All eyes were on that man, and the entire virtual conference room was silent, some couldn't believe their ears.

Space elevator, what did they hear? Xia Guo Academy of Sciences actually realized the space elevator technology that existed in science fiction movies.

What a shocking thing this is.

No one doubts, but as the man said, Xia Guo seems to have solved all the technical support needed for the space elevator.

There is no shortage of energy in the Xia Kingdom, because of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor technology, which completely solves the dependence of human civilization on energy at the present stage.

Materials are very important in the construction of a space elevator. How to ensure that the "rope" of the space elevator will not be broken, the material is very important.

And nanomaterials are by far the most suitable materials for making this "rope".

The two most critical difficulties have been solved, and the space elevator has been at least half successful.

Soon, they realized a most critical problem.

The technology belongs to Xia Guo.

Will Xia Hui share it for no reason? Impossible! So what is the purpose of Xia Guo calling people from various countries to participate in this meeting.

It won't be purely showing off, because Xia Guo disdains it.

Yes, the material, or back to the original question, the material.

It's just that unlike before, this time it's the raw materials that plague the construction of the space elevator project.

To build a space elevator from the ground to reach space, even to start building a space elevator on the world's highest mountain, the raw materials required are an astonishing number.

Even a big country like the Xia Kingdom couldn't afford such a consumption of materials.

In this way, this secret meeting is Xia Guo's desire to drag countries all over the world into the water together.

"Gentlemen and girls, you should feel cheered, the interstellar era has really come!"

However, the virtual meeting room was still silent, and everyone was silent.

Who here doesn't know that Xia people never do business at a loss, and if they gain benefits here, they will inevitably lose more benefits from other places.

For example... the reserve technology of various countries.

In the past few years, because of the Merck civilization, countries have rarely produced a lot of technologies, but everyone knows that countries still retain the most advanced technologies.

The man standing on the podium smiled like a spring breeze when the people attending the meeting from various countries did not speak.

He spoke again and said:

"Are you worried that there are not enough materials to build a space elevator? You don't have to worry about this, we are already prepared."

"Look at the big screen."

The next moment, a planet appeared on the big virtual screen behind the man.

Mars, everyone recognized it at a glance.

The unique fiery red makes it easy to identify.

"Mars Space Elevator Construction Feasibility Report"

Right above the fiery red 3D rotating map of Mars, a line of text appeared.

"Considering that we don't have any experience in building space elevators, for the sake of safety, after many discussions with our expert team, we finally unanimously decided to build a space elevator on Mars to facilitate the construction of a Mars space city in the future."

"Next, we will bring you another piece of good news."

The man raised his hand to signal everyone to continue looking at the screen.

The originally rotating 3D Mars camera kept zooming in, and a huge crater appeared in front of everyone.

It's just a crater. There are not many craters of the size on the screen on Mars.

Just, what does this have to do with space elevators.

"Maybe someone is curious, what's so good about a Martian crater."

The man smiled confidently and spread his hands.

"What if this is a natural mine rich in various metal ores?"

"Just a few days ago, the Hope of Candy Technology stayed on Mars for a few days during the trial voyage. The spider robot sent by Academician Mo of our country accidentally discovered this mine. Please see the detailed data."

Numbers appeared on the big screen one after another, and people from various countries could no longer sit still. If there were no problems with the estimated values ​​of various metal minerals on the screen, no one could sit still.

No wonder, no wonder Xia Guo's Academy of Sciences expert team suggested building a space elevator on Mars.

Because you can get local materials!

"Protest! Mars belongs to all mankind!"

"Yes! Mars belongs to all mankind."


Facing the strong reaction of the participants from various countries, everyone in the Xia delegation was not surprised at all.

If you don't protest and let Xia Guo exploit this mine, then Xia Guo will completely surpass all countries in the world and become the dominant family.

No country is willing to see this scene, except Xia Guo.

Because of this, Xia Guo simply put the problem on the bright side and strived for the greatest benefit.

If you want to have a bite of cake, you can, but if you want to be in vain, then you can only say sorry.

At this moment, everyone realized a more serious problem.

At present, there are only two biggest problems restricting the development of human civilization.

One is energy and the other is resources.

The energy problem has been solved after the realization of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor technology in the previous year.

At present, amazing resources have been discovered on Mars, coupled with the abundant nuclear materials on the moon, it is foreseeable that in the next few years, human beings will enter a period of explosive development.

At a critical time like this, even one step behind can have dire consequences for the country's future.

One step behind, one step behind.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and you are used to the life of the great powers, so how can Western countries be willing to be the target of being bullied.

Space elevator project, must join!

In the noisy virtual conference room, Mo Jingchun was frowning and thinking.

The speaker mentioned a word just now.

Mars Space City.

Mo Jingchun didn't think the spokesperson was just saying it casually, there was a great possibility that the higher ups were already studying the construction plan of the Mars space city.

Mo Jingchun, who was thinking about something, vaguely heard someone calling him.

Under Zero's reminder, Mo Jingchun looked up at the podium blankly.

Let me speak, what to say?

"Academician Mo, everyone wants to hear your suggestions and ideas."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "I don't have any suggestions, I'm just a simple scientific researcher, I want to do some small business by the way.


"There are inexhaustible resources of human civilization outside the Blue Star, why should we quarrel within the Blue Star?

With all due respect, as long as we continue to expand outward and share common interests, we are all friends, aren't we?

Now that human civilization has entered the first level of civilization, I think the most important thing is to develop peacefully during this period of technological explosion, to build a solar system defense circle at the fastest speed, and to sail across galaxies in the next step. "

Shrugging, Mo Jingchun laughed at himself. "Of course, this is just my personal opinion, just listen to it."

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