is carried out to this step. Lin Xuan’s head has completely failed to keep up with the physical thinking... In short, it is his instinct to hide.

From the beginning of the road to Xiu Xian, Lin Xuan experienced countless fighting, how many times he danced on the edge of death, even he himself could not remember.

The long and sinister life, when his body is in danger, has already honed the instinct to deal with it.

It's a step faster than the brain's decision-making, and this step, in many cases, can change the outcome of the battle.

Nine days of microsteps, it is Lin Xuan's most famous signature secret technique. After numerous improvements, its mysterious degree has already surpassed the original intention of the nine-day Xuanzun.

In the face of space-like magical powers, even the old monsters in the middle of the hole will feel difficult and moving.

Almost Lin Xuan had just escaped, and he saw that his majestic sword wave began to collapse, and then there was a spurt coming to prove that the destructive power of the punch had already reached the front of the sound.

Lin Xuan just stood there, although he relied on the body's super-agile reaction to escape, but the ghost still stayed in the same place, suddenly, there was no sign, and was torn by an invisible darkness, stirred into powder, In order to be nothing...

Lin Xuan’s face was hazy to the extreme.

Although he experienced many dangers, most of them are not worth mentioning.

Cold sweat has soaked his clothes, thinking about the scene just now, it is still shuddering.

Originally, I wanted to seize the opportunity and suppress the arrogance of the giant whale king by sneak attack.

Up to now, Lin Xuan does not feel that there is anything wrong with this choice. If you must say that the enemy is too strong.

It is much stronger than what I originally thought.

The plan is good, but all the plans and dreams are broken by the other's punch.

The fluttering punch is a counterattack.

His own tens of thousands of swords did not play a role, but also almost lost his life in the hands of the other party.

Have you made a mistake, is the old monster in the middle of Dong Xuan so terrible?

Lin Xuan is a little chilling.

His mind is tough, but there is also a limit, just the scene that happened, let yourself from the active sneak attacker, suddenly fell into the Wanzhang Ice Cave, even if the nerve is made of stainless steel can not bear.

***: Third, there is a chapter at night, and today 9000 will break out.

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