Taoist world

Chapter 8495 Willing to Believe

The law of the great way of wood!

Hearing this, Jiang Yun's mind suddenly became clear as if a bolt of lightning had opened up.

Because he finally knew the true origin of Tong Tian!

The dragon-patterned red tripod has five sides, and each side has one of the five elements, corresponding to one or two points of the rules in the tripod.

Like the Luoling side where Jiang Yun got the dragon pattern, some are Wu Earth and Ji Earth!

The other four sides are naturally gold, wood, water and fire.

However, even though Gu Bulao has almost given Jiang Yun the power to control the rules in the tripod, there is still one point missing.

What is missing is wood!

Jiamu and Yimu hidden in one side of the tripod!

Jiang Yun naturally thought about where the missing wood went.

In his opinion, either the master was still on guard against him and deliberately left the wood.

Or, the wood was missing and incomplete.

Until this moment, Jiang Yun finally understood that the missing wood was actually Tong Tian in front of him.

It is even possible that Tong Tian is a life created by the Jiamu and Yimu.

After all, wood represents vitality and hope.

I am afraid that the master regards Tong Tian as the last vitality and hope in the cauldron!

At this time, Tong Tian asked Jiang Yun again: "If what you said is true, why didn't he tell me directly?"

"Although my memories were black and white, the memory of my master and I relying on each other is my most precious memory."

"Like you, I listen to my master very much."

"He can tell me all the facts, and I will do what he says."

At this moment, Tong Tian is no longer a glimpse of transcendence, but really like a child, with a grievance and desire on his young face, staring at Jiang Yun.

Obviously, he hopes to hear a reasonable explanation from Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun can only smile bitterly and say: "Not good

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I still don't know what it means!"

"To be disrespectful, I don't agree with some of the things that Master is doing now, and I don't know why he does it."

"Your situation is too special."

"Perhaps, he is worried that if he tells you the truth, you will be caught by Daojun or Baji, and they will search your soul and know your true identity, which will destroy the hope in the cauldron!"

Tong Tian was silent for a moment, and continued to ask: "You said that I am the strongest among all the cultivators in the cauldron you have ever seen. "I'm big, so why doesn't he let me leave this Ding prison?"

Jiang Yun sighed and said, "Because your strength is still not strong enough."

"You just read my memory, and you can see how powerful the cultivators outside the Ding are."

"Now you, it is indeed easy to deal with ordinary cultivators outside the Ding."

"But if you meet those Taoist masters, especially Taoist masters, you are not their opponents at all."

"So, Master doesn't let you leave, in fact, it is to protect you!"

After saying this, Jiang Yun lowered his head slightly, and didn't dare to look at Tong Tian again.

Because, Jiang Yun didn't believe the reason he said!

Lü Qiuzi and the others said that the breath and power outside the Ding prison in the Ding prison are also limited.

Let alone practice, they don't even dare to take too many actions.

Most of the time, they need to be in a state of seclusion to reduce the possibility of using power as much as possible.

Then, in such an environment, as the strongest among them, Tong Tian, ​​it is even more impossible to make progress in practice.

Therefore, the master did not let Tong Tian leave, definitely not because he was not strong enough.

However, Tong Tian quickly accepted Jiang Yun's reason that was completely untenable.

There was no way, his experience was too bland, or he had no experience at all, so his thinking ability should be inferior to that of normal creatures.

Of course, there was another possibility, that is, the reason given by Jiang Yun was the answer he wanted to hear, so even if he knew it was false, he was willing to believe it.

Tong Tian finally smiled and said to Jiang Yun: "In that case, we are equivalent to brothers?"


Jiang Yun didn't know how to respond.

Although Tong Tian's memory showed that he was also Gu Bulao's disciple, he looked exactly like Gu Bulao, so Jiang Yun couldn't open his mouth to ask him to call him senior brother.

Tong Tian didn't care about Jiang Yun's attitude and continued, "No matter how you count it, I am definitely older than you and entered the sect earlier than you."

"So, I am the eldest senior brother and you are still the youngest junior brother!"


Tong Tian laughed out loud.

It is not difficult to see that he is really happy in his heart.

Looking at Tong Tian, ​​Jiang Yun can understand his feelings at this moment.

For Tong Tian, ​​figuring out his identity is just like Jiang Yun's desire to solve all the dangers in the cauldron forever. It is his persistence and pursuit.

And from Jiang Yun, he finally found a real identity for himself.

Gu's eldest disciple!

After laughing for a while, Tong Tian said to Jiang Yun: "Come on, junior brother, let's go to another place and have a good chat."

"I don't know why, I hate this five-sided cauldron very much, and even a little afraid of it."

"Don't say I entered it. Every time I get close to the five-sided cauldron, I have an ominous feeling."

As he spoke, Tong Tian turned and walked towards the entrance.

Jiang Yun had already discovered that Tong Tian was afraid of this place.

But he didn't expect that Tong Tian was afraid of the other four cauldrons.

This made Jiang Yun a little uncomfortable.

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Jie, facing Tong Tian's back, said: "Why are you afraid of the cauldron?"

"But I heard that you always live in one side of the cauldron."

"What are the other four sides of the cauldron like?"

Tong Tian suddenly remained silent for a moment before saying: "I don't know why I am afraid. Anyway, every time I get close to the five sides of the cauldron, I feel that this is my final destination!"

"I do live in one side of the cauldron. Perhaps, it is to allow myself to face fear calmly!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this! "Master is not let you come in and improve it!" "I can give you pointers." "Don't see that I have experienced you, but my strength is stronger than you." Tong Tian's words, looking at Tong Tian's little back, Jiang Yun had a warmth in his heart, and his nose was slightly sour. Let Tongtian be able to live at least! "" Jiang Yun made up his mind, took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and then stepped up and followed Tong Tian's body. The two walked towards the entrance. Along the way, Tong Tian's mouth almost never stopped, and he kept talking non-stop.

And Jiang Yun just listened with a smile on his face.

When the two were about to reach the entrance, they suddenly heard a loud noise in their ears at the same time!

The sound was near them!

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