Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1099 Invited to the International Secret Meeting

Now is the peak tourist season, and the seaside is crowded with people. After the alarm is sounded, it is foreseeable that people will rush to the shore.

Although most of the tourists have not witnessed the power of the tsunami, they also know the horror of the tsunami from their usual understanding.

Mo Jingchun and his group trotted all the way, and Dudu, who was carried by Zero on his shoulders, exclaimed: .

"Wow~~~A lot of people are running."

"Auntie, why are we running away?"

Mo Xiaoxue, who was dragged away, said while running, "Because a tsunami may be coming, if you don't run, you may lose your life."

With the arrival of official personnel and the appeasement of the broadcast, the tsunami was not very large, and it was safe to evacuate to the road. The crowd that had been running together slowly slowed down.

Seeing this, the policemen breathed a sigh of relief.

When there are many crowds, what they are most afraid of is exactly that a stampede accident occurs.

Crowded, once trampled on, the consequences will be disastrous.

Back at the hotel, Mo Jingchun looked at the real-time satellite image projected by Zero and remained silent.

A two-meter-high wave is also called a tsunami?

At most, it is a bigger wave.

"Okay, it's nothing serious. I'm going to have dinner in a while, and I'll go to the next stop tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jingchun stretched and lay down on the bed.

False alarm is fine.

A tsunami is not fun at all, it will cause a series of effects.

Don't look at the high undergraduate rate these days, in fact there will never be a shortage of stupid people.

Mo Jingchun believed that there must be some stupid tourists on the beach who did not listen to the persuasion to evacuate. A look of indifference.

The more such a person, when disaster strikes, he will blame no one to pull him (her) away.

In the eyes of such people, the sea is calm, how could a tsunami happen.

Maybe even taunt other tourists who are desperately evacuating.

If Mo Jingchun was still at the beach right now, he would find several policemen talking about the two happy aunts taking pictures.

After finally becoming an auxiliary police officer, Zhou Chengzong never expected to encounter the tsunami warning on the first day of work.

The most terrible thing is that there are still people who are not afraid of death and are not in a hurry to evacuate, but instead take selfies on the beach.

Zhou Chengzong said helplessly to the two heavily made-up aunts in front of him:

"Two aunts, the tsunami will come soon, the seaside is very dangerous, you should evacuate to a safe place with us as soon as possible."

"Whose aunt are you calling? Why don't you have any eyesight, young man?"

One of the aunts who was taking a selfie turned black and sprayed on Zhou Chengzong.

The other aunt on the side didn't think it was a big deal, and said emphatically:

"That's right, that's right, I don't have any eyesight at all."

Auxiliary police officers can't go out alone, Zhou Chengzong is with Brother Liu.

Brother Liu is different from him. He is an out-and-out local, and he has a well-established family. He is a serious policeman.

The persuasion was ineffective, Zhou Chengzong was a little speechless, wondering how there are such people in this world.

Obviously it is for your safety, but I feel that they are meddling in their own business.

The communication was ineffective, Zhou Chengzong looked at Brother Liu for help.

Brother Liu, who was already used to it, patted Zhou Chengzong's shoulder, and said in a tone of no emotion: "Hi, you two..."

Before he had time to say anything more, Zhou Chengzong shouted loudly:

"Brother Liu, run, the tide is low!"

Hearing this, Brother Liu's expression also changed drastically.

The ebb tide was visible to the naked eye in the otherwise calm sea.


Not caring too much, everyone hurriedly evacuated. While running, they didn't forget to grab the two aunts who felt good about themselves.

Although it was annoying, but due to their duty, they couldn't abandon the two aunts and watch them being swallowed by the tsunami and sucked into the bottom of the sea.

After everyone evacuated to a safe area, it didn't take long for the receding sea water to rush in.

At this moment, Mo Jingchun was not in the mood to pay attention to this small tsunami.

After hanging up Qin Yuzhu's phone call, Mo Jingchun stroked his chin and pondered for a long time.

Xia Guo contacted countries around the world to organize a global joint meeting.

Tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon.

This is the information Qin Yuzhu told him.

Mo Jingchun was expected to be invited to participate in the international secret meeting.

After all, he was the first to discover the mineral resources on Mars.

Moreover, the space elevator project is inseparable from the technical support of candy technology.

For reasons and reasons, the higher-ups will invite him to participate in this "cake" distribution feast.

It can be foreseen that at tomorrow's global joint meeting, there will be endless disputes because of interests, and each other will not give in.

But no matter how much they argue, Xia Guo will definitely take the lead.

And Candy Technology will become the only company in the world to share a small cake.

The next morning, Mo Jingchun rushed back to the company directly by plane.

The tour ended suddenly, and Mo Xiaoxue was the one who was most unwilling.

It was so hard to take a vacation, but I only went out for two days to play.

Two fifty in the afternoon.

Mo Jingchun, who was sitting in the boss chair of the private laboratory, entered the global joint meeting room after receiving the invitation link.

After the holographic projection is unfolded, 99.9% of the scene simulation makes people feel as if they are at the conference site.

As long as you don't get up and move around, there is no sense of disobedience.

Entering the meeting, in the huge virtual conference room, figures descended on the empty chairs.

The meeting has not yet started, and the people who have entered have discussed it.

Xia Guoxiansheng organized this meeting without telling the reason in advance, but only said something that would change the pattern of countries around the world.

All countries know Xia Guo's style of doing things, and since it is said so, it must be true.

The appearance of Mo Jingchun was soon discovered by people from some countries.

Very surprised.

Surprised at this official secret meeting, why the boss of a private enterprise appeared.

It is undeniable that Candy Technology has become a well-deserved leading company among global companies, but this does not mean that it can participate in the Global United Nations Conference.

Although confused, no one came forward to ask stupidly.

Since it appeared, there must be a reason.

The most important thing is to enter the interstellar era, and all countries will inevitably have to trade with candy technology.

Unless the domestic spaceship research and development technology has made a breakthrough and realizes self-production.

Beijing time, at 15:00, the meeting officially started.

"Gentlemen and ladies, everyone is welcome."


"I believe that everyone is very curious about what can change the pattern of countries around the world."

The black suit and tie look very comfortable.

With a slight smile, the representative of Xia Guo said:

"Space elevator! After many demonstrations by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the space elevator is feasible. Our country has fully equipped all the technical support needed for space elevators. Including but not limited to nanomaterials, controllable nuclear fusion reactors, and electromagnetic ejection systems." (End of this chapter )

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