Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1486: Out of the world

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-six chapters

There was nothing special about the disc, but it was swept away with the gods, but it was found to be completely different from the front and the back.

Many of the runes on the back, the existence of Lian Tinglou, Wanxi Wang and other late clutches, also looked awkward, but Lin Xuan could understand.

It is not to say that Lin Xuan is more knowledgeable than Wang Tinglou. He is strange again. The other party has lived for nearly two thousand years.

On the knowledge, Lin Xuan is slightly less than the pavilion, but these runes are things that only the Master will master.

Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed, but his heart rushed like a storm.

Could it be that the thing in this woman’s hand is the legendary “forbidden plate”?

Lin Xuan, the big name of this thing, has already been very good.

It has been mentioned more than once in the Tianyuan book, and it is full of appreciation.

Hidden, there are some envy and jealousy.

At the time of the ancient times, about a million years ago, the array of Xiuxian Baiyi had prospered.

Even more than alchemy and controller.

At that time, the light was a battle, and it was divided into multiple genres.

It’s really a hundred flowers.

There are spears that naturally have shields.

Because the formation is too popular, the monks also derive a new career.

Break the division!

As the name implies, it is specifically to break the prohibition.

Arranging a formation, usually, requires the formation and the flag, of course, the array is a special thing.

The squadron also has its own unique things, the most famous of which is the ban.

With this object, there is an unexpected effect.

Even if you don't break the division, you often dream of this thing.

Even if you can't understand the law, you can easily break some less complicated arrays with this treasure.

It is really a must-have for home travel and treasure hunt.

It is a pity that the number of banned plates is too small. It is not the special material of this material, or the difficulty of refining.

Rather, even among the squadrons, only a few have mastered the technology of refining the ban.

The passing man does not pass the girl, and the pass is not passed on.

These squadrons are usually recruited by the forces at that time and closely guarded.

Originally, there were quite a few people who wanted to use Soul Art to obtain recipes. The result was a long time, but there were few successful people.

Later, the passing of time, the smashing of the sea, the technology of breaking the plate, is even more lost.

After reading the Tianyuan Book, Lin Xuan knew that there was such a treasure, but what he had exchanged was nothing more than awkward.

This time luck is really good.

Lin Xuan’s eyes swept over the back of Situ Fang, and he was already planning a moment to win the treasure.

This thing, falling in the hands of a mage like himself, can be difficult to estimate with spar.

And whether it is a pavilion or an ancient demon, or Wan Hao Wang still has a ghost and ghosts standing on the side, since they are not clear, they will never grab themselves.

The difficulty should be small.

But it is also a good plan.

Thinking in my heart, Lin Xuan’s eyes are more concerned. Of course, on the surface, there is no flaw.

At the scene, although they are all old-fashioned guys, at this moment, no one will pay special attention to his face.

But the woman is being monitored more.

Everyone's face is full of enthusiasm, and I can't help but break the law.

Of course, this is just a luxury.

However, after seeing the ban, Lin Xuan’s confidence in this woman has increased a lot.

The eyes swept over and saw the surface of the gram ban, but it was divided into many uniform scales.

Sure enough, as expressed in the classics, Lin Xuan became more and more hot.

Then the female hands were held in a virtual state, and a law was smashed and banned.


As if the breeze blew through the canyon, the sound was quite strange, and then the ban was even brighter.

The drip is spinning, and a yellow beam of light is shot from the surface, and the arms are thick.

The ban was attacked, and a flash of light completely absorbed the light beam.

But after a few moments, the five-color light curtains rushed like clouds, and a yellow light beam emerged from the inside, hitting the ban.

Lin Xuan is not moving, the rest of the people's expressions are quite surprised. Just now they attacked for so long, this prohibition is really tough, but otherwise, there is no other nature, let alone counterattack, how is this going back? thing?

What makes them even more puzzled is still behind.

The yellow light column was also completely absorbed by the ban.

Then part of the scale is lit up.

"The soil property array method... Hey, no, the earth aura is only one-fifth of the energy of the entire array." Situ Fang's eyes swept over the ban, and the expression became more and more dignified.

After a hesitation, it was a law that was beaten out...

Lin Xuan nodded. With his knowledge and insights, he could also judge that the ban contained earth's vitality, but it was impossible, accurate to such a point.

The more clearly you understand, the more beneficial it is to breaking the line. As the saying goes, the details can determine success or failure.

After a full tea effort.

The woman was able to make it in the same way as the ban, and the scale indicated on the magical instrument was completely filled.

