Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1487: Source of spiritual power

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-seventh chapters of the source of spiritual power

"Less here is nonsense, what is the world?" The sound of Wan Hao’s bad voice was introduced into the ear. This old monster is now pressing the anger of the heart.

"Yes, if you are a demon and confuse the public, you want to lie and deceive me, etc. What are the consequences? You should know what you are doing." The king of the iron scorpion also slowly opened his mouth, squatting on his body, and the smoldering smoldering: "This king will make pleading unwilling." Can't die."

Lin Xuan was quiet, but he noticed that the ancient demon standing on the side, when he heard the words in the world, his eyes flashed a strange color, although it was only a moment, but Lin Xuan has secretly Keep an eye out.

The other side is the upper bound of the ancestors, although the strength of the soul is only a clutch, but the knowledge and understanding of the secret technique, but far from their own comparable.

Could it be that……

The voice of Situ Fang’s uneasiness also passed to the ear:

"Everyone's anger is angry, how can you dare to play, etc., this is the world, even in the ancient ban, you can rank in the top five, although the younger generation can recognize it, but it really does not have the ability to break..."

The voices have not fallen, and the old people are cold. Even if they have not learned the ban, but for some of the most common terms, they will not hear.

The ban on the big ban is the name of the most powerful method that has been passed down from ancient times.

*** Top five!

That is not what they can break.

Not to mention the occultation of the district during the period of separation, even if it is the old monster of Dong Xuan period, even the true body of the ancestor is here, whether it is still unknown is whether it can be removed.

For a time, the scene was quiet, and the faces of the old monsters were more ugly than one.

But it is so unwilling to leave.

Being able to come here, they have experienced a lot of difficulties and obstacles.

Is there really no other way?

Or this woman admits the mistakes in front of her, and even some people think so.

"Situ girl, what is the world, what has been said, I have not said clearly." For a long time, the sound of Wangtinglou was introduced into the ear. He had already consulted Xiaolong in his heart, but the other party could not understand the law.

"The world is in ruins. In fact, there is nothing unusual about the principle. It’s just that it’s actually complicated, but it’s complicated.” Situ Fang said here, the eyes faintly flashed a little obsession, I did not expect that in this Penglai Mountain, actually I saw the legendary thing: "Although the predecessors did not learn the techniques of the tactics, they must know that if you want to start the ban, you need spiritual power as energy."

"Of course we are clear." Wang Tinglou nodded, his face full of serious colors.

"In general, there are two ways to provide spiritual power for the ban. The first one is the cultivator, usually the actor who makes the array equipment, and injects his own mana into the squad, these arrays, each In the same way, there will be things that store mana. The same is true for the array. In general, the use of this energy method is prohibitive, although convenient, but the power is quite limited."

"As for the second type, everyone has seen it. The most representative one is that the martial art family has a large defensive group. It is very powerful and needs to fill the spar in a fixed groove to provide energy..."

"Shantou, what you said about these things, the deity wants to break the prohibition, and it is not to learn the knowledge of the formation like a teacher." The voice of Wan Hao Wang rough is introduced into the ear, this old monster is endurance for all. The worst one in the heart.

Situ Fang’s face suddenly became white.

"What is the use of Daoyou, how do you know that Situ girl is talking nonsense?" Lin Xuan brows a pick, quite dissatisfied.

I really don't understand how this old monster is repaired to the late part of the clutch.

Flying, hey, can't he understand the truth of Taigang's easy folding?


Wan Hao Wang was furious, but Wang Guanlou’s eyes made the old guy swear.

In the past, the old dragon was impressed, but he was reluctant to show weakness on the surface, but deep inside, but he was afraid of being in the bones.

"Stuart girl, I continue to say."


The woman’s profit was a blessing, and her face was grateful. Then she turned to the dagger. The lips of the lips were slightly open to the Wanhao Wang. “The seniors asked for anger, and the younger generations were not jealous. These things are all related to the world. The younger generation is shallow, but the seniors listened, and maybe they can find a solution."

"Hey said." Wan Hao Wang endured anger.

"I have just said that there are two ways to provide spiritual power for the ban. However, the world is different. It is not necessary to inject the mana into the flag, nor to use spar, but to integrate the formation into nature. ......"

"Infused with nature, what is it?" The face of the pavilion was full of strange colors, and even he was confused.

"It is a fusion with nature. It is similar to the ancestors' mobilization of the world. Of course, the world of different scales is very different. The range of the world that can be mobilized is very different. For example, in front of this, it will be able to revitalize the heavens and the earth. All for their own use..."

Situ Fang said this, and the people present were also very aware of it, and his face was hard to look at.

Lin Xuan is secretly sighing, and it is the same as the introduction in "Tian Yuan Zhen Shu".

The world is in abundance, in fact, it is a general term for the array of law that uses heaven and earth as energy.

There are so many kinds of things, and this one is purely defensive in nature, otherwise it will be attacked by the heavens and the earth, even if they cope with it, it will be very difficult.

It is not difficult to deal with the world, the key is to see what scale it has.

If it is only integrated with one or two acres of environment, the power is not even as normal as the prohibition. In front of this, the scope covers a hundred miles, and the Penglai Mountain is everywhere, and the heavens and the earth are extremely rich, unless they attack the power of the superposition. Can overcome the sum of the strength of this square, or it will be impossible to break.

Because the banned spiritual power is consumed, it can be replenished from the surrounding environment at any time, and there will never be a depletion.

After all, on the surface, it is only integrated with the environment of a hundred miles, but the whole world of Penglai Mountain is constantly circulating.

Is there really no way to break the ban, the faces of the old blame are full of annoyance.

However, at this moment, the ancient devil had an unexpected opening: "It is not necessarily a failure to do it. If it is only integrated with the environment of the square, the deity has an idea."

"What, can a friend break this line?"

The rest of the people's faces are full of surprise and joy, but no one doubts that the true body of the ancestors knows what an incredible situation has been.

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