Taoist world

Chapter 8494 It’s all fake

Enduring the pain coming from his soul, Jiang Yun's eyes were fixed on Tong Tian's face.

At the beginning of looking through Jiang Yun's memory, Tong Tian's face was calm, without any expression.

However, when Tong Tian saw Gu Bulao, who appeared in the form of a boy for the first time in the Wendao Sect, his expression suddenly changed, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

And his eyes were fixed on Gu Bulao, who looked, had the same temperament and demeanor as himself in Jiang Yun's memory!

Finally, Tong Tian asked in a trembling voice: "Who is he, who is he!"

Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and said: "He is my master, Gu Bulao, also known as Gu!"

The reason why Jiang Yun did not resist Tong Tian's soul search was to let Tong Tian see his master and everything his master did.

After getting Jiang Yun's answer, Tong Tian shook his head and murmured, "Is he Gu?"

"Impossible, impossible, the Gu I have seen is not this appearance, he can't look like me!"

Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "You are searching my soul and looking at my memory."

"Do you think it is necessary for me to deliberately change my master's appearance in my memory to be the same as yours?"

Tong Tian stopped talking and just continued to look through Jiang Yun's memory.

As for Jiang Yun's own experience, he read ten lines at a glance and didn't care at all.

But as long as Gu Bulao appeared in Jiang Yun's memory, Tong Tian would look very carefully and seriously!

Soon, Tong Tian saw the old-looking Gu Bulao, but he staggered back uncontrollably.

He even stretched out his finger and pointed at Jiang Yun tremblingly, his lips trembling, but he couldn't say a word.

Jiang Yun frowned slightly, never expecting that Tong Tian's reaction would become so strong.

Naturally, he didn't understand the reason.

Until Tong Tian himself said in a trembling voice: "Master, Master!"

This time, it was Jiang Yun's turn to be stunned.

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Tong Tian, ​​is actually also the master's disciple?

But soon, Jiang Yun understood something and his face returned to calm.

After a long time, Tong Tian also recovered and walked in front of Jiang Yun again, continuing to look through Jiang Yun's memory.

Although Jiang Yun's experience is much more complicated than that of other cultivators.

But he is much younger than other cultivators.

Therefore, his memory is not long.

It didn't take long for Tong Tian to finish reading all of Jiang Yun's memories.

And at this moment, he was like a wooden man, standing there stupidly, motionless.

Jiang Yun also didn't make any movements, and stood there, using the power of the soul to silently heal his soul injury.

After an unknown amount of time, Tong Tian's voice finally rang in Jiang Yun's ears.

"My name is Tong Tian, ​​I am an orphan, I don't know my life experience, I don't know my origins."

"Since I was old enough to understand, I have lived with my master and depended on each other."

"My master, known as Tian Lingzi, is a cultivator."

Tong Tian's voice was without any ups and downs, without any emotion.

"Master said I was gifted, so he taught me how to practice."

"And I didn't disappoint Master's hope, and my strength became stronger and stronger."

"One day after I became a transcendent, Master died without any disease, and only left me a message, asking me to go into the cauldron."

"So, I entered the cauldron."

"But I didn't know what Master asked me to do in the cauldron."

"When I was wandering aimlessly in the cauldron, I met Gu, and he sent me to this cauldron prison."

Speaking of this,

Tong Tian slowly moved his eyes to Jiang Yun: "This is my life experience!

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, not daring to look into each other's eyes.

Not because of fear, but because of helplessness and sympathy!

Tong Tian's so-called The life experience was too bland, so bland that it was fake!

So far, Jiang Yun was almost certain that Tong Tian was a creature created by his master.

Naturally, all his memories before being sent to this Ding Prison were completely instilled into him by his master.

His master Tian Lingzi, the place where he lived, etc., were all fake!

In order to prevent Tong Tian from doubting, Gu Bulao fabricated a complete memory for him.

In fact, Tong Tian himself had doubts about this.

So, he just said that he wanted to know who he was, where he came from, and where he would go.

Sure enough, Tong Tian spoke again: "It's just that my memories before entering the Ding Prison were all black and white, like dead water."

"Only after entering the Ding Prison did my memory become colorful and vivid."

"I even want to live in this Ding Prison forever."

"Jiang Yun, tell me, am I really Gu Bulao, created by your master?"

Jiang Yun opened his eyes and looked at Tong Tian's empty eyes, not knowing how to answer.

If all his guesses were true, it would be too cruel for Tong Tian.

A person who entered the path, or even transcended, turned out to be a life created by others.

Those experiences and memories that he once thought were the most precious, turned out to be all fake.

He has no past, no present, and perhaps, no future...

Seeing that Jiang Yun didn't speak, Tong Tian continued to ask unwillingly: "Then what do you think,

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What is the purpose of Gu Bulao creating me?"

"You are his disciple, and probably his favorite disciple. You must know him better than me, and you must know the purpose of his creating me."

Know him better than me!

These five words, like five needles, deeply pierced Jiang Yun's heart.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun finally said, "I don't have an accurate answer to your question."

"I can only say that everything Master did was to protect the creatures in the cauldron and to enable them to live better."

"Then, the purpose of his creation of you should also be for this purpose."

"Perhaps, when the cultivators outside the cauldron invade the cauldron in large numbers, Master will let you stand out, defeat them, and protect the creatures in the cauldron."

"Perhaps, Master wants you to go outside the cauldron, pretend to be a cultivator outside the cauldron, and open up a world for the cauldron, so that we can leave the Dragon Text Red Cauldron and live outside the cauldron."

"It is even possible that Master hopes you can become the ninth pole."

"After all, your strength is very strong. At least among all the cultivators in the cauldron, including me, you are the most powerful."

Listening to Jiang Yun's words, Tong Tian's eyes gradually became a little smart.

Jiang Yun, who had been observing Tong Tian's reaction, was relieved and continued, "By the way, what great law are you practicing?"

Because Tong Tian was too strong, he was reserved when fighting with Jiang Yun, so Jiang Yun didn't know whether he was practicing Taoism or Fa.

Tong Tian hesitated for a moment and said, "I am practicing both Taoism and Fa."

"Master... he said that I am talented, so I can practice various great laws, and my main practice is wood!"

"However, my wood great law is also a little different from what you know."

"I am more like a big tree, absorbing everything from other cultivators as my nutrients, so as to continuously improve my own cultivation."

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