They are cyan, yellow, white, red and black.

Jinmu water fire soil.

The five elements are not lacking, each accounting for about one-fifth.

Situ Fang’s face was full of shock, and then he thought of something, his eyes lit up, and there was a bit of fanaticism.

Could it be that……

Her expression changed, and it fell into the eyes of others. The old blame was not shocked. In their city, she naturally saw the expression of this woman. There was no sham. She seemed to see something. Something is coming.

Just have a clue.

Seems to see the hope of breaking.

Although everyone is happy, it is getting quieter.

The four Yuan Ying period immortals are even more nervous. The success of the five sisters is related to their future. If they fail, they will definitely be angered.

"Big sister, can you say that the five sisters can do it?" He himself was also a master of the late Ming Dynasty, but at this moment, the heart was mad.

"Reassure, the five sisters are the rumors of Situ's family. Since childhood, they have had excellent talents for the formation. For many years, we have not seen it many times. What are the doubts?" The white-haired old woman is so In this way, on the surface, confidence is full. In fact, her back is also wet by cold sweat. This person is not clear. This scene of Penglai Mountain is different from the past, and even several old monsters in front of the clutch are also Even if it is the five sisters, they will never dare to say that they are fully grasped, and half of them are already very good.


The dialogue between several people, the old geeks during the clutch period can also be heard clearly, but at this moment, who still has the mood to manage them?

Everyone stared at the every move of the dark woman.

In addition to the ban, she took out a lot of treasures.

Some are like hoes, and some have shapes similar to umbrellas.

The old monsters here are widely known, but at this moment, the face is faint, and the interlacing is like this.

Lin Xuan's reaction is different, deep in the eye, and there are different colors flashing.

Armored hammer, Wanhua umbrella!

The value of these things, of course, can not be compared with the ban, and Dana is definitely an extraordinary treasure, but it is a special instrument that was unique to the division when it was ancient.

It has long since been lost.

Lin Xuan now looks at the woman's expression, it is a bit like watching a treasure house.

I saw that she used these instruments to sacrifice in different ways, and then tried the treasures one by one.

As time went by, the expression on the face became more and more serious, and the eyebrows were tightly locked. It was so fascinating that the eccentricity of the crowd was also very rare. I don’t know what the woman’s heart was thinking. .

Time flies like a gap, unconsciously, an hour, so slowly passed away.


Situ Fang suddenly sighed and put down the things in his hand, his face also showed a bit of decadence.

But I don't know why, but there is some satisfaction, quite a bit of a sensation, and I feel awkward.

"How can the Taoist friends see what the clues are coming?" Wan Hao Wang's voice was introduced into the ears. Although the years of the Wan Wang lived for a long time, it was the most anxious one among the old people.

"Well, the younger generation did see some things and knew the origins of this law." Situ Fang took care of the blue silk before the balance, but there was not much happiness on his face.

"Dao You can recognize the formation, that's great, can you get rid of it?" The sound of Wang Tinglou was introduced into the ear, calmly, and it was difficult to hide the color.

The rest of the people are equally concerned.

Only Lin Xuan sighed slightly in his heart, and he did not seem to be inferior to this woman. He said that he should have his own strengths, but there is no special destructive instrument in her hand. It’s gone.

The layman watched the excitement, and the insider looked at the doorway. Lin Xuan stood in the distance, but he also saw many clues. The woman recognized the lineup without a fake, but I wanted to break it. I am afraid it was an idiotic dream.

Sure enough, Situ Fang bowed his head and his face was full of sorrow: "Sorry, the younger generation can't break this line."

"Why, don't you see what it is? Is it yelling at me?" Wan Hao's face is full of hustle and bustle. I hope that the disappointment will be great in the future. If this woman can't say a For reasonable reasons, he is afraid that he will start immediately.

"Predecessors are angry, how can the younger dare to play with you? Yes, it is recognized by this formation, but there is no way to break it, because this was called "the world" when it was ancient. Seeing that the old demon was angry, Situ Fang was frightened, but the other person could use a finger to make himself a smoky character. She dared to sneer, and quickly explained it in a low voice.

"Oh, the world is in the air, the old man really heard it for the first time, and he said." Compared with Wan Hao Wang, Wang Tinglou’s qigong is obviously better than the air, and it is useful to say that it will be Can this woman be ruined and smashed?

Lin Xuan’s face is suddenly white, different from others. This world has been seen in the book, and this time I want to take the treasure, I am afraid it is true...

